
Version 102 (modified by Dimitar Misev, 8 years ago) ( diff )

Version History

This page lists rasdaman versions, together with the change history. Starting with version 8.2 we provide summaries of the main changes done with each roll-out.

Alternative ways of obtaining rasdaman are listed in the Download area.

Version 9.3

Major changes:

  • Support for importing GRIB data ingestion (more info)
  • Better support for NetCDF data, integrated with petascope (more info)
  • Support for JSON arrays import/export (temporary documentation)
  • Advanced JSON-style format-parameters support in encode/decode (more info)
  • WCSTImport support a general coverage recipe that can be used with complex formats like GRIB or NetCDF (more info)
    • Note: rasimport is deprecated in favor of WCSTImport, and will be removed in the next version of rasdaman
  • WCPS uses a brand new and improved parser and implementation by default
  • CRS reprojection is now available in both WCS and WCPS
  • Critical memory leak happening during data ingestion has been fixed

Development changes:

  • CMake can be used as an alternative to build rasdaman (more info)
    • Note: this will become default in the next version of rasdaman and autotools will be removed
  • rasdaman is compiled with -std=c++11 by default now; gcc 4.8 or higher is required


Addressed tickets between v9.3.1 and v9.3.2:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.3.1..v9.3.2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'


Addressed tickets between v9.3.0 and v9.3.1:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.3.0..v9.3.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'


Addressed tickets between v9.3.0-beta1 and v9.3.0:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.3.0-beta1..v9.3.0 | sort -k 3 -t ':'


Addressed tickets between v9.2.1 and v9.3.0-beta1:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.1..v9.3.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Version 9.2

Major new changes:

  • Scalability
    • Improved storage support up to exascale datasets on all filesystems
    • Improved performance and reliability for the rasnet protocol; rasnet is now the default protocol implementation in rasdaman.
    • Support for automated balancing of worker processes
  • Ingestion
    • WCSTImport user interface improvements: wcs extract recipe, ability to resume and retry imports, improved filtering of input files, improved status messages.
    • WCSTImport stable recipe API allowing developers to create their own custom recipes for their specific usecases
    • Various bug fixes for WCST implementation.
    • Improved transactional handling in the SQLite/Filestorage backend.
  • OGC Web Services
    • Embedded server for OGC Web Services platform - now it can also run as a standalone executable without the need of an external server like Tomcat
    • Support for PNG as an export format in WCS
  • User Interface
    • Revamped interface for the WCS Client + various bug fixes
  • Misc
    • Support for runtime configuration of logging
    • Greatly simplified installation procedure with rasdaman installer, RPM and DEB packages
    • Over 200 fixes for reported issues

Update from 9.1.x:

  • After installing 9.2.0, please run (if installed from sources); if you have installed rasdaman from the RPM packages, note that starting from v9.2.0 we are hosting the RPM packages ourselves. The repository URL as well as the structure of the packages has changed a little bit. More details on the RPM installation page.

Addressed tickets between v9.1.0 and v9.2.0-alpha1:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.1.0..v9.2.0-alpha1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Addressed tickets between v9.2.0-alpha1 and v9.2.0-beta1:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.0-alpha1..v9.2.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Addressed tickets between v9.2.0-beta1 and v9.2.0:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.0-beta1..v9.2.0 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Addressed tickets between v9.2.0-beta1 and v9.2.0:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.0..v9.2.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Acknowledgements to the contributors of this release:

git log --pretty=format:"%an" v9.1.0..v9.2.0 | sort | uniq -c
     38 Alexandru Toader
     14 Alex Dumitru
     43 BangPH
      2 Danut Rusu
     49 Dimitar Misev
     14 George Merticariu
      4 Georg Semmler
      5 Peter BaumanN
      5 Vlad Merticariu
     42 Vlad Zamfir

Version 9.1

Major new features:

