

Open tickets


CONCAT should be supported in WCPS?
SECORE is too slow with synchronized code block
wcst_import - supports band's metadata general recipe as local metadata
Petascope - add technical document for developers
#2501 removes commented out lines?
FIX - WCPS scale on Index1D CRS does not allow to scale bigger than grid domain
wcs_extract recipe fails when partitioning_scheme is smaller than coverage raster size
RASQL error when requesting time interval that is not aligned with coverage time grid
FIX - petascope should use rasdaman_user to query when authentication_type is empty


CONCAT should be supported in WCPS?
add missing coverage documentation
wcst_import: support import of several bands into separate coverages
Migrate ows-client to use Angular

Opened by me

WMS should adapt null values for non-char data
SECORE is too slow with synchronized code block
rasql - segfault with avg_cells and decode() 2D file with multiple bands
rasql - cannot subset a collection via decode() operator
rasql - wrong result with scale
wcst_import - supports band's metadata general recipe as local metadata
Petascope - add technical document for developers
#2501 removes commented out lines?
FIX - WCPS scale on Index1D CRS does not allow to scale bigger than grid domain
FIX - rasql OVERLAY returns incorrect results
FIX - rasql check the number of dimensions in the encoding
FIX - rasql - overlay returns incorrect result when combining multiple time slices
FIX - condense return incorrect result for mosaic TIFF files
FIX - petascope should use rasdaman_user to query when authentication_type is empty

Closed tickets


rasdl --del* bug when deleting used types
SECORE: disallow and flag nested composition
Petascope gives error when valid OWS Common parameter is suppled as part of request
RasqlServlet - web interface for rasql queries
expand/format parameters should not be allowed in CCRS
#503 not to duplicate import statements
SECORE to ignore GML xmlsd during equality checks
WCPS1.5_WCPS domain metadata expression inside interval
Dev documentation on Petascope classes
Fix existing Petascope JUnit tests
Postgis is installed but still not found
WCPS coverage information does not update the CRS on slices
Error on WC*S query with binary encoding and ISO temporal subsets
GML CRS definitions are invalid and need to validate all definitions
Resolving hrefs in secore doesn't work across databases
WCPS1.5_Scaling on irregular axes is not supported
Change PetascopeInterface parent
Petascope version number
properties files get unduly modified by installation procedure
Support image/png output with WCS GetCoverage requests
WCS ProcessRequest does not work on Webkit browsers
Refactor petascope ExceptionCodes into Exceptions for WCS-T
Use wcst_import in OGC systemtest
resolve bison conflicts
Deleting coverage when there is only one in petascopedb fails
wcst_import should report time/speed
WCPS1.5_aggregated condense fails when subsetting outside coverage bounds
WCPS 2_induced aggregation in WCPS doesn't preserve axis names
Read time error with Petascope when embedded with Jetty
Secore gnomomic CRS missing and errors with add/update CRS
Jetty does not start when rasdaman is configured with --with-wardir
petascope service identification and provider should be configurable in a file
wcps parser does not work for date ranges when the result is 3D
Wrong subset Y with mages without georeferenced
WCST-Import need escape special characters in file name (not only space)
wcst_import: more meaningful type names
WCS server should advertise all the supported coverage formats.
#1050 lost many configuration after new install
#1052 choose wrong directory to import
fix bug when inserting a new coverage id that is the same name as an existing rasdaman collection
wcst_import extract recipe fails
install rasimport connection file on make install
rasimport and wcst_import should not compile/install on --disable-java
rasj.jar is not installed on make install
WCS GetCoverage error when encode in application/gml+xml
Create temporary file for to update when make install
Embedded Jetty needs addon to support JSP for SECORE
SECORE support validating GML when update or insert definition
WCS-T doesn't support CInt16
SECORE - Delete a definition will delete all definitions which contains same pattern
secore definitions should not be 'expanded' by default
Some SECORE definitions are invalid
SECORE query incorrect data from GML db
download counter hangs
Testing for WCSTImport
Missing detail information in log file of system test (test_wcs, test_wcps,...)
#1137 switch to wcst_import
CITE testing VM
WCST Import should write the result of the ingestion to a log file
wcst_import concurrent will have error in petascope
language issue with petascope
#1160 documentation
#1186 should have proper exit code
Make WCPS 1.5 parser production ready
Log permission in custom_script of system_test
WCST_Import should notice exception when import wms error
WCPS1.5_parser does not expect a metadata expression in the interval expression in WCPS
WCPS1.5_Difference matrix values of bands calculation from WCPS 1.0 (Need to update oracle test)
WCPS1.5_Wrong upper bound of geo-axis when translating to Rasql (Need to update oracle)
WCPS1.5_Throw correct exception when interval is not valid
Rasql_Error when scale axis to a slicing point
WCPS1.5_Difference value when casting expression
WCPS1.5_Null exception with trimming time axis
WCPS1.5_Add license header in WCPS2 packages
WCPS1.5_Coverage constructor iterator should be convert correctly in geo-referenced axis
WCPS1.0_Missing operator '+' in request from Petascope console
WCST doesn't save null values in coverage
WCPS1.5 - Return single scalar value from slicing coverage without encoding
Petascope ODMG - Wrong return from single boolean value in Rasql query
WCS client: small corrections
Replace the JSP files in wcs-client/app/admin with equivalent JS/HTML/CSS files
WCPS1.5_Multiple coverages returns from FOR clause
Rasql_Encode in JPEG2000 missing geoference metadata
Extend reprojection tests
WCPS1.5 - Support crsTransform() to reproject coverage
WCPS_Support interpolation argument in crsTransform()
3D coverages in WMS
DeleteCoverage should remove the relevant layer from WMS
Petascope_Set correct bounding box to Rasql
WCPS1.5_Use http://..../def/crs/OGC/0/IndexND instead of CRS:1
Petacope_CRS_Extension extract 2D CRS from compound CRS (3D, 4D,...)
WCPS1.5_Wrong trimming interval in Rasql from axis iterator
WCPS1.5_Error in CoverageBuilder with axis iterator in imageCrsdomain
WCPS1.5_Handle switch case
WCPS1.5_Set CRS for Axis iterator correctly
WCPS1.5_Range constructor error with unhandled domain intervals
WCPS 1.5_Error with negative values in array constant
Source MDD domain is not within target update MDD domain.
WCPS1.5_Project the bounding box in case of crsTransform()
SECORE_Add multple versions for EPSG
WCST_Import_Change recipe wcst_extract to use imported coverage in local
Petascope_WCS generate crsTransform invalid axis name
Petascope_Make a XML parser to translate WCPS in XML syntax to abstract syntax
Petascope_Support WCPS 1.0 in XML SOAP
Petascope should use a connection pool instead of a new connection for each request
Differentiate CRS:1 and IndexND in WCPS 1.5
watch script
RPMs should invoke
Add the optimization for error log with Cmake
SECORE_Missing changes variable names in browse.jsp and need to recheck with functions in this web page
Petascope_Support encoded POST WCPS query
Change gmock URL when build with cmake
Test ticket for sending email
Rasj_Select into is not valid query
SECORE_Update UnixTime to seconds
SystemTest_Add testcases_services/test_open is not included when make check
SystemTest_Add script to clean the data from test_wcst_import, test_wms after make check
SECORE_Check functionality from index.jsp?query=true to run XQuery
WCPS_Multiple scalar values from coverage condenser has error incompatible axes number
Build_No need to rebuild rasj, petascope, secore with make install
Petascope_WCS_Check subsettingCrs functionality
Subsetting in WCS using a different CRS fails
WCPS1.5_Fit subsets to sample space
WCS_Set correct values in GML when request with non-native CRS
Test nectdf import + export
Scaling extension should be applied after the projection extension
petascope and secore configuration files
WCPS_crs transformation should not be handled in encode
scale should not return a grid coverage
SystemTest_Cleaning the obsolete and deprecated and incorrect outputs.
Petascope_Adjustment to pass conformance tests
add wcst_import test for grib data
Petacope_Display output in GML/PNG/JPG instead of download
Petascope_Parsing CRS is invalid with "https" in domain and left a invalid crs in ps_crs
WCPS_No throw exception when parse double value as it will slow result multiple times
Petascope_Handle POST request for WCS, WCPS in PetascopeInterface without encoded.
SECORE_Cannot add new CRS by URN
WMS_More meaningful error when request does not have proper parameters
petascope libs check
Petascope_Encode with netCDF the data is shifted
WCPS_Supports user defined band names in range constructor
WCPS metadata propagation in the query tree
systemtest broken on Ubuntu 14.04
Automated testing of web interfaces (SECORE, petascope)
SECORE_Add a manual prefix for domain:host configuration when it is necessary
Uncheck the validation for mismatch axes CRS and grid CRS in Petascope
WCPS should use json-style format parameters in rasql encode
Petascope_ISO data format required in the Envelope tag
SystemTest_WCST_Import_log only log for failed cases with error message
Test coverage deletion in various scenarios
general coverage: should ignore empty expression
WCS_Uncheck GetCapabilities test cases and validate existing xml test case
wcst_import should detect the null values
problem with duplicate collection names
No geo-reference metadata from custom SECORE CRS when encoding in TIFF
Petascope_Clean petascope.log without unnecessary information and add WCPS log.
cast loses precision in petascope
WMS_Remove inserted styles from layer
Test ingesting time from version 9.3.2 and 9.3.1 for big file
Petascope_DateTime coefficients for irregular time is not correct
WCSClient_Download files instead of displaying non-displayable mime type
SystemTest_Compare binary files with gdalinfo statistic
WCPS_Fixed problem with encoding in json or application/json
WCPS_Cannot encode multiple ranges in netcdf
WCPS_Cannot encode 3D coverage with time axis in GML
WCST_Import Wrong time coefficients in aggregated times netcdf file
maven warning on building Petascope
Support wcpsTransformQuery in WMS InsertStyle requests
Petascope_UploadFileHandler from WCST_import uses filePaths in rasql query
Fix the mischecking xml output in system tests and refactor the checking process
WCSClient_Show text output in WCPS console instead of downloading file
WCS_Client shows coverage's extents in a dropdown box
wcst_import nil_value is nan and has error
petascope should set up rasql connection once
Petascope_TimeUtil count offset using BigDecimal
WCST_Import_Support directPositions when pixelIsPoint:false
WCST_Import_Support directPositions for gribb file
WCST_Import_Evaluate ranges's metadata in GRIB/netcdf file
Petacope_AcceptVersions in WCS requests
wrong subset syntax in WCS-T?
SystemTest_Check some errors from test script
WMS_Increase the size of rasql fragment query in varchar
WCST_Import check the evaluation expressions metadata result in ingredient file
Petascope_Rollback transaction when SQL query failed
petascope version needs to be updated
wcst_import silently fails ingestion
Petascope_Error when WCST_import ingredient file defined crs_resolver with prepending space
Petascope_RasUtil uses port from rasdaman_url config in
WCST_Import validation takes long time with multiple files
DeleteCoverage returns wrong exception
wcst_import should preserve all metadata from netcdf
wcst_import pixelIsPoint:true should be applied internally for netCdf and grib files
SECORE Check error with unresolvable CRS from URL with different application name
WCST_Import netCDF regular axis's resolution is calculated internally
WCST_Import Progress bar with wrong slice number
WCST_Import Fix error from gdal too many files open
WCPS_Nodata value in intervals is error
WCST_Import nilValues as interval for time serie irregular recipe
WCPS_Check the bbox of output coverage with pixel size is different from original file
Rename test wcs, wcps queries, oracles files to be consistent
WCST_Import InsertCoverage with first datetime slice as bound on old recipes
WCST_Import Send UpdateWcsLayer request to WMS handler instead of InsertWcsLayer request when layer already existed
Ingestion with wcst_import is slow in the systemtest
Temporary problem when reinserting WMS styles
systemtest oracle files are 65MB
WCS-Client error with library when loading a lot of coverages
Make sure we use JSON and not CSV encode in petascope, raswct, etc.
#1580 text fixes
rasdaman update fails
earthlook client rasql console does not send request correctly
Raswct sends raw POST WCPS request to Petascope
is [not] null in WCPS
WCST_Import error when a CRS axisDirection has the same name for both X, Y axes
WCST_Import_Specification of unit of measurement (uom) for a coverage
Petascope_RasUtil runs Rasql query to update collection by rasj instead of bash
WCST_Import and Petascope_band, dimension metadata for netCDF encoding.
WCPS1.5_Remove the check for applying trimming/slicing in dimensions interval
Petascope_Cannot delete coverage with error in metadata
SECORE_Change to use Spring Boot framework
WCS_Client_WCPS console should log queries and the seconds to request
add correct lat/lon to pixel index transformation in WCPS
SystemTest_Test wcst_import should remove obsolete cases when a new patches are applied
WCS_Client show WMS map of coverage if possible
SystemTest_Test scripts inside testcases_services should be skipped when Java configuration is disabled
WCS_Client Add some features for displaying coverage's extents on WebWorldWind
Build_GDAL should not be required when -DENABLE_GDAL=OFF
OWS_Client WCS/WMS GetCapabilities should be invoked automatically when user invokes modifying requests from client
Petascope_Error when creating the duplicate type for cell/mdd/set for a coverage to be reinserted after removing it
WCS scaling extension: scalefactor is handled wrongly
Fix make clean to remove log files properly
WCPS_Enquote CDATA for abstract syntax query in XML for special characters
Petascope_Check if disable_write_operations is enabled in to block delete, add coverage requests
Petascope_WMS requests are slow in version 9.5
WCPS_Support the encode with MIME type
Petascope_Add more supported GDAL format types
SECORE_Resolve user-defined CRS with non-existent version correctly
SECORE_Add support for URN not-completely-specified objects in REST URI
SECORE_check if directory holding update scripts in $RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/secore is not null
SECORE error with userdb collection not found
Petascope should not import coverage which contains "-" as coverage id
coverage preview in the WCS / WMS client
WCS_Client reduce textbox's height for WCPS queries and don't load all covearge's extends by default
#1636 and some sample coverages need to be copied when make install and fix java_doc for petascope, secore
wcst_import should escpae invalid xml characters in metadata
Petascope migration should return a message when petascopedb doesn't exist instead of error message
Petascope Coverage's CRS prefix should depend on configuration from
WCS client uses wrong coverage names in the ProcessCoverages tab
SECORE localhost:8080/def returns null
Petascope writes the exception text to client even when it cannot start
Petascope migration should continue when cannot migrate error coverages
Test package_Start rasdaman service with error message
Petascope don't throw exception from SECORE when it shoud not
petascope cannot init petascopedb if rasdaman is down
Petascope should still create petascopedb first time even when rasdaman cannot start
Remove rasimport from rasdaman's repository and rasdaman installer
Petascope documentation update
Test if rasdapy works with rasdaman v9.5
Merge rasdaman-geo-migration.jar into rasdaman.war?
