Version 102 (modified by 8 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Version History
This page lists rasdaman versions, together with the change history. Starting with version 8.2 we provide summaries of the main changes done with each roll-out.
Alternative ways of obtaining rasdaman are listed in the Download area.
Version 9.3
Major changes:
- Support for importing GRIB data ingestion (more info)
- Better support for NetCDF data, integrated with petascope (more info)
- Support for JSON arrays import/export (temporary documentation)
- Advanced JSON-style format-parameters support in encode/decode (more info)
- WCSTImport support a general coverage recipe that can be used with complex formats like GRIB or NetCDF (more info)
- Note: rasimport is deprecated in favor of WCSTImport, and will be removed in the next version of rasdaman
- WCPS uses a brand new and improved parser and implementation by default
- CRS reprojection is now available in both WCS and WCPS
- Critical memory leak happening during data ingestion has been fixed
Development changes:
- CMake can be used as an alternative to build rasdaman (more info)
- Note: this will become default in the next version of rasdaman and autotools will be removed
- rasdaman is compiled with -std=c++11 by default now; gcc 4.8 or higher is required
Addressed tickets between v9.3.1 and v9.3.2:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.3.1..v9.3.2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:240cfe5 | ticket:1016 - install jsoncpp headers (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3dfc680 | ticket:1069 - remove unnecessary log from the wcst_import Makefile (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:7276fb8 | ticket:1296 - add query that is randomly failing validation to known fails (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:22c6169 | ticket:1299 - log total size of returned arrays (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:bf8a537 | ticket:1366 - Irr_cube_1 3D netCDF imported (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:7e378fa | ticket:1418 - clean system tests from deprecated and improve log files (BangPH)
- changeset:98ee30a | ticket:1419 - Adjustment in Petascope conformance test (BangPH)
- changeset:3836683 | ticket:1419 - OGC CITE conformance test extensions (BangPH)
- changeset:18646ba | ticket:1424 - add test wcps JPEG2000 to known_fails (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:ff41626 | ticket:1424 - WCPS support JPEG2000 encode with metadata (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:b37595b | ticket:1425 - disable progress bar with wget when testing SECORE connections (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:31566c1 | ticket:1427 - Support WCPS POST and centralize test case services endpoint (BangPH)
- changeset:d9c5a32 | ticket:1428 - Add URN definitions in SECORE (BangPH)
- changeset:fee9a0f | ticket:1429 - fix WMS error exception and using crsTransform consistently (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:684511a | ticket:1432 - clear Petascope, SECORE dependencies directory and build javadoc for SECORE without error. (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:89c76cc | ticket:1433 - NetCDF shifted points as original file (BangPH)
- changeset:2207675 | ticket:1438 - no trim indentation in binary file (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:e37f3e5 | ticket:1440 - Fixed Standalone_Makefile and of the C++ examples. (Annabelle Nasiri)
- changeset:04636df | ticket:1441 - increase the default countdown value in rasmgr.conf (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:1372d3e | ticket:1442 - Fix error with netCDF when time axis is set "dataBound=false" (BangPH)
- changeset:1c0184c | ticket:1443 - SECORE replace prefix URL from (BangPH)
- changeset:3f62451 | ticket:1445 - Fix compilation in Java 7 Cmake (BangPH)
- changeset:e3cc94b | ticket:1445 - Fix compilation of Java 7 with cmake (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:12237d1 | ticket:1445 - fix compilation with Java 7 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6136954 | ticket:1447 - Convert time coeffcients in Envelope and Origin to ISO DateTime (BangPH)
- changeset:ca6af22 | ticket:1449 - Fix cmake to work with centos7 (Vlad Frasineanu)
- changeset:8262f1d | ticket:1449 - fix compilation with custom cmake (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:276e826 | ticket:1452 - General Coverage recipe should ignore empty expression (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:61f54f4 | ticket:1453 - format all C++ and Java code uniformly (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5b99a28 | ticket:1459 - wrong fit pixel to sample with negative coordinate (BangPH)
- changeset:ae1003d | ticket:1460 - cast loses precision in petascope (BangPH)
- changeset:34562c4 | ticket:1461 - WMS remove existing style from layer (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:1cb168c | ticket:485 - remove fixed WCPS query from known_fails (Dimitar Misev)
Addressed tickets between v9.3.0 and v9.3.1:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.3.0..v9.3.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:47cb50a | ticket:000 - use bash instead of sh in CMakeList for Petascope, SECORE (BangPH)
- changeset:03ff92d | ticket:286 - support upload file with rasql query to rasql-servlet and add test cases for rasql-servlet (BangPH)
- changeset:0c4cf1f | ticket:836 - CORS in Petascope update (BangPH)
- changeset:a874f39 | ticket:836 - Support CORS in Petascope by extend CORSHttpServlet (BangPH)
- changeset:97a561d | ticket:000 - v9.3.1 (www-data)
- changeset:5c16bed | ticket:1257 - Support update SECORE userdb by upload files (BangPH)
- changeset:c7a8875 | ticket:1296 - encode JPEG2000 with geo-referenced metadata (BangPH)
- changeset:35ef2f2 | ticket:1340 - Throw exception when different offset vector (BangPH)
- changeset:aa4fcd3 | ticket:1353 - Date from Coefficients (BangPH)
- changeset:86e2587 | ticket:1358 - Support WCPS 1.0 in XML Soap (BangPH)
- changeset:5a5c6e8 | ticket:1397 - Clean the imported data from test_wcst_import after make check (BangPH)
- changeset:a62e8f7 | ticket:1398 - add prefix test for imported coverages and rename in test cases (BangPH)
- changeset:f47667d | ticket:1399 - Check functionality of SECORE query console (BangPH)
- changeset:11bb2a9 | ticket:1400 - remove axes which contain axis iterator when slicing (BangPH)
- changeset:d35acdc | ticket:1404 - WCS request with non-native CRS in subsettingCRS (BangPH)
- changeset:fbaecb6 | ticket:1406 - fit geo-referenced subsets in WCPS to sample space (BangPH)
- changeset:270d5ef | ticket:1409 - netcdf import export solved and tested (BangPH)
- changeset:c0e35b9 | ticket:1410 - Fix scale, extend in WCPS, WCS (BangPH)
- changeset:f0e96ed | ticket:1412 - petascope.log should go in $RMANHOME/log (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:25b6ffc | ticket:1414 - fix when executed from a directory where the user has no write permissions (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d7ef438 | ticket:1415 - add secore.log and combine with log4j in secore to (BangPH)
- changeset:98ee30a | ticket:1419 - Adjustment in Petascope conformance test (BangPH)
- changeset:1d58dff | ticket:1421 - Display output with MIME type (GML/PNG/JPEG) in web browser (BangPH)
- changeset:740b7ad | ticket:1422 - Add HTTPS to valid CRS in petascope (bphamhuu)
- changeset:a6356ab | ticket:1423 - WCPS No throw Exception when parse double() (bphamhuu)
- changeset:9783c94 | ticket:1425 - fix secore installation when DESTDIR is specified (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f207212 | ticket:1425 - SECORE performance enhancement (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:64e6879 | ticket:1426 - added support for interval updates on irregular axes (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:afe2c23 | ticket:1430 - fix csv/json encoding when empty format parameters are given (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:89c76cc | ticket:1433 - NetCDF shifted points as original file (BangPH)
Addressed tickets between v9.3.0-beta1 and v9.3.0:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.3.0-beta1..v9.3.0 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:6359889 | ticket:669 - merging WCS format extensions (Sulav Timilsina)
- changeset:40ed43a | ticket:742 - Range constructor's metadata from non-scalar value (BangPH)
- changeset:bc1661c | ticket:860 - fix update statement to allow updating null values (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c4a103d | ticket:941 - using wcst_import in system test (BangPH)
- changeset:3d46365 | ticket:1263 - Show nilValues in DescribeCoverage (BangPH)
- changeset:8ca5011 | ticket:1272 - Download WCS results with coverage name and format (BangPH)
- changeset:76573d6 | ticket:1306 - Delete coverage by WCS will delete existing WMS layer if any (BangPH)
- changeset:55229cb | ticket:1336 - WCST replace - with _ in coverageID (BangPH)
- changeset:f342da8 | ticket:1359 - fix connections in WMS (BangPH)
- changeset:001146b | ticket:1362 - Differentiate between CRS:1 and IndexND in WCPS 1.5 (BangPH)
- changeset:cccf3ef | ticket:1365 - watch script to restart rasdaman, tomcat (BangPH)
- changeset:ced7462 | ticket:1376 - SECORE error in browse.jsp and check functionalities (BangPH)
- changeset:1574300 | ticket:1378 - missing will make error in WMS with NULL (BangPH)
- changeset:92d2d2e | ticket:1381 - WCS format parameter is ignored + ticket:1380 (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:9608810 | ticket:1382 - removed tiff updater from UpdaterFactory, now decode is used for tiffs (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:97ea3fb | ticket:1383 - Petascope_Support encoded POST WCPS query (BangPH)
- changeset:4153dac | ticket:1384 - change gmock URL when build with cmake, autotools (BangPH)
- changeset:c051ed1 | ticket:1387 - added translation to origin in grib message domains (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:dfda452 | ticket:1395 - fixed axis high rounding for netcdf (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:27239ef | ticket:1396 - invoke test_open's scripts to make check (BangPH)
Addressed tickets between v9.2.1 and v9.3.0-beta1:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.1..v9.3.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:ab3cfcd | ticket:406 - Missing space between minus error in WCPS (BangPH)
- changeset:39b474c | ticket:1016 - implement inv_grib for importing GRIB data into rasdaman (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5da7aaa | ticket:1060 - common format parameters for the decode/encode functions (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:9eb5909 | ticket:1060 - fix compilation when —with-netcdf/—with-grib is not specified (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b0693d2 | ticket:1060 - use json format params directly in the converters (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:69bc57f | ticket:1188 - Make WCPS 1.5 ready (BangPH)
- changeset:5297b5c | ticket:1208 - change to WCPS1.5 in test wcps and update correct test cases for ticket 1208, 1210 and 1238, also remove all the unfixed test cases when waiting for other patch. (BangPH)
- changeset:82c5315 | ticket:1208 - Revert "ticket:1208 - change to WCPS1.5 in test wcps and update correct test cases for ticket 1208, 1210 and 1238, also remove all the unfixed test cases when waiting for other patch." (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:cee7780 | ticket:1223 and ticket:1271 Allow WMS to generate nodata pixels for bounding boxes that cover areas outside the domain of the layer. Allow WCS to download georef data that has a CRS containing a custom axis name. resubmit (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:c867322 | ticket:1237 - Fixed csv floating point precision (Rubin Deliallisi)
- changeset:74d9400 | ticket:1254 - Add license header for WCPS packages (BangPH)
- changeset:a17c871 | ticket:1260 - WCPS1.0 encode without quotes and WCST_Import with axis label in time CRS (BangPH)
- changeset:ff604df | ticket:1262 - Missing "+" sign when encoding from Petascope's console. (BangPH)
- changeset:d703cf7 | ticket:1264 - remove —with-pic, introduce —disable-pic, resubmit (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:0015085 | ticket:1266 - generate javadoc for rasj (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a9427b9 | ticket:1275 - refactor gdal logic to the conversion module (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:57107c1 | ticket:1277 - Added CMake build system for rasdaman. The build system enables faster compilation times, better IDE support and better tooling support moving forward. (Alexandru Toader, George Merticariu)
- changeset:d6c43ae | ticket:1282 - fix type checking for scalars in range constructor (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:329c0bc | ticket:1283 - fix min/max on structs, resubmit (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:614b8ae | ticket:1286 - fix segfault when inserting binary data from java (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:9294c43 | ticket:1290 - fix compilation on gcc 5.3.1 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2030ea4 | ticket:1291 - renaming rasserver log files (Sulav Timilsina)
- changeset:ff4f8d4 | ticket:1294 - port crs reprojection functionality (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2f3405f | ticket:1298 - CRS projection() in WMS 1.3 (BangPH)
- changeset:e234994 | ticket:1301 - Plus sign is lost in WMS rasql fragment (BangPH)
- changeset:9337f24 | ticket:1314 added parameter for disabling wcst in (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:6e3e044 | ticket:1317 + ticket:1351 + ticket:1352 wcst_import support for GRIB and NetCDF files, general coverage recipe and metadata collection (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:37aea4b | ticket:1321 - add support for json format options in netcdf encode, refactor and add tests (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:bd3e2f8 | ticket:1321 - check if ncdump is on the path, fix test oracle (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:79e9442 | ticket:1323 - support json decode/encode (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:91ddfe9 | ticket:1343 - fixed multiple slices error (George Merticariu)
- changeset:0eeeb75 | ticket:1344 - Add support multiversion EPSG databases in SECORE (BangPH)
- changeset:e8236fa | ticket:1345 - Change wcst_import wcst_extract recipe from kahluah to local (BangPH)
- changeset:5bca0e6 | ticket:1346 - compile with -std=c++11 by default (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:640ea71 | ticket:1349 - added required header file (George Merticariu)
- changeset:538e148 | ticket:1350 - Petascope_WCS generate crsTransform invalid axis name (BangPH)
- changeset:9935772 | ticket:1355 - added generated files to .gitignore (George Merticariu)
- changeset:d4540d3 | ticket:1356 added grib and netcdf support in wcst (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:23a294e | ticket:1356 changed CrsComputer resolution computation for axes of width 1, and removed extra computation for index axes (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:4e07adb | ticket:1356 changed Index axes handling to behave like regular axes, and left CRS:1 for 1 to 1 mapping (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:efe007d | ticket:1360 WCSTImport should generate gml files for each slice (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:6efe6f9 | ticket:1363 added netcdf support in wcps (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:448e119 | ticket:1371 - Only add needed band and support netCDF export with switch case (BangPH)
- changeset:e1ca584 | ticket:1372 - fix memory leak when ingesting data (Dimitar Misev)
Version 9.2
Major new changes:
- Scalability
- Improved storage support up to exascale datasets on all filesystems
- Improved performance and reliability for the rasnet protocol; rasnet is now the default protocol implementation in rasdaman.