  • new client/server communication protocol
    • the current RNP protocol is deprecated now, and the new protocol will become the default in v10.0
    • configure with --enable-rasnet to use the new protocol
  • support for WCS Processing and WCPS 1.5 (informal naming, indicating transition from WCPS 1 to forthcoming WCPS 2)
    • new parser with significantly improved error handling, among others, available at service=WCS&request=ProcessCoverages&version=1.5
    • the old parser is still default in 9.1, because of small backwards incompatibilities that the new parser introduces
  • support for WCS-T 2.0 insert, delete and update
    • new python import tool for petascope, wcst_import (an alternative to rasimport based on the WCS-T standard)
  • new WCS 2.0 web client, supporting the core as well as all extensions implemented by rasdaman
  • full support for WMS 1.3 in addition to the already supported WMS 1.1
    • in conjunction with WCS-T, WCS coverages can easily be published as WMS layers with InsertWCSLayer requests
  • null/nodata values support, ported from rasdaman enterprise
    • it is necessary to run, to enable null values in an existing rasdaman installation
  • type management can be done flexibly via rasql queries now, and is not limited to using rasdl
  • Enhanced "induced" general condenser in rasql
  • R package for rasdaman (RRasdaman)

Upgrade from 9.0.x

To upgrade from rasdaman 9.0 to 9.1, it is necessary to upgrade the database by running This is a backwards compatible change, i.e. rasdaman 9.0 can still be run on the same database after the update.

Note: SQLite/Filestorage is the default backend now; to use PostgreSQL when compiling from source, use configure option --with-default-basedb=postgresql

Final release Version 9.1.0

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.1.0-beta2..v9.1.0 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Pre-release Version 9.1.0-beta2

This pre-release version brings several features and improvements:

  • R package for rasdaman (RRasdaman)
  • Full WCS-T Update support
  • Utility to insert georeferenced data via WCST (an alternative to rasimport)
  • Optimizations and UX improvements in rasnet, the new protocol in rasdaman
  • Enhanced "induced" general condenser in rasql
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.1.0-beta1..v9.1.0-beta2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Pre-release Version 9.1.0-beta1

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.5..v9.1.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Version 9.0

Changes and new features

  • rasdaman Array DMBS
    • tile ids are now stored as long int in the database rather than double.
      • note: this is a backwards incompatible change over rasdaman 8.x, i.e. once is run, the database (RASBASE) will be converted to the new format and will be only readable by rasdaman 9+
    • new 'select version()' query in RasQL, to return the currently installed version of rasdaman
    • enhanced logging: catch segfaults in the rasdaman server and print stacktraces in the log (only works if --without-debug-symbols has not been specified at ./configure)
    • fine-grained locking of tiles in rasdaman, allowing parallel ingestion for example

  • Petascope Web servlet
    • the petascopedb [PetascopeDevGuide metadata database schema] has been completely redesigned to work in cooperation with SECORE and to better follow the GMLCOV model, extending support for CRS-aligned irregularly gridded coverages.
      • note: Petascope 9.0 is incompatible with the old petascopedb schema, and requires upgrade ('')
      • the upgrade supports both migration of existing coverages and restore of pre-upgrade db snapshot
      • some first stored procedures are available for devs and advanced users
    • servlet path has been changed to rasdaman/ows/wcps, rasdaman/ows/wcs, etc., and the war file deployed in Tomcat is now rasdaman.war
    • Full OGC WCS 2.0 Core compliance for coverages with rectified/referenceable grid and multipoint geometries.
    • WC*S subsets now support asterisks * and ISO8601 timestamps.
    • support for Index CRSs for unreferenced nD datasets
    • support for compound CRS index, spatial, temporal, or spatio-temporal, with 1+ temporal axes
    • support for CRS slicing (interim @<axis_left1>,__,<axis_leftN> notation).
    • WCS service and service provider metadata is moved from Java templates to the database.
    • GML/GMLCOV coverage metadata is richer and more flexible: many GML fields are configurable in the database.
      • fixes in GML encoding for coverages (especially CRS and grid axis orders)
      • minimum bounding box is returned
      • configurable OWS metadata enablement
      • configurable SWE metadata (NIL values, allowed intervals, label, description, definition URI)
      • handling of coverage points' sample spaces (point is area on regular axes, point is point on irregular axes)
      • CRS coordinates to follow the axis order defined in its definition
      • fix domainSet/rangeSet point order agreement
    • safe decoupling of WC*S coverages and rasdaman collections: one coverage is represented by a single marray
    • initial support for [MultiPointCoverages multipoint coverages] (to enable this feature PostGIS 2.0+ is required, otherwise it will be disabled.
    • fix WCS scaling, range subsetting and processing extensions.