petascope demo coverages should not be prefixed test_*
Tomcat warning about "jar not loaded"
petascope log improvements
petascope should not download sqlite, h2, and further drivers
SECORE I/O errors
ncdump errors in systemtest log
Too many petascope/secore properties backup files
petascope and SELinux on CentOS
remove empty javadoc comments
RasdaPy_Cannot release connection to server by database.close()
RasdaPy_Update collection query should be executed as update query
python rasql client using rasdapy
rasdapy: arrays have wrong dimension and wrong sdom
RasdaPy_Add source code from github to rasdaman's repository
RasdaPy_Cannot parse the result from sdom()
Generate error messages for rasj, rasdapy from errtxts file
RasdaPy_Create some other types which corresponds to rasql
WCST_Import Support silence option
WCPS polygon clipping with explicit CRS
Petascope_migration for petascopedb version < 9.5 will not run if SECORE is not running
WSClient_Set default URL to request GetCapabilities correctly
WSClient_Add text boxes for subsettingCrs, outputCrs and clip on WCS GetCoverage tab
security for secore admin pages
RasdaPy_Support query with insert into values from file and mdddomain, mddtype
rasdaman should accept GetCapabilities requests without a version parameter
WCPS should automatically detect 2D transposed data and apply a transpose operation
Petascope_Wrong coefficients for irregular time axis when trimming
WCST_Import error with mock:true for map_mosaic recipe
Expand tests for wcst_import with breaking cases
WSClient_Add POST request to WCS GetCoverage besides default GET request
Petascope_Catch error loading gdal_java native library and throw exception about restarting tomcat
update petascope version to 9.6
Petascope_Fix null error when enconding WCPS coverage constructor in netCDF
Add a test that makes concurrent WCS/WCPS requests
Petascope_Error when clipping LineString with coverage's alias with "$"
test_wcps: ./ --drop does not work
pygrib / netcdf should not be required by wcst_import by default
Log4j add date to log files
Petascope_Cannot load GDAL JNI on Centos 7 with SELinux enabled
remove rview
Update Clients wiki page
Petascope_Change rasdaman/admin to rasdaman/ows/admin to update service identification, service provider
WCST_Import supports getting metadata from axes, bands automatically from netCDF
WCST_Import error from Numpy with metadata "auto"
<url>/rasdaman/ows/ doesn't work
Petascope_Fix the problem with comparison of coefficients from WCST_Import
wcst_import: options should be optional
Petascope cannot run compiled with OpenJDK 10
Petascope_Support map mosaic with overlapping tiles
Petascope_WCPS supports encode format case insensitive
WMS client - Allow users select style to be applied on WebWorldWind globe
WSClient_WCS_ProcessCoverage tab add WebWorldWind widget to display the 2D png output from WCPS request
WSClient_Display WMS overview image as WMSLayer in WebWorldWind
WSClient_Cannot GetCapabilities for WMS from different end point
WCPS ANTLR4 parsing error reporting enhancement
WMS style fragments problem with subsetting
Petascope_Allow cross origin requests to different controllers than main controller
Petascope_WMS should do extend before scaling for GetMap request result
Petascope WMS Image Pyramid on XY geo-referenced axes
WSClient_Add admin tab to manage petascope
Petascope struct type management problem
Test web interfaces should read properties file for petascope/secore configurations
WCPS_Output of CrsTransform() should update all relate metadata from input crs
WebWorldWind in the wcs-client cannot work offline
wcs client changes
crs url should not be hardcoded in petascopedb
Petascope_Rasql error message lost from invalid WCPS query
Petascope should recognize GDAL complex types
Petascope_URL for ows:HTTP from WCS/WMS GetCapabilities should be set properly
WSClient should show extents on globe for 3D+ coverages
Petascope_WCPS add handlers for statistics var_* functions() as in Rasql
WSClient_View 3D+ WMS layers on WebWorldWind as 2D+ layers
liquibase lock issue on petascopedb
gdal-java not found on Debian Testing
WCPS_Fit output geo bounds from WCPS trimming should regard to negative grid origin
Petascope supports GDAL_JAVA version 2.x
many oracles are different on Debian buster / GDAL 2+
make check doesn't execute test_all_wcst_import first on Debian buster
CMake doesn't properly update pom.xml when is changed
wcst_import test is inconsistent with other systemtests
WCST_Import register custom user defined recipes from '$RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/wcst_import/recipes_custom' folder
wcst_import temporary files
rasdapy prints binary data in an exception message
#1798 should support floating-point null values
WCS_Prettify coverage's extra metadata in JSON string from DescribeCoverage request
scale with imageCrsDomain returns wrong rasdaman axis order
Petascope_WCPS update coverage axes' metadata after scale/extend operators
WCST_Import should send encoded URL to Petascope
SystemTest_testcases_services reduce size for oracles and input test data
WSClient_Iframe URL to load index.html shoud not rely on /rasdaman in context path
Petascope_Error from WCPS should contain cause exception when necessary
Petascope should not ask SECORE when not necessary
make should unpack/build in the build directory
WSClient - ProcessCoverages should goto the latest result in the console when execute button is clicked
Test that the java examples compile
WCST_Import Change message text to install netCDF4 when it imissing
WSClient - Estimate coverage size on WCS GetCoverage tab
WCS_GetCoverage in GML fix sequenceRule element
Petascope_Operators on 0D coverage should throw proper exception instead of null exception
WCPS_Support clip() with curtain on 3D+ coverage with WKT linestring and polygon
Check the Java developers guide
WCPS_Support clip() with corridor on 3D+ coverage by polygon/linestring
WSClient - Remove generated main.js and from versioning
WSClient - Set WebWorldWind view distance according to coverage's geo XY axes's resolutions
Petascope_No need to send rasql to get sdom() for clipped output's domain if possible
Petascope_WMS should not use extend before scaling when generating Rasql query
wcst_import: optional reproject before import
Petascope_Support scaling on irregular axes in WCS/WCPS
WCST_Import add local metadata from each files to coverage's metadata
WCST_Import add color table to coverage's metadata
Petascope no shift to [0,0,..,0] in WCS-T
Petascope_WMS should select scaled down collection with the highest resolution when possible
add missing documentation for petascope
Petascope null exception when axis labels not exist in CRS definition in WCS-T GMLParser
Petascope_filter coverage's local metadata when trimming/slicing and add it when encoding() by WCS/WCPS
WCST_Import no analyze file if it was added to trackfile .resume.json
Petascope add log4j extra dependency to support time based rolling policy
WCST_Import optional parameter to sort coverage slices by datetime in reverse order (newer -> older)
Petascope_Support adding coverage slices at the bottom besides top of coverage
SECORE_add new version 9.4.2 besides 8.5, 8.9.2
WCPS request should enforce encode()
Petascope remove the redundant element <covMetadata> from result of WCS DescribeCoverage & GetCoverage requests
more RESTful WSClient
Create recipes for common data
Petascope_Translation to grid indices is wrong when coverage imported in descending order
wcst_import should check if a coverage exists or not first
WCST_Import Add test for importing/updating Coverage from tuple list
Petascope delete coverage with non existing collection without error
WCSClient_Revert GetCoverage's button to download coverage
metadata reading error on old coverages
Petascope_Result's size of WMS GetMap request should always be set to width and height parameters
wcs-client: document build steps
WCSClient - WMS view result of clipped layer on globe properly
WCS client changes
WCS_GetCapabilities_Time upper bound is not displayed in datetime format
WMS_Wrong result in GetMap if input CRS is different from native CRS with WCPS style
WMS_Wrong result when request BBox contains layer as a small part of it
WMS_Filling the gaps for project()
Restructure the processing model in wcst_import
WCPS_Subsetting in grid indices (:"CRS:1") on irregular axis is wrong when coverage is imported with reverse time order
Generate rasdaman error messages not found for rasdapy
Timeseries recipes should import with t/x/y axis order rather than x/y/t
Petascope_RasImplementation should be singleton in executeRasqlQuery()
Petascope_Log warn instead of throwing exception if metadata is malformed
test_open has too much output
Petascope_Insert scale level for WMS pyramid error on layer with multibands
Petascope_Clip()'s new parameter WITH COORDINATES
Petascope_Insert scale level requests should resize only XY axes for 3D+ WMS layers
Systemtest_Test deleting coverages should log deleting error to test.log file
Rasql servlet returns correct result for select * from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES
WCST_Import wcs_extract recipe infinite loop and null error in Rasql servlet
null error in Rasql servlet
WSClient add warning about firefox cannot work with WebWorldWind
netcdf: petascope should not add missing_values attribute
WMS: projection should be same level as scale operation
wcst_import: more informative error message
WCPS doesn't set content-disposition
Petascope_WMS applies scale() before project() if possible
test_wcst_import_daemon fails on centos 7
document wcs_extract recipe
do not extract gml.tar.gz on every make
Petascope parses result from RAS_MARRAY_TYPES properly
Petascope_Allow change path in external Tomcat
Petascope_Allow running embedded tomcat with input path to
WMS cache limit should be configurable
UnsatisfiedLinkError with gdal-java
#1945 doesn't work when installed from package (e.g. rpm)
When petascope fails to parse type from rasdaman it should ignore it
Do not rebuild the whole TypeRegistry when new type is created
is numpy always needed?
Problem ingesting GDAL subdataset in petascope
Support GDAL subdatasets in wcst_imports
Petascope_Improve the check to determine a file for WCS-T is a local file
SECORE_version 0 should point to the latest EPSG version underneath
WCST_Import create slice for each file immediately after opening file to reduce number of files opened
WCST_Import reduce opening files for GRIB
installation documentation and update issue
Support collected files removal during validation/import
Petascope_Supports WCS version 2.1.0 and outputType=GeneralGridCoverage for CIS 1.1
SECORE_Handle multiple duplicate requests at once
SECORE_EPSG versions in secoredb folder which don't exist in def.war should be collected when it starts
Petascope_Use axis's positions in CRS definitions instead of axis labels
WCST_Import axes metadata and band metadata should be added implicitly when global metadata is "auto" in netCDF recipe
WMS should return jpeg if transparency is not required
Petascope_Update coverage with local metadata will remove coverage's global bands and axes metadata
wcst_import should initialize array with null value instead of 0
Warnings about compound CRS
Add elapsed time indicator for test_all_wcst_import
wcst_import axis type from is unknown
Cannot find abbreviation for cell data type band0
Systemtest_Update test_irr_cube_2 no data to float properly
Petascope should log rasql queries with INFO level
wcst_import tests taking a long time
Petascope_Use daily log strategy for petascope.log
Petascope/SECORE add requesting IP address in petascope/secore.log
wcst_import throws proper exception when it cannot detect CRS from input file's WKT
wrong datatype for multiband netcdf with bands of different type
Check why is slow for 1 test wcst_import
error decoding local metadata
Adapt petascope to use new project() function
Petascope_Add dependency to render JSP when running as embedded
sentinel2 doesn't work (MultiImporter)
WMS_Add optional interpolation parameter
wcst_import enable GDAL exception when opening file
Petascope should get oid returned from INSERT query
Creating coverage with existing cell type fails
Auto-ratio for scale in WCPS for XY axes if only 1 is specified
wcst_import try to open 1 gdal dataset from input files instead of only the first 1
wcst_import resolve relative ingredient input file to absolute ingredient input file
petascope-core.jar is not built properly
petascope should to stricter parameter validation
Petascope_Support rasql ready colorPaletteTable from external metadata color palette file
ws_client - WMS with 3D+ layer not regard selected style for the layer
Petascope_Parse struct cell types error
wcst_import netCDF axis's variables only exist in dimensions
show axis resolution in ws-client
wcst_import: validate that number of axis matches CRS
wcst_import: default tmp directory
petascope_WMS should return blank result instead of exception for out of layer's BBox request
wcst_import supports regex in pre hook's replace_path
petascope: read coverage object from database for updating without cache
systemtest_compare XML oracle and output files with no indentation
Complete netcdf ingredients documentation
wcst_import supports 2D dimensions in netCDF file
wcst_import check number of band for grib recipe must be 1 only
wcst_import should not allow multiband for grib data
uom for sentinel2 recipe should be empty
petascope_wrong domain extent for regular time axis
throw error if resolution is specified and axis is irregular
add sliceGroupSize option for irregular axis with dataBound:False
wcst_import create a Sentinel 1 GRD custom recipe
Problem with tmp dir if starting two embedded petascopes
Embedded petascope does not read server.port when started with --petascope.confDir
Embedded petascope does not read server.port when started with --petascope.confDir
ws-client makes too many GetCapabilities requests
GetCoverage tab in WS client hides "tabs"
Embedded petascope cannot log to file with default log config
Selectively start/stop rasdaman services
wsclient: show axis grid extent on the DescribeCoverage tab
wsclient: axis type shows with delay in the axes table on DescribeCoverage tab
wsclient: estimate coverage size on DescribeCoverage tab
wsclient: "footer" too high on GetCoverage tab
wcst_import: null values specified in the ingredient file are ignored in the general recipe
In WCS client: coverage list and footprints max/minimized in lock-step
wcst_import imports original input file path instead of replaced one when using pre-hook
wsclient: Add loading icon for ajax requests
wsclient: show null values (if any) in DescribeCoverage tab
wsclient: Fix WCS GetCoverage RangeSubsetting component
petascope clip should check intersection properly with coverage's subset
Petascope: WCS GetCapabilities coverage envelope should add the optional WGS84BoundingBox
Petascope add Quantity's definition attribute to detect rasdaman data type
Petascope more secuer configuration for write operartions
WSClient removes non-standard GetCoverageExtents request
Petascope: WCS GetCapabilities adds coverages' customized metadata
petascope should accept nan as null value
WSClient - Add white background for WMS DescribeLayer tab
petascope - use downscaled collections in scale() operator of WCPS
petascope: add more interpolations method for WCS interpolation extension
WCPS: Bad error on invalid slicing on irregular axis
wcst_import - wrong constraint for default_null_values
Petascope - Remove automatic nillValues to translated Rasql from a WCPS query
wcst_import - error importing with global metadata "auto" and "colorPaletteTable"
Petascope installed from Debian 8 nightly package fails to start
Petascope - WCPS: General Condenser's Where clause should support more boolean expressions
petascope: Coverage footprints not appear after petascope starts
wcps: supports domain() in coverage subsetting
Petascope - WCPS: Support .lo/.hi to get lowerBound/upperBound of imageCrsdomain()/domain()
WSClient - count total of coverage/layer sizes
wcst_import - ignore self-singed certificate HTTPS
petascope - Sort coverage/layer ids from GetCapabilities requests
SECORE - show proper error for parameterized AUTO CRS
Petascope serves demo web pages from external resource folder which is out of rasdaman.war
wsclient - Update coverage's metadata in WCS DescribeCoverage tab
WCPS - Use colorPaletteTable from input query instead of existing one in coverage's metadata
Validate colorPaletteTable on coverage insert or metadata update
WCPS - Wrong translated grid subset on ascending irregular axis
#2112 and, must work with /bin/sh
ws-client: option to show only local coverages
Petascope - Fixing for OGC cite testing
valid JSON comments
wcst_import - removes comment lines in ingredient file before processing
In the WCS client / Capabilities broser, have prev/next buttons
display volumes in appropriate MB/GB/TB
WCS client Scaling Extension to show axis names
make WCS/WMS client more configurable
wcst_import - throw exception if multiple bands specified in gdal recipe
Petascope - Importing with wcst_import gdal general recipe should allow selecting bands
support for color tables in WMS styles
do not recommend user other than rasdaman
wcst_import - pass parameters with --key value format
Update Sentinel-1 recipe to support SLC products
make / maven problems with Java (version?)