- Support for automated balancing of worker processes
- Ingestion
- WCSTImport user interface improvements: wcs extract recipe, ability to resume and retry imports, improved filtering of input files, improved status messages.
- WCSTImport stable recipe API allowing developers to create their own custom recipes for their specific usecases
- Various bug fixes for WCST implementation.
- Improved transactional handling in the SQLite/Filestorage backend.
- OGC Web Services
- Embedded server for OGC Web Services platform - now it can also run as a standalone executable without the need of an external server like Tomcat
- Support for PNG as an export format in WCS
- User Interface
- Revamped interface for the WCS Client + various bug fixes
- Misc
- Support for runtime configuration of logging
- Greatly simplified installation procedure with rasdaman installer, RPM and DEB packages
- Over 200 fixes for reported issues
Update from 9.1.x:
- After installing 9.2.0, please run (if installed from sources); if you have installed rasdaman from the RPM packages, note that starting from v9.2.0 we are hosting the RPM packages ourselves. The repository URL as well as the structure of the packages has changed a little bit. More details on the RPM installation page.
Addressed tickets between v9.1.0 and v9.2.0-alpha1:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.1.0..v9.2.0-alpha1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:ca80d89 | ticket:000 - prepare for release v9.2.0 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:12e3d83 | ticket:1002 - Fixed problems with the new communication protocol and cleaned up the code. Fixed merged conflict. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:54a4495 | ticket:1002 - pass config by const reference (George Merticariu)
- changeset:ccf3c53 | ticket:1003 - Add missing initialization (Georg Semmler)
- changeset:1a0dadc | ticket:1006 - Cleaned up the exception set used by rasmgr_x and rascontrol_x and removed unused constructors from exception class (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:e3c0ce7 | ticket:1007 - fix condense of floating point values (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d7a22a2 | ticket:1022 petascope files without header (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:eafba53 | ticket:1028 - fixed enable-debug compilation (George Merticariu)
- changeset:c75d496 | ticket:1028 - fixed rasdaman compilation with enable debug (George Merticariu)
- changeset:ae6c6e6 | ticket:1032 - fix parallel queries (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d5821d9 | ticket:1033 - status 2 shouldn't be treated as error on execute query (George Merticariu)
- changeset:024c42a | ticket:1034 - crash testing of rasdaman (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:82eb6ec | ticket:1034 - handle SIGUSR1 in rasserver (print stacktrace and then kill itself), to be used for randomized crash testing (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:9c05c29 | ticket:1035 - Fix building of reladminif (Georg Semmler)
- changeset:e9f8ffd | ticket:1040 - grpc java plugin is not required if java is disabled (George Merticariu)
- changeset:f99eb49 | ticket:1044 - Set a fixed timeout for client requests. If a server does not reply within 5 seconds, the service call is aborted. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:ca21b26 | ticket:1045 - fix compilation with —enable-strict and —enable-debug (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:6686b54 | ticket:1046 - start_rasdaman messages (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:ea4d508 | ticket:1046 - messages (removed blank lines and redundant words) (BangPH)
- changeset:2ddf07c | ticket:1050 - lost many configuration after new install (BangPH)
- changeset:1cfba37 | ticket:1051 - fix warning (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6cd7f87 | ticket:1058 - removed java generated files (George Merticariu)
- changeset:02b2541 | ticket:1061 - Implemented option No. 2 for handling client requests for an available server (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:1094a32 | ticket:1062 - Fixed compilation with postgresql (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:daf4cce | ticket:1063 Fixed the Petascope configuration for the wcs-client. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:341fe4e | ticket:1063 - WCS-Client could not load user interface (BangPH)
- changeset:3db6666 | ticket:1064 wcst_import extract recipe fails when coverage is irregular and initial slice has all coefficient points (should be the first point), accepted by Alex Dumitru: (BangPH)
- changeset:e1cb7ea | ticket:1065 - Added the minimal dependencies for the wcs-client to the repo and updated the readme (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:682676b | ticket:1069 - fix installation of rasgeo (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d5d2466 | ticket:1069 - fix installation of rasgeo, fix typo (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:05939ee | ticket:1069 rasimport and wcst_import should not compile/install on —disable-java (also fix ticket 1068) (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:c530186 | ticket:1073 - divide tile files into subdirectories (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:548b95b | ticket:1074 - fix error when RASBASE is missing (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d3b3228 | ticket:1075 - Removed bad easylogging configuration that caused rasql to segfault (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:b1ee0fc | ticket:1076 - As per the GRPC recommendation I have implemented a HealthCheck to allow clients to detect if a server is up and running. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:a9645ad | ticket:1078 - Fixed bug in the GetCoverage component of the WCS client. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:45d8382 | ticket:1083 - revert secore EPSG database to v8.5 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:1e19dd1 | ticket:1083 - update secore EPSG database to v8.7.5 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:22d663e | ticket:134 - rasdl —del* bug when deleting used types (with ticket 1004 duplicated) (BangPH)
- changeset:834e49f | ticket:245 - fix insert/update distinction on client side (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:76e9eaa | ticket:374 - introduce alias power to function pow (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:272311e | ticket:702 Postgis is installed but still not found (accepted by Dimitar: (BangPH)
- changeset:036f546 | ticket:772 - implement inv_csv function (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:f0c06d9 | ticket:858 - fix shift on 1D arrays (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:80c6232 | ticket:875 properties files get unduly modified by installation procedure. Accepted by Dimitar Misev ( (BangPH)
- changeset:cfb9c43 | ticket:876 - Support image/png output with WCS GetCoverage requests (BangPH)
- changeset:9ca8e98 | ticket:876 - Support PNG in WCS (add test cases) (BangPH)
- changeset:5a9cf41 | ticket:877 - modulo operation does not respect null values (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:dfa8204 | ticket:903 - add configuration files for easylogging and change log format (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:b354eb6 | ticket:903 - change easylogging++ configuration (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:3622eda | ticket:903 - change easylogging++ log format (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:97d2702 | ticket:903 - configure easylogging++ in rasgeo, rasql (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:786193f | ticket:903 - configure easylogging++ in rasmgr and rasserver (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:5c8df49 | ticket:903 - Fix LDEBUG build error (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:6a40928 | ticket:903 - fix performance issue with easylogging (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3a94172 | ticket:903 - fix temporarily performance issue caused by easylogging (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:ef29e54 | ticket:903 - remove unnecessary logging statements from qlparser (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:cf7e23a | ticket:903 - replace logging with easylogging in directql, rasmgr, server, servercomm (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:f523466 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in applications, catalogmgr, indexmgr (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:20a62c2 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in applications (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:7deef80 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in conversion part 1 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:bba15ca | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in conversion part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:1bebf8c | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in mddmgr, rascontrol (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:c32e49a | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in network (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:d2a729e | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in qlparser part 1 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:62c5649 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in qlparser part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:7c0f520 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in qlparser part 3 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:0a0d172 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in rasgeo part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:309d354 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in rasgeo (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:9ce03c2 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in raslib part 1 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:67e8635 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in raslib part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:6645efa | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in raslib, rasodmg part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:5f4b927 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in raslib, rasodmg (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:4c48612 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in rasodmg (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:f6c81ad | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in reladminif (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:f8b3945 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in relblobif (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:15956bd | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in relcatalogif (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:48eb302 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in relindexif (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:e11de8a | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in relmddif, relstorageif (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:1198015 | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:6b2607d | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in rnprotocol (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:64cb9fd | ticket:903 - replace rasdaman logging with easylogging in server, reladminif (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:ac69aef | ticket:903 - replace RMDBGIF macros with easylogging statements part 1 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:f2db560 | ticket:903 - replace RMDBGIF macros with easylogging statements part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:ea1496b | ticket:903 - replace RMDBGIF macros with easylogging statements part 3 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:17c29b2 | ticket:903 - revert changes to LOG macro in directql part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:0068ce3 | ticket:903 - revert changes to LOG macro in directql (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:20cc509 | ticket:903 - set default easylogging file path to /dev/null (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:f2bcbdb | ticket:903 - solve warnings caused by easylogging (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:8cf2412 | ticket:910 - WCS ProcessRequest does not work on Webkit browsers (tested with Firefox 38, Chrome 44, Safari 5, Internet Explorer 6). (BangPH)
- changeset:e7aebd8 | ticket:914 - Refactor petascope ExceptionCodes into Exceptions for WCS-T (BangPH)
- changeset:d6e72e3 | ticket:921 - Cleaned up the WCS client code and rewrote the UI. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:12ef568 | ticket:956 add default null support (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:a82cc08 | ticket:959 - HSQLDB alternative backend for petascope (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5432c7a | ticket:960 - do not install jetty unless java server is embedded (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5a489da | ticket:960 - do not install jetty unless java server is embedded, fix typo (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:e7d2d3a | ticket:960 - embed jetty with petascope (BangPH)
- changeset:817d6ff | ticket:960 - enable embedded jetty only explicitly with configure option —with-java-server=embedded (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6894488 | ticket:960 - Jetty enable with Petascope (Validated by Vlad, help from Dimitar). (BangPH)
- changeset:50b929f | ticket:961 - failover to configured resolver when the resolver in the crs definition is unresolvable (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d65cbf3 | ticket:962 - fixed irregular axis bounds pushed to the limits in subsets that don't intersect any slices (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:6a0690b | ticket:968 - wcst_import recipes should allow custom band names (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f6fc7f9 | ticket:969 - Deleting coverage ingested with wcst_import fails (BangPH)
- changeset:f9bc2b7 | ticket:970 - set a timout of 60 seconds for executing sqlite (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:47d6e75 | ticket:975 Fix crs indices computation for inverted crses in WMS 1.3 and support for openlayers (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:2eff30b | ticket:975 Fixed wms crs computing for negative indices (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:ecad5a6 | ticket:976 - fix validation of nil values in petascope (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b59d6ea | ticket:977 - set default installation prefix to /usr/local/rasdaman (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:fb67982 | ticket:978 - check if user has correct permissions when starting/initializing rasdaman (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:328f731 | ticket:978 - fix write permission check (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d71134c | ticket:979 support for grid coverages in wcst (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:544a9d2 | ticket:979 & ticket:980 added support for GridCoverages (non-Rectified) to WCST and changed the default pixel data type when not specified to Float32 (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:ee68a8b | ticket:981 - do not throw error if database does not exist (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:775167a | ticket:981 - fix compilation warning (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a0d161d | ticket:981 - throw proper errors when recreating an existing RASBASE (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a318325 | ticket:983 wcst_import: invalid input files should not cause error (BangPH)
- changeset:66f058a | ticket:985 WCS Extract recipe for extracting data from an existing WCS service (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:789cc0e | ticket:986 - WCST should work with file names containing spaces and ticket:1026 escape special characters (Comment: one code fix both tickets) (BangPH)
