Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#729 closed question (fixed)

Miscategorized debug messages in petascope

Reported by: Dimitar Misev Owned by: Piero Campalani
Priority: trivial Milestone: 9.0.x
Component: petascope Version: development
Keywords: Cc:
Complexity: Trivial


Should these be INFO, might be better to have them as DEBUG?

  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: OGC(0):Index2D/EPSG(0):4326 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: OGC(0):Index2D/EPSG(0):4326 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: OGC(0):Index2D/EPSG(0):4326 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: OGC(0):Index2D/EPSG(0):4326 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: PS(0):1/OGC(0):Index2D comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@300: http://localhost:8080/def/crs/OGC/0/Index2D definition is already in cache: do not need to fetch GML definition.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: PS(0):1/OGC(0):Index2D comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: PS(0):1/OGC(0):Index2D comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@300: http://localhost:8080/def/crs/OGC/0/Index2D definition is already in cache: do not need to fetch GML definition.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: PS(0):1/OGC(0):Index2D comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] DbMetadataSource@902: Decoding ...
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: PS(0):1/PS(0):2 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: OGC(0):Index2D/PS(0):2 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: PS(0):2//PS(0):2 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@300: definition is already in cache: do not need to fetch GML definition.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: PS(0):1/PS(0):2 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: OGC(0):Index2D/PS(0):2 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.
  INFO [02:37:14] CrsUtil@1356: PS(0):2//PS(0):2 comparison is cached: *no* need to ask SECORE.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Piero Campalani, 11 years ago

Sure, moreover there are way too many of those logs in Petascope (Dimitar there is a ticket on that right?).
Degrading them to DEBUG messages is a good choice anyway.

comment:2 by Dimitar Misev, 11 years ago

This gives a lot of INFO messages which should not really be INFO in the petascope/src (especially in WMS)

grep -R '' *

comment:3 by Dimitar Misev, 10 years ago

Patch submitted.

comment:4 by Dimitar Misev, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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