petascope: remove hard-coded logging file
Petascope - Extends WMS style with multiple layer iterators
cannot import grib in wcst_import for Ubuntu
Update web login forms to not use POST parameters
installer: fails
Petascope - Extend Coverage/Collection Iterator in WMS styles
systemtest fails on Ubuntu 18.04
the null value in petascope coverages should be obtained from rasql
problems with tests in test_open
WCST_Import - Error in gdal general recipe with non datetime irergular axi
wcst_import show grid domains of imported file in log
petascope fails to build on Ubuntu 18.04
Petascope_Throw exception for non-valid parameters in WCS request
Petascope creates too small updates for pyramid layers
Drop a scale level from petascope when collection is not found
wcst_import - Import coverage's local metadata from external text files
WCPS switch translates to wrong rasql
WCPS - SubsettingCRS does not work
WCPS - Throw exception for unknown casting type
WCPS - Introduce LET clause
Petascope - show meaningful coefficient values in case of reversed irregular axis
WCST_Import daemon problem when waiting for importing big files
Catch and ignore coverage exceptions on GetCapabilities
Check coverage exists in test_zero_cleanup before deleting
wcst_import tests fail on Ubuntu 18.04
Enhance test web interfaces to run in parallel
remove oid check from rasql generated by petascope
WCPS supports interpolation parameter in crsTransform()
WSClient - Hide WCS DeleteCoverage/InsertCoverage tabs by default
WSClient - Select output format based on coverage's dimensions in WCS GetCoverage tab
wcst_import should be able to run on a different host than petascope
WCST_Import - Customized recipe for nested coverages
wcst_import - supports auto option to fetch metadata for general_recipe with slicer gdal
wcst_import - supports metadata option for old recipes
wsclient - problem to display a coverage's footprint with longitude interval greater than 180 degree
wcst_import - creates colorPatetteTable automatically if input tif file contains this metadata
Some tests fail if numpy is installed
Document examples to use WMS with clients and WSClient introduction
WSClient - Add function to manage WMS layers' downscaled collections
Petascope - wrong error with bounds checking
Petascope - WCS subsettingCRS not throw exception when one XY axis is not specified
petascope retries failed rasql queries
Petascope - cannot deploy multiple rasdaman.war in one tomcat because of failed loading gdal-java
Petascope - cannot redeploy on tomcat with error gdal-java JNI
Petascope - translates wrong coefficients for netCDF when selecting a subset on irregular axis
petascope should add parentheses in marray/condense values clause
WSClient - parse the error message in XML exception from petascope
Petascope - CIS 1.1 axisExtent should be changed to AxisExtent
Filter out exception stacktraces from external libraries?
cheatsheet for wcps_rasdaman
Errors in secore log
Petascope - loads version from what was built not from rasdaman
#2252 should collect non-existing settings in new properties file to the bottom of the new file
wcst_import - old recipes (e.g: map mosaic) does not read colorPaletteTable properly
WMS does not work with two partially overlapping layers
wcst_import retry does not work
WMS - corner image is scattering with projection()
leading spaces in config cause petascope to not work
wcst_import cannot handle /vsis3 paths
support gdal /vsi* in wcst_import and petascope
test_web_interfaces and wcs hooks test needs to be updated
wcst_import - should not allow to import different geo crss from files into a coverage
WSClient - Update coverage id in WCS DescribeCoverage tab
wcst_import - enhancement for importing with large number of input files
WCPS - Supporting .re/.im for complex number
skip is true but wcst_import stopped on missing file
add license header to json ingredients files
Petascope - too slow to open connections to SECORE for loading CRS GMLs
WCPS - Wrong error with overlay on 2D slices
Petascope - Update coverage's metadata should be checked with authentication
Petascope - collection's tiling doesn't save with all information to database
petascope cannot parse null interval
petascope - clip by polygon should return the bbox as same as subset by the convex hull of the polygon
QGIS WCPS plugin doesn't work with https endpoint
rasql - error inserting float null value for collection with composite bands
petascope - supports encoding with null values as interval in encode()
petascope - gdal version 3 flipped axes orders for projection()
Petascope - coordinates are translated wrong after subsetting
doc - use ${variable} for string place holder
#2329 does not report errors
#2330 should read db connection string from rasmgr.conf
WCPS - add non-mentioned axes to domain intervals for scale() implicitly
instructions for petascope development and jenkins
Petascope - display non-ascii string in coverage's metadata
systemtest - skip SECORE randomly failed test
Petascope - String concatenation is much slower than StringBuilder
Petascope - optimize SQL for Hibernate to read coverage basic metadatas
Petascope - "type already exists" error message when RASBASE is cleaned up but not petascope
systemtest - test web interface on Centos 7 enhancement
Petascope - Create downscaled collections for Pyramid should regard to source collection's grid domains min and max bounds
rasql - cannot update an empty collection with negative bounds
wcst_import - remove the .resume file if it exists, but the coverage doesn't exist anymore
Petascope - stopping rasdaman in the middle of updating a time slice should not persist the time slice to petascopedb
Petascope - WCPS null value error
Petascope - return better error message when trimming over non-existing coefficients of an irregular axis
rasqlservlet - support the credentials in basic headers from client
Petascope - new feature to delete a layer (but not the associated coverage)
Petascope - write requests from WSClient with petascope admin credentials should bypass allow_write_requests_from configuration
WCPS - change output of crsSet(c) to a CRS result
Petascope - returns rasql error message and rasql query in two different XML error elements
WCPS - change coverage's axis type to grid CRS after subsetting by "CRS:1"
Petascope - WCPS encode regular time axis shifted by 6 days with netCDF encoding
wcst_import - document statements setting for general recipe
petascope - request from rasql servlet should not be recognized as WCPS request
wsclient - display all footprints feature should display only filtered rows on tables
Petascope - Add the list of axis names in the result of each coverage in WCS GetCapabilities request
Petascope - unify an endpoint for authentication
gdal type Byte should sometimes translate to rasdaman type octet
Petascope - Missing update downscaled levels for collections
Petascope - ignore broken WMS layers with non-existing coverages
Petascope - update coverage's id API endpoint
Petascope - wms error with grid bounds at corner cases
Petascope - create WGS84 bboxes for geo-referenced coverages more precisely
Add types table in WCPS cheatsheet
wcst_import - get the message index in grib expression
WCS ProcessingCoverage supports `q` paramater besides `query` parameter
Petascope - supports WCPS's decode() operator
WCPS - problem with grid domain expression
WCPS - supports round(), ceil() and floor() operators
Petascope - supports output in JSON from CIS 1.1
Petascope - port the existing implementation of experimental OGC API (OAPI) feature to master branch
Petascope - remove rasdaman:covMetadata element in coverage's metadata when metadata has namespace already
petascope - throw exception if non-near interpolation is requested in WCS GetCoverage request
Update rasdapy tutorial
Petascope - rasql servlet returns metadata queries in JSON format with containerFormat=json
Petascope - fix null for coverage's WGS84 extent in WMS
Fix secore_urls
petascope - wrong error for scaling if axis label does not exist in coverage
Petascope - supports min/max(covExpression,covExpression) functions in WCPS
wcst_import - custom request to check if a coverage / layer exists
wcst_import - log stack trace to a log file
wcst_import - Sentinel 1 custom recipe should filter invalid lat / long bounds from input files
wcst_import - no slices found if some of VRT files are not available
Petascope - WCPS band does not exist in range constructor
Petascope - netcdf missing variable values when encoding netCDF
wcst_import should parse XML error from petascope and show in better format
Petascope - netCDF irregular axis with upper -> lower coefficients order
Petascope - add unique constrain to some fileds in petascopedb
WCPS describe() operator
petascope - rasql servlet null error to get the encode format type
wcst_import - support parameter to store the imported files in the ingredients file
document clipping in WCS and WCPS
Petascope - return null error with avg
#2425 should retry if it failed from rasservers
wcst_import - objectExist endpoint should return if a coverage / layer exist as local or remote object
Petascope - add table to store versions
configuration files should be readable only by owner/group
#2430 - daemon interval default value
wcst_import - doc about default_null_values
wcst_import - new variables which can be used in hooks
wcst_import - ${imported_file:path} and "blocking":false
doc - imporve data import document
petascope - WMS request returns incorrect domains without extend()
wcst_import - ${bbox} expression in the ingredients file
wcst_import - check the validity of the band's name in the general recipe
WMS time dimension shouldn't require quotes
Petascope removes wcsXML from the WCPS query posted by raswct
problem with configuring H2
Nullpointer on invalid request
petascope - return proper HTTP codes to clients
wcst_import - credentials file should be passed to from
Petascope - check the SLD style of a layer before saving to database
wcst_import - check if credentials are needed
petascope - supports coverages as pyramid members
wcst_import - add "pyramid_harvesting" in the ingredients file
Document about new coverages model
Petascope - InsertWcsLayer works over whitelist IP address when petascope admin credentials are added
petascope - update pyramid layers management in WSClient > DescribeLayer tab
wcst_import - support importing overview from files to petascope
wsclient - if basic_header is not enabled, login as petascope admin user should be able to remove coverages from external
wcst_import - with "retry": true, wcst import should not retry if it cannot write to file
Petascope should run with caches as background threads
wcst_import - validates number of axes in the ingredients file with number of axes in the file
#353: petascope should not put new lines in rasql's extra metadata for WMS GetMap request
Petascope - Update WMS style does not update existing style
wcst_import - throws proper exception if petascope is not available
petascope - add SECORE as embedded inside petascope
SECORE - add browse.jsp to internal SECORE in petascope
SECORE - allow to build def.war by flag with cmake
SECORE - compare file inside def.jar with target dir
Petascope - multipart/related WCS GetCoverage request missing binary part
wcst_import - parameter pyramid_bases
wcst_import - check SECORE URL from embedded petascope's port
rename before/after_ingestion hooks to before/after_import
systemtest fails on centos 7 nightly package
petascope - error with parsing uom label for Time Axis from https SECORE
WebWorldWind error - when bbox of a WMS layer is out of EPSG:4326 bbox
petascope - select pyramid member for WMS enhancement
Petascope - pyramid member coverages created by CreatePyramidMember request don't get geo extents updated
wcst_import resume files should be documented
wcst_import - option import_overviews_only to import only overviews without importing to the base coverage
Petascope - updating pyramid member's grid domains problem with offsetting by 1 grid pixel
document about WMS SLD
rasdaman logs should not be world-readable
petascope - enhancement migration
wcst_import - enhance checking if input file in coverage_id.resume.json
SECORE - try to create /opt/rasdaman/data/secoredb folders
Petascope - write the request besides the time to process the request in
wrong error in wcst_import
unclear error in wcst_import
wcst_import - s1 recipe error when the first VRT containing unreadable tiff file
Petascope - fix error with WMS for translating grid index to coefficient in an irregular axis
WCPS - error with clip expression in LET clause
MOD operator missing in WCPS
rename APIs for non-standard HTTP requests for petascope, wcst_import and wsclient
improve documentation of the slicer ingredients options
Petascope - supports INSPIRE coverages in WCS GetCapabilities result
WMS - WCPS fragment to compute difference between two slices in WMS style
allow_write_requests_from in is set to wrong values due to script
WCPS - wrong generated coordinates for irregular axis when resubsetting
WCPS parser error with band name .Hillshade
wms - SLD parser error for special characters < and >
WCPS - supports mod() operator
Document about supported encodeType in WCPS cheatsheet
petascope - error for requesting CRS due to SECORE_URL template holder not replaced
petascope - remove petascope admin user in
remove extra
wcst_import - add timeout for checking SECORE URL
WCPS - proper error message when axis iterator of coverage constructor is string
wsclient - if user logged in with credentials, refresh the page should still login
wcst_import - support per-band null values
improve checking of user credentials in petascope
petascope - log level INFO for incoming requests to petascope
WCPS - supports domain() without axis label specified
wcst_import - sentinel 1 recipe should write to multiple resume.json files
SECORE - fix problem with trailing slashes in compoundCRS
doc - WCPS clip by SUBSPACE is not supported
wcst_import - do not send WCS DescribeCoverage request for getting axis labels from coverage
doc - add documentation about in doc.rasdaman
WSClient - NaN for coverage size
petascope - set axisType in GeneralGridCoverage when it is null
petascope - WCS GetCapabilities ACCEPTLANGUAGES not supported
wcst_import - check if pyramid_bases in the ingredients file caught the error in petascope when base and pyramid member coverages have different band name
wcst_import - throw exception if non-existing settings exists in the ingredients file
wcst_import - support arrays as null values of a band
petascope - non-write requests should not be checked by allowed IP addresses
wcst_import - support python_cmd to run python command in hooks
petascope - support WCPS in XML-wrapper for standard endpoint
Improve hooks documentation
add a test for allowing user with admin credentials to bypass allowed IPs
missing details in documentation
#2543 remove descriptions for settings and add the reference link to doc instead
petascope - use gdal VRT for transform bounding box to get the most correct result
petascope - support rotated COSMO CRS 101
wcst_import - if input file is broken, with "skip": true, wcst_import should continue
systemtest - fix failed tests for ubuntu 22.04
Petascope - change coverage's metadata schema in WCS GetCapabilities request
wcst_import - daemon should reimport everything when .resume.json is removed
Petascope - WCS GetCapabilities add metadata for the size of a coverage plus its pyramid sizes
petascope - Default WMS style changed behavior
petascope - legend for WMS styles
wcst_import - set MIME type based on the ingredients file
secore - /def/crs/0/4326 does not work on port 9009
WCPS - fix FROM clause for coverage loops in aliases
wcst_import - fix error with variable not defined
petascope - rasdaman type registries must use rasadmin user to query
petascope should not remove duplicate null values specified in default_null_values of ingredients file
petascope - fix issue with coefficient not found
postgresql - create triggers for cleaning large objects (CLOB) of TEXT type when update / remove
petascope - FIX - encoding time subset in netCDF returns invalid values
petascope - use new XMLUtil.formatXMLfor WCS DescribeCoverage / GetCoverage
petascope - enhance petascope.log with rasql / requests id
petascope - create indexes for database relationships in Hibernate
petascope - wsclient failed to show
wcst_import object has no attribute evaluator_slice
Petascope - fix some errors with scale extent and soap for WCS
configurable size of gdal datasets cache in wcst_import
petascope - add failed rasql queries with log counters
wcst_import - get axes defined in COSMO CRS 101 properly
test_web_interfaces failed due to phantomjs
wcst_import - if track_files is true, it should test if user can create coverageId.resume.json first
wcst_import wrong error cannot create resume file
petascope - enhance parsing UCUM label from
petascope with full_stacktraces=false should not log irrelevant logs in the stack trace
wcst_import - if wcst_import is killed, it should add the updated file to .resume.json
Petascope - Enhance XML to string for WMS GetCapabilities
wcst_import - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'axis_subsets'
wcst_import - supports to import one variable from GRIB file with multiple variables
petascope - reduce number of active and idle connections for Tomcat JDBC
petacsope - support WCPS shorthand version for crsTransform()
wcst_import should not print a warning if all paths were already imported
wcst_import - all RAM occupied with large GRIB
wsclient - total local volume is incorrect
Petascope - support pyramid with members having different coefficient in irregular axes