  • rasgeo component
    • revised rasimport/raserase working with the new 9.0 petascopedb schema (thanks to Alex Herzig) and supporting irregular series of images (see also the [RasgeoUserGuide user guide])

  • SECORE resolver
    • [SecoreUserGuide SECORE] only supports URLs now, URN support is removed as OGC URNs have been deprecated for a long time already.
      • note: this is an incompatible change, so an existing SECORE database must be removed (rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/secoredb/*), so that a new database containing only URL identifiers can be initialized.
      • two separate dictionaries of definitions: the EPSG and a user-defined one, now containing a first set of Index and Temporal CRS definitions.

  • miscellanea
    • more powerful systemtests, with oracles support, known failures skip and scripting.

Quick upgrade guide (for rasdaman 8.x)

  1. $ rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/secoredb
  2. $ autoreconf -fi && ./configure [...] && make clean && make && make install
  3. edit and update Petascope ($RMANHOME/etc/ and rasgeo ($HOME/.rasdaman/rasconnect) configuration files (note that rasconnect has two new parameters, see the example configuration)
  4. $
  5. $

NOTE for PostgreSQL < 9.1 users : migration of existing coverages in petascopedb assumes backslashes are treated literally in string literals. While this is the default behavior in versions ≥ 9.1 of PostgreSQL, this must be manually set in prior versions (see #675). Hence, before executing you should run:

petascopedb=# ALTER ROLE petauser SET standard_conforming_strings = on;

(The problem has been addressed already in the development branch and will be available in rasdaman v9.0.1)