- changeset:00b44e8 | ticket:987 fixed metadata rollback on failed irregular coverage updates (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:3d31481 | ticket:989 WCST Import improvements (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:dc6b72a | ticket:989 WCST Import improvements - part 2 (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:f12a849 | ticket:989 WCST Import improvements - part 3 (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:654d9df | ticket:993 - Fix warnings in conversion (Georg Semmler)
- changeset:565c0a0 | ticket:995 WMS should update definitions on WCS-T updates (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:ea26689 | ticket:999 - rasmgr.auth is now saved in CONFDIR as it was in the old rasmgr. (Alexandru Toader)
Addressed tickets between v9.2.0-alpha1 and v9.2.0-beta1:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.0-alpha1..v9.2.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:4cf00bd | ticket:1002 - Fixed test for rasnet (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:55b3a4d | ticket:1085 - check for binaries during configure (George Merticariu)
- changeset:c831e59 | ticket:1085 - fix checking of grpc components (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d719134 | ticket:1087 - Create editable version for petascope*.properties (Fix small indentation, add Rasdama headers, add Jetty Configuration to petascope properties (SQLite, HSQLDB) (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:4a90365 | ticket:1087 edit petascope properties in temporary setting file (accepted by Dimitar: (BangPH)
- changeset:324bb85 | ticket:1088 - add copyright header and description for logging options in the easylogging configuration files (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:b9998ef | ticket:1090 - Embedded Jetty needs addon to support JSP for SECORE (Accepted by Dimitar Misev) (Bang Pham Huu)
- changeset:484afdc | ticket:1092 - allow rasserver to terminate properly (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5bb0d2b | ticket:1093 - Support GML validation in SECORE before submitting definition and refactor browse.jsp with some small correction in behavior (with ticket 1098 - fix error in delete group definition). (BangPH)
- changeset:73d0805 | ticket:1094 update doc set to v9.2 (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:725c128 | ticket:1100 - fix default tile size (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:31c7b80 | ticket:1104 - fix clean of grpc generated files (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b52f314 | ticket:1105 - Fixed comments in easylogging configuration files. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:b4409ad | ticket:1107 added class for multipart response handling for wcs2 (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:0065170 | ticket:665 - Fix existing Petascope JUnit tests ( (BangPH)
- changeset:b2bc48d | ticket:875 - properties files get unduly modified by installation procedure (fix creating redundant backup properties if nothing was added and permission to 644 of properties files) (BangPH)
- changeset:74d0852 | ticket:886 - improve transaction handling in blob file storage (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:1daf7cb | ticket:944 XML Parser with XXE vulnerability solved and test file (Danut Rusu)
- changeset:2d1d5ef | ticket:994 - Fix error with add, update definition, improve small interface and behaviors in SECORE. (Accepted by Dimitar (BangPH)
Addressed tickets between v9.2.0-beta1 and v9.2.0:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.0-beta1..v9.2.0 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:35854cd | ticket:000 documented 9.2 functionality (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:3ae2de4 | ticket:000 - ignore generated files (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:692f29e | ticket:1000 petascope service identification and provider should be configurable easier (BangPH)
- changeset:448e5fd | ticket:1005 - wcps parser error with date ranges (BangPH)
- changeset:06ff429 | ticket:1007 - fix general condense on values of type char/short (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:9152ab4 | ticket:1025 - added support for braches in rasdaman (George Merticariu)
- changeset:d68c143 | ticket:1042 - Fixed bug in the Java implementation of the new protocol (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:bc6fe74 | ticket:1042 - Updated peer management implementation in rasnet to respect the specification of the old protocol. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:7145fcd | ticket:1047 - Modified third_party makefile to install the needed header and library files to $RMANHOME/include and $RMANHOME/lib (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:cfaa4f7 | ticket:1055 - error when inserting a new coverage id that is the same name as an existing rasdaman collection ( (BangPH)
- changeset:14219b6 | ticket:1066 Add autoreconf command to installation guide (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:9701d69 | ticket:1071 - rasj.jar is not installed on make install (BangPH)
- changeset:f57e28b | ticket:1079 - WCS GetCoverage error when encode in application/gml+xml (BangPH)
- changeset:e264014 | ticket:1081 - Added git submodules for easyloggingpp, googlemock and googletest (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:ec4c8a6 | ticket:1084 - The WCS client now displays exceptions received from the server. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:6ee4a95 | ticket:1086 - added conditional compilation for common (George Merticariu)
- changeset:516d62f | ticket:1104 - generate java proto files if they are missing (George Merticariu)
- changeset:9b5111e | ticket:1109 - Fix SECORE definitions in userdb XML to valid GML Schema (accepted in (BangPH)
- changeset:c0a3908 | ticket:1110 — removed java.nio dependencies from test file (Danut Rusu)
- changeset:2f3672f | ticket:1113 - Duplicate data in area definition of SECORE when open in browse.jsp (accepted in (BangPH)
- changeset:a8b776e | ticket:1114 WCSTImport type inconsistency for coverage coefficients (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:0b7fd09 | ticket:1118 - Added easylogging, googlemock and googletest as third party dependencies and changed include headers in files that use them. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:1ffabbc | ticket:1118 - Added grpc and grpc-java submodules (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:4b4b7b5 | ticket:1118 - Fixed bug in makefile which caused git submodule update to not run (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:0549725 | ticket:1118 - Fixed bug in third_party Makefile (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:d9ba050 | ticket:1118 - Integrated the build procedure of third_party libraries with rasdaman's build. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:c9085a3 | ticket:1119 - new type syntax in rasql (George Merticariu)
- changeset:6e6eaf2 | ticket:1122 - change default target install dir to /opt/rasdaman (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2a53270 | ticket:1126 - fix scaling of some corner cases by merging tiles (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f4a50b8 | ticket:1128 - Testing wcst_import in system. (BangPH)
- changeset:aaa8eef | ticket:1129 - temporarily ignore wcps test 101 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:94ee8c8 | ticket:1130 - fix to create the filestorage directory if it does not exist (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:58e99c5 | ticket:1132 - Missing detail information in log file of system test (test_wcs, test_wcps,…) ( (BangPH)
- changeset:9cd51a1 | ticket:1133 fixed validation error on update for coverages having more than 128 bands (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:62baff0 | ticket:1134 - Fixed bug in wcs-client GetCoverage core tab that prevented slicing at the default value (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:65b1e6b | ticket:1135 - reconfigure the debug symbols requirements (George Merticariu)
- changeset:a47cbf2 | ticket:1136 - Fix format specifiers for oid in (Georg Semmler)
- changeset:816fa2c | ticket:1137 - Using wcst_import in ( (BangPH)
- changeset:29033fd | ticket:1142 - do not wrap RasQueryExecutionFailedException in RasQueryExecutionFailedException (George Merticariu)
- changeset:6be2a30 | ticket:1144 git init needs to be run in source root for git < 1.8 (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:f23d4b3 | ticket:1145 Boost exception is required by rasmgr but it isn't actually needed (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:9775cfb | ticket:1148 - Added exception handler to surround methods that should not throw exceptions. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:b858793 | ticket:1150 - rasmgr log output is now sent to rasmgr.(PID).log as was in the old implementation of rasmgr. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:167aa2f | ticket:1150 - rasmgr_x now uses the etc/log-rasmgr.conf configuration file so the log level is configurable at runtime. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:34be5d0 | ticket:1150 - Replaced LINFO debug statements with LDEBUG in rasmgr (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:58aa7b9 | ticket:1151 - Installed signal handler for rasserver for the rasnet protocol (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:64dc73c | ticket:1154 - Evaluation of null values is not safe in QtDomainOperation (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:e73f765 | ticket:1155 - Implemented functionality in the configuration manager which saves the state of rasmgr to a unique file if the configuration is not explicitly saved through the rascontrol save command. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:f79e291 | ticket:1158 - make rasnet the default network protocol (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:abe334c | ticket:1160 - document (BangPH)
- changeset:e375481 | ticket:1164 - Update build dependencies in RPM spec files (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:79e80ad | ticket:1165 - Added declaration of signal handler function (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:8356526 | ticket:1165 - Added empty throw specifier to allow rasdaman to compile with older version of g++ (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:793bb34 | ticket:1167 - Fix the right path to in test wcst_import (BangPH)
- changeset:91ad088 | ticket:1167 should keep the band names after update (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:6391338 | ticket:1169 - Updated the maximum number of milliseconds allowed between two KeepAlive messages from the client. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:c56056c | ticket:1176 - Added . as a valid character in the hostname (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:72ff6a0 | ticket:1182 - check if rasmgr port is alreay in use (George Merticariu)
- changeset:3c56ce9 | ticket:1183 - error request should return content instead of empty in system test (BangPH)
- changeset:d9aae10 | ticket:1184 - add libstdc++ as a build dependency; fix java and third_party Makefiles to properly install files (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6b22715 | ticket:1185 - Added code in the new rasmgr to handle the old format of rasmgr.auth (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:2c7298a | ticket:1187 - Fixed bug in rascontrol grammar that did not allow peer host names to contain . . Fixed bug in rasmgr address binding (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:538a636 | ticket:240 - Fix exporting big format encoded data on rasnet (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:084ee42 | ticket:240 - fix exporting big format encoded data with C++ clients (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b832457 | ticket:368 - expand/format parameters should not be allowed in CCRS (BangPH)
- changeset:327dda3 | ticket:374 document pow(), power() (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:996e9ee | ticket:704 Document dbinfo() function (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:a474a82 | ticket:732 - SECORE definition is not valid and need to validate all definition ( (BangPH)
- changeset:e8b2527 | ticket:819 - Resolving hrefs in secore doesn't work across databases (accepted in (BangPH)
- changeset:d59198e | ticket:847 - Petascope version number ( (BangPH)
- changeset:ea99d6f | ticket:943 - resolve bison conflicts (BangPH)
Addressed tickets between v9.2.0-beta1 and v9.2.0:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.2.0..v9.2.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:fb96e0c | ticket:1141 more exact description of name syntax (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:6f40cc0 | ticket:1159 - language issue with petascope (BangPH)
- changeset:d1df757 | ticket:1171 - Cannot insert WMS layer if CRS definition is not available in opengis (BangPH)
- changeset:fa890d9 | ticket:1189 - Log permission in custom_script of system_test (BangPH)
- changeset:cce49b0 | ticket:1190 - Updated GRPC to release-0.13 and GRPC-Java to release 0.12.0 (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:e4c80e8 | ticket:1192 - WCST_Import should catch WMSException when insert WMS layer error (BangPH)
- changeset:eb42c3e | ticket:1193 - Fixed whitespace problems (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:4e1af15 | ticket:1194 - WMS requests do not set the CORS headers (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:56c4c13 | ticket:1199 - WCS_Import error when using wcs_extract with not existing wcs_endpoint and coverage_id (BangPH)
- changeset:e3808b5 | ticket:1201 - stream http query result (George Merticariu)
- changeset:61670a3 | ticket:1252 - fix default tiling scheme (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:4b2aa04 | ticket:153 - fix error when comparing 2 XML files from GetCapabilties by adding custom scripts (BangPH)
- changeset:a52025c | ticket:360 - Error in variables labels in a WCPS trimming operation. (BangPH)
- changeset:7461a5c | ticket:595 - WCPS domain metadata expression inside interval (BangPH)
Acknowledgements to the contributors of this release:
git log --pretty=format:"%an" v9.1.0..v9.2.0 | sort | uniq -c
38 Alexandru Toader 14 Alex Dumitru 43 BangPH 2 Danut Rusu 49 Dimitar Misev 14 George Merticariu 4 Georg Semmler 5 Peter BaumanN 5 Vlad Merticariu 42 Vlad Zamfir
Version 9.1
Major new features:
- new client/server communication protocol
- the current RNP protocol is deprecated now, and the new protocol will become the default in v10.0
- configure with
to use the new protocol
- support for WCS Processing and WCPS 1.5 (informal naming, indicating transition from WCPS 1 to forthcoming WCPS 2)
- new parser with significantly improved error handling, among others, available at
- the old parser is still default in 9.1, because of small backwards incompatibilities that the new parser introduces
- new parser with significantly improved error handling, among others, available at
- support for WCS-T 2.0 insert, delete and update
- new python import tool for petascope, wcst_import (an alternative to rasimport based on the WCS-T standard)
- new WCS 2.0 web client, supporting the core as well as all extensions implemented by rasdaman
- available in source:applications/wcs-client
- default petascope landing page at
- full support for WMS 1.3 in addition to the already supported WMS 1.1
- in conjunction with WCS-T, WCS coverages can easily be published as WMS layers with
- in conjunction with WCS-T, WCS coverages can easily be published as WMS layers with
- null/nodata values support, ported from rasdaman enterprise
- it is necessary to run, to enable null values in an existing rasdaman installation
- type management can be done flexibly via rasql queries now, and is not limited to using rasdl
- Enhanced "induced" general condenser in rasql
- R package for rasdaman (RRasdaman)
Upgrade from 9.0.x
To upgrade from rasdaman 9.0 to 9.1, it is necessary to upgrade the database by running This is a backwards compatible change, i.e. rasdaman 9.0 can still be run on the same database after the update.