petascope - WMS GetLegendGraphic request without style should return the image from the default style
petascope removes ThreadLocal in
Petacsope - pyramid scaling in WCPS
WCPS - domain(c, axis).lo / hi should return the geo bound for non XY-axes
wcst_import - NEW - automate setting gridOrder in ingredients
NEW - Petascope supports WMTS request
FIX - WMS returns wrong result for pyramid member when zooming in
WCPS - clip returns wrong grid bounds for imageCrsdomain()
WMS - GetCapabilities add namespace wms for Elements
WCPS - NEW - support sort() operator
WCPS - NEW - support flip operator
WMTS - NEW - updating TileMatrixSet cache when removing / updating coverage (layer)
WCPS - NEW - build query tree for optimization before generating rasql query
WMS - FIX - if request's bbox doesn't touch layer's bbox, the output must be transparent
Petascope - NEW - WCPS optimizes pyramid member coverage used by scale() operator
WCPS - FIX - some scaling errors with LET clause
wcst_import - FIX - select proper GRIB messages per band to import
Petascope - Invalid coefficients when importing data
wcst_import - FIX - "default_null_values": [] should import a coverage will no null values
petascope - FIX - WMS allows to add request subset inside coverage expression in WCPS query fragment
petascope - FIX - sometimes when updating coverage, null error with parsing SECORE URL
FIX - WMS GetMap requests with non XY axis labels as request parameters
wcst_import - FIX - check if python-dateutil exists before it runs
FIX - WSClient non-XY axes sliders not work properly
NEW - wcst_import replaces the existing values in current grid domains with null values before updating
FIX - WCPS is slow to process in case of having multiple binary expressions
FIX - wcst_import netCDF recipe sets default axis resolution = 1 if minBound = maxBound
FIX - petascope combines coverages mismatched time coefficients properly
WMS - support non-standard: random parameter to bypass browser's cache
WMS - FIX - only update WMS caches intersecting with a coverage slice when updating a coverage
FIX - WCPS LET clause supports WKT expressions
FIX - QGIS doesn't send GetMap requests to Petascope
FIX - WCPS combines different grid domains in coverage condenser
NEW - Allow trimming by imageCrsdomain
Fix WCS-T when creating pyramid members, it should not run UPDATE queries from base coverage
wcst_import - timeout for analyzing input files
FIX - petascope passes OGC CITE raster conformance
wcst_import - FIX - "import_order": "none" to disable sorting file paths
Petascope - FIX - Update coverage doesn't update associated WMS layer
NEW - WCPS supports comment lines
FIX - WCS GetCoverage support interpolation shorthand
FIX - WCPS has error when using scale with LET clause
FIX - WMS should not add non XY axes slices if they already exist in the WCPS query style
FIX - WMS has issue when combining two different coverages in a WMS style
FIX - WCPS needs subset pushdown for binary operators
FIX - wcst_import with blocking: false should show the file numbers properly
FIX - Parse and adjust subsets by WCPS query tree for WMS style from WCPS query fragment
NEW - WCPS CrsTransform supports geo XY axes' resolutions
WCPS - FIX - add sum as an alias to add operator
FIX - WCPS creates multi dimensional coverage constructor properly
NEW - WCPS cellCount() operator to get the total number of pixels of a coverage
WSClient - FIX - display all coverages intersecting with mouse position
FIX - wcst_import checks axis with type UnixTime properly
WCPS - FIX - Axis label defined in axis iterator should be regarded
FIX - encode in netCDF should ignore if ucar.units cannot parse unit
FIX - WCPS minus coverageVariableName should be handled properly
FIX - wcst_import regular time axis dataBound:false has wrong shifted domain
FIX - WMS enhances performance for irregular time axis
NEW - WCPS - Enhance iterator for condenser / coverage constructor with geo extents
FIX - Coverage constructor cannot create multibands in netCDF
test_open doesn't work correctly
FIX - Output of flip on irregular time axis is inconsistent
WCPS - keep the grid origin of left-handside operand in crsTransform()
Petascope - Improve performance for WCPS for irregular axis with long list of BigDecimal values
FIX - WMS with WCPS style of a layer with pyramids selects wrong collection name in the rasql FROM clause
NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor
NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor
FIX - WCPS - non-grid index expression on irregular axis returns out of bound array
FIX - resume file of wcst_import should be human-readable
FIX - error message when closing connection to rasdaman
WCPS - decode() should create proper types and delete them when the query finished
FIX - wcst_import failed to import with "import_overviews_only": true
FIX - add document about ows4R to doc.rasdaman
NEW - configuration to set logging level of rasj in
FIX - WCPS let clause should come before where clause
FIX - WCPS axisIterator in condenser is not evaluated
FIX - WCPS supports iterate datetime in the domain of axis iterator
petascope - FIX - add JAVA_OPTS for
FIX - improve time to load layers to cache when petascope starts
FIX - Enhance petascope to check which SECORE URLs are running
FIX - wcst_import adds full file path for importing netCDF file via gdal
FIX - rasj has error with NegativeArraySizeException: -1 for
FIX - WCPS with "%" operator returns error in decoding URL
FIX - many requests to local SECORE EPSG/0/4326
FIX - "execute_if" setting to run hook after import failed in wcst_import
FIX - should retry one more time before reporting failed
NEW - update petascope and SECORE to use spring Boot 2.7.x
NEW - move spring properties to
FIX - improve the check authisactive in WSClient
FIX - if rasdaman.war is renamed to test.war then secore_urls=internal should work as well
FIX - external petascope failed to start as secore_urls=internal failed to start
FIX - internal SECORE should show the context path from petascope in in results
FIX - WMS on layer with NaN as nill value
FIX - WSclient returns wrong endpoint for GetCoverage if the context path is not /rasdaman/ows
FIX - gzip all text XML / JSON / TEXT contents from petascope to clients
FIX - WSClient adds DeleteLayer tab and enhance the performance after deleting a coverage / layer
FIX - petascope has null error when creating pyramid member of a renamed pyramid member coverage
FIX - WSclient adds functionality to add a WMS layer from an existing coverage and allow to add an existing coverage as a pyramid member of a WMS layer
FIX - sort pyramid members by product of scale factors when creating / adding new pyramid member
FIX - if a coverage's set type doesn't exist in rasdaman, petascope should still start
FIX - make petascope work with H2 database
FIX - clip polygon with CRS:3857 on CRS:31467 is wrong
FIX - WSClient shows generated GET requests
FIX - scale on 3D base coverage with pyramid returns wrong result if expression specified in LET clause
WMS - FIX - YX grid order coverage return wrong results
FIX - WCPS multipart does not work with scale()
FIX - WMS GetMap selects base coverage if no pyramid member has the requested data
NEW - wcst_import "skip": "files_that_fail_to_open" to skip files which cannot analyze by wcst_import
FIX - if axis CrsDefinition is null then petascope should fetch it instead of null error
FIX - wcs_import enforce `resolution` for regular axes in general recipe
FIX - Update ANTLR4 version in petascope to work with java 11+
FIX - WMS GetCapabilities - Dimension elements need to contains units attribute
FIX - adjust WMS GetCapabilities response with XML schema
FIX - if `random` parameter exists in requests, petascope should not validate them
FIX - WMS returns wrong result for coverage has geo extents less than its pyramid
FIX - WSClient - if coverage's metadata is invalid, DescribeCoverage tab should still show update metadata component for admin to update
FIX - WMS should support CRS:84 CRS
FIX - WMS GetMap should return white background by default
FIX - WMS GetMap supports BGCOLOR paramter
FIX - WMS GetMap on different layers with different extents / resolutions are wrong
FIX - WCPS fixed scale / extend() by a LET clause variable
FIX - WMS should filter null values if they don't belong to range values: [0-225]
FIX - WCS / WCPS supports shorthand style for subsettingCRS / outputCRS / crsTransform
FIX - rasdaman's collection struct types should have band names specified
FIX - support CRS in petascope
FIX - petascope throws exception on regular time axis if time slice is out of extent
FIX - WMS style with fixed time slice in WCPS fragment has error
NEW - Fixed axis aliases in WCPS
FIX - support definition setting in the ingredients file to specify definition URL of a band
FIX - wsclient should not show if the password for rasdaman_pass in is invalid
add support for atan2 / arctan2 function in WCPS
FIX - wsclient should not require double logins for admin functions
FIX - petascope cannot handle a lot of requests in parallel
add ArcGIS WMS guide to docs
wcst_import disabling file logging
FIX - adds rasdaman_user= even if it has rasdaman_user=someuser already
FIX - some exceptions in WMS GetMap should be corrected
FIX - validate colorTable in JSON string when creating a new WMS style
Fix - WsClient - Add options to get result for Wcs DescribeCoverage / GetCoverage in CIS 1.1 format
Fix - endpoint in petascope to return the version from rasql
Fix - update coverage's metadata with extra local metadata not persisted properly
Fix - add authentication_type=basic_header in
Fix - WCPS supports polygonnize() operator
petascope fails to start when recompiling with make
Fix - display CRS with axis labels in WSClient
wcst_import adds to resumer file despite error
wcst_import should not do anything if filepaths is empty
wcst_import give hint when no credentials specified an petascope requires them
FIX - wrong projected bounding box displayed on webworldwind for EPSG:3035
resumer for sentinel1 recipe has wrong coverage id
FIX - wcst_import should convert number to datetime string
Add --analyze option to wcst_import
FIX - Support WCS GetCapabilities with sections parameter and XY axis labels in WCS GetCoverage with subsetting CRS
FIX - coverage's metadata does not show properly when ras namespace prefix is redefined
FIX - colorPalette exists in coverage's metadata should not be in encode's extra parameters if colorMap exists there
FIX - Petascope should not request non-existing UoM CRS from SECORE
FIX - WSclient WMS DescribeLayer is slow if a coverage has many timeslices
FIX - WSClient - if color table type is none then the existing colorMap style should be removed
FIX - WMS style with rasql fragment return null error
FIX - WSClient WMS DescribeLayer time slider does not work with regular UnixTime CRS
FIX - some coverage's metadata has issue with rasdaman:covMetadata
add test for service_is_local: false in wcst_import tests
secore_urls=internal does not work for custom petascope path
wcst_import - FIX - Implement areasOfValidity with next_slice support
FIX - check if coverage's metadata after updating is wellform before saving to petascopedb
FIX - match multiple input files to defined areasOfValidity in a single ingredients file
NEW - New setting in wcst_import to set wms style + legend
FIX - WMS GetMap returns error lower bound is greater than upper bound
FIX - OGC/O/Temporal missing parts in petascope
FIX - create doc for
FIX - wcst_import should try to print the failed input sentence to evalulate
FIX - petascope should throw exception when latitude (Y axis) has positive resolution
FIX - wcst_import nested function is not evaluated properly in python list comprehension
FIX - Support to set thumbnail coverage via a file uploaded by curl
FIX - throw exception when < is unescaped in XML and wcst_import should not escape coverage's metadata when importing
FIX - resolution column in axis_extent table must be in String not BigDecimal
FIX - WMS GetCapabilities should report correct values for regular dimension
FIX - adding external metadata to coverage returned wrong value in DescribeCoverage
FIX - nested non-rasdaman element is not escaped properly when updating coverage's metadata
FIX - embedded SECORE URL is not resolved properly in WCPS subsettingCRS
FIX - wcst_import should ignore failed evaluated metadata expression
FIX - wcst_import should throw error if metadata contains value as an object
return correct headers for plain text WCPS results
FIX - nested subsets return wrong grid indices in WCPS
Add support for polygonize() in WCPS
FIX - wcst_import should only return filename without absolute path for fileReferenceHistory
FIX - petascope should work properly in case of running multiple same coverage inserts in parallel
FIX - rasql queries logged in should contain the request id as well


Support for gml:CompoundCRS
some small WCS client appearance adjustments
wcps-console in the wcs-client doesn't work
Null value must be an integer or integer interval
embed jetty with petascope
Deleting coverage when there is only one in petascopedb fails
wcst_import: invalid input files should not cause error maybe
New protocol testing
Testing scenario for rasdaman functionality
WCST Import should write the result of the ingestion to a log file
SECORE_Update Secoredb by update scripts
Petascope cannot encode coverages that have a CRS containing a ' " ' character (WCST_Import also).
csv output of scalars is wrong
Log file names
Port CRS reprojection to community
CRS reprojection in WMS 1.3
Plus sign is lost in WMS rasql fragment
3D coverages in WMS
WCPS support for nD netcdf export
RPMs should invoke
memory leak when inserting data
Test nectdf import + export
Updates should ignore null values?
cleanup warnings in rasnet
petascope and secore configuration files
encode fails if empty format parameters are given
WCPS metadata propagation in the query tree
The systemtest should test compiling example C++
random systemtest failure
Consistent formatting of C++/Java code
Remove GML response building in WCS
Support wcpsTransformQuery in WMS InsertStyle requests
WMS style management
Petascope_UploadFileHandler from WCST_import uses filePaths in rasql query
WCS_Client shows coverage's extents in a dropdown box
Slow database-connection from Java
wrong subset syntax in WCS-T?
petascope user guide up to date?
rasserver log error reporting not always informative
Better check for json format parameters
Rename test wcs, wcps queries, oracles files to be consistent
wcst_import should support python statements
systemtest oracle files are 65MB
should rasdaman have sdom intersection?
rasj requires the remote hostname to be resolvable locally
Compile rasdaman with OpenSSL 1.1.0 on ARM architecture
shapefile support in rasdaman
#1654 should forward to
#1656 should be idempotent
improve log readability: less newlines
Clipping should support parsing LineStringZ/M/ZM
Add a test that makes concurrent WCS/WCPS requests
FROM clause in UPDATE statement
Problem creating struct type
WebWorldWind in the wcs-client cannot work offline
installation update via fails
WCS client headers should not have border right
Coverage extra metadata should be displayed in the DescribeCoverage tab
password input should be of type password
gdal-java not found on Debian Testing
introduce support for discrete trackline queries in rasql
range constructor with scale fails
clip operations with general expressions in the point lists
Create set type with nan null values segfaults on debian buster
"watch" option in wcst_import
how to specify color table/cpt in a WMS request?
shift should not duplicate tiles
drop collection should skip issues in the index
Pre/post-processing hooks in wcst_import
Run wcst_import as a daemon process
Piping RAS_SET_TYPES output to grep --quiet blocks rasserver
Test project with range constructor of double arrays
update stmt: if source null values are not specified, take target null values
rasj should throw error if rasdaman result > 2GB
gdal-java libs should be copied more precisely
Add documentation at to the rasdaman repo
#1951 should not use fuser
Custom recipe not found
Support GDAL subdatasets in wcst_imports
Subset on edge is silently "reduced"
Add virtual collection RAS_TYPES
support NaNf in rasql as a floating point alternative of NaN
Support subdataset / levels / crs filtering in sentinel2 recipe
rascontrol should list ALL servers
progress should not be logged to file
Check base type compatibility on updates
Compile rasj with Java 9+
Selectively start/stop rasdaman services
Use eccodes instead of grib_api in rasdaman
encode to netcdf should consider null values
Update with null values doesn't work for float / short / octet
range constructor throws invalid error on compatible sdoms
support for values, interval and ramp color tables in encode
rasdaman compiled on Ubuntu 18.04 vagrant VM fails to start
rasj fails downloading array result on 32-bit systems
Memory leak in range constructor + case statement
log request processing time in rasserver log
positionally-independent subsetting in rasql
document switch in WCPS
basic autocomplete for wcps queries
Add rasql test for concurrent ingestion
support python 3 in rasdapy
run mvn only if source files changed
export tiling as svg
Submit rasdapy3 to pypi
sync wcst_import util package with installer util
Wrong error when subset is not inside of mdd sdom
improve netcdf import (analysis) speed
add rasql web console to rasdaman repo
all executable programs to output version nunmber
systemtest fails with python 3.7
wcs-client - show number of coverages
document list of tokens in rasql
defining rasql-web-console queries in a different manner
nightly package on centos 7 fails testing
wrong import of gdal in wcst_import?
