Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#1593 closed enhancement (fixed)

WCST_Import and Petascope_band, dimension metadata for netCDF encoding.

Reported by: Vlad Merticariu Owned by: Bang Pham Huu
Priority: major Milestone: 9.5
Component: petascope Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Dimitar Misev
Complexity: Medium

Description (last modified by Bang Pham Huu)

Currently, wcst_import only supports saving global metadata:

"metadata": {

"type": "json",
"global": {

"MarsType": "'${grib:marsType}'",
"Experiment": "'${grib:experimentVersionNumber}'"



This gets persisted in the gml:extraMetadata section of the coverage.

We need to allow the same for band-specific metadata. E.g. for a coverage having band chlor_a, we must allow:

"metadata": {

"type": "json",
"global": {

"MarsType": "'${grib:marsType}'",
"Experiment": "'${grib:experimentVersionNumber}'"

"chlor_a": {

"uom": "g/m3",
"Standard name": "Chlorophyll Concentration"



This information should be persisted in the same place: the extraMetdata section of the coverage. When the coverage is encoded into a format that supports band specific metadata (e.g. netcdf), the saved metadata should be encoded in each band.

Update, using this example to import band and dimension metadata in general recipe

        "metadata": {
          "type": "xml",
          "global": {
	    "description": "'This file has 3 different nodata values for bands and they could be fetched implicitly.'",
            "resolution": "'1'"
          // metadata of each band
          "bands": {
	      "red": {
		  "metadata1": "metadata_red1",
  		  "metadata2": "metadata_red2"
	      "green": {
		  "metadata3": "metadata_green3",
  		  "metadata4": "metadata_green4"
	      "blue": {
		  "metadata5": "metadata_blue5"  		  
          // meta data of each dimension (axis)
	   "axes": {
	      "i": {
		   "metadata_i_1": "metadata_1",
		   "metadata_i_2": "metadata_2"
              "j": {
		   "metadata_j_1": "metadata_3"

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

Cc: Dimitar Misev added

comment:2 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

I think the band metadata should be put inside a JSON object

"global": {
"band": {
 "chlor_a": {
     "uom": "g/m3",
      Standard name": "Chlorophyll Concentration"

it is clearer about the context of metadata.

comment:3 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

I think it is much clearer if the band's metadata is put into the "bands" of "slicer" object and then n Petascope, it can put to <swe:field> …. </swe:field> instead of global: <gmlcov:metadata>.

"slicer": {
          "type": "netcdf",
          "pixelIsPoint": true,
          "bands": [
              "name": "chlor_a",
              "description": "This one has problem with coefficient when slicing on a time axis.",              
              "identifier": "chlor_a",
              "nilValue": "-999"

but need to check if swe element allowes it, if it is then this option is better for both WCST_Import and Petascope to support the band's metadata.

comment:4 by Vlad Merticariu, 8 years ago

I already checked that and the schema of swe doesn't allow that. I think it's best we stick with the first option as it's most flexible and keeps the same level of nesting, irrespective of the metadata type.

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

Replying to vmerticariu:

I already checked that and the schema of swe doesn't allow that. I think it's best we stick with the first option as it's most flexible and keeps the same level of nesting, irrespective of the metadata type.

ok, then we will stick with the "global" metadata for coverage and bands as I checked the ingredient and it specified a place to do this.

"coverage": {
        "crs": "OGC/0/Index2D",
        ****"metadata"****: {
          "type": "json",
          "global": {
            "resolution": "'1'"
          "bands": {
            ***********bands's metadata*********    

comment:6 by Dimitar Misev, 8 years ago

For the rasql encode() you'd specify the metadata in each variable like this I believe:

  // Specify variable names, band ids (0-based), etc; the variables can be objects listing details 
  // like type, metadata and data for netCDF, or simply an array of variable names
  "variables": {
    "var1": { "metadata_key": "value", ... },
    "var2": { "metadata_key": "value", ... },

comment:7 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Summary: band metadata in wcst_importWCST_Import and Petascope_band, dimension metadata for netCDF encoding.
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