Partial update through rasj fails
rasimport to be synchronized with incoming new petascopedb schema
URN-based identifiers recognized but not translated to URL in the definition
WCS/WCPS axes to be requested by NAME, not by TYPE
Some wrong definitions are silently ignored
Tiling with rasimport
Deprecate old servlets in petascope
time handling with SECORE and temporal CRS
SECORE works only at /def
external names should use rasdaman, not petascope
segmentation fault on insert
lock manager for rasdaman
Support for time in GML coverage output
2Gb file limit
Coverage iterator not translated properly to rasql on WCPS trimmings
SECORE does not report exception when an invalid parameter name is set on a non-parametrized CRS
Implement `pow()' WCPS function
Systemtest support for SECORE
Aggregation operations in petascope don't work on multiband covs
WCPS doesn't consider axis labels in scale operation
Automated database updates in SECORE
Illegal optional parameter read as flattening option
Error when a Parametrized CRS targets a CRS via URN
Query on coverages with different domains is unusable
SECORE exception when mandatory parameter is missing
Compound CRSs with a parametrized CRS
Missing new line in CCRS output
WCPS parsing error with scalar * coverage expression
tile cache should be more robust
document tile cache in inst-guide.doc
Update supported base DB to postgres 9.0+
verify WCS extension list in capabilities document
WCS 2.0 exception code
Test engine for tickets
WCS GetCoverage broken
establish documentation for 9.0
support asterisk in trim operation
Add textual comparison to systemtests (WCS et al)
Trimmed URIs
Coverage iterator over double/date intervals
Null values not shown in coverage description
nodata should be 0 by default
WCPS switch tests fail
Handling of NaN values in rasql
Point query on non-materialized data should return 0
editorial improvement of
systemtest import functions not to rely on database IDs
Configuration manager does not include admin credentials
remove generated files from version control
inv_tiff fails with rasj
Complex constructor doesn't accept integers
feature_PetascopeSecore to me merged
Trac to accept git-bundles
Oracles for WCS requests on Multipoint coverages
Import script for Multipoint test dataset to use common systemtest configuration
UML schema for Petascope
PostGIS requirement, moved on branch feature_Multipoint
UoM code for pure numbers
KEY_ constants should be public in ConfigurationManager
Do not hardwire kahlua host in petascopedb init
HTTP code of WC*S exceptions to be properly set by Petacope
Exception to be thrown on bogus medatype in a WCS request
Petascope to throw exception on duplicate WCS subsets
WCPS exceptions for invalid subsettings not to get lost
Error when petascopedb is not updated to ps9
release rasdaman 9.0.0-beta1
WMS utilities to be re-synchronized with new petascopedb schema
Wrong geo-metadata for mean_summer_airtemp
Strings in subsets
#534 to use configured PostgreSQL port
"Add a new entry at this level" functionality does not show up anymore
Revert BaseX.jar to pre 7 version
Add required OGC CRS defs in SECORE for systemtests
gml:description in ParametrizedCRS definition
WC*S tests with geo binary output encoding fail
List of SECORE hosts in
rasdaman version in
encode fails for multiband of any type > char
Allow compilation with debug symbols only
Enable getting rasdaman version in a select query
WCPS responses do not add EOL at the end of the response
PostGIS queries
SECORE should not hardcode the host in the def identifiers
SECORE HTTP exit codes for exception reports not to be 200
WCS range extensions XML parser to expect rangeSubset as root
SECORE to reject queries with almost valid code
gmlcov:metadata not following XMLSD of coverage description
WCS XML POST body not to be prepended by "request="
Throw exception when required parameter is missing in a WCS request
SOAP always return 200 exit code
Coverage description template for non-gridded coverages to be established
UoM for range quantities not to be used as UoM for CRS axes in MultiPoint coverages
HTML documentation needs to be integrated
NullPointerException when axis does not exist in CRS definition
Missing namespace for referenceable grids in CoverageDescription
UoM for multipoint domainSet
Fix GML for referenceable grids
SWE metadata from database not to be ignored
Smoother migration from 8.5 to 9.0
Check for dblink installation
rasdl fails on CentOS 6.4
Add patchmanager code to the rasdaman repo
Envelope bounds with Index CRSs
Scaling extension for XML requests to be inside wcs:Extension
petascope Makefile fails to find rasj.jar
secore not found during install
Memory leak in lockmgr
target tiles still locked after commit
Duplicate code for coordinates to grid indexes conversion
Implement the Processing Coverage extension
CSV encoding problem with multiband collections
Time subset conversion to account for offset vector
Improve detection of northing-first CRS during petascopedb migration
Migrate origin to centre of sample-space
Dynamic output grid coverage type
Petascope XMLDescribeCoverageSchemaTest fails
Migration starts on new petascopedb

