Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#376 closed defect (fixed)

Aggregation operations in petascope don't work on multiband covs

Reported by: Piero Campalani Owned by: abeccati
Priority: blocker Milestone: 9.0
Component: petascope Version: 8.4
Keywords: wcps multiband operation Cc: j.oosthoek@…, uagha
Complexity: Hard

Description (last modified by Piero Campalani)

Petascope seems to provide wrong (and different at every request) results to operations applied on multiband coverages, whether the operation is applied on a single band or not.

Simple examples on the rgb test coverage:

  1. AVG on 1 RGB cell (should return the cell itself?):
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
    ==> {"242 27 103"}
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
        ), "csv") 
    ==> {"0 8.70018e-313 7.19645e-262"}
  1. AVG on 1 RGB cell, only the RED band (should return the single value itself):
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
    ==> {242}
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
        ), "csv") 
    ==> {0}
  1. ADD over a multiple bands:
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
    ==> {"242 27 103","242 27 103"}
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
        ), "csv") 
    ==> {"7.26573e-262 3.61544e-313 8.49162e-314"}
    ==> {"484 7563062 16"} without (float) cast
    ==> {"484 7563062 0"}  without (float) cast
  1. ADD over a single band:
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
    ==> {242,242}
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
        ), "csv") 
    ==> {8.10648e+16}

. Multiplication of multi-band results (but maybe this is not implemented at all):

for m in (rgb) return encode(
    (float)trim(m,{x:"CRS:1"(200:200),y:"CRS:1"(200:200)}) *
    (float)trim(m,{x:"CRS:1"(200:200),y:"CRS:1"(200:200)}), "csv") 

==> Error: Could not evaluate rasdaman query: 
'select csv((float)(((m[200:200,200:200])*((float)(m[200:200,200:200]))))) from rgb AS m'
Cause: Error evaluating rasdaman query: 'select csv((float)(((m[200:200,200:200])*((float)(m[200:200,200:200]))))) from rgb AS m

Change History (15)

comment:1 by Piero Campalani, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

  1. I get "Error: Exception: Base type typeName: typeID: 7 typeSize: 16 struct { typeName: RAS_DOUBLE typeID: 15 typeSize: 8 red, typeName: RAS_DOUBLE typeID: 15 typeSize: 8 green } as ElementType is not supported yet." for
    for m in (rgb) return
  2. I get 242.0
    for m in (rgb) return
  3. Similarly gives "Error: Exception: Base type typeName: typeID: 7 typeSize: 16 struct { typeName: RAS_DOUBLE typeID: 15 typeSize: 8 red, typeName: RAS_DOUBLE typeID: 15 typeSize: 8 green } as ElementType is not supported yet."
    for m in (rgb) return
  4. I'm sure if you don't use the encode it will be fine as well like 2.
  5. If you remove the casts it will work
    for m in (rgb) return encode(
        trim(m,{x:"CRS:1"(200:200),y:"CRS:1"(200:200)}) *
        trim(m,{x:"CRS:1"(200:200),y:"CRS:1"(200:200)}), "csv") 

comment:3 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Summary: Bad (and time-varying) WCPS operations results with multi-band coveragesAggregation operations in petascope don't work on multiband covs

So in conclusion the real bug seems to be that aggregation operations over composite types do not work in petascope, but they work just fine in rasql.

comment:4 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Priority: blockermajor

Wait, why is this blocker? You can certainly work around it.

comment:5 by Piero Campalani, 12 years ago

Yes, the problem seems to reside indeed in the "csv" encoding, so no RasQL problem.

This works:

for m in (rgb) return

However condensing in parallel on a tuple still is not available:

Error: Exception: Base type typeName: typeID: 7 typeSize: 16 struct { typeName: RAS_DOUBLE typeID: 15 typeSize: 8 red, typeName: RAS_DOUBLE typeID: 15 typeSize: 8 green } as ElementType is not supported yet.

comment:6 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Yes, csv should is meant to be used for array results, it doesn't make sense for scalars.

comment:7 by Dimitar Misev, 12 years ago

Milestone: 8.59.0

comment:8 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:9 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Cc: uagha added
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Re-opening since the associated WCPS test (n.85) fails again now:

select avg_cells(c[100:102,241:243]) from rgb AS c

I get this error:

SEVERE:   rasj[0] RasRNPImplementation.getResponse: type not supported: typeName: 
 typeID:  7
 typeSize: 16
  typeName: RAS_DOUBLE
 typeID:  15
 typeSize: 8
typeName: RAS_DOUBLE
 typeID:  15
 typeSize: 8

comment:10 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Priority: majorblocker

comment:11 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

I think it is unnecessary to reopen this, as the issue is in rasql and you have already opened #638

comment:12 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

Ah sorry, I didn't read your comment fully.

That should not happen, do you have the latest master?

comment:13 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Yes, maybe I did not include the very latest patches: I am recompiling now to make sure (do you get that too btw?)

comment:14 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

I'm not sure about this one, but #638 is confirmed.

comment:15 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Ok, re-compiling the query runs fine. WCPS test n.85 valid again.

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