Note: SQLite/Filestorage is the default backend now; to use PostgreSQL when compiling from source, use configure option --with-default-basedb=postgresql
Final release Version 9.1.0
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.1.0-beta2..v9.1.0 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:cfa5082 | ticket:489 - remove and ignore generated files from the repository (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:46b19dc | ticket:815 - fix database connect/disconnect for SQLite backend (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b66a748 | ticket:841 - add sqlite/filestorage RPM spec file and adapt for CentOS 7 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d84ae07 | ticket:841 - fix tomcat path in RPMs for CentOS 7 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:4dbccf4 | ticket:845 - added error text for De and Fr (George Merticariu)
- changeset:9ef03cd | ticket:845 - fixed DE error texts (George Merticariu)
- changeset:c94b26a | ticket:845 - fixed typos in DE error texts (George Merticariu)
- changeset:c9feffc | ticket:845 - type managemet in rasql (George Merticariu)
- changeset:11f30f3 | ticket:849 - fix select/insert/update in directql (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:49cb77f | ticket:852 - fix retreival of SWE quantity values from petascopedb (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:8a73a79 | ticket:856 - correct some casts, fix case evaluation, fix typo (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:87450eb | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ old-style cast warnings part 1 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:95c4135 | ticket:856 - Fixed const cast in (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:adf3686 | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in alignedtiling (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:3a567ef | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in applications, conversion, qlparser, rnprotocol part 1 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:bf4d412 | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in applications, conversion, qlparser, rnprotocol part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:8d7e9b3 | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in applications, conversion, qlparser, rnprotocol part 3 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:a45eb27 | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in applications, conversion, rasmgr (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:6cf856a | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in conversion, httpserver, raslib and rasmgr part 1 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:ad8eddc | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in conversion, httpserver, raslib and rasmgr part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:f485d7c | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in conversion, httpserver, raslib and rasmgr part 3 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:1865b0a | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in qlparser (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:f63ed79 | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in rasmgr, server, servercomm (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:ed6d893 | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings in reladminif, recatalogif, relindexif (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:725ff8e | ticket:856 - fix macro redefinition warnings, few memory errors, and time handling in wcst_import (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a5b35ee | ticket:856 - fix unused function parameters warnings in gcc 4.9 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:1791594 | ticket:856 - replaced deprecated library strstream with stringstream part 1 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:82805dd | ticket:856 - replaced deprecated library strstream with stringstream part 2 (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:b12b268 | ticket:856 - Suppressed c++ warnings in automatically generated files lex, oql, odl (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:01b45bc | ticket:856 - Suppressed c++ warnings in automatically generated files rpcif_clnt, rpcif_svc (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:4fef3a0 | ticket:911 - adapt rasgeo to support sqlite/filestorage (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:40f15f7 | ticket:916 - Fix conflicts about variable errno (Jinbo Zhang)
- changeset:abdd4f9 | ticket:919 - fix memory errors in servercomm, storage layout (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:0d66a1b | ticket:919 - Fix memory leak in QtRangeConstructor (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2821afc | ticket:919 - Fix memory leaks (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:657c59a | ticket:919 - MDDObj changes: use boost::shared_ptr<Tile>. (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:6409f14 | ticket:922 - Disable autoconf warnings about non-POSIX make extensions (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:c514270 | ticket:923 - rasmgr.auth should be in etc rather than $HOME (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:d67c5b8 | ticket:926 - Cleaned up rasnet code, added developer documentation and merged with main branch. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:206ee48 | ticket:927 - fix formatting in range constructor and marray/condense evaluation code (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:0f7027d | ticket:927 - fix segfault when struct literal is used in an marray (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:40adc4e | ticket:930 - Merged changes done to the WCS-client on Eartlook into the main branch (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:c270b2f | ticket:933 - make fails on first run, missing oql.h (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:dc22af6 | ticket:934 added support for relative paths and automatic registration of recipes (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:b162325 | ticket:934 support for null values in wcst_import (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:e068bb7 | ticket:934 - support unix time as well in wcst_import (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b6d5d7a | ticket:940 migrated type management in WCST to rasql and added null value support at ingestion (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:d302f45 | ticket:945 - Use sqlite by default as a RASBASE backend (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:215e259 | ticket:947 Make default null values optional parameter in config (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:cd35264 | ticket:948 Fixed the urls in wcs-client (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:49c1dfe | ticket:951 - deprecate wms-import tools (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b6dda76 | ticket:952 when deleting a coverage, if the collection holding the corresponding array remains empty, the collection is dropped. (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:625e770 | ticket:953 update clause should support decode operation (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:921265e | ticket:954 WCST should keep the order of the offset vectors (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:0b72278 | ticket:955 wms layers created from WCS coverage have incorrect bbox (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:f78bdd3 | ticket:956 part-2 remove old dependencies + update the Makefile (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:dac1dbe | ticket:956 part-3 allow for subset correction (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:5422dd4 | ticket:956 Ruggedize wcst_import based on the feedback from alpha release (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:0bebff0 | ticket:957 add configure generated files to git ignore (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:af2bbb9 | ticket:958 - script does not work for sqlite (Dimitar Misev)
Pre-release Version 9.1.0-beta2
This pre-release version brings several features and improvements:
- R package for rasdaman (RRasdaman)
- Full WCS-T Update support
- Utility to insert georeferenced data via WCST (an alternative to rasimport)
- Optimizations and UX improvements in rasnet, the new protocol in rasdaman
- Enhanced "induced" general condenser in rasql
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.1.0-beta1..v9.1.0-beta2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:d0414c1 | ticket:000 - fix blob deletion in the sqlite/filestorage backend (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b29ad6e | ticket:505 - Minor fix on JUnit annotation. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:d6be961 | ticket:658 - Added French and German error messages for division by zero (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:7d12e56 | ticket:658 - div by zero documented (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:995936d | ticket:658 - Division by zero: return inf/nan for floats, throw exceptions on integer division (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:a12f7df | ticket:712 - better integration for required libraries in rasnet (George Merticariu)
- changeset:097599f | ticket:712 - check libraries for rasnet protocol (George Merticariu)
- changeset:875fa31 | ticket:712 - Enabled java protobuf compilation for rasnet protocol (George Merticariu)
- changeset:03d62d3 | ticket:712 - fixed rasnet required libraries dependencies when they are not installed in the standard path (George Merticariu)
- changeset:6d16c3a | ticket:712 - java implementation refactored (George Merticariu)
- changeset:62a1b3c | ticket:712 - optimisations in rasnet (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:9209f83 | ticket:712 - refactoring (George Merticariu)
- changeset:52a62d0 | ticket:746 | More meaningful exception message when input dates/timestamps fall out of bound. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:3e9cdb3 | ticket:782 - Fix structure type string parsing (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:17d563c | ticket:782 - Tests for parsing structure types from string representation (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:705c043 | ticket:815 - fix systemtest evaluation with sqlite backend (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f9f8a90 | ticket:852 - eliminating pg dependent functions (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:9e509c1 | ticket:856 - Eliminated compiler warnings (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:9281597 | ticket:856 - Eliminated c++ warnings (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:e70f2b6 | ticket:856 - Fixed compiler warnings (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:19f6c1b | ticket:856 - Fixed c++ warnings (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:d498c92 | ticket:863 - Fixed decode with different data types (George Merticariu)
- changeset:33673f2 | ticket:863 - fixed typos in varialbe naming (George Merticariu)
- changeset:bfe65a1 | ticket:880 - Fixed bug in (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:198d27e | ticket:881 - fixed compilation with —enable-debug (George Merticariu)
- changeset:523c8d7 | ticket:882 - Add code of R package for Rasdaman (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:b0ce280 | ticket:882 - Add more Java-to-R conversion tests, fix conversion bugs (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:9562094 | ticket:882 - Fix problem with nonexisting RRasdaman/inst/java directory (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:b713192 | ticket:882 - Remove dependencies on DBI package (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:f4603bd | ticket:883 completed refactoring and fixed tests. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:3ebb664 | ticket:883 Merging refactoring to rasnet with main branch (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:df53230 | ticket:883 - Refactored and added tests for Client, UserAdminRights, UserDatabaseRights, User (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:25f20b5 | ticket:883 - Refactored and added tests for Database, DatabaseHost, DatabaseManager, DatabaseHostManager (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:8a290b8 | ticket:883 - Refactored and added tests for ServerGroup, ServerManager. Removed hardcoded constants. (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:12b9570 | ticket:883 - Refactored and added tests for UserManager, ClientManager and renamed Server related files (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:d11da66 | ticket:884 - fixed sqlite linking (George Merticariu)
- changeset:c83b0fb | ticket:891 - create temporary files in /tmp; throw more specific conversion error (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c9050bb | ticket:891 - fix temporary file leak in netcdf converter (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:85a56a0 | ticket:894 - fixed typos and editorial hiccups (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:a14ec44 | ticket:896 Fix compatibility with postgres 8.4 in wms (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:f27eeec | ticket:897 - fix —with-filedatadir configure option (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:99239a9 | ticket:898 - proper warning when WMS 1.1 service has not been initialized (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2c628ab | ticket:906 - Fix package description file (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:5e52392 | ticket:906 - Make R package compliant with CRAN rules (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:ca2b537 | ticket:907 documented induced condenser (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:eea300b | ticket:907 enhanced condenser to work with induced operations on arrays (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:73ae52b | ticket:909 - Do not regenerate protobuf messages if there is no change (Georg Semmler)
- changeset:1dbe46f | ticket:912 Implemented WCST Update and refactored petascope. (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:2a6a8c0 | ticket:918 Utility to insert georeferenced datasets via WCST (Alex Dumitru)
Pre-release Version 9.1.0-beta1
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.5..v9.1.0-beta1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:0cd7513 | ticket:209 - range constructor in rasql (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:ba9fbd0 | ticket:429 - disable checks for a local postgres, so that the rasdaman init script can work even with remote postgres databases (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6fd0d8c | ticket:456 - fix URL decoding of plus signs (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f8b0467 | ticket:621 - remove duplicate functions to fix compilation of sqlite code (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:0c4afeb | ticket:712 - Merge branch 'feature_RnpRedesign' (George Merticariu)
- changeset:2b2665d | ticket:730 - Exceptions must have an exception code (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2df1f55 | ticket:783 - ObjectBroker refactoring, removed unused code. (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:e9ce834 | ticket:815 - safer oid initialization (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:33e8fce | ticket:821 fixed segfault in long simplecase queries (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:25dd889 | ticket:823 - avoid potential null pointers; fix WMS SQL query (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:99a264b | ticket:823 - fixes for OGS WCS test compliance (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:dddb7dc | ticket:823 - fix parsing of floating point scale size in WCS requests (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3c511eb | ticket:823 - fix WCS processing extension to throw proper messages and return multipart/mixed result (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:ebbe67e | ticket:823 - fix WCS WSDL (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:1e0793c | ticket:832 - error while handling exception fixed (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:e91c805 | ticket:832 - QGIS plugin to make wcps queries (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:0a84dca | ticket:833 - fix netcdf export for RGB data (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:ffe716e | ticket:834 changes in RasqlServlet to allow CORS requests, fixes the parsing of the parameters and only uses the response stream once. (Vlad)
- changeset:f07cc04 | ticket:839 - fix INSERT INTO evaluation in benchmark mode (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:81babc4 | ticket:840 - sync filestorage driver with lockmgr changes (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:9a115e4 | ticket:841 - update RPM rasdaman.spec to specify filestorage dir (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:4c4f354 | ticket:842 - Fixed empty file input (Bledi Ismaili)
- changeset:ef9c64e | ticket:843 changed systemtests oracle for GetCapabilities response (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:2636909 | ticket:843 Implemented WCS-Transaction extension for automatic coverage ingestion. (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:c64cef3 | ticket:850 - Fix compilation for clang after porting null values support (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:0afb17c | ticket:850 - Fix compilation for clang (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:b8dfedd | ticket:852 - eliminating PL/pgsql functions from petascope (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:36cb8d8 | ticket:855 - Fixed autoreconf warnings (Bledi Ismaili)
- changeset:ba69c5f | ticket:855 - removed realpath dependency (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:ce25e29 | ticket:856 - Eliminated compiler warnings from (Vlad Zamfir)
- changeset:ea1275a | ticket:857 - user friendly client for Web Coverage Service implemented by Alexandru Toader (George Merticariu)
- changeset:f61d1de | ticket:859 - —enable-strict configure option, to turn on all warnings (and make them errors) when compiling rasdaman (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f3b7491 | ticket:860 document null, nan as ported from rasdaman enterprise; set version to 9.1 (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:a655ff3 | ticket:860 final doc details (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:1f1c4de | ticket:860 - port null values support from rasdaman enterprise (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:4b21c74 | ticket:862 wms13 implementation + integration into petascope endpoint + merged last commit (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:1e07344 | ticket:864 extended the wcs client with coverage insertion and deletion capabilities (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:c6c496b | ticket:866 added copyright notice and list of dependencies (Alexandru Toader)
- changeset:4ba03f6 | ticket:868 - set -O3 gcc optimization level by default (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f977d77 | ticket:869 - remove unused libs from petascope (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6d17e31 | ticket:870 fixed wcs client transaction extension availability issue (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:e52dd98 | ticket:871 compliance of wcps2 implementation with systemtests for tests with no different behavior (Vlad Merticariu)
- changeset:d2875d0 | ticket:873 integrate wcs client into petascope (Alex Dumitru)
Version 9.0
- For download and installation check the (debian) installation and release process guides.
