Opened 17 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#2783 assigned defect

RASQL error when requesting time interval that is not aligned with coverage time grid

Reported by: Javier Urien Owned by: Bang Pham Huu
Priority: major Milestone: 10.2
Component: petascope Version: 10.2
Keywords: time wms Cc:
Complexity: Medium


Starting from the coverage and data provided at:

And configuring the WMS layer with a style with a RASQL to select the first band: $c.0

When requesting an time interval where only one one time slice is present, the request returns with an error.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ows:ExceptionReport version="2.0.1"
    xmlns:ows="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="">
    <ows:Exception exceptionCode="RasdamanRequestFailed" >
        <ows:ExceptionText>Failed to run query: SELECT ENCODE((  ( project( ( ( c0[3,1207:1497,-417:-46] OVERLAY c0[4,1207:1497,-417:-46].0 ) ), "-60.59697021835936982499, -38.5826119505859409966, -60.51618861835936737186, -38.4793447505859401782" , "EPSG:4326" , "-6741134.398526264, -4657155.259359218, -6736242.428716013, -4652263.289548967" , "EPSG:3857" , 256, 256, near, 0.125 ) )  ), "png", "{\"colorMap\":{\"type\":\"ramp\",\"colorTable\":{\"0\":[0,0,0,0],\"5\":[128,0,0,255],\"10\":[255,0,0,255],\"15\":[255,128,0,255],\"20\":[255,255,0,255],\"25\":[127,255,129,255],\"30\":[0,255,255,255],\"35\":[0,128,255,255],\"40\":[0,0,255,255],\"45\":[38,38,38,255]}},\"nodata\":[0.0]}") FROM mosaico_small AS c0. Reason: Execution error 381 in line 1, column 8, near token ENCODE: Error in convertor of the selected data exchange format.</ows:ExceptionText>

From what I can tell, the query that is sent to rasdaman should not include 2 time slices (3 and 4) just the one that is inside the interval requested.
But also there is another thing that is what is triggering the error: the first time requested does not include the band 0 as does the second.


Change History (2)

comment:1 by Javier Urien, 17 months ago

From what I can tell, the query that is sent to rasdaman should not include 2 time slices (3 and 4) just the one that is inside the interval requested.

If I am reading correctly from: the above is wrong.

comment:2 by Dimitar Misev, 13 months ago

Owner: set to Bang Pham Huu
Status: newassigned
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