Give guidance in the docs on how to backup rasdaman
Embedded rasdaman.war process leak when stopping rasdaman
rasdaman should work correctly when disk is full
Script for automating issue reporting
specifying a wkt string in project leads to bad escaping of double quotes
compile rasdaman on ubuntu 22.04
wcst_import: open each file with GDAL only once
automatically run pylint on wcst_import when building rasdaman
invalid shell syntax in secore Makefile
run systemtest queries in parallel
add details about libgdal-java on Ubuntu 22.04
add CRS metadata when encoding to netCDF
rasj does not stop rasmgr keep alive thread when no rasql query is submitted
optimize import of Sentinel 2 data when possible
wcst_import fails to import files in subdirectories
#2699 truncates error messages with single quote in them
#2702 fails with ingredients file name with spaces
improve QGIS WCPS plugin
implement support for function atan2
#2777 should not fail if it cannot write to log file
faster import of Sentinel-2 data from S3 storage
Support a ~/.raspass credentials file in rasql
wcst_import: close netCDF4 Dataset before it goes out of scope

Opened by me

Read time error with Petascope when embedded with Jetty
Secore gnomomic CRS missing and errors with add/update CRS
Could not clone rasdaman from rasdaman.git
Wrong subset Y with mages without georeferenced
Recognize if an image is geo-referenced or not with GDAL
WCST-Import need escape special characters in file name (not only space)
rasdl could not delete base/marray/settype from RASBASE
wcst_import: more meaningful type names
WCST-import tried to import empty coverage when "subset_correction" is false with geo-referenced image
#1050 lost many configuration after new install
#1052 choose wrong directory to import
fix bug when inserting a new coverage id that is the same name as an existing rasdaman collection
Petascopedb is not identical in some tables between imported by wcst_import and testcase_services (
RNP protocol work not correctly in Centos 7
WCS-Client could not load user interface
WCS-Client new installation is much more difficult and should update sufficient information
WCS-Client mixing coverage information when "Describe Coverage"
Coverage metadata is invalid should not show the Javascript code
WCS-Client GetCoverage does not regards to subset parameters
WCS GetCoverage error when encode in application/gml+xml
WCPS parser ignores error case when encode coverage regularly
Petascope is in wrong directory
Create temporary file for to update when make install
Embedded Jetty needs addon to support JSP for SECORE
SECORE support validating GML when update or insert definition
Sort comments inside ticket not work
SECORE - Delete a definition will delete all definitions which contains same pattern
Petascope package java.nio.file does not exist when build
SECORE query incorrect data from GML db
Missing detail information in log file of system test (test_wcs, test_wcps,...)
An error when collection name starts with number in rasql
#1146 should check RASBASE directory exists first
Unable to get a free rasdaman server when ingests hundred files by wcst_import
Failed to connect to raserver by rasnet when insert data concurrently
Error when ingest a coverage same name with existing collection
wcst_import concurrent will have error in petascope
Too much log of grpc in petascope.log
Petascope internal error when run wcst_import in batch import
NoSuchElementException error in petascope
Error in encode 3D NetCDF from rasql
Download multipart error in WCSClient
Error in GRPC from Petascope
error request should return content instead of empty in system test
Cannot build grpc-java when make due to libstdc++
Log permission in custom_script of system_test
WCST_Import should notice exception when import wms error
WCPS1.5_parser does not expect a metadata expression in the interval expression in WCPS
WCST_Import error index out of range with recipe "wcs_extract"
Petascope error when parsing compound CRS by wcst_import with wcs_extract recipe
WCPS1.5_Slicing with one asterisk is valid and need to be handled
WCPS1.5_Difference values between same interval from coverage[scalar] and coverage[expression]
WCPS1.5_Wrong translation from WCPS interval to Rasql interval
WCPS1.5_Wrong geo-referencing from WCPS query to RASQL query
WCPS1.5_Wrong iterator of coverage constructor from WCPS query to Rasql query
WCPS1.5_Wrong calculation which using boolean expression when creating from coverage constructor
WCPS1.5_Difference matrix values of bands calculation from WCPS 1.0 (Need to update oracle test)
WCPS1.5_Difference between origins of coverages with WCPS1.0
WCPS1.5_Wrong upper bound of geo-axis when translating to Rasql (Need to update oracle)
WCPS1.5_Semantic Exception when slicing at geo-referenced axis
WCPS_Inconsistence when trimming at upper geo-referenced axis
WCPS1.5_Throw correct exception when interval is not valid
Rasql_should returns error if try to encode 1D and 3D in PNG, Tiff
Rasql returns -inf when divide by 0
WCPS1.5_Error when trimming at a point of a axis
WCPS1.5_Inconsitence when query out interval between scalar and expression
WCPS1.5_Handle time interval correctly in coverage expression
WCPS1.5_Inconsistence in parsing float scalar and float expression
WCPS1.5_Parsing error when using count operator to compare the value from scalar expression
Rasql_Throw server GRPC exception when spatial domains are incompatible
WCPS1.5_Error when encode output to tiff
Rasql_should throw appropriate exception if encode in unsupported format
WCPS1.5_Error when using abs operator with multiple scalar operands
WCPS1.5_Error when parsing a multiple by a mask
Rasql_Error when scale axis to a slicing point
Rasql_Wrong negative value in calculation
WCPS1.5_Parsing error when calculate average values
WCPS1.5_Error when parsing imageCrsDomain, imageCrs in axis
WCPS1.5_Error when parsing "domain keyword" in axis
WCPS1.5_Returns more values from internal bands when using asterisk in trimming
WCPS1.5_Error when parsing "pow" operator
Rasql_Auto round floating point value can make wrong result
WCPS1.5_Difference value when casting expression
WCPS1.5_Does not convert expression in geo-reference axis to grid coordinate correctly
WCPS1.5_Cannot parse crsset
WCPS1.5_Null exception with trimming time axis
WCPS1.5_Parsing error with scale and trim
WCPS1.5_Cannot parse identifier, max
WCPS1.5_Does not regard "CRS:1" in geo-reference axis
WCPS1.5_Cannot parse count, trim
WCPS1.5_Does not add default intervals when extend and translate slicing wrong value
WCPS1.5_Add license header in WCPS2 packages
WCPS1.5_Handle devide (/) operator in interval.
WCPS1.5_Coverage constructor iterator should be convert correctly in geo-referenced axis
WCPS1.5_Convert subset dimension interval to correct grid axis coordinate
Rasj does not support return complex number from WCPS
WCPS1.0_Missing operator '+' in request from Petascope console
WCPS - Encode geo-reference not correctly when slicing between time and 1 geo-reference axis in GeoTiff
WCPS1.5 - Return single scalar value from slicing coverage without encoding
Petascope ODMG - Wrong return from single boolean value in Rasql query
WPCS1.5 - Error when compare binary coverage expression with scalar value in boolean result
WCPS1.5_Multiple coverages returns from FOR clause
Rasql_Encode in JPEG2000 missing geoference metadata
Rasql_Cannot encode random marray in JPEG2000
WCPS1.5 - Support crsTransform() to reproject coverage
WCPS_Support interpolation argument in crsTransform()
Rasql_project() has different bounding box to GDAL
RasJ_More meaniningful error from Rasql projection() instead of error number 10000
GDAL_missing geo-reference when encode multibands in NetCDF from TIFF file (Know Fails)
Petascope_Error with subsettingcrs GET/KVP of projection
Petascope_outputcrs KVP/GET does not regards the CRS to project
Petascope_Set correct bounding box to Rasql
WCPS_Tranform interval's coordinates in non-native CRS
WCPS1.5_Use http://..../def/crs/OGC/0/IndexND instead of CRS:1
WCS_CRS_Extension Support reproject on distort coverage.
Petacope_CRS_Extension extract 2D CRS from compound CRS (3D, 4D,...)
WCPS_crsTransform() throw correct exception in case of GDAL error with projection.
WCS_ScaleExtent with wrong bounding box
WCS_Wrong bounding box when translate to WCPS
Petascope_Different result in total pixel sizes with GDAL
WCPS1.5_Wrong domain set (slice, trim expression) in Rasql from translated WCPS query
WCPS1.5_Wrong interval with small subsetting
WCPS1.5_Wrong trimming interval in Rasql from axis iterator
WCPS1.5_Error in CoverageBuilder with axis iterator in imageCrsdomain
WCPS1.5_Handle switch case
WCPS1.5_Set CRS for Axis iterator correctly
WCPS1.5_Range constructor error with unhandled domain intervals
Rasql_Range constructor error in 3D coverages and binary expression of ranges
WCPS 1.5_Error with negative values in array constant
WCPS1.5_Incompatible error between constant coverage and existing coverage
Rasql_Throw exception when incompatible casting
Source MDD domain is not within target update MDD domain.
WCPS1.5_Project the bounding box in case of crsTransform()
Petascope_Create correct base type with range fields when create collection
Rasql_Slicing error with multiple slices expression
SECORE_Add multple versions for EPSG
WCST_Import_Change recipe wcst_extract to use imported coverage in local
Rasql_Error when overlay with range constructor
Petascope_WCS generate crsTransform invalid axis name
Petascope_Make a XML parser to translate WCPS in XML syntax to abstract syntax
Petascope_Support WCPS 1.0 in XML SOAP
Differentiate CRS:1 and IndexND in WCPS 1.5
WCST_Import_Create gml for GridCoverage
WCST_Import coverage 3D netCDf with irregular axis
Petascope_Recheck the shift intervals with "dataBound" option in wcst_import general_coverage recipe
Add the optimization for error log with Cmake
WCPS_Only attach the selected bands when encode in netCDF
Rasql_Using only the first set types if have multiple same structure types
SECORE_Missing changes variable names in browse.jsp and need to recheck with functions in this web page
WCST_Import_Import success without deployed Petascope
WMS_Null and empty error due to missing in etc directory
Petascope_Check format type of encoding from WCS
Petascope_Support encoded POST WCPS query
Change gmock URL when build with cmake
Rasql_Memory leak with swith case expression
Rasql_Range constructor does not regard specific scalar values
Rasql_Nodata values with list in GTIFF returns wrong values when shown by gdalinfo
Rasql_Only point to the first ranges's name even if ranges are specified different names
Test ticket for sending email
Rasj_Select into is not valid query
SECORE_Update UnixTime to seconds
SystemTest_Add testcases_services/test_open is not included when make check
SystemTest_Add script to clean the data from test_wcst_import, test_wms after make check
SystemTest_Add prefix "test" in test case services
SECORE_Check functionality from index.jsp?query=true to run XQuery
WCPS_Multiple scalar values from coverage condenser has error incompatible axes number
Rasql_Memory leak with Select into when insert with many MDDs
Build_No need to rebuild rasj, petascope, secore with make install
Rasql_Wrong transposition between X and Y axis when encode in netcdf
Petascope_WCS_Check subsettingCrs functionality
WCPS1.5_Fit subsets to sample space
WCS_Set correct values in GML when request with non-native CRS
Rasql_Project() does not work properly with multiband coverages
SystemTest_Cleaning the obsolete and deprecated and incorrect outputs.
Petacope_Display output in GML/PNG/JPG instead of download
Petascope_Parsing CRS is invalid with "https" in domain and left a invalid crs in ps_crs
WCPS_No throw exception when parse double value as it will slow result multiple times
WCPS_encode in JPEG2000 does not have geo-referenced metadata
SECORE_userdb will be removed after restart Tomcat and multiple requests on CRS come in short time
Petascope_Handle POST request for WCS, WCPS in PetascopeInterface without encoded.
SECORE_Cannot add new CRS by URN
WMS_More meaningful error when request does not have proper parameters
WMS_Wrong request bounding box from QGIS
Petascope_Encode with netCDF the data is shifted
NetCDF_Encode output nilValue shows wrong value
Petascope_NetCDF wrong imported bounding box
WCPS_Supports user defined band names in range constructor
Fix error with netCDF when time axis is set "dataBound=false"
SECORE_Add a manual prefix for domain:host configuration when it is necessary
Uncheck the validation for mismatch axes CRS and grid CRS in Petascope
Petascope_ISO data format required in the Envelope tag
SystemTest_WCST_Import_log only log for failed cases with error message
Petacope_Refactoring AbstractFormatExtension to mantainable methods
WCS_Uncheck GetCapabilities test cases and validate existing xml test case
No geo-reference metadata from custom SECORE CRS when encoding in TIFF
Petascope_Clean petascope.log without unnecessary information and add WCPS log.