Changes and new features
Array DMBS- tile ids are now stored as long int in the database rather than double.
- note: this is a backwards incompatible change over
rasdaman 8.x
, i.e.
is run, the database (RASBASE) will be converted to the new format and will be only readable byrasdaman 9+
- note: this is a backwards incompatible change over
- new
'select version()'
query in RasQL, to return the currently installed version of rasdaman - enhanced logging: catch segfaults in the
server and print stacktraces in the log (only works if--without-debug-symbols
has not been specified at./configure
) - fine-grained locking of tiles in
, allowing parallel ingestion for example
- tile ids are now stored as long int in the database rather than double.
- Petascope Web servlet
- the
[PetascopeDevGuide metadata database schema] has been completely redesigned to work in cooperation with SECORE and to better follow the GMLCOV model, extending support for CRS-aligned irregularly gridded coverages.- note: Petascope 9.0 is incompatible with the old
schema, and requires upgrade (''
) - the upgrade supports both migration of existing coverages and restore of pre-upgrade db snapshot
- some first stored procedures are available for devs and advanced users
- note: Petascope 9.0 is incompatible with the old
- servlet path has been changed to
, etc., and thewar
file deployed in Tomcat is now rasdaman.war - Full OGC WCS 2.0 Core compliance for coverages with rectified/referenceable grid and multipoint geometries.
- WC*S subsets now support asterisks
and ISO8601 timestamps. - support for Index CRSs for unreferenced nD datasets
- support for compound CRS index, spatial, temporal, or spatio-temporal, with 1+ temporal axes
- support for CRS slicing (interim
notation). - WCS service and service provider metadata is moved from Java templates to the database.
- GML/GMLCOV coverage metadata is richer and more flexible: many GML fields are configurable in the database.
- fixes in GML encoding for coverages (especially CRS and grid axis orders)
- minimum bounding box is returned
- configurable OWS metadata enablement
- configurable SWE metadata (NIL values, allowed intervals, label, description, definition URI)
- handling of coverage points' sample spaces (point is area on regular axes, point is point on irregular axes)
- CRS coordinates to follow the axis order defined in its definition
- fix domainSet/rangeSet point order agreement
- safe decoupling of WC*S coverages and
collections: one coverage is represented by a single marray - initial support for [MultiPointCoverages multipoint coverages] (to enable this feature PostGIS 2.0+ is required, otherwise it will be disabled.
- fix WCS scaling, range subsetting and processing extensions.
- the
- rasgeo component
- revised rasimport/raserase working with the new 9.0
schema (thanks to Alex Herzig) and supporting irregular series of images (see also the [RasgeoUserGuide user guide])
- revised rasimport/raserase working with the new 9.0
- SECORE resolver
- [SecoreUserGuide SECORE] only supports URLs now, URN support is removed as OGC URNs have been deprecated for a long time already.
- note: this is an incompatible change, so an existing SECORE database must be removed (rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/secoredb/*), so that a new database containing only URL identifiers can be initialized.
- two separate dictionaries of definitions: the EPSG and a user-defined one, now containing a first set of Index and Temporal CRS definitions.
- [SecoreUserGuide SECORE] only supports URLs now, URN support is removed as OGC URNs have been deprecated for a long time already.
- miscellanea
- more powerful systemtests, with oracles support, known failures skip and scripting.
Quick upgrade guide (for rasdaman 8.x)
$ rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/secoredb
$ autoreconf -fi && ./configure [...] && make clean && make && make install
- edit and update Petascope (
) and rasgeo ($HOME/.rasdaman/rasconnect
) configuration files (note that rasconnect has two new parameters, see the example configuration) $
NOTE for PostgreSQL < 9.1 users : migration of existing coverages in petascopedb
assumes backslashes are treated literally in string literals. While this is the default behavior in versions ≥ 9.1 of PostgreSQL, this must be manually set in prior versions (see #675). Hence, before executing
you should run:
petascopedb=# ALTER ROLE petauser SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
(The problem has been addressed already in the development branch and will be available in rasdaman v9.0.1)
- #5
- Partial update through rasj fails
- #169
- rasimport to be synchronized with incoming new petascopedb schema
- #188
- URN-based identifiers recognized but not translated to URL in the definition
- #222
- WCS/WCPS axes to be requested by NAME, not by TYPE
- #233
- Some wrong definitions are silently ignored
- #267
- Tiling with rasimport
- #270
- Deprecate old servlets in petascope
- #276
- time handling with SECORE and temporal CRS
- #280
- SECORE works only at /def
- #307
- external names should use rasdaman, not petascope
- #326
- segmentation fault on insert
- #327
- lock manager for rasdaman
- #332
- Support for time in GML coverage output
- #333
- 2Gb file limit
- #335
- Coverage iterator not translated properly to rasql on WCPS trimmings
- #356
- SECORE does not report exception when an invalid parameter name is set on a non-parametrized CRS
- #357
- Implement `pow()' WCPS function
- #369
- Systemtest support for SECORE
- #376
- Aggregation operations in petascope don't work on multiband covs
- #377
- WCPS doesn't consider axis labels in scale operation
- #382
- Automated database updates in SECORE
- #385
- Illegal optional parameter read as flattening option
- #386
- Error when a Parametrized CRS targets a CRS via URN
- #387
- Query on coverages with different domains is unusable
- #389
- SECORE exception when mandatory parameter is missing
- #390
- Compound CRSs with a parametrized CRS
- #391
- Missing new line in CCRS output
- #407
- WCPS parsing error with scalar * coverage expression
- #417
- tile cache should be more robust
- #419
- document tile cache in inst-guide.doc
- #431
- Update supported base DB to postgres 9.0+
- #432
- verify WCS extension list in capabilities document
- #448
- WCS 2.0 exception code
- #458
- Test engine for tickets
- #459
- WCS GetCoverage broken
- #460
- establish documentation for 9.0
- #470
- support asterisk in trim operation
- #473
- Add textual comparison to systemtests (WCS et al)
- #474
- Trimmed URIs
- #475
- Coverage iterator over double/date intervals
- #476
- Null values not shown in coverage description
- #477
- nodata should be 0 by default
- #478
- WCPS switch tests fail
- #479
- Handling of NaN values in rasql
- #482
- Point query on non-materialized data should return 0
- #483
- editorial improvement of
- #484
- systemtest import functions not to rely on database IDs
- #487
- Configuration manager does not include admin credentials
- #489
- remove generated files from version control
- #492
- inv_tiff fails with rasj
- #493
- Complex constructor doesn't accept integers
- #494
- feature_PetascopeSecore to me merged
- #496
- Trac to accept git-bundles
- #498
- Oracles for WCS requests on Multipoint coverages
- #499
- Import script for Multipoint test dataset to use common systemtest configuration
- #508
- UML schema for Petascope
- #512
- PostGIS requirement, moved on branch feature_Multipoint
- #515
- UoM code for pure numbers
- #518
- KEY_ constants should be public in ConfigurationManager
- #519
- Do not hardwire kahlua host in petascopedb init
- #522
- HTTP code of WC*S exceptions to be properly set by Petacope
- #523
- Exception to be thrown on bogus medatype in a WCS request
- #524
- Petascope to throw exception on duplicate WCS subsets
- #525
- WCPS exceptions for invalid subsettings not to get lost
- #526
- Error when petascopedb is not updated to ps9
- #528
- release rasdaman 9.0.0-beta1
- #530
- WMS utilities to be re-synchronized with new petascopedb schema
- #531
- Wrong geo-metadata for mean_summer_airtemp
- #533
- Strings in subsets
- #534
- to use configured PostgreSQL port
- #537
- "Add a new entry at this level" functionality does not show up anymore
- #538
- Revert BaseX.jar to pre 7 version
- #539
- Add required OGC CRS defs in SECORE for systemtests
- #540
- gml:description in ParametrizedCRS definition
- #544
- WC*S tests with geo binary output encoding fail
- #545
- List of SECORE hosts in
- #546
- rasdaman version in
- #547
- encode fails for multiband of any type > char
- #548
- Allow compilation with debug symbols only
- #549
- Enable getting rasdaman version in a select query
- #551
- WCPS responses do not add EOL at the end of the response
- #552
- PostGIS queries
- #553
- SECORE should not hardcode the host in the def identifiers
- #556
- SECORE HTTP exit codes for exception reports not to be 200
- #558
- WCS range extensions XML parser to expect rangeSubset as root
- #559
- SECORE to reject queries with almost valid code
- #560
- gmlcov:metadata not following XMLSD of coverage description
- #561
- WCS XML POST body not to be prepended by "request="
- #562
- Throw exception when required parameter is missing in a WCS request
- #563
- SOAP always return 200 exit code
- #565
- Coverage description template for non-gridded coverages to be established
- #566
- UoM for range quantities not to be used as UoM for CRS axes in MultiPoint coverages
- #567
- HTML documentation needs to be integrated
- #568
- NullPointerException when axis does not exist in CRS definition
- #569
- Missing namespace for referenceable grids in CoverageDescription
- #570
- UoM for multipoint domainSet
- #572
- Fix GML for referenceable grids
- #573
- SWE metadata from database not to be ignored
- #574
- Smoother migration from 8.5 to 9.0
- #575
- Check for dblink installation
- #578
- rasdl fails on CentOS 6.4
- #583
- Add patchmanager code to the rasdaman repo
- #604
- Envelope bounds with Index CRSs
- #607
- Scaling extension for XML requests to be inside wcs:Extension
- #616
- petascope Makefile fails to find rasj.jar
- #619
- secore not found during install
- #623
- Memory leak in lockmgr
- #625
- target tiles still locked after commit
- #631
- Duplicate code for coordinates to grid indexes conversion
- #634
- Implement the Processing Coverage extension
- #638
- CSV encoding problem with multiband collections
- #639
- Time subset conversion to account for offset vector
- #645
- Improve
- #647
- Improve detection of northing-first CRS during petascopedb migration
- #648
- Migrate origin to centre of sample-space
- #649
- Dynamic output grid coverage type
- #662
- Petascope XMLDescribeCoverageSchemaTest fails
- #668
- Migration starts on new petascopedb
- #79
- integration with Enterprise Linux Community
- #102
- Petascope WCPS form processing (Java XML parser) has error.
- #108
- Segmentation fault when accessing a non-existent collection via GDAL
- #119
- casting fails with user-defined types
- #125
- rasgeo expects same user for postgres and rasdaman
- #132
- Selecting struct component by name fails
- #133
- Problem in Petascope to serve simultaneous request
- #152
- XQuery interface
- #165
- Specify rasimport connection on the command-line
- #206
- WCS error handling needs cleanup
- #210
- from clause in rasql select statements should be optional
- #221
- Include WCS conformance test into systemtest
- #242
- INSERT should return OID allocated
- #245
- Update and select rasql queries distinction
- #255
- Parameters for 'areas of interest' tiling not parsed
- #257
- raswct event names as constants
- #258
- raswct slider should support discrete data
- #259
- integrate WCPS into the WCS name space
- #281
- WCS GML response when all dimensions of a coverage are sliced
- #301
- Default tiling in rasdaman is only applied on 2D objects
- #310
- decouple coverage and collection names, determine coverage type dynamically
- #314
- Add metadata to CoverageSummary in GetCapabilites response.
- #342
- Memory leak detection
- #347
- Petascope returns wrong bounds with CRS:1 subsets
- #365
- expand parameter should expand everything by default
- #366
- Invalid WCS 2.0.1 GetCapabilities response (Rasdaman 9.0.3) was: Invalid WCS 2.0.0 GetCapabilities response (Rasdaman 8.4.1)
- #394
- Provide clear error message when WCPS query exceeds coverage bounds
- #410
- rasserver silently shuts down when a port is already in use
- #412
- configure script does not check for bison being installed
- #430
- establish automatic nightly builds for master branch
- #434
- Cast doesn't work for constant mddExpr
- #442
- Occassional error on rasimport
- #450
- Test rasserver with limited amount of memory
- #451
- Profile petascope regarding RAM usage
- #456
- Petascope should not escape the + sign in the format parameter
- #462
- Classes r_Bag and r_List from API document don't actually exist?