integration with Enterprise Linux Community
Petascope WCPS form processing (Java XML parser) has error.
Segmentation fault when accessing a non-existent collection via GDAL
casting fails with user-defined types
rasgeo expects same user for postgres and rasdaman
Selecting struct component by name fails
Problem in Petascope to serve simultaneous request
XQuery interface
Specify rasimport connection on the command-line
WCS error handling needs cleanup
from clause in rasql select statements should be optional
Include WCS conformance test into systemtest
INSERT should return OID allocated
Update and select rasql queries distinction
Parameters for 'areas of interest' tiling not parsed
raswct event names as constants
raswct slider should support discrete data
integrate WCPS into the WCS name space
WCS GML response when all dimensions of a coverage are sliced
Default tiling in rasdaman is only applied on 2D objects
decouple coverage and collection names, determine coverage type dynamically
Add metadata to CoverageSummary in GetCapabilites response.
Memory leak detection
Petascope returns wrong bounds with CRS:1 subsets
expand parameter should expand everything by default
Invalid WCS 2.0.1 GetCapabilities response (Rasdaman 9.0.3) was: Invalid WCS 2.0.0 GetCapabilities response (Rasdaman 8.4.1)
Provide clear error message when WCPS query exceeds coverage bounds
rasserver silently shuts down when a port is already in use
configure script does not check for bison being installed
establish automatic nightly builds for master branch
Cast doesn't work for constant mddExpr
Occassional error on rasimport
Test rasserver with limited amount of memory
Profile petascope regarding RAM usage
Petascope should not escape the + sign in the format parameter
Classes r_Bag and r_List from API document don't actually exist?
Update logging facade SLF4J to 1.7.5 or above
wms-import utilitites to allow connect file as parameter
rasmgr startup output corrupted
Optimizing Pointcloud Java Code and Database Queries
Slicings for Multipoint coverages
WCPS Slicings for Multipoint coverages
WCPS convertTopixelIndices() function needs refactoring
Licence headers need update
Remove psycopg dependency in systemtest
SECORE to ignore GML xmlsd during equality checks
Add XML, SOAP and REST tests in WCS systemtests
SECORE to encode predefined entities in responses
Change CRS for Parksmall coverage
Create a Bbox object for multipoint coverages
Missing check on sdom response
Remove double transaction warning from rasdaman
header comment in GML response
Remove temporary file creation in CSV converter
inv_tiff segmentation
Casting problems with RasQL's CSV encoding
Mapping a cast to boolean to RasQL
Cast to bool in RasQL
WCPS not case sensitive on some keywords
Subsets are not transformed to indexes when arithmetic expression is used
Missing mapping between WCPS and RasQL primitive data types
Tile locking performance issue
rasdaman 9.0 fails when the database is not update
WCS incomplete supported formats listing in service capabilities
Enable optional compilation of the lockmanager
#633 fails
Grid origin to be centre of point sample space
make check/clean for the systemtest has a bug
Document migration procedure
Silent division by zero
rasgeo constraints to Postgresql >= 9
Lenient BigDecimal division
NetCDF format extension is unused
WMS path was not synced
CSV conversion for complex numbers
Migration of gmlcov metadata
Portability problem with PostgreSQL prior to 9.1 on literals
Wrong root document selected when fetching UoM definition
Petascope not to rely on a static set of supported naming authorities
Coefficients missing on GetCoverage response when irregular axis not trimmed
Wrong bbox when irregular axis is trimmed and subset bounds do not coincide with a point
Timestamp WCPS tests failing
Segfault on aggregation over large composite types
#685 initialization problem
CellDomain is using lexicographical comparison of int indexes
Wrong timestamp to time numeric conversion when vector is not time versor
Wrong usage of tuple and coordinate separator in range set
Importing BGS sample tin data into postgis
WCPS Subsetting/Slicings for TIN coverages
WCS Subsetting/Slicings for TIN coverages
C++ examples fail to compile
Testdata is wrongly dropped on every run
Postgis version detection fails on debian
WCPS multipoint tests are randomly failing
.deps/insertppm.Po: No such file or directory
#698 improvement
Update script for petascopedb to handle user interrupts
WCS tupleList is in column-major whereas it should be in row-major
Postgis is installed but still not found
Document dbinfo() function
CRS parameter for encode() function
petascope doesn't close database connections
SECORE ignores service.url in the secore.conf
WCS GetCapabilities response is invalid if phone specified in ps_service_provider
ps_service_provider has column contact_instructions but values is not output in WCS GetCapabilities response
ps_service_provider has column contact_role that should be constrained against a dictionary of values
raserase when metadata deletion fails
Miscategorized debug messages in petascope
GetCapabilities fails if a coverage is registered in petascope but not in rasdaman
Typo in constraint name
GetCapabilities pings rasdaman for every coverage
WCS test 42 failing
unable to connect rasdaman 9 to a remote RASBASE server
Compilation fails with bison 3/gcc 4.8
Occassional Unknown node for ScaleCoverageExpr expression: trim error.
Coverage metadata overwritten in range constructor
Do not set any default nodata value
Enable GML in JPEG2000 encoding in rasdaman
Petascope to serve GML in JPEG2000 files
1601-01-01 is ANSI date 1, not 0
Parsing subtraction bug
Wrong ranges for float/double min/max in ps_intervals
Check if secore_urls is present in
Substitute readline dependency with libedit
Dependency on postgres intarray module
rasql should check for write permissions
Add systemtest coverages for floating-point typed datasets too
Band names in Petascope
WCPS encode behaviour dependent on capitalisation of format specifier
Support grid coverages
Licenses for petascope libs
systemtest to check CoverageSummary elements of a WCS GetCapabilities response
WCS response not sliced upon slicing
WCS conformance testing
WCS 2.0 Capabilities document validation fail
SECORE should have the security constraints commented out
band names shown in dbinfo() differ from designated during rasimport
Implement the WCS interpolation extension
WCS Scaling extension to update internal grid topology in the XML response
Add Index 4D/5D CRS
RPC server should be disabled by default
WCPS scale operation not to ignore single-cell trimmings
RasQL scale : the result is no interval
Add primary keys to petascopedb tables where not defined
WCS scaling operation dosen't work with georeferenced coverage
CRS:1 conversion not transmitted to WCPS
Control lockmgr via configuration parameter in rasmgr.conf
Implement WCS Range Subsetting extension
WCS Scaling extension does not take slicings into account
WCS scaling extension wrongly maps scale-factor to WCPS
WCS scaling extension wrongly maps scale-factor to WCPS
Get ordered vector coefficients
Connection closed on parallel WCS requests when one query fails
Wrong WCS range subsetting conformance class in capabilities
GMLCOV conformance class(es) missing in WCS capabilities
Missing WCPS core conformance in WCS capabilities
Add configuration parameter to override declared WCS service URL in capabilities
mention CC-BY-SA in documents
Postgres cannot index huge text strings
usage of ps_descriptions table in petascope
systemtest status on bismuth
Update SECORE with accepted Time+Index CRS URIs/defs
EPSG 8.5 release: update SECORE db
ps_extra_metadata for ows type metadata incorrectly inserted into GetCapabilities (v9.0.3)
case_expression test fails
Put rasj.jar in a public maven repository
Substitute libsigsegv with non GPL code/lib
Secore deploy script does not include UserDictionary.xml
Port filestorage support with sqlite
Resolving hrefs in secore doesn't work across databases
pdf manuals are not installed
OGC WCS test compliance
Mismatching HTTP status codes returned by petascope
QGIS WCPS plugin
netcdf() cannot encode RGB
INSERT INTO fails in benchmark mode
Filestorage driver should be synced with lockmgr changes
Update RPM rasdaman.spec to specify filestorage dir
Petascope version number
Eliminate PL/pgSQL functions from petascope
nary operation doesn't support binary operation
Docker script
autoreconf 2.69 produces warnings
rasdaman warnings with gcc 4.9
turn on all warnings when compiling rasdaman