WMS_Remove inserted styles from layer
Rasql_Nodata values are missing when encoding
Rasql_Coverage is not deleted when rasserver is ingesting big collection
Test ingesting time from version 9.3.2 and 9.3.1 for big file
Petascope_DateTime coefficients for irregular time is not correct
WCSClient_Download files instead of displaying non-displayable mime type
SystemTest_Compare binary files with gdalinfo statistic
WCPS_Fixed problem with encoding in json or application/json
Rasql_Cannot encode 0D coverage in JSON format
Rasql_Check jpeg2000 values consistently
WCPS_Cannot encode multiple ranges in netcdf
Rasql_Inconsistent result from coverage condenser/constructor (or convertor)
WCPS_Cannot encode 3D coverage with time axis in GML
WCST_Import Wrong time coefficients in aggregated times netcdf file
Rasql_Nilvalue (nodata) value missing from netCDF metadata and a overflow value for tiff nodata
WCSClient_Show text output in WCPS console instead of downloading file
wcst_import nil_value is nan and has error
Petascope_TimeUtil count offset using BigDecimal
WCST_Import_Support directPositions when pixelIsPoint:false
WCST_Import_Support directPositions for gribb file
WCST_Import_Evaluate ranges's metadata in GRIB/netcdf file
Petacope_AcceptVersions in WCS requests
SystemTest_Check some errors from test script
WMS_Increase the size of rasql fragment query in varchar
WCST_Import check the evaluation expressions metadata result in ingredient file
Petascope_Rollback transaction when SQL query failed
Petascope_Error when WCST_import ingredient file defined crs_resolver with prepending space
Petascope_RasUtil uses port from rasdaman_url config in
WCST_Import validation takes long time with multiple files
WCST_Import sort the files by datetime when possible
Put the crs variable to netCDF output
wcst_import pixelIsPoint:true should be applied internally for netCdf and grib files
Rasql_Null values are not counted
WCST_Import should use the SECORE URL from Petascope
SECORE Check error with unresolvable CRS from URL with different application name
WCST_Import netCDF regular axis's resolution is calculated internally
WCST_Import Progress bar with wrong slice number
WCST_Import Fix error from gdal too many files open
WCPS_Nodata value in intervals is error
Rasql supports nilValue with string interval in array
WCST_Import nilValues as interval for time serie irregular recipe
WCPS_Check the bbox of output coverage with pixel size is different from original file
WCST_Import InsertCoverage with first datetime slice as bound on old recipes
WCST_Import Send UpdateWcsLayer request to WMS handler instead of InsertWcsLayer request when layer already existed
WCS-Client error with library when loading a lot of coverages
Test Earthlook web GUI by Selenium
Raswct sends raw POST WCPS request to Petascope
WCST_Import error when a CRS axisDirection has the same name for both X, Y axes
WMS_Support pyramid levels for big coverage as a layer in Petascope
Rasql_Read query from a file when it is too long for bash
WCST_Import_Specification of unit of measurement (uom) for a coverage
Petascope_RasUtil runs Rasql query to update collection by rasj instead of bash
WCPS1.5_Remove the check for applying trimming/slicing in dimensions interval
Petascope_Cannot delete coverage with error in metadata
SECORE_Change to use Spring Boot framework
WCS_Client_WCPS console should log queries and the seconds to request
Petascope_Error with loading GDAL native library when redeploying web application to Tomcat
SystemTest_Test wcst_import should remove obsolete cases when a new patches are applied
SystemTest_Test scripts inside testcases_services should be skipped when Java configuration is disabled
WCS_Client Add some features for displaying coverage's extents on WebWorldWind
Update WCS_Client in Earthlook to current rasdaman version
Build_GDAL should not be required when -DENABLE_GDAL=OFF
OWS_Client WCS/WMS GetCapabilities should be invoked automatically when user invokes modifying requests from client
Petascope_Error when creating the duplicate type for cell/mdd/set for a coverage to be reinserted after removing it
RASQL_GRIB updates existing collection is really slow
Fix make clean to remove log files properly
WCPS_Enquote CDATA for abstract syntax query in XML for special characters
Petascope_Check if disable_write_operations is enabled in to block delete, add coverage requests
Petascope_WMS requests are slow in version 9.5
WCPS_Support the encode with MIME type
Petascope_Add more supported GDAL format types
SECORE_Resolve user-defined CRS with non-existent version correctly
SECORE_Add support for URN not-completely-specified objects in REST URI
SECORE_check if directory holding update scripts in $RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/secore is not null
SECORE error with userdb collection not found
SECORE cannot resolve parametertized CRSs inside a CRS definition
Petascope should not import coverage which contains "-" as coverage id
WCS_Client reduce textbox's height for WCPS queries and don't load all covearge's extends by default
#1636 and some sample coverages need to be copied when make install and fix java_doc for petascope, secore
Petascope migration should return a message when petascopedb doesn't exist instead of error message
Petascope Coverage's CRS prefix should depend on configuration from
SECORE localhost:8080/def returns null
Petascope writes the exception text to client even when it cannot start
Petascope migration should continue when cannot migrate error coverages
Test package_Start rasdaman service with error message
Petascope don't throw exception from SECORE when it shoud not
Petascope should still create petascopedb first time even when rasdaman cannot start
Remove rasimport from rasdaman's repository and rasdaman installer
RasdaPy_Cannot release connection to server by database.close()
RasdaPy_Update collection query should be executed as update query
RasdaPy_Wrong avg_cells() for collection with multiple bands (RGBSet)
RasdaPy_Exception should return error message from rasql
RasdaPy_Error parsing result from array constants
RasdaPy_Error parsing result from count_cells()
RasdaPy_Error parsing result from bit()
RasdaPy_Support for other parameters (-f, --mddomain, --mddtype) besides --query?
RasdaPy_Add source code from github to rasdaman's repository
RasdaPy_Cannot parse the result from sdom()
Generate error messages for rasj, rasdapy from errtxts file
Segfault with output --formated
RasdaPy_Create some other types which corresponds to rasql
WCST_Import Support silence option
Server killed with condenser count_cells
Segfault with multiple 2 MDD domains on 3 bands collections
Systemtest_rename rasql's test cases homogeneously
WCPS polygon clipping with explicit CRS
Petascope_migration for petascopedb version < 9.5 will not run if SECORE is not running
WSClient_Set default URL to request GetCapabilities correctly
WSClient_Add text boxes for subsettingCrs, outputCrs and clip on WCS GetCoverage tab
rasql_clip with Multipolygon
RasdaPy_Support query with insert into values from file and mdddomain, mddtype
Rasql_removes /tmp/rasdaman.*.aux.xml after encoding result is done
Petascope_Wrong coefficients for irregular time axis when trimming
Rasql_Segfault from a condenser with mismatching sdom
Rasql_Remove the additional break line for composite output
Rasql_Round float number should have a consistent length for fractional part
WCST_Import error with mock:true for map_mosaic recipe
WSClient_Add POST request to WCS GetCoverage besides default GET request
Petascope_Catch error loading gdal_java native library and throw exception about restarting tomcat
RasdaPy_avg_cells() doesn't work on multiband collection
rasdaman should throw an error when importing array with wrong type
Petascope_Fix null error when enconding WCPS coverage constructor in netCDF
Petascope_Error when clipping LineString with coverage's alias with "$"
Log4j add date to log files
Petascope_Cannot load GDAL JNI on Centos 7 with SELinux enabled
QGIS_Plugin_Check WCPS plugin can work with QGIS 3.x
Update Clients wiki page
Petascope_Change rasdaman/admin to rasdaman/ows/admin to update service identification, service provider
WCST_Import supports getting metadata from axes, bands automatically from netCDF
WCST_Import error from Numpy with metadata "auto"
RasJ_Cannot send query with metadata containing ampersand (&) from Petascope to rasservers
Petascope_Fix the problem with comparison of coefficients from WCST_Import
Petascope_Support map mosaic with overlapping tiles
Petascope_WCPS supports encode format case insensitive
WSClient_WCS_ProcessCoverage tab add WebWorldWind widget to display the 2D png output from WCPS request
WSClient_Display WMS overview image as WMSLayer in WebWorldWind
WSClient_Cannot GetCapabilities for WMS from different end point
WCPS_Error with axis iterator when it should be coverage iterator
Petascope_Allow cross origin requests to different controllers than main controller
Petascope_WMS should do extend before scaling for GetMap request result
Petascope WMS Image Pyramid on XY geo-referenced axes
WSClient_Add admin tab to manage petascope
Test web interfaces should read properties file for petascope/secore configurations
WCPS_Output of CrsTransform() should update all relate metadata from input crs
Rasql_project() sdom of grid bounds should be shifted by -1
Petascope_Rasql error message lost from invalid WCPS query
Rasql_Cannot subset from output of projection()
Petascope_URL for ows:HTTP from WCS/WMS GetCapabilities should be set properly
Rasql_Overlay 2 collections with different bands error
Rasql_Update 3d map mosaic doesn't import data properly
Petascope_WCPS add handlers for statistics var_* functions() as in Rasql
Rasmgr was killed after multiple error queries
WSClient_View 3D+ WMS layers on WebWorldWind as 2D+ layers
WSClient - Add range sliders for dimension axes of 3D+ WMS layers for WMS GetMap request accordingly
WCPS_Fit output geo bounds from WCPS trimming should regard to negative grid origin
Petascope supports GDAL_JAVA version 2.x
WCST_Import register custom user defined recipes from '$RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/wcst_import/recipes_custom' folder
WCS_Prettify coverage's extra metadata in JSON string from DescribeCoverage request
WSClient add rasdaman logo to the right handside
Petascope_WCPS update coverage axes' metadata after scale/extend operators
WCST_Import should send encoded URL to Petascope
SystemTest_testcases_services reduce size for oracles and input test data
WSClient_Iframe URL to load index.html shoud not rely on /rasdaman in context path
Petascope_Error from WCPS should contain cause exception when necessary
Petascope should not ask SECORE when not necessary
WSClient - ProcessCoverages should goto the latest result in the console when execute button is clicked
WCST_Import Change message text to install netCDF4 when it imissing
WSClient_Click on WCS GetCoverage button should send GetCoverage request if a coverage has been chosen
WSClient - Estimate coverage size on WCS GetCoverage tab
WCS_GetCoverage in GML fix sequenceRule element
Petascope_Operators on 0D coverage should throw proper exception instead of null exception
WCPS_Support clip() with curtain on 3D+ coverage with WKT linestring and polygon
WMSClient_Add axes' domain extents for a layer in DescribeLayer tab
WSClient - Validate the trimming, slicing on axes in GetCoverage tab after users input data
Rasql_Server killed with corridor without discrete parameter
Rasql_corridor query hangs server up
WCPS_Support clip() with corridor on 3D+ coverage by polygon/linestring
WSClient - Remove generated main.js and from versioning
WSClient - Set WebWorldWind view distance according to coverage's geo XY axes's resolutions
Petascope_No need to send rasql to get sdom() for clipped output's domain if possible
WCSClient_Add WCPS queries history to ProcessCoverage tab
Petascope_WMS should not use extend before scaling when generating Rasql query
WSClient - WMS DescribeLayer should show default GetMap request with a warning message when layer has 4+ bands
Petascope_Support scaling on irregular axes in WCS/WCPS
WCST_Import add local metadata from each files to coverage's metadata
WCST_Import add color table to coverage's metadata
Rasql_Segfault by mismatch domain extend after scaling
Petascope no shift to [0,0,..,0] in WCS-T
Petascope_WMS should select scaled down collection with the highest resolution when possible
Petascope null exception when axis labels not exist in CRS definition in WCS-T GMLParser
Rasql_hierarchical metadata as extra parameters of encode()
Petascope_filter coverage's local metadata when trimming/slicing and add it when encoding() by WCS/WCPS
WCST_Import no analyze file if it was added to trackfile .resume.json
Petascope add log4j extra dependency to support time based rolling policy
WCST_Import optional parameter to sort coverage slices by datetime in reverse order (newer -> older)
Petascope_Support adding coverage slices at the bottom besides top of coverage
SECORE_add new version 9.4.2 besides 8.5, 8.9.2
Petascope remove the redundant element <covMetadata> from result of WCS DescribeCoverage & GetCoverage requests
Petascope_Translation to grid indices is wrong when coverage imported in descending order
Rasserver_segfault when MDD domain is not intersected
WCST_Import Add test for importing/updating Coverage from tuple list
Petascope delete coverage with non existing collection without error
Strange difference from crsTransform of subsettings from EPGS:32632 to EPSG:4326
WCSClient_Revert GetCoverage's button to download coverage
Petascope_Result's size of WMS GetMap request should always be set to width and height parameters
WCSClient - WMS view result of clipped layer on globe properly
WCS_GetCapabilities_Time upper bound is not displayed in datetime format
WMS_Wrong result in GetMap if input CRS is different from native CRS with WCPS style
WMS_Wrong result when request BBox contains layer as a small part of it
WMS_Filling the gaps for project()
WCPS_Subsetting in grid indices (:"CRS:1") on irregular axis is wrong when coverage is imported with reverse time order
Generate rasdaman error messages not found for rasdapy
Petascope_RasImplementation should be singleton in executeRasqlQuery()
Petascope_Log warn instead of throwing exception if metadata is malformed
Petascope_Insert scale level for WMS pyramid error on layer with multibands
Petascope_Clip()'s new parameter WITH COORDINATES
Petascope_Insert scale level requests should resize only XY axes for 3D+ WMS layers
Rasql_Encoding in JPEG2000 failed
Systemtest_Test deleting coverages should log deleting error to test.log file
Rasql servlet returns correct result for select * from RAS_COLLECTIONNAMES
Rasql_Update should add NULL VALUES parameter from source collection
WCST_Import wcs_extract recipe infinite loop and null error in Rasql servlet
null error in Rasql servlet
WSClient add warning about firefox cannot work with WebWorldWind
Petascope_WMS applies scale() before project() if possible
Petascope parses result from RAS_MARRAY_TYPES properly
rasdapy_Update generated GRPC files from beta version to newer version
Petascope_Allow change path in external Tomcat
Petascope_Allow running embedded tomcat with input path to
Petascope_Improve the check to determine a file for WCS-T is a local file
#1959 should be replace by pom.xml with input properties for Maven via CMake
SECORE_version 0 should point to the latest EPSG version underneath
WCST_Import create slice for each file immediately after opening file to reduce number of files opened
WCST_Import reduce opening files for GRIB
Rasql_Support parsing NaN as nodata
Petascope_Supports WCS version 2.1.0 and outputType=GeneralGridCoverage for CIS 1.1
SECORE_Handle multiple duplicate requests at once
SECORE_EPSG versions in secoredb folder which don't exist in def.war should be collected when it starts
Petascope_Use axis's positions in CRS definitions instead of axis labels
WCST_Import axes metadata and band metadata should be added implicitly when global metadata is "auto" in netCDF recipe
Petascope_Update coverage with local metadata will remove coverage's global bands and axes metadata
wcst_import axis type from is unknown
Systemtest_Update test_irr_cube_2 no data to float properly
Petascope_Use daily log strategy for petascope.log
Petascope/SECORE add requesting IP address in petascope/secore.log
wcst_import throws proper exception when it cannot detect CRS from input file's WKT
Check why is slow for 1 test wcst_import
Petascope_Add dependency to render JSP when running as embedded
WMS_Add optional interpolation parameter
wcst_import enable GDAL exception when opening file
wcst_import GDAL general recipe handles an exceptional case when file exists in validating phase but not exist later in processing phase
wcst_import try to open 1 gdal dataset from input files instead of only the first 1
wcst_import resolve relative ingredient input file to absolute ingredient input file
Petascope_Support rasql ready colorPaletteTable from external metadata color palette file
ws_client - WMS with 3D+ layer not regard selected style for the layer
Petascope_Parse struct cell types error
Test web interface on Centos 7 should capture image error if elements not found