- #464
- Update logging facade SLF4J to 1.7.5 or above
- #468
- wms-import utilitites to allow connect file as parameter
- #490
- rasmgr startup output corrupted
- #495
- Optimizing Pointcloud Java Code and Database Queries
- #497
- Slicings for Multipoint coverages
- #521
- WCPS Slicings for Multipoint coverages
- #535
- WCPS convertTopixelIndices() function needs refactoring
- #536
- Licence headers need update
- #541
- Remove psycopg dependency in systemtest
- #550
- SECORE to ignore GML xmlsd during equality checks
- #554
- Add XML, SOAP and REST tests in WCS systemtests
- #555
- SECORE to encode predefined entities in responses
- #557
- Change CRS for Parksmall coverage
- #571
- Create a Bbox object for multipoint coverages
- #576
- Missing check on sdom response
- #577
- Remove double transaction warning from rasdaman
- #579
- header comment in GML response
- #586
- Remove temporary file creation in CSV converter
- #587
- inv_tiff segmentation
- #588
- Casting problems with RasQL's CSV encoding
- #591
- Mapping a cast to boolean to RasQL
- #592
- Cast to bool in RasQL
- #593
- WCPS not case sensitive on some keywords
- #603
- Subsets are not transformed to indexes when arithmetic expression is used
- #610
- Missing mapping between WCPS and RasQL primitive data types
- #621
- Tile locking performance issue
- #622
- rasdaman 9.0 fails when the database is not update
- #626
- WCS incomplete supported formats listing in service capabilities
- #630
- Enable optional compilation of the lockmanager
- #633
- fails
- #635
- Document SELECT INTO
- #636
- Grid origin to be centre of point sample space
- #642
- make check/clean for the systemtest has a bug
- #654
- Document migration procedure
- #658
- Silent division by zero
- #661
- rasgeo constraints to Postgresql >= 9
- #664
- Lenient BigDecimal division
- #670
- NetCDF format extension is unused
- #672
- WMS path was not synced
- #673
- CSV conversion for complex numbers
- #674
- Migration of gmlcov metadata
- #675
- Portability problem with PostgreSQL prior to 9.1 on literals
- #676
- Wrong root document selected when fetching UoM definition
- #677
- Petascope not to rely on a static set of supported naming authorities
- #681
- Coefficients missing on GetCoverage response when irregular axis not trimmed
- #682
- Wrong bbox when irregular axis is trimmed and subset bounds do not coincide with a point
- #683
- Timestamp WCPS tests failing
- #684
- Segfault on aggregation over large composite types
- #685
- initialization problem
- #686
- CellDomain is using lexicographical comparison of int indexes
- #687
- Wrong timestamp to time numeric conversion when vector is not time versor
- #688
- Wrong usage of tuple and coordinate separator in range set
- #689
- Importing BGS sample tin data into postgis
- #690
- WCPS Subsetting/Slicings for TIN coverages
- #691
- WCS Subsetting/Slicings for TIN coverages
- #693
- C++ examples fail to compile
- #694
- Testdata is wrongly dropped on every run
- #695
- Postgis version detection fails on debian
- #696
- WCPS multipoint tests are randomly failing
- #697
- .deps/insertppm.Po: No such file or directory
- #698
- improvement
- #699
- Update script for petascopedb to handle user interrupts
- #700
- WCS tupleList is in column-major whereas it should be in row-major
- #702
- Postgis is installed but still not found
- #704
- Document dbinfo() function
- #709
- CRS parameter for encode() function
- #713
- petascope doesn't close database connections
- #714
- SECORE ignores service.url in the secore.conf
- #717
- WCS GetCapabilities response is invalid if phone specified in ps_service_provider
- #719
- ps_service_provider has column contact_instructions but values is not output in WCS GetCapabilities response
- #720
- ps_service_provider has column contact_role that should be constrained against a dictionary of values
- #727
- raserase when metadata deletion fails
- #729
- Miscategorized debug messages in petascope
- #730
- GetCapabilities fails if a coverage is registered in petascope but not in rasdaman
- #734
- Typo in constraint name
- #735
- GetCapabilities pings rasdaman for every coverage
- #736
- WCS test 42 failing
- #737
- unable to connect rasdaman 9 to a remote RASBASE server
- #738
- Compilation fails with bison 3/gcc 4.8
- #739
- Occassional Unknown node for ScaleCoverageExpr expression: trim error.
- #742
- Coverage metadata overwritten in range constructor
- #743
- Do not set any default nodata value
- #744
- Enable GML in JPEG2000 encoding in rasdaman
- #745
- Petascope to serve GML in JPEG2000 files
- #746
- 1601-01-01 is ANSI date 1, not 0
- #747
- Parsing subtraction bug
- #748
- Wrong ranges for float/double min/max in ps_intervals
- #750
- Check if secore_urls is present in
- #751
- Substitute readline dependency with libedit
- #752
- Dependency on postgres intarray module
- #753
- rasql should check for write permissions
- #754
- Add systemtest coverages for floating-point typed datasets too
- #756
- Band names in Petascope
- #759
- WCPS encode behaviour dependent on capitalisation of format specifier
- #760
- Support grid coverages
- #761
- Licenses for petascope libs
- #762
- systemtest to check CoverageSummary elements of a WCS GetCapabilities response
- #763
- WCS response not sliced upon slicing
- #764
- WCS conformance testing
- #765
- WCS 2.0 Capabilities document validation fail
- #766
- SECORE should have the security constraints commented out
- #767
- band names shown in dbinfo() differ from designated during rasimport
- #768
- Implement the WCS interpolation extension
- #769
- WCS Scaling extension to update internal grid topology in the XML response
- #770
- Add Index 4D/5D CRS
- #771
- RPC server should be disabled by default
- #773
- WCPS scale operation not to ignore single-cell trimmings
- #774
- RasQL scale : the result is no interval
- #775
- Add primary keys to petascopedb tables where not defined
- #776
- WCS scaling operation dosen't work with georeferenced coverage
- #778
- CRS:1 conversion not transmitted to WCPS
- #784
- Control lockmgr via configuration parameter in rasmgr.conf
- #785
- Implement WCS Range Subsetting extension
- #786
- WCS Scaling extension does not take slicings into account
- #787
- WCS scaling extension wrongly maps scale-factor to WCPS
- #788
- WCS scaling extension wrongly maps scale-factor to WCPS
- #789
- Get ordered vector coefficients
- #795
- Connection closed on parallel WCS requests when one query fails
- #796
- Wrong WCS range subsetting conformance class in capabilities
- #797
- GMLCOV conformance class(es) missing in WCS capabilities
- #798
- Missing WCPS core conformance in WCS capabilities
- #799
- Add configuration parameter to override declared WCS service URL in capabilities
- #800
- mention CC-BY-SA in documents
- #801
- Postgres cannot index huge text strings
- #802
- usage of ps_descriptions table in petascope
- #803
- systemtest status on bismuth
- #804
- Update SECORE with accepted Time+Index CRS URIs/defs
- #805
- EPSG 8.5 release: update SECORE db
- #807
- ps_extra_metadata for ows type metadata incorrectly inserted into GetCapabilities (v9.0.3)
- #809
- case_expression test fails
- #810
- Put rasj.jar in a public maven repository
- #811
- Substitute libsigsegv with non GPL code/lib
- #814
- Secore deploy script does not include UserDictionary.xml
- #815
- Port filestorage support with sqlite
- #819
- Resolving hrefs in secore doesn't work across databases
- #820
- pdf manuals are not installed
- #823
- OGC WCS test compliance
- #828
- Mismatching HTTP status codes returned by petascope
- #832
- QGIS WCPS plugin
- #833
- netcdf() cannot encode RGB
- #839
- INSERT INTO fails in benchmark mode
- #840
- Filestorage driver should be synced with lockmgr changes
- #841
- Update RPM rasdaman.spec to specify filestorage dir
- #847
- Petascope version number
- #852
- Eliminate PL/pgSQL functions from petascope
- #853
- nary operation doesn't support binary operation
- #854
- Docker script
- #855
- autoreconf 2.69 produces warnings
- #856
- rasdaman warnings with gcc 4.9
- #859
- turn on all warnings when compiling rasdaman
Patch Version 9.0.5
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.4..v9.0.5 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:209ac46 | ticket:000 - dummy patch for integration testing (fixes INSTALL directions though) (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:7413988 | ticket:212 - add comment on petascopedb schema (Guo Xinghua)
- changeset:00dbfc0 | ticket:301 - default tiling for 2D+ objects fixed (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:38be5d9 | ticket:378 - Index violation in directional tiling (propagating to interest tiling) fixed (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:387d7df | ticket:520 - fixed Type Invalid exception when accessing an empty collection from c++ (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:45fdfd8 | ticket:583 - add build system information to patchmanager (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6c4924b | ticket:588 - Fix CSV conversion of single values (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:c652346 | ticket:592 - Fix cast to bool in CSV (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:e626778 | ticket:592 - fix test case to use the right testdata (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:0310ad1 | ticket:592 - Introduce symbolic constants for boolean values representation in CSV (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:0ca548f | ticket:593 - WCPS keyword case sensitive fixed (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:09ad068 | ticket:598 - grammar fix to allow coverageExpr in domain metadata expression (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:42e102e | ticket:729 - fix miscategorized INFO log messages in petascope (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6465700 | ticket:730 - GetCapabilities error fixed to return multiple exception (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:04fb60e | ticket:734 - fix typo in constraint name (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:cdc7a85 | ticket:735 - Do not use full read() method to get the coverage type. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:7b616c3 | ticket:799 - add netcdf to the multipart response types (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:e881e51 | ticket:803 - fix multipoint test oracles (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:8771563 | ticket:803 - fix systemtest, remove outdated tickets test (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f219c0f | ticket:803 - make systemtest testdata import more robust (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:e8e363e | ticket:809 modified case expression test not to use log (Vlad M)
- changeset:57a2bb5 | ticket:810 - RasJ for Maven repository (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:9c17fe0 | ticket:811 - included inclusion for missing header files (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:acdd06f | ticket:811 - substitute libsigsegv with non GPL code (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:e84afc2 | ticket:814 - update NetBeans project files (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:cc00283 | ticket:815 - port filestorage support for rasserver (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6db0b55 | ticket:820 - updated Makefile to install docs (Bidesh Thapaliya)
- changeset:0fd1a2f | ticket:822 Implementation of WCPS 1.5 (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:7d0500c | ticket:825 - disable by default extra information in the GetCapabilities (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c90c028 | ticket:827 Various bug fixes for WCPS alternative parser (Alex Dumitru)
- changeset:8c0adb4 | ticket:828 - fix HTTP error codes returned by petascope; ticket:730 - add test (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f559ebf | ticket:829 - fix compilation of petascope's tests (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b4592d2 | ticket:829 - removed Java 7 functionality (George Merticariu)
- changeset:e485188 | ticket:830 - Specified encoding when reading from file. (George Merticariu)
Patch Version 9.0.4
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.3..v9.0.4 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:23951c5 | ticket:255 - fix enum constant name clash (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2cd0654 | ticket:281 - Blank domain set for 0-dimensional output coverages. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:4aeba67 | ticket:365 - SECORE to expand all XML cross refs by default. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:3452bce | ticket:366 - Restore proper schema compliance on existing WCS extension from template. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:b850417 | ticket:434 - Fixed cast for constant mddExpr (bidesh)
- changeset:46aaa33 | ticket:439 | ticket:735 - Configuration parameters for tuning performance and richness of the WCS capabilities document; add test. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:f8c452d | ticket:464 - removed old jar files (bidesh)
- changeset:1c5dce6 | ticket:464 - Update Petascope compilation to SLF4J 1.7.7 in nbproject files too. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:c065c88 | ticket:464 - Update SECORE compilation to SLF4J 1.7.7 in nbproject files too. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:2a0f34d | ticket:555 - Escape XML entities on SECORE directory listing @at attribute (all tests now pass). (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:cc1e9ea | ticket:567 - Update SchemaSpy documentation to include petascopedb updates #9 to #13. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0778878 | ticket:610 - Added explicit mapping between WCPS and RasQL primitive types, Made WCPS parser strict and fixed test cases accordingly (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:b8db2ed | ticket:626 - register NetCDF format extension (Guo Xinghua)
- changeset:f6c9996 | ticket:718 - Fix service provider's phone schema compliance in WCS capabilities. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:1ebd2cf | ticket:718 - Set more meaningful names to Element objects in WCS capabilities handler. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:594537c | ticket:719 - Contact instructions were not reported in WCS capabilities from db. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:5530480 | ticket:720 - Contact role taken from a set of ISO-compliant identifiers. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:e71d172 | ticket:733 - added the jenkins integration to trac (George Merticariu)
- changeset:8134804 | ticket:735 - Local-configuration independent WCS test #60. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:1e7e8b3 | ticket:768 - Revert variable declarations in interfaces: they are public, static and final by default. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:ff965c7 | ticket:775 - Add two missing primary keys in petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:be6a87d | ticket:784 - documented lockmgr parameter in server (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:20e1e24 | ticket:784 - Removes compile time option —enable-tilelocking and adds rasmgr.conf option —enable-tilelocking. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:c56e5e9 | ticket:795 - fix multipoint query evaluation (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:38b4403 | ticket:796 - Fix WCS Range Subsetting conformance class in capabilities. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:9a80192 | ticket:797 - Add parent extension identifier in capabilities for GMLCOV. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:fbd8f79 | ticket:798 - Add WCPS version conformance URL in Process Coverages WCS extension. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:73d3a30 | ticket:799 - set service URL in WCS GetCapbilities (Guo Xinghua)
