Custom Query (2804 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 2804)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#105 bug with multiband TIFF files Dimitar Misev defect blocker conversion
#185 HDF4 should be optional for compilation of rasdaman Alireza defect blocker raslib
#189 rasimport: Segmentation fault (core dumped) defect blocker 8.4 rasgeo
#247 WCPS domain() returns empty Piero Campalani defect blocker 8.4 petascope
#354 Experimental copy of petascope while patchmanager gets upgraded Dimitar Misev task blocker build system
#376 Aggregation operations in petascope don't work on multiband covs abeccati defect blocker 9.0 petascope
#381 SECORE fails because of different GML namespaces Dimitar Misev defect blocker 8.4.2 secore
#402 E-mail verification broken after password reset attempt Heinrich Stamerjohanns defect blocker undecided
#433 relese 8.5beta1 does not build for packaging Piero Campalani defect blocker undecided
#505 Performance leak for timestamp to numeric coordinate conversion Piero Campalani defect blocker Future petascope
#567 HTML documentation needs to be integrated Peter Baumann defect blocker 9.0 manuals_and_examples
#638 CSV encoding problem with multiband collections uagha defect blocker 9.0 conversion
#668 Migration starts on new petascopedb Piero Campalani defect blocker 9.0 petascope
#745 Petascope to serve GML in JPEG2000 files Piero Campalani feature blocker 9.0.x petascope
#791 is not created Dimitar Misev defect blocker undecided
#792 is not created Dimitar Misev defect blocker undecided
#948 WCS client does not work Alex Toader defect blocker 9.2 raswct
#1020 fails with ImportError Alex Dumitru defect blocker 9.1.x applications
#1075 easylogging configuration in rasql leads to segfault Alex Toader defect blocker undecided
#1112 grpc use Dimitar Misev defect blocker 9.2 undecided
#1388 Rasql_Memory leak with swith case expression bbell defect blocker 9.4 rasserver
#1438 systemtest broken on Ubuntu 14.04 Bang Pham Huu defect blocker 9.3 systemtest
#1595 Tiles on the filesystem are executable defect blocker 9.6 relblobif
#1797 rasdapy prints binary data in an exception message Bang Pham Huu defect blocker 9.7 rasdapy
#1993 Document RAS_INSTALL_PATH env var Vlad Merticariu defect blocker 10.0 doc
#2112 and, must work with /bin/sh Bang Pham Huu enhancement blocker 9.8 bin
#2470 petascope - add SECORE as embedded inside petascope Bang Pham Huu enhancement blocker 10.0 petascope
#9 conversion dem() not work cj defect critical Future qlparser
#15 condense max and min bug Jinsongdi Yu enhancement critical 8.5 qlparser
#30 Extending Insertppm to insert long data type Dimitar Misev enhancement critical conversion
#31 Extending inv_tiff() in rasql to import tiff files with float data type Peter Baumann enhancement critical applications
#47 not able to install rasdaman task critical applications
#51 auto-generated Makefiles not up-to date Peter Baumann defect critical time
#54 Authentication Error defect critical rnprotocol
#73 rasdaman error 202: Exception: Index violation on 3D collections Dimitar Misev defect critical insertutils
#122 Error retrieving data from fragmented collections Dimitar Misev defect critical 8.4 rasserver
#161 Setting tiling layouts/indexes needs testing Dimitar Misev defect critical 8.4 rasserver
#164 Export GeoTIFF/JPEG2000 with WCPS Piero Campalani defect critical 8.4 petascope
#209 Range constructor in rasql Bidesh Thapaliya enhancement critical 9.1 qlparser
#224 Petascope WCS returns invalid GetCapabilites response Dimitar Misev defect critical 8.4 petascope
#240 Exporting large amounts of data truncates the first ~100 bytes Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.2 conversion
#267 Tiling with rasimport Alexander Herzig task critical 9.0 rasgeo
#270 Deprecate old servlets in petascope Dimitar Misev enhancement critical 9.0 petascope
#274 WCS scaling fails when there's subsetting mrusu defect critical 8.4 petascope
#275 Incremental updates for rasdaman database Dimitar Misev enhancement critical 8.4 server
#276 time handling with SECORE and temporal CRS Piero Campalani feature critical 9.0 petascope
#278 Definition of available functionality with respect to standards and software Peter Baumann task critical 8.4 petascope