wcst_import netCDF axis's variables only exist in dimensions
petascope_WMS should return blank result instead of exception for out of layer's BBox request
wcst_import supports regex in pre hook's replace_path
petascope: read coverage object from database for updating without cache
rasql_null data values should be applied for all bands properly
systemtest_compare XML oracle and output files with no indentation
wcst_import supports 2D dimensions in netCDF file
wcst_import check number of band for grib recipe must be 1 only
petascope_wrong domain extent for regular time axis
wcst_import create a Sentinel 1 GRD custom recipe
Embedded petascope does not read server.port when started with --petascope.confDir
wcst_import imports original input file path instead of replaced one when using pre-hook
rasql: cannot update collection with CFloat32
rasql: segfault with avg_cells on empty collection with complex type
wsclient: Add loading icon for ajax requests
wsclient: Fix WCS GetCoverage RangeSubsetting component
petascope clip should check intersection properly with coverage's subset
Petascope add Quantity's definition attribute to detect rasdaman data type
Petascope more secuer configuration for write operartions
WSClient removes non-standard GetCoverageExtents request
rasql: server killed for clip with invalid polygon
Petascope: WCS GetCapabilities adds coverages' customized metadata
rasql_project with resample method
WSClient - Add white background for WMS DescribeLayer tab
petascope - use downscaled collections in scale() operator of WCPS
petascope: add more interpolations method for WCS interpolation extension
wcst_import - wrong constraint for default_null_values
Petascope - Remove automatic nillValues to translated Rasql from a WCPS query
wcst_import - error importing with global metadata "auto" and "colorPaletteTable"
Petascope - WCPS: General Condenser's Where clause should support more boolean expressions
petascope: Coverage footprints not appear after petascope starts
wcps: supports domain() in coverage subsetting
Petascope - WCPS: Support .lo/.hi to get lowerBound/upperBound of imageCrsdomain()/domain()
Remove misleading doc for defining user by rascontrol
WSClient - count total of coverage/layer sizes
wcst_import - ignore self-singed certificate HTTPS
petascope - Sort coverage/layer ids from GetCapabilities requests
SECORE - show proper error for parameterized AUTO CRS
Petascope serves demo web pages from external resource folder which is out of rasdaman.war
wsclient - Update coverage's metadata in WCS DescribeCoverage tab
WCPS - Use colorPaletteTable from input query instead of existing one in coverage's metadata
WCPS - Wrong translated grid subset on ascending irregular axis
rascontrol cannot start a server manually
rasql - insert complex cint16 and cint32 does not work
rasql - retrieve collection's set type via dbinfo()
Petascope - Fixing for OGC cite testing
wcst_import - removes comment lines in ingredient file before processing
wcst_import - throw exception if multiple bands specified in gdal recipe
wcst_import - pass parameters with --key value format
Petascope - Extends WMS style with multiple layer iterators
Update web login forms to not use POST parameters
rasql - wrong struct type for band subsetting import by gdal driver
Petascope - Extend Coverage/Collection Iterator in WMS styles
check if rasdaman user can access files in RASDATA
WCST_Import - Error in gdal general recipe with non datetime irergular axi
wcst_import show grid domains of imported file in log
Petascope_Throw exception for non-valid parameters in WCS request
Report the duplicate tileid when failing to insert data to collection
rasql - project() to specified geo axes resolutions
wcst_import - Import coverage's local metadata from external text files
WCPS switch translates to wrong rasql
WCPS - SubsettingCRS does not work
Rasql - wrong error message for encoding
WCPS - Throw exception for unknown casting type
Rasql - segfault for switch case with scale
WCPS - Introduce LET clause
Petascope - show meaningful coefficient values in case of reversed irregular axis
Rasql - server died with clip by Multipolygon
WCST_Import daemon problem when waiting for importing big files
Catch and ignore coverage exceptions on GetCapabilities
Check coverage exists in test_zero_cleanup before deleting
WSClient - supports sending basic authentication header requests
Enhance test web interfaces to run in parallel
WCPS supports interpolation parameter in crsTransform()
WSClient - Hide WCS DeleteCoverage/InsertCoverage tabs by default
WSClient - Select output format based on coverage's dimensions in WCS GetCoverage tab
WCST_Import - Customized recipe for nested coverages
wcst_import - supports auto option to fetch metadata for general_recipe with slicer gdal
wcst_import - supports metadata option for old recipes
wsclient - problem to display a coverage's footprint with longitude interval greater than 180 degree
wcst_import - creates colorPatetteTable automatically if input tif file contains this metadata
Document examples to use WMS with clients and WSClient introduction
WSClient - Add function to manage WMS layers' downscaled collections
Petascope - wrong error with bounds checking
Petascope - WCS subsettingCRS not throw exception when one XY axis is not specified
Petascope - cannot deploy multiple rasdaman.war in one tomcat because of failed loading gdal-java
Petascope - cannot redeploy on tomcat with error gdal-java JNI
Petascope - translates wrong coefficients for netCDF when selecting a subset on irregular axis
WSClient - parse the error message in XML exception from petascope
Petascope - CIS 1.1 axisExtent should be changed to AxisExtent
Petascope - loads version from what was built not from rasdaman
#2252 should collect non-existing settings in new properties file to the bottom of the new file
wcst_import - old recipes (e.g: map mosaic) does not read colorPaletteTable properly
WMS does not work with two partially overlapping layers
wcps and rasql web console - add text>> widget
rasql - error in encode with colorPalette by PNG format
WMS - corner image is scattering with projection()
leading spaces in config cause petascope to not work
wcs_extract recipe should remove files in case of error
wcs_extract - "mock":true does not work
rasql - error with > operator in switch case
rasql - place holders in error message are not replaced
rasql - proper error when selecting out of bands
wcst_import - daemon with "track_files": true is stopped by checking daemon status
wcst_import - should not allow to import different geo crss from files into a coverage
rasql - error code with no message
rasql - throw exception when it encounters first invalid subsets
WSClient - Update coverage id in WCS DescribeCoverage tab
WCPS - encode coverage constructor with grid axes returns null error
wcst_import - enhancement for importing with large number of input files
WCPS - Supporting .re/.im for complex number
raswct - it should grasp error message from petasope rasql servlet
Petascope - too slow to open connections to SECORE for loading CRS GMLs
WCPS - Wrong error with overlay on 2D slices
Rasql - cannot use DEM as collection alias
rawsct - diagram>> should not have empty on the left axis
Petascope - Update coverage's metadata should be checked with authentication
rasql - server killed with importing wrong grid domains for netCDF / HDF5
rasql - segfault with dem() function
Petascope - collection's tiling doesn't save with all information to database
Petascope - missing 0 for big null float number from importing netCDF file
rasql - segfault with clip() with linestring
petascope - clip by polygon should return the bbox as same as subset by the convex hull of the polygon
rasql - error inserting float null value for collection with composite bands
petascope - supports encoding with null values as interval in encode()
Petascope - Merge OAPI features to current petascope
petascope - gdal version 3 flipped axes orders for projection()
Petascope - coordinates are translated wrong after subsetting
doc - use ${variable} for string place holder
rasql - segfault if width is 0 in project()
WCPS - add non-mentioned axes to domain intervals for scale() implicitly
Petascope - display non-ascii string in coverage's metadata
systemtest - skip SECORE randomly failed test
Petascope - String concatenation is much slower than StringBuilder
Petascope - optimize SQL for Hibernate to read coverage basic metadatas
Petascope - "type already exists" error message when RASBASE is cleaned up but not petascope
systemtest - test web interface on Centos 7 enhancement
Petascope - Create downscaled collections for Pyramid should regard to source collection's grid domains min and max bounds
rasql - cannot update an empty collection with negative bounds
wcst_import - remove the .resume file if it exists, but the coverage doesn't exist anymore
Petascope - stopping rasdaman in the middle of updating a time slice should not persist the time slice to petascopedb
Petascope - WCPS null value error
Petascope - return better error message when trimming over non-existing coefficients of an irregular axis
rasqlservlet - support the credentials in basic headers from client
Petascope - new feature to delete a layer (but not the associated coverage)
Petascope - write requests from WSClient with petascope admin credentials should bypass allow_write_requests_from configuration
WCPS - change output of crsSet(c) to a CRS result
Petascope - returns rasql error message and rasql query in two different XML error elements
WCPS - change coverage's axis type to grid CRS after subsetting by "CRS:1"
Petascope - WCPS encode regular time axis shifted by 6 days with netCDF encoding
wcst_import - document statements setting for general recipe
petascope - request from rasql servlet should not be recognized as WCPS request
wsclient - display all footprints feature should display only filtered rows on tables
Petascope - Add the list of axis names in the result of each coverage in WCS GetCapabilities request
Petascope - unify an endpoint for authentication
gdal type Byte should sometimes translate to rasdaman type octet
Petascope - Missing update downscaled levels for collections
Petascope - ignore broken WMS layers with non-existing coverages
Petascope - update coverage's id API endpoint
Petascope - wms error with grid bounds at corner cases
Petascope - create WGS84 bboxes for geo-referenced coverages more precisely
rasql - rasserver killed with casting to complex number
wcst_import - get the message index in grib expression
netcdf/grib - support flipped data on Lat (Y) axis in rasdaman
WCS ProcessingCoverage supports `q` paramater besides `query` parameter
rasql - segfault with binary operator from 2 decoded files with multiple bands
rasql - cannot subtract band from decoded file with multiple bands
Petascope - supports WCPS's decode() operator
rasql - wrong subset validation error when grid domains are valid
WCPS - problem with grid domain expression
WCPS - supports round(), ceil() and floor() operators
rasql - results for and,or,xor are not displayed properly
rasql - support round() operator
Petascope - supports output in JSON from CIS 1.1
Petascope - port the existing implementation of experimental OGC API (OAPI) feature to master branch
Petascope - remove rasdaman:covMetadata element in coverage's metadata when metadata has namespace already
petascope - throw exception if non-near interpolation is requested in WCS GetCoverage request
Petascope - rasql servlet returns metadata queries in JSON format with containerFormat=json
Petascope - fix null for coverage's WGS84 extent in WMS
rasql - PIXELTYPE=SIGNEDBYTE needs to be casted in encode()
petascope - wrong error for scaling if axis label does not exist in coverage
Petascope - supports min/max(covExpression,covExpression) functions in WCPS
wcst_import - custom request to check if a coverage / layer exists
wcst_import - log stack trace to a log file
wcst_import - Sentinel 1 custom recipe should filter invalid lat / long bounds from input files
wcst_import - no slices found if some of VRT files are not available
Petascope - WCPS band does not exist in range constructor
Petascope - netcdf missing variable values when encoding netCDF
Petascope - netCDF irregular axis with upper -> lower coefficients order
Petascope - add unique constrain to some fileds in petascopedb
WCPS describe() operator
petascope - rasql servlet null error to get the encode format type
wcst_import - support parameter to store the imported files in the ingredients file
Petascope - return null error with avg
#2425 should retry if it failed from rasservers
wcst_import - objectExist endpoint should return if a coverage / layer exist as local or remote object
Petascope - add table to store versions
#2430 - daemon interval default value
wcst_import - doc about default_null_values
wcst_import - new variables which can be used in hooks
wcst_import - ${imported_file:path} and "blocking":false
doc - imporve data import document
petascope - WMS request returns incorrect domains without extend()
wcst_import - ${bbox} expression in the ingredients file
Petascope - Subset error with approximate coefficients
rasql - rasserver killed with colorTable on R,G,B array
wcst_import - check the validity of the band's name in the general recipe
WMS time dimension shouldn't require quotes
Petascope removes wcsXML from the WCPS query posted by raswct
petascope - return proper HTTP codes to clients
wcst_import - credentials file should be passed to from
Petascope - check the SLD style of a layer before saving to database
wcst_import - check if credentials are needed
petascope - supports coverages as pyramid members
wcst_import - add "pyramid_harvesting" in the ingredients file
Document about new coverages model
Petascope - InsertWcsLayer works over whitelist IP address when petascope admin credentials are added
petascope - update pyramid layers management in WSClient > DescribeLayer tab
wcst_import - support importing overview from files to petascope
wsclient - if basic_header is not enabled, login as petascope admin user should be able to remove coverages from external
wcst_import - with "retry": true, wcst import should not retry if it cannot write to file
Petascope should run with caches as background threads
wcst_import - validates number of axes in the ingredients file with number of axes in the file
#353: petascope should not put new lines in rasql's extra metadata for WMS GetMap request
Petascope - Update WMS style does not update existing style
wcst_import - throws proper exception if petascope is not available
petascope - add SECORE as embedded inside petascope
SECORE - add browse.jsp to internal SECORE in petascope
SECORE - allow to build def.war by flag with cmake
SECORE - compare file inside def.jar with target dir
Petascope - multipart/related WCS GetCoverage request missing binary part
Petascope - set to embedded by default
wcst_import - parameter pyramid_bases
wcst_import - check SECORE URL from embedded petascope's port
petascope - error with parsing uom label for Time Axis from https SECORE
WebWorldWind error - when bbox of a WMS layer is out of EPSG:4326 bbox
petascope - select pyramid member for WMS enhancement
Petascope - pyramid member coverages created by CreatePyramidMember request don't get geo extents updated
wcst_import - option import_overviews_only to import only overviews without importing to the base coverage
Petascope - updating pyramid member's grid domains problem with offsetting by 1 grid pixel
document about WMS SLD
petascope - enhancement migration
wcst_import - enhance checking if input file in coverage_id.resume.json
SECORE - try to create /opt/rasdaman/data/secoredb folders
Petascope - write the request besides the time to process the request in
wcst_import - s1 recipe error when the first VRT containing unreadable tiff file
Petascope - fix error with WMS for translating grid index to coefficient in an irregular axis
WCPS - error with clip expression in LET clause
rename APIs for non-standard HTTP requests for petascope, wcst_import and wsclient
Petascope - supports INSPIRE coverages in WCS GetCapabilities result
WMS - WCPS fragment to compute difference between two slices in WMS style
allow_write_requests_from in is set to wrong values due to script
WCPS - wrong generated coordinates for irregular axis when resubsetting
WCPS parser error with band name .Hillshade
wms - SLD parser error for special characters < and >
WCPS - supports mod() operator
Document about supported encodeType in WCPS cheatsheet
petascope - error for requesting CRS due to SECORE_URL template holder not replaced
petascope - remove petascope admin user in
remove extra
wcst_import - add timeout for checking SECORE URL
WCPS - proper error message when axis iterator of coverage constructor is string
wsclient - if user logged in with credentials, refresh the page should still login
wcst_import - support per-band null values
petascope - log level INFO for incoming requests to petascope
WCPS - supports domain() without axis label specified
wcst_import - sentinel 1 recipe should write to multiple resume.json files
SECORE - fix problem with trailing slashes in compoundCRS
doc - WCPS clip by SUBSPACE is not supported