Patch Version 9.0.5

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.4..v9.0.5 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Patch Version 9.0.4

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.3..v9.0.4 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Patch Version 9.0.3

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.2..v9.0.3 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Patch Version 9.0.2

List generated with:

$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.1..v9.0.2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Patch Version 9.0.1

List generated with:

$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.0..v9.0.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Version 8.5


condense max and min bug
rasgeo imports MDD with wrong spatial domain if nm_meta not present
Adding parameterized definitions doesn't work
Enhancement of petascope regression test suite
Access Denied Error with 8.4.2-1 RPM
Rasimport of data using unsigned int 32 bit is scrambled
systemtest check for collection existence is wrong
parent incorrectly set in query tree
directql has only write access

use of case - when statement (sequential evaluation) for dealing with no-data in log() expressions
Change CASE to work with expressions in the THEN clause
#471 test for coverage always fails

rasimport resets axis names after updating a cube
Wrong bounds of mr and rgb systemtest coverages
petascope test data not loaded for 8.5
Wrong data type for systemtest coverages
CRS support with rasimport
Wrong GeoTIFF output for WCS subsetting

Patch Version 8.5.3

List generated with:

$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v8.5.2..v8.5.3 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Patch Version 8.5.4

List generated with:

git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v8.5.3..v8.5.4 | sort -k 3 -t ':'