- changeset:31bb39e | ticket:800 added CC-BY-SA (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:4176c4b | ticket:801 - Loose contraint on ps_extra_metadata to avoid indexing metadata values. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:f077d5a | ticket:803 - add case test to known_fails, and fix wcs test oracle (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:43319c1 | ticket:803 - fix multipoint GetCoverage response (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:933ff27 | ticket:803 - mark JPEG2000 tests as known fails (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6ba71c3 | ticket:804 - Update SECORE with new official time and index identifiers, accepted by OGC-NA at last TC meeting. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:149adf6 | ticket:805 - fix secore oracle, failing due to updated secore database (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:f528a44 | ticket:805 - update EPSG database to v8.5 in secore (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:76e97d8 | ticket:806 - Fix SECORE link expansion: do not pick only the links from direct root children. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:d8c8e93 | ticket:806 - Fix SECORE oracles and add javadoc for EXPAND_DEFAULT field. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:8e3b54a | ticket:807 - Fix schema compliance when direct ows:Metadata elements are inserted. (Piero Campalani)
Patch Version 9.0.3
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.2..v9.0.3 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:63c81fb | ticket:464 - Updated SLF4J to 1.7.7 (bidesh)
- changeset:9521f18 | ticket:488 - javadoc warnings fixed (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:eb24d62 | ticket:490 - Write rasmgr startup message into the log file (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:280aa04 | ticket:591 - Single exit point, follow up (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:19f1ccd | ticket:707 - fix logging in rasj (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:e0526a0 | ticket:707 - Log all parsing errors (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:fb67898 | ticket:774 - Don't forward load optimization domain in the scale operator (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:dd6bbe1 | ticket:795 - fix thread-safety of jdbc connection (Dimitar Misev)
Patch Version 9.0.2
List generated with:
$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.1..v9.0.2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:bf090d3 | ticket:119 - add conversion test (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:4383ed3 | ticket:119 - Casting with user-defined types (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2e04a99 | ticket:119 - Correct typenames in debug output (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:25c1e83 | ticket:210 - fix compilation with gcc < 4.7 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:251db02 | ticket:210 - Fix null pointer dereference (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:8f9e654 | ticket:210 - Make FROM clause optional (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2bd2188 | ticket:255 - Area of Interest tiling bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:6df01d6 | ticket:292 added decode test with gdal parameters (George Merticariu)
- changeset:13aa2d8 | ticket:292 Added gdal parameters support for decode function (George Merticariu)
- changeset:fa9205b | ticket:292 - Fix broken HDF test (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:b977b6a | ticket:313 - report properly error when GDAL fails to open a file (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:dfd1bc5 | ticket:417 - more robust blob reading (master) (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:7a5c1c5 | ticket:53 - Select on external files (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:94d163d | ticket:542 - Revert part of previous changes, return complex constants (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:a8d9e4e | ticket:546 - Fix rasdaman version extraction from Petascope (involuntarily disabled in changeset:2988467). (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0f4cec0 | ticket:557 - Change CRS for Parksmall coverage. (Alireza RM)
- changeset:adb33ce | ticket:591 - bugfix:Mapping a cast boolean to bool RasQL (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:95c39fd | ticket:613 - Supported interpolation types to be declared inside wcs:Extension element. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:a4535fe | ticket:621 lockmgr: optimizes locking by introducing bulk locking. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:f1a4d0b | ticket:639 - Fixing conversion to indexes with regular fractional time spacing. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:b7279e9 | ticket:689 - deactivating tin import script, work on it continues (Alireza RM)
- changeset:2a5ea88 | ticket:689 - Importing BGS sample tin data into postgis (Alireza RM)
- changeset:e83ae3f | ticket:694 - Testdata is wrongly dropped on every run for multipoint (Alireza RM)
- changeset:147d278 | ticket:697 - create target directory before copying files (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:6649726 | ticket:697 - create target directory before copying files (fix for RPM building) (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:841ad47 | ticket:697 - .deps/insertppm.Po: No such file or directory - Disregard Previous Patch of same ticket (Xavier)
- changeset:82f7b71 | ticket:700 - Add GML coverage function to account for column-major linear sequence rule in rasdaman CSV encoding. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:5583a21 | ticket:700 - completing documenting of decode/encode (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:22a923c | ticket:700 - CSV conversion in encode function (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2670ca0 | ticket:700 - Missing oracle for WCS test #42. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:615cea3 | ticket:705 - Web service endpoints not mentioned in Installation Guide (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:45fc2e8 | ticket:706 - Specify type structure when fetching GMArrays (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:50d6dc9 | ticket:707 - Add missing error messages (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:f6b7917 | ticket:707 - Do not report allocated OIDs (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:fcb187f | ticket:707 - Don't report exceptions twice (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:053b4fe | ticket:707 - Hide debug output in StorageLayout (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:621622a | ticket:707 - Hide redundant 'request' log entries, benchmark timers (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:e857ba5 | ticket:707 - Report query execution times in benchmark mode (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:461266b | ticket:710 - rasgeo: support for NaN values when writing raster attribute tables (Alexander Herzig)
- changeset:216edb0 | ticket:713 - fix database connection leaks in petascope (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:0ddfb78 | ticket:713 - update postgres JDBC driver (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a7bd735 | ticket:714 - fix output URN substitution in secore (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:77edd64 | ticket:724 - Access to elements and type of RasStructure (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:916db85 | ticket:728 - rasgeo: fixed EPSG detection and simple —crs-uri checks (Alexander Herzig)
- changeset:2a0a0cc | ticket:738 - fix compile with bison 3 (Georg Semmler)
- changeset:292c971 | ticket:743 - Default nodata value removed and test cases modified accordingly (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:ec20d72 | ticket:743 - fix oracles for wcs tiff tests due to changed nodata handling (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:acdce7f | ticket:744 - Add support for JP2OpenJPEG format for the encode RasQL function; add conversion test. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:3e95f40 | ticket:745 - Petascope to support OGC GMLJP2 extension (as JPEG2000 + multipart/related). (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:e6cf821 | ticket:745 - Skip WCS GMLJP2 tests if GDAL version requirements are not met. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:517ac66 | ticket:746 - Fix ANSI date datum: 1601-01-01 is date 1. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:aad98a4 | ticket:747 - Fix unary minus parsing (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:3ae1c74 | ticket:748 - Fix floating point bounds in petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:3f664c2 | ticket:748 - Properly handle large numerical representations. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:087f71c | ticket:749 - install directql in $RMANHOME/bin (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c00e4fa | ticket:750 - chech if secore urls is set in (Badoiu Simona Andreea)
- changeset:2f98be6 | ticket:751 - fix compilation on CentOS (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2781be3 | ticket:751 - substitute readline with libedit in rascontrol (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:8976a2b | ticket:753 - Added check against failure of fwrite (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:3b3d341 | ticket:753 - File write permission seg fault bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:5eed225 | ticket:755 - Resolving type structures by type names (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:a519796 | ticket:756 | ticket:785 - Fixes to range field subsetting: WC*S services to use coverage band names; throw IllegalFieldSequence exception; update GetCoverage range type. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:9a07f4e | ticket:757 - Return all structure arrays (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:ad7c669 | ticket:759 - WCPS encode behaviour on capitalisation of format specifier: bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari)
- changeset:1b57f46 | ticket:760 - support grid coverages (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:30c21ef | ticket:760 | ticket:770 - Automatically assign IndexCRS to GridCoverage datasets; add tests. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:8126415 | ticket:761 - include license for several petascope dependencies, remove redundant activation.jar (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:75530d4 | ticket:764 - add a 1D double coverage to the petascope systemtest (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a8777cb | ticket:765 - Valid toy OWS metadata in systemtest. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:127e80c | ticket:766 - comment out security constraints in secore by default (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3a64fb4 | ticket:768 - WCS Interpolation extension. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:55b9f0a | ticket:771 - disable RPC server in rasmgr.conf by default (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:bf18e01 | ticket:772 hinted that inv_csv() is not available (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:d824c6d | ticket:773 - WCPS scaling not to ignore 1-cell trim operations. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:5d16411 | ticket:776 - Do not use BigDecimal strict divide method on scalesize parameter handling. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:81d7fca | ticket:776 | ticket:786 - Fixes to WCS Scaling extension: adjust GMLCOV metadata; scaling on georeferenced coverages; requests with slicings. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:afb9ff9 | ticket:777 added type in decode (George Merticariu)
- changeset:ab900bf | ticket:778 - Fix inline internal grid subsetting in WCS. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:988f971 | ticket:779 - Fix arbitrary types support in conversion results (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:5c54147 | ticket:779 - Single function exit (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:a61ec19 | ticket:780 - Fix reading single structures (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:6b8a934 | ticket:781 - Fix parameters detection in query strings (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:00ab910 | ticket:782 - Fix RasStructureType (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:3763e65 | ticket:788 - Fix mapping of WCS scaling by factor to WCPS. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0fed5c5 | ticket:789 - Fix retrieval of vector coefficients. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:40c73da | ticket:790 - Fix octets parsing in rasj (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:eb4dcd6 | ticket:791 - fix java compilation (Dimitar Misev)
Patch Version 9.0.1
List generated with:
$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.0..v9.0.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:e806a26 | ticket:15 - fix test (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:e8c027d | ticket:169 - add comments to rasgeo's config file (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:db096ba | ticket:242 - OIDs are returned from INSERTs. (Heinrich Stamerjohanns)
- changeset:d5eca14 | ticket:281 - 0D coverage for referenceable grids too. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:56fcac8 | ticket:292 - 1)added tests for decode function; 2)removed gdal parameters from decode; 3) reverted encode function to initial state (George Merticariu)
- changeset:49a003b | ticket:292 - added decode functionality (George Merticariu)
- changeset:663dab7 | ticket:292 - fixed tests (George Merticariu)
- changeset:8852d1d | ticket:292 - follow up- fixed tests (George Merticariu)
- changeset:f926d12 | ticket:325 - handle segfaults in rasimport and raserase (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:b67033b | ticket:412 - Check bison or byacc for presence (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:09dd2a9 | ticket:507 - Remove wildcard from regular file test in (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0ff494f | ticket:542 - Function calls in complex constructor (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:8b717f0 | ticket:543 - Condensing over complex numbers (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:6434f7d | ticket:543 - Fix types comparison (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2d86fb9 | ticket:567 - Drop spurious SchemaSpy files for old ps9_ tables. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:40cd00d | ticket:571 - Create a Bbox object for multipoint coverages (Alireza RM)