wcst_import - do not send WCS DescribeCoverage request for getting axis labels from coverage
doc - add documentation about in doc.rasdaman
WSClient - NaN for coverage size
petascope - set axisType in GeneralGridCoverage when it is null
petascope - WCS GetCapabilities ACCEPTLANGUAGES not supported
wcst_import - check if pyramid_bases in the ingredients file caught the error in petascope when base and pyramid member coverages have different band name
wcst_import - throw exception if non-existing settings exists in the ingredients file
wcst_import - support arrays as null values of a band
petascope - non-write requests should not be checked by allowed IP addresses
wcst_import - support python_cmd to run python command in hooks
petascope - support WCPS in XML-wrapper for standard endpoint
add a test for allowing user with admin credentials to bypass allowed IPs
#2543 remove descriptions for settings and add the reference link to doc instead
rasql - project() supports null value parameter
petascope - use gdal VRT for transform bounding box to get the most correct result
petascope - support rotated COSMO CRS 101
wcst_import - if input file is broken, with "skip": true, wcst_import should continue
systemtest - fix failed tests for ubuntu 22.04
rasql - different output from project() between centos 7 and ubuntu 22.04
Petascope - change coverage's metadata schema in WCS GetCapabilities request
wcst_import - daemon should reimport everything when .resume.json is removed
Petascope - WCS GetCapabilities add metadata for the size of a coverage plus its pyramid sizes
petascope - Default WMS style changed behavior
petascope - legend for WMS styles
wcst_import - set MIME type based on the ingredients file
secore - /def/crs/0/4326 does not work on port 9009
WCPS - fix FROM clause for coverage loops in aliases
wcst_import - fix error with variable not defined
petascope - rasdaman type registries must use rasadmin user to query
petascope should not remove duplicate null values specified in default_null_values of ingredients file
petascope - fix issue with coefficient not found
postgresql - create triggers for cleaning large objects (CLOB) of TEXT type when update / remove
petascope - FIX - encoding time subset in netCDF returns invalid values
petascope - use new XMLUtil.formatXMLfor WCS DescribeCoverage / GetCoverage
petascope - enhance petascope.log with rasql / requests id
petascope - create indexes for database relationships in Hibernate
petascope - wsclient failed to show
Petascope - fix some errors with scale extent and soap for WCS
petascope - add failed rasql queries with log counters
wcst_import - get axes defined in COSMO CRS 101 properly
test_web_interfaces failed due to phantomjs
wcst_import - if track_files is true, it should test if user can create coverageId.resume.json first
petascope - enhance parsing UCUM label from
petascope with full_stacktraces=false should not log irrelevant logs in the stack trace
wcst_import - if wcst_import is killed, it should add the updated file to .resume.json
Petascope - Enhance XML to string for WMS GetCapabilities
wcst_import - if user defines bands with customized names, metadata should belong to these names
wcst_import - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'axis_subsets'
wcst_import - supports to import one variable from GRIB file with multiple variables
petascope - reduce number of active and idle connections for Tomcat JDBC
petacsope - support WCPS shorthand version for crsTransform()
wcst_import - all RAM occupied with large GRIB
wsclient - total local volume is incorrect
Petascope - support pyramid with members having different coefficient in irregular axes
petascope - WMS GetLegendGraphic request without style should return the image from the default style
petascope removes ThreadLocal in
Petacsope - pyramid scaling in WCPS
WCPS - domain(c, axis).lo / hi should return the geo bound for non XY-axes
wcst_import - NEW - automate setting gridOrder in ingredients
NEW - Petascope supports WMTS request
FIX - WMS returns wrong result for pyramid member when zooming in
WCPS - clip returns wrong grid bounds for imageCrsdomain()
WMS - GetCapabilities add namespace wms for Elements
WCPS - NEW - support sort() operator
WCPS - NEW - support flip operator
WMTS - NEW - updating TileMatrixSet cache when removing / updating coverage (layer)
WCPS - NEW - build query tree for optimization before generating rasql query
WMS - FIX - if request's bbox doesn't touch layer's bbox, the output must be transparent
Petascope - NEW - WCPS optimizes pyramid member coverage used by scale() operator
WCPS - FIX - some scaling errors with LET clause
wcst_import - FIX - select proper GRIB messages per band to import
Petascope - Invalid coefficients when importing data
wcst_import - FIX - "default_null_values": [] should import a coverage will no null values
petascope - FIX - WMS allows to add request subset inside coverage expression in WCPS query fragment
petascope - FIX - sometimes when updating coverage, null error with parsing SECORE URL
FIX - WMS GetMap requests with non XY axis labels as request parameters
wcst_import - FIX - check if python-dateutil exists before it runs
FIX - WSClient non-XY axes sliders not work properly
NEW - wcst_import replaces the existing values in current grid domains with null values before updating
FIX - WCPS is slow to process in case of having multiple binary expressions
FIX - wcst_import netCDF recipe sets default axis resolution = 1 if minBound = maxBound
FIX - petascope combines coverages mismatched time coefficients properly
WMS - support non-standard: random parameter to bypass browser's cache
WMS - FIX - only update WMS caches intersecting with a coverage slice when updating a coverage
FIX - WCPS LET clause supports WKT expressions
FIX - QGIS doesn't send GetMap requests to Petascope
FIX - WCPS combines different grid domains in coverage condenser
NEW - Allow trimming by imageCrsdomain
Fix WCS-T when creating pyramid members, it should not run UPDATE queries from base coverage
wcst_import - timeout for analyzing input files
FIX - petascope passes OGC CITE raster conformance
wcst_import - FIX - "import_order": "none" to disable sorting file paths
Petascope - FIX - Update coverage doesn't update associated WMS layer
NEW - WCPS supports comment lines
FIX - WCS GetCoverage support interpolation shorthand
FIX - WCPS has error when using scale with LET clause
FIX - WMS should not add non XY axes slices if they already exist in the WCPS query style
FIX - WMS has issue when combining two different coverages in a WMS style
rasql - invalid exception for subsettings
FIX - WCPS needs subset pushdown for binary operators
FIX - wcst_import with blocking: false should show the file numbers properly
FIX - Parse and adjust subsets by WCPS query tree for WMS style from WCPS query fragment
NEW - WCPS CrsTransform supports geo XY axes' resolutions
WCPS - FIX - add sum as an alias to add operator
FIX - WCPS creates multi dimensional coverage constructor properly
NEW - WCPS cellCount() operator to get the total number of pixels of a coverage
WSClient - FIX - display all coverages intersecting with mouse position
FIX - wcst_import checks axis with type UnixTime properly
rasql - wrong error message for interval subsetting
WCPS - FIX - Axis label defined in axis iterator should be regarded
FIX - encode in netCDF should ignore if ucar.units cannot parse unit
FIX - WCPS minus coverageVariableName should be handled properly
FIX - wcst_import regular time axis dataBound:false has wrong shifted domain
FIX - WMS enhances performance for irregular time axis
NEW - WCPS - Enhance iterator for condenser / coverage constructor with geo extents
FIX - Coverage constructor cannot create multibands in netCDF
test_open doesn't work correctly
FIX - Output of flip on irregular time axis is inconsistent
WCPS - keep the grid origin of left-handside operand in crsTransform()
Petascope - Improve performance for WCPS for irregular axis with long list of BigDecimal values
FIX - WMS with WCPS style of a layer with pyramids selects wrong collection name in the rasql FROM clause
NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor
NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor
FIX - WCPS - non-grid index expression on irregular axis returns out of bound array
FIX - resume file of wcst_import should be human-readable
FIX - wcst_import continues when a C library has seg fault
FIX - error message when closing connection to rasdaman
WCPS - decode() should create proper types and delete them when the query finished
FIX - wcst_import failed to import with "import_overviews_only": true
FIX - add document about ows4R to doc.rasdaman
NEW - configuration to set logging level of rasj in
FIX - WCPS let clause should come before where clause
FIX - WCPS axisIterator in condenser is not evaluated
FIX - WCPS to support .lo and .hi in the extent of axis iterator
FIX - WCPS supports iterate datetime in the domain of axis iterator
NEW - support OGC shorthand style in wcst_import and petascope
petascope - FIX - add JAVA_OPTS for
FIX - improve time to load layers to cache when petascope starts
FIX - Enhance petascope to check which SECORE URLs are running
FIX - wcst_import adds full file path for importing netCDF file via gdal
FIX - rasj has error with NegativeArraySizeException: -1 for
FIX - WCPS with "%" operator returns error in decoding URL
FIX - many requests to local SECORE EPSG/0/4326
FIX - "execute_if" setting to run hook after import failed in wcst_import
FIX - should retry one more time before reporting failed
NEW - update petascope and SECORE to use spring Boot 2.7.x
NEW - move spring properties to
FIX - improve the check authisactive in WSClient
FIX - if rasdaman.war is renamed to test.war then secore_urls=internal should work as well
FIX - external petascope failed to start as secore_urls=internal failed to start
FIX - internal SECORE should show the context path from petascope in in results
FIX - WMS on layer with NaN as nill value
FIX - WSclient returns wrong endpoint for GetCoverage if the context path is not /rasdaman/ows
FIX - gzip all text XML / JSON / TEXT contents from petascope to clients
FIX - WSClient adds DeleteLayer tab and enhance the performance after deleting a coverage / layer
FIX - petascope has null error when creating pyramid member of a renamed pyramid member coverage
FIX - WSclient adds functionality to add a WMS layer from an existing coverage and allow to add an existing coverage as a pyramid member of a WMS layer
FIX - sort pyramid members by product of scale factors when creating / adding new pyramid member
FIX - if a coverage's set type doesn't exist in rasdaman, petascope should still start
FIX - make petascope work with H2 database
FIX - clip polygon with CRS:3857 on CRS:31467 is wrong
FIX - WSClient shows generated GET requests
FIX - scale on 3D base coverage with pyramid returns wrong result if expression specified in LET clause
WMS - FIX - YX grid order coverage return wrong results
FIX - WCPS multipart does not work with scale()
FIX - rasql wrong error messages for subsets
FIX - rasql wrong error about tiling in switch case
FIX - WMS GetMap selects base coverage if no pyramid member has the requested data
NEW - wcst_import "skip": "files_that_fail_to_open" to skip files which cannot analyze by wcst_import
FIX - if axis CrsDefinition is null then petascope should fetch it instead of null error
rasql - FIX - error with Value expression must be either of type atomic or complex
rasql - FIX - invalid error Minterval index violation (index range [$low,$high], index $index)
rasql - FIX - sort returns different results for each running
FIX - wcs_import enforce `resolution` for regular axes in general recipe
FIX - Update ANTLR4 version in petascope to work with java 11+
FIX - WMS GetCapabilities - Dimension elements need to contains units attribute
FIX - adjust WMS GetCapabilities response with XML schema
FIX - if `random` parameter exists in requests, petascope should not validate them
FIX - WMS returns wrong result for coverage has geo extents less than its pyramid
FIX - WSClient - if coverage's metadata is invalid, DescribeCoverage tab should still show update metadata component for admin to update
FIX - WMS should support CRS:84 CRS
FIX - WMS GetMap should return white background by default
FIX - WMS GetMap supports BGCOLOR paramter
FIX - WMS GetMap on different layers with different extents / resolutions are wrong
rasql - segfault with SCALE()
FIX - rasql wrong error about scaling / extending
FIX - rasql - pow should support integer parameter and parentheses
FIX - WCPS fixed scale / extend() by a LET clause variable
FIX - dbinfo should add a field to list the null values if exist of a collection
FIX - WMS should filter null values if they don't belong to range values: [0-225]
FIX - WCS / WCPS supports shorthand style for subsettingCRS / outputCRS / crsTransform
FIX - rasdaman's collection struct types should have band names specified
FIX - support CRS in petascope
FIX - petascope throws exception on regular time axis if time slice is out of extent
FIX - WMS style with fixed time slice in WCPS fragment has error
NEW - Fixed axis aliases in WCPS
FIX - /opt/rasdaman/etc/log-client.conf should be worldwide readable
FIX - support definition setting in the ingredients file to specify definition URL of a band
NEW - wcst_import should generate a reasonable default tiling
FIX - wsclient should not show if the password for rasdaman_pass in is invalid
FIX - wsclient should not require double logins for admin functions
FIX - petascope cannot handle a lot of requests in parallel
FIX - adds rasdaman_user= even if it has rasdaman_user=someuser already
FIX - some exceptions in WMS GetMap should be corrected
FIX - validate colorTable in JSON string when creating a new WMS style
Fix - WsClient - Add options to get result for Wcs DescribeCoverage / GetCoverage in CIS 1.1 format
Fix - endpoint in petascope to return the version from rasql
Fix - update coverage's metadata with extra local metadata not persisted properly
Fix - rasql polygonize doesn't work because temp folder doesn't exist
Fix - add authentication_type=basic_header in
Fix - WCPS supports polygonnize() operator
Fix - rasservers are all stuck after some importings
Fix - display CRS with axis labels in WSClient
FIX - wrong projected bounding box displayed on webworldwind for EPSG:3035
NEW - rasql supports overlay in rasql general condenser and supports multiple axis iterators variables
FIX - wcst_import should convert number to datetime string
FIX - Support WCS GetCapabilities with sections parameter and XY axis labels in WCS GetCoverage with subsetting CRS
FIX - coverage's metadata does not show properly when ras namespace prefix is redefined
FIX - colorPalette exists in coverage's metadata should not be in encode's extra parameters if colorMap exists there
FIX - Petascope should not request non-existing UoM CRS from SECORE
FIX - WSclient WMS DescribeLayer is slow if a coverage has many timeslices
FIX - WSClient - if color table type is none then the existing colorMap style should be removed
FIX - WMS style with rasql fragment return null error
FIX - WSClient WMS DescribeLayer time slider does not work with regular UnixTime CRS
FIX - some coverage's metadata has issue with rasdaman:covMetadata
wcst_import - FIX - Implement areasOfValidity with next_slice support
FIX - check if coverage's metadata after updating is wellform before saving to petascopedb
FIX - match multiple input files to defined areasOfValidity in a single ingredients file
FIX - CRS compound CRS showed invalid URL and added max cache size
NEW - New setting in wcst_import to set wms style + legend
FIX - WMS GetMap returns error lower bound is greater than upper bound
FIX - OGC/O/Temporal missing parts in petascope
FIX - create doc for
FIX - wcst_import should try to print the failed input sentence to evalulate
FIX - petascope should throw exception when latitude (Y axis) has positive resolution
FIX - wcst_import nested function is not evaluated properly in python list comprehension
FIX - Support to set thumbnail coverage via a file uploaded by curl
FIX - throw exception when < is unescaped in XML and wcst_import should not escape coverage's metadata when importing
FIX - resolution column in axis_extent table must be in String not BigDecimal
FIX - s1 recipe should allow to set the band name in ingredients file
FIX - WMS GetCapabilities should report correct values for regular dimension
FIX - adding external metadata to coverage returned wrong value in DescribeCoverage
FIX - nested non-rasdaman element is not escaped properly when updating coverage's metadata
FIX - embedded SECORE URL is not resolved properly in WCPS subsettingCRS
FIX - wcst_import should ignore failed evaluated metadata expression
FIX - wcst_import should throw error if metadata contains value as an object
FIX - nested subsets return wrong grid indices in WCPS
FIX - wcst_import should only return filename without absolute path for fileReferenceHistory
FIX - petascope should work properly in case of running multiple same coverage inserts in parallel
FIX - rasql queries logged in should contain the request id as well

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Aug 15, 2018, 4:51:17 AM
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