Milestone 8.4
Reference feature matrix
- Please note that all standards reported in the matrix having major version 0 are "experimental" and subject to change without affecting major version number of rasdaman release.
Features include
- CASE, CONCAT statements, encode function, rectified grids with geographic (EPSG) coordinates.
Tickets No results
- #16
- condense count
- #33
- remove "#ifdef NO_OFFICIAL_RELEASE"
- #77
- Data exchange format wrong file name extension
- #112
- wcs2.0.0_req11_kvp
- #113
- wcs2.0.0_req17_postxml
- #114
- wcs2.0.0_req40
- #115
- Document new parameter in TIFF conversion
- #117
- inv_tiff broken in rasdaman 8.3
- #118
- rasdaman debian package
- #120
- Drop/Erase collection fails after several data has been loaded
- #122
- Error retrieving data from fragmented collections
- #123
- Updating an MDD which intersects with the source array
- #124
- Error when selecting non-materialized parts of an mdd
- #126
- Create an script for petascope
- #128
- segmentation fault in rasserver causes oid operator failures
- #129
- Error parsing insert TIFF query with inv_tiff()
- #137
- created collection odd behaviour (different answer for the same query and error in drop collection)
- #138
- x and y axes swapped inserting 2D grid into rasdaman
- #139
- rasdl basetype deletion issue
- #140
- rasdl -p complex type output misleading for mdd and set types
- #143
- WCPS abstract syntax. Error with scale operation
- #144
- Problem to scale data with more than 2 dimensions using a scale factor
- #145
- Petascope enhancement: WCPS getMetaDataExpr
- #146
- WCPS parser does not raise exception when parenthesis are missing
- #147
- netcdf conversion output is not properly encoded
- #148
- rasql scale operation issue - segmentation fault
- #151
- trim operations in queries with marray causes error message (401)
- #154
- Proprietary Sun API (JPEGCodec) used inside petascope.wms
- #156
- make install always overrides rasmgr.conf
- #158
- SECORE error with (some) Vertical CRS
- #159
- SECORE: keys should be case insensitive
- #160
- sdom(c)[0].hi returns wrong result
- #161
- Setting tiling layouts/indexes needs testing
- #162
- filter not work
- #163
- Access WCS 2.0 via ArcMap
- #164
- Export GeoTIFF/JPEG2000 with WCPS
- #166
- RPM: setup database for rasimport
- #167
- Rename to
- #168
- implement crs, scaling and interpolation projection functions
- #170
- Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (schema)
- #171
- Petascope GetCapabilities response is invalid (ServiceMetadata)
- #172
- WCPS ConstructCoverageExpr
- #175
- WCPS: image CRS should be assumed in subsets when no CRS is specified
- #176
- petascope.wcps.* packages to use String constants
- #177
- 1D and 3D coverage metadata results in wcs GetCapabilities exception
- #178
- rasdl doesn't consider the --connect parameter
- #179
- Add possibility to specify connection user/pass in rasmgr.conf
- #181
- systemtest doesn't run properly
- #182
- Can't import RGB image as slice of 3D object
- #183
- SECORE only recognizes URN identifiers of new uploaded definitions
- #184
- List of coverages for WCPS requests not updated unless restart Petascope
- #189
- rasimport: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- #190
- C++ Developers Guide (possible) typos
- #191
- Petascope response mimetype is text/plain
- #192
- Runtime error if don't supply subset parameters.
- #193
- Petascope doesn't understand percent encoded query params
- #194
- WCPS generalCondenseExpr syntax not recognised
- #195
- Petascope doesn't parse float constants correctly
- #196
- WMS fill creates several levels of the same size
- #197
- WMS scripts doesn't pass proper options to fillpyramid
- #198
- Use config.h
- #199
- rasdaman broken on big endian systems?
- #201
- netCDF should be able to import dimension variables
- #202
- WCPS tests failed
- #204
- WCPS scale fails when there is slicing
- #205
- Alpha channel in png convertor
- #212
- Graphical database schema for petascope
- #213
- When subsetting in WCS the bbox is not updated
- #217
- NETCDF export broken - file has incorrect orientation
- #218
- rasimport segmentation fault
- #219
- WCPS overlay operator works wrong way round
- #223
- rasmgr writes ill-formatted rasmgr.conf file
- #224
- Petascope WCS returns invalid GetCapabilites response
- #229
- Include git commit id in rasdaman's version
- #230
- WCPS count() delivers wrong value
- #231
- Replace rasimport with rasql in wcps tests
- #232
- SECORE does not find configuration files with Glassfish
- #236
- KV-paired CRS gets truncated during equality test
- #238
- SELECT INTO in rasql
- #239
- Handling of new client connections
- #244
- Dashes should be allowed in collection names
- #247
- WCPS domain() returns empty
- #248
- gml:GridEnvelope upper-corner has minimum value to 0 when subsets are requested
- #249
- Problems with starting rasdaman server on rascontrol
- #250
- tRNS flag not working in latest version
- #251
- Header files not completely installed
- #253
- fails when no --tasplit given
- #261
- raswct docs bugs
- #262
- Petascope can't handle curly brackets in an extendExpr query
- #263
- WCPS extendExpr implementation is not correct
- #264
- petascope should have some memory safeguard
- #266
- Petascope use of sdom
- #269
- Offset calculation in DbMetadataSource class is wrong
- #271
- Index table allows too small number of entries
- #273
- range subsetting on single band
- #274
- WCS scaling fails when there's subsetting
- #275
- Incremental updates for rasdaman database
- #278
- Definition of available functionality with respect to standards and software
- #279
- Wrong example in ql-guide
- #283
- GetCapabilities response for non-2D coverages
- #284
- gml:origin and gml:offsetVectors are wrong for non-2D coverages
- #285
- WCPS going through PetascopeInterface fails
- #287
- gmlcov:metadata not showing up anymore in DescribeCoverage responses
- #288
- WCPS segfaults when using invalid axis name
- #289
- Update sequence for table ps_crs in petascope creation query
- #294
- use a default tiling with meaningful sizing when creating new objects
- #295
- WMS init and fill pyramid scripts fail when collection name is not the first one returned by RASQL select query
- #296
- Result of reload capabilities in WMS init script should be checked
- #298
- Support CRS:1 in a WCS request for the temporal axis
- #299
- sometimes fails to start rasdaman properly
- #300
- git commit id wrongly computed
- #302
- petascope should use encode() function
- #303
- Check $ use in variables and coverage defs
- #304
- Document dbinfo() function
- #305
- Incorrect WCPS test
- #306
- UoM ID (and not value) is shown in the WCS rangeType of a coverage
- #324
- initpetascopedb - error creating plpgsql language
- #329
- Packge rasdaman-8.4.0-rc.2.el6.x86_64.rpm contain invalid data
- #330
- tomcat user and initpetascopedb function in /etc/init.d/rasdaman script
- #334
- rasimport segmentation fault in RC2
See TracRoadmap
for help on using the roadmap.