Version 8.4


condense count
remove "#ifdef NO_OFFICIAL_RELEASE"
Data exchange format wrong file name extension
Document new parameter in TIFF conversion
inv_tiff broken in rasdaman 8.3
rasdaman debian package
Drop/Erase collection fails after several data has been loaded
Error retrieving data from fragmented collections
Updating an MDD which intersects with the source array
Error when selecting non-materialized parts of an mdd
Create an script for petascope
segmentation fault in rasserver causes oid operator failures
Error parsing insert TIFF query with inv_tiff()
created collection odd behaviour (different answer for the same query and error in drop collection)
x and y axes swapped inserting 2D grid into rasdaman
rasdl basetype deletion issue
rasdl -p complex type output misleading for mdd and set types
WCPS abstract syntax. Error with scale operation
Problem to scale data with more than 2 dimensions using a scale factor
Petascope enhancement: WCPS getMetaDataExpr
WCPS parser does not raise exception when parenthesis are missing
netcdf conversion output is not properly encoded
rasql scale operation issue - segmentation fault
trim operations in queries with marray causes error message (401)
Proprietary Sun API (JPEGCodec) used inside petascope.wms
make install always overrides rasmgr.conf
SECORE error with (some) Vertical CRS
SECORE: keys should be case insensitive
sdom(c)[0].hi returns wrong result
Setting tiling layouts/indexes needs testing
filter not work
Access WCS 2.0 via ArcMap
Export GeoTIFF/JPEG2000 with WCPS
RPM: setup database for rasimport
Rename to
implement crs, scaling and interpolation projection functions
Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (schema)
Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (ServiceMetadata)
WCPS ConstructCoverageExpr
WCPS: image CRS should be assumed in subsets when no CRS is specified
petascope.wcps.* packages to use String constants
1D and 3D coverage metadata results in wcs GetCapabilities exception
rasdl doesn't consider the --connect parameter
Add possibility to specify connection user/pass in rasmgr.conf
systemtest doesn't run properly
Can't import RGB image as slice of 3D object
SECORE only recognizes URN identifiers of new uploaded definitions
List of coverages for WCPS requests not updated unless restart Petascope
rasimport: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
C++ Developers Guide (possible) typos
Petascope response mimetype is text/plain
Runtime error if don't supply subset parameters.
Petascope doesn't understand percent encoded query params
WCPS generalCondenseExpr syntax not recognised
Petascope doesn't parse float constants correctly
WMS fill creates several levels of the same size
WMS scripts doesn't pass proper options to fillpyramid
Use config.h
rasdaman broken on big endian systems?
netCDF should be able to import dimension variables
WCPS tests failed
WCPS scale fails when there is slicing
Alpha channel in png convertor
Graphical database schema for petascope
When subsetting in WCS the bbox is not updated
NETCDF export broken - file has incorrect orientation
rasimport segmentation fault
WCPS overlay operator works wrong way round
rasmgr writes ill-formatted rasmgr.conf file
Petascope WCS returns invalid GetCapabilites response
Include git commit id in rasdaman's version
WCPS count() delivers wrong value
Replace rasimport with rasql in wcps tests
SECORE does not find configuration files with Glassfish
KV-paired CRS gets truncated during equality test
SELECT INTO in rasql
Handling of new client connections
Dashes should be allowed in collection names
WCPS domain() returns empty
gml:GridEnvelope upper-corner has minimum value to 0 when subsets are requested
Problems with starting rasdaman server on rascontrol
tRNS flag not working in latest version
Header files not completely installed
#253 fails when no --tasplit given
raswct docs bugs
Petascope can't handle curly brackets in an extendExpr query
WCPS extendExpr implementation is not correct
petascope should have some memory safeguard
Petascope use of sdom
Offset calculation in DbMetadataSource class is wrong
Index table allows too small number of entries
range subsetting on single band
WCS scaling fails when there's subsetting
Incremental updates for rasdaman database
Definition of available functionality with respect to standards and software
Wrong example in ql-guide
GetCapabilities response for non-2D coverages
gml:origin and gml:offsetVectors are wrong for non-2D coverages
WCPS going through PetascopeInterface fails
gmlcov:metadata not showing up anymore in DescribeCoverage responses
WCPS segfaults when using invalid axis name
Update sequence for table ps_crs in petascope creation query
use a default tiling with meaningful sizing when creating new objects
WMS init and fill pyramid scripts fail when collection name is not the first one returned by RASQL select query
Result of reload capabilities in WMS init script should be checked
Support CRS:1 in a WCS request for the temporal axis
#299 sometimes fails to start rasdaman properly
git commit id wrongly computed
petascope should use encode() function
Check $ use in variables and coverage defs
Document dbinfo() function
Incorrect WCPS test
UoM ID (and not value) is shown in the WCS rangeType of a coverage
initpetascopedb - error creating plpgsql language
Packge rasdaman-8.4.0-rc.2.el6.x86_64.rpm contain invalid data
tomcat user and initpetascopedb function in /etc/init.d/rasdaman script
rasimport segmentation fault in RC2