#281 WCS GML response when all dimensions of a coverage are sliced Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#285 WCPS going through PetascopeInterface fails Alireza defect critical 8.4 petascope
#299 sometimes fails to start rasdaman properly Dimitar Misev defect critical 8.4 rasserver
#334 rasimport segmentation fault in RC2 ungarj defect critical 8.4 rasgeo
#335 Coverage iterator not translated properly to rasql on WCPS trimmings Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.0 petascope
#341 Petascope return wrong domainSet Piero Campalani defect critical 8.4.1 petascope
#343 WCPS - getMetaDataExpr functions problems Piero Campalani defect critical 8.4.2 petascope
#353 Provide SECORE user manual documentation Peter Baumann task critical 8.4.2 secore
#355 SECORE issues with parametrized CRSs in a compounding mrusu defect critical secore
#357 Implement `pow()' WCPS function Dimitar Misev task critical 9.0 petascope
#359 Error translating to RasQL for complex WCPS query Dimitar Misev defect critical 8.4.2 qlparser
#366 Invalid WCS 2.0.1 GetCapabilities response (Rasdaman 9.0.3) was: Invalid WCS 2.0.0 GetCapabilities response (Rasdaman 8.4.1) Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#379 Regular tiling does not work for 3D+ Dimitar Misev defect critical 8.4.2 qlparser
#387 Query on coverages with different domains is unusable Dimitar Misev feature critical 9.0 petascope
#390 Compound CRSs with a parametrized CRS Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.0 secore
#397 rasmgr segfaults when restarting rasserver mrusu defect critical 8.4.4 rasmgr
#413 Memory leak introduced by tile cache Dimitar Misev defect critical 8.4.4 relblobif
#439 usage of ps_descriptions table in petascope 8.x Bidesh Thapaliya defect critical Future petascope
#502 ORM in petascope with Spring Boot Vlad Merticariu enhancement critical 9.5 petascope
#527 Set as ticket URL in trac notificatios Dimitar Misev task critical undecided
#544 WC*S tests with geo binary output encoding fail Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0 petascope
#553 SECORE should not hardcode the host in the def identifiers Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.0 secore
#559 SECORE to reject queries with almost valid code Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0 secore
#573 SWE metadata from database not to be ignored Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0 petascope
#589 WCPS cast precedence Vlad Merticariu defect critical 9.1 petascope
#591 Mapping a cast to boolean to RasQL uadhikari defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#603 Subsets are not transformed to indexes when arithmetic expression is used Vlad Merticariu defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#627 CRS support with rasimport Alexander Herzig defect critical 8.5.3 rasgeo
#648 Migrate origin to centre of sample-space Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0 applications
#652 Document time handling of Petascope Piero Campalani task critical Future wiki
#675 Portability problem with PostgreSQL prior to 9.1 on literals Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#685 initialization problem Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.0.x RPM
#686 CellDomain is using lexicographical comparison of int indexes Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#687 Wrong timestamp to time numeric conversion when vector is not time versor Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#688 Wrong usage of tuple and coordinate separator in range set Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#732 GML CRS definitions are invalid and need to validate all definitions Bang Pham Huu defect critical Future secore
#737 unable to connect rasdaman 9 to a remote RASBASE server Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.0.x reladminif
#739 Occassional Unknown node for ScaleCoverageExpr expression: trim error. Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#742 Coverage metadata overwritten in range constructor Alex Dumitru defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#746 1601-01-01 is ANSI date 1, not 0 Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x secore
#766 SECORE should have the security constraints commented out Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.