- changeset:889bdc0 | ticket:579 - Update license headers for Java source files and add utility for automatic (re)update. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:30850fc | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Adapts the documentation of the whole code after removing clientId. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:596ceb0 | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Removes attribute clientId from table, code, and queries. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:7487a46 | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Removes "IF EXISTS" from update4.sql and sets the updatenumber to 5. (Kinga Lipskoch)
- changeset:9c3fa78 | ticket:630 - properly set rw lock when lockmgr is disabled (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5cb4af1 | ticket:671 - Check flex for presence (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:648d171 | ticket:672 - Fix WMS path in WMS import tools. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:8f46ab0 | ticket:673 - CSV conversion for complex numbers (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:e910167 | ticket:673 - Fix broken tests of CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:e3c9915 | ticket:673 - Test for complex number CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:3f5338b | ticket:674 - Fix literal concatenation when constructing query for gmlcov metadata migration. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:4816e4b | ticket:675 - Explicitly set PostgreSQL standard_conforming_strings variable before updating petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:514eab4 | ticket:676 - Fix root document reference for UoM parsing. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:0da1d6f | ticket:677 - Remove supported authorities from CRS URI validity check. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:d529f93 | ticket:681 - Fetching coefficients on irregular untrimmed axis. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:53768e7 | ticket:682 - Fix minimal bounding box on irregular axes. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:bdd8887 | ticket:684 - add test (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:ae69314 | ticket:685 - fix initialization in RPM installations (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:2aaa6d7 | ticket:686 - Drop duplicate (wrong) check on index min-max consistency and add test. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:dd33a59 | ticket:687 - Fix timestamp to numeric time coordinate conversion on vectors with norm different from 1 and add new irr_cube_2 test dataset. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:45e47d6 | ticket:688 - Declare proper tuple and coordinate separators in coverage range values. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:7147230 | ticket:693 - C++ examples fail to compile (fix on master) (fxavier)
- changeset:8896f99 | ticket:695 - PostGIS version can also be quoted in some distributions. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:7a689ff | ticket:696 - fix WCS multipoint oracles (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:c9a7ac2 | ticket:696 - WCPS multipoint tests are randomly failing (Alireza RM)
- changeset:57cedf5 | ticket:698 - Synchronize Petascope demo insertion and add feedback. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:ce6a813 | ticket:699 - Interrupt signal handlers while updating petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:fb8da58 | ticket:700 - Row-major values order in CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich)
- changeset:2d36820 | ticket:700 - updated 12.2 (Peter BaumanN)
- changeset:70106dc | ticket:703 - Typo in (Piero Campalani)
Version 8.5
- #15
- condense max and min bug
- #131
- rasgeo imports MDD with wrong spatial domain if nm_meta not present
- #320
- Adding parameterized definitions doesn't work
- #363
- Enhancement of petascope regression test suite
- #395
- Access Denied Error with 8.4.2-1 RPM
- #400
- Rasimport of data using unsigned int 32 bit is scrambled
- #425
- systemtest check for collection existence is wrong
- #426
- parent incorrectly set in query tree
- #427
- directql has only write access
Patch Version 8.5.3
List generated with:
$ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v8.5.2..v8.5.3 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:522364c | ticket:417 - fix tile cache leak in v8.5 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:9b9f2c4 | ticket:417 - more robust blob reading (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:5956682 | ticket:605 - Fix cell bounds of mr and rgb. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:4d5c934 | ticket:609 - Fix datatypes for mr and rgb test coverages. (Piero Campalani)
- changeset:6da4b85 | ticket:618 - fix data ingestion uses more memory than necessary (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:a71d381 | ticket:618 - fix insertppm segfault (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3de6c1d | ticket:618 - fix segfault in clientcomm 8.5 (Dimitar Misev)
- changeset:3868a0f | ticket:618 - fix segfault in rasimport (Dimitar Misev)
Patch Version 8.5.4
List generated with:
git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v8.5.3..v8.5.4 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
- changeset:0e4b2e5 | ticket:439 - Fix ows:descriptions when abstract or keywords are not stored in petascopedb. (Piero Campalani)
Version 8.4
- Source tarball download link: rasdaman-v8.4.0.tgz
- From git repository (we have a new release procedure under definition)
- Interface and features table
- fixes and enhancements: tickets closed
- #16
- condense count
- #33
- remove "#ifdef NO_OFFICIAL_RELEASE"
- #77
- Data exchange format wrong file name extension
- #112
- wcs2.0.0_req11_kvp
- #113
- wcs2.0.0_req17_postxml
- #114
- wcs2.0.0_req40
- #115
- Document new parameter in TIFF conversion
- #117
- inv_tiff broken in rasdaman 8.3
- #118
- rasdaman debian package
- #120
- Drop/Erase collection fails after several data has been loaded
- #122
- Error retrieving data from fragmented collections
- #123
- Updating an MDD which intersects with the source array
- #124
- Error when selecting non-materialized parts of an mdd
- #126
- Create an script for petascope
- #128
- segmentation fault in rasserver causes oid operator failures
- #129
- Error parsing insert TIFF query with inv_tiff()
- #137
- created collection odd behaviour (different answer for the same query and error in drop collection)
- #138
- x and y axes swapped inserting 2D grid into rasdaman
- #139
- rasdl basetype deletion issue
- #140
- rasdl -p complex type output misleading for mdd and set types
- #143
- WCPS abstract syntax. Error with scale operation
- #144
- Problem to scale data with more than 2 dimensions using a scale factor
- #145
- Petascope enhancement: WCPS getMetaDataExpr
- #146
- WCPS parser does not raise exception when parenthesis are missing
- #147
- netcdf conversion output is not properly encoded
- #148
- rasql scale operation issue - segmentation fault
- #151
- trim operations in queries with marray causes error message (401)
- #154
- Proprietary Sun API (JPEGCodec) used inside petascope.wms
- #156
- make install always overrides rasmgr.conf
- #158
- SECORE error with (some) Vertical CRS
- #159
- SECORE: keys should be case insensitive
- #160
- sdom(c)[0].hi returns wrong result
- #161
- Setting tiling layouts/indexes needs testing
- #162
- filter not work
- #163
- Access WCS 2.0 via ArcMap
- #164
- Export GeoTIFF/JPEG2000 with WCPS
- #166
- RPM: setup database for rasimport
- #167
- Rename to
- #168
- implement crs, scaling and interpolation projection functions
- #170
- Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (schema)
- #171
- Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (ServiceMetadata)
- #172
- WCPS ConstructCoverageExpr
- #175
- WCPS: image CRS should be assumed in subsets when no CRS is specified
- #176
- petascope.wcps.* packages to use String constants
- #177
- 1D and 3D coverage metadata results in wcs GetCapabilities exception
- #178
- rasdl doesn't consider the --connect parameter
- #179
- Add possibility to specify connection user/pass in rasmgr.conf
- #181
- systemtest doesn't run properly
- #182
- Can't import RGB image as slice of 3D object
- #183
- SECORE only recognizes URN identifiers of new uploaded definitions
- #184
- List of coverages for WCPS requests not updated unless restart Petascope
- #189
- rasimport: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- #190
- C++ Developers Guide (possible) typos
- #191
- Petascope response mimetype is text/plain
- #192
- Runtime error if don't supply subset parameters.
- #193
- Petascope doesn't understand percent encoded query params
- #194
- WCPS generalCondenseExpr syntax not recognised
- #195
- Petascope doesn't parse float constants correctly
- #196
- WMS fill creates several levels of the same size
- #197
- WMS scripts doesn't pass proper options to fillpyramid
- #198
- Use config.h
- #199
- rasdaman broken on big endian systems?
- #201
- netCDF should be able to import dimension variables
- #202
- WCPS tests failed
- #204
- WCPS scale fails when there is slicing
- #205
- Alpha channel in png convertor
- #212
- Graphical database schema for petascope
- #213
- When subsetting in WCS the bbox is not updated
- #217
- NETCDF export broken - file has incorrect orientation
- #218
- rasimport segmentation fault
- #219
- WCPS overlay operator works wrong way round
- #223
- rasmgr writes ill-formatted rasmgr.conf file
- #224
- Petascope WCS returns invalid GetCapabilites response
- #229
- Include git commit id in rasdaman's version
- #230
- WCPS count() delivers wrong value
- #231
- Replace rasimport with rasql in wcps tests
- #232
- SECORE does not find configuration files with Glassfish
- #236
- KV-paired CRS gets truncated during equality test
- #238
- SELECT INTO in rasql
- #239
- Handling of new client connections
- #244
- Dashes should be allowed in collection names
- #247
- WCPS domain() returns empty
- #248
- gml:GridEnvelope upper-corner has minimum value to 0 when subsets are requested
- #249
- Problems with starting rasdaman server on rascontrol
- #250
- tRNS flag not working in latest version
- #251
- Header files not completely installed
- #253
- fails when no --tasplit given
- #261
- raswct docs bugs
- #262
- Petascope can't handle curly brackets in an extendExpr query
- #263
- WCPS extendExpr implementation is not correct
- #264
- petascope should have some memory safeguard
- #266
- Petascope use of sdom
- #269
- Offset calculation in DbMetadataSource class is wrong
- #271
- Index table allows too small number of entries
- #273
- range subsetting on single band
- #274
- WCS scaling fails when there's subsetting
- #275
- Incremental updates for rasdaman database
- #278
- Definition of available functionality with respect to standards and software
- #279
- Wrong example in ql-guide
- #283
- GetCapabilities response for non-2D coverages
- #284
- gml:origin and gml:offsetVectors are wrong for non-2D coverages
- #285
- WCPS going through PetascopeInterface fails
- #287
- gmlcov:metadata not showing up anymore in DescribeCoverage responses
- #288
- WCPS segfaults when using invalid axis name
- #289
- Update sequence for table ps_crs in petascope creation query
- #294
- use a default tiling with meaningful sizing when creating new objects
- #295
- WMS init and fill pyramid scripts fail when collection name is not the first one returned by RASQL select query
- #296
- Result of reload capabilities in WMS init script should be checked
- #298
- Support CRS:1 in a WCS request for the temporal axis
- #299
- sometimes fails to start rasdaman properly
- #300
- git commit id wrongly computed
- #302
- petascope should use encode() function
- #303
- Check $ use in variables and coverage defs
- #304
- Document dbinfo() function
- #305
- Incorrect WCPS test
- #306
- UoM ID (and not value) is shown in the WCS rangeType of a coverage
- #324
- initpetascopedb - error creating plpgsql language
- #329
- Packge rasdaman-8.4.0-rc.2.el6.x86_64.rpm contain invalid data
- #330
- tomcat user and initpetascopedb function in /etc/init.d/rasdaman script
- #334
- rasimport segmentation fault in RC2
- #63
- standard marray operation fails in system test
- #157
- array constant for rgb not working
- #215
- Petascope: XML schema validation should be optional
- #256
- raswct is limited to one WCPS service
- #291
- SECORE performance improvement
- #318
- SECORE distinct notation to retrieve raw definition of a parametrized CRS
- #339
- Default compilation of netcdf and hdf
- #343
- WCPS - getMetaDataExpr functions problems
- #349
- Performance of wcps query involving multiple overlays
- #353
- Provide SECORE user manual documentation
- #359
- Error translating to RasQL for complex WCPS query
- #379
- Regular tiling does not work for 3D+
- #381
- SECORE fails because of different GML namespaces
No results
Known Issues
- #378
- Interest tiling does not work for 3D+
Version 8.3
Known Issues
- the make process breaks if no —war-dir option is specified in the ./configure step.
- compilation on OS X
- rasgeo tool for GDAL-based image file import added to applications
- rasdaman web client toolkit (raswct) has been added to applications
- accompanying developer's manual can be found in manuals_and_examples/manuals
- fixed returning wrong error code on exception in rasgeo
- CSV formatter properly prints point queries
- fix exporting data of base type uint8, int8, uint32, float, etc. to TIFF
- added support for multiband TIFF images
- synchronized RPM spec file
- specific netcdf variable can be imported/exported, e.g. netcdf($1, "var=Base_reflectivity")
- fix the default definition of the RPC server in rasmgr.conf
- added —with-docs option to the configure script, to control whether doxygen documentation should be generated during installation.
- added option for generating position independent code (PIC), usually necessary on 64bit systems for generating proper shared objects.
- fix rasdl segfaulting when executed with invalid parametars
- fix rasdl segfaulting when types with a specified extent are present in the database
- fix type checking when updating with a file in some specific format. At the type-checking stage the actual type is not yet known as the conversion hasn't been evaluated.
- fix rasmgr segfaulting on Debian Wheezy 64bit, gcc 4.6
- fix make clean for java
- add rview binary and modify Makefiles so that it's properly installed on make install
- add includes for mkdir in
- moved to the applications directory
- integration with the 52n WPS server
- deploying via 'make deploy' instead of 'make install'
- cleanup WCPS logging and fix performance bug
- performance speedup by caching in WCPS
- fix req 11, request version was not matched well.
- the server should not fail if it fails reading some of the coverages
- fix parsing of CRS in WCS 2.0
- fix failed post req2 by including an ows:Constraint under OperationsMetadata in the Capabilities response
- fix failed core req8 (URLs in OperationMetadata were same for different servlet locations), and failed core req12 (invalid KVP request didn't result with exception).
- fix req17 by adding XML schema validation of XML requests.
- perform initialization at servlet startup instead of at the first request.
- fix installation of petascope settings
- remove the version attribute of the ServiceMetadata element
- update CRS identif