Installation Manual Errors (rewrite Manual please!)
Petascope - Malformed status line with ExceptionReport xml file
Petascope return wrong domainSet
Wrong usage of getFetchSize() method in DbMetadataSource class
fix typo in SECORE error message

standard marray operation fails in system test
array constant for rgb not working
Petascope: XML schema validation should be optional
raswct is limited to one WCPS service
SECORE performance improvement
SECORE distinct notation to retrieve raw definition of a parametrized CRS
Default compilation of netcdf and hdf
WCPS - getMetaDataExpr functions problems
Performance of wcps query involving multiple overlays
Provide SECORE user manual documentation
Error translating to RasQL for complex WCPS query
Regular tiling does not work for 3D+
SECORE fails because of different GML namespaces

No results

Known Issues

Interest tiling does not work for 3D+

Version 8.3

Known Issues

  • the make process breaks if no —war-dir option is specified in the ./configure step.


  • compilation on OS X
  • rasgeo tool for GDAL-based image file import added to applications
  • rasdaman web client toolkit (raswct) has been added to applications
    • accompanying developer's manual can be found in manuals_and_examples/manuals
  • fixed returning wrong error code on exception in rasgeo
  • CSV formatter properly prints point queries
  • fix exporting data of base type uint8, int8, uint32, float, etc. to TIFF
  • added support for multiband TIFF images
  • synchronized RPM spec file
  • specific netcdf variable can be imported/exported, e.g. netcdf($1, "var=Base_reflectivity")
  • fix the default definition of the RPC server in rasmgr.conf
  • added —with-docs option to the configure script, to control whether doxygen documentation should be generated during installation.
  • added option for generating position independent code (PIC), usually necessary on 64bit systems for generating proper shared objects.
  • fix rasdl segfaulting when executed with invalid parametars
  • fix rasdl segfaulting when types with a specified extent are present in the database
  • fix type checking when updating with a file in some specific format. At the type-checking stage the actual type is not yet known as the conversion hasn't been evaluated.
  • fix rasmgr segfaulting on Debian Wheezy 64bit, gcc 4.6
  • fix make clean for java
  • add rview binary and modify Makefiles so that it's properly installed on make install
  • add includes for mkdir in


  • moved to the applications directory
  • integration with the 52n WPS server
  • deploying via 'make deploy' instead of 'make install'
  • cleanup WCPS logging and fix performance bug
  • performance speedup by caching in WCPS
  • fix req 11, request version was not matched well.
  • the server should not fail if it fails reading some of the coverages
  • fix parsing of CRS in WCS 2.0
  • fix failed post req2 by including an ows:Constraint under OperationsMetadata in the Capabilities response
  • fix failed core req8 (URLs in OperationMetadata were same for different servlet locations), and failed core req12 (invalid KVP request didn't result with exception).
  • fix req17 by adding XML schema validation of XML requests.
  • perform initialization at servlet startup instead of at the first request.
  • fix installation of petascope settings
  • remove the version attribute of the ServiceMetadata element
  • update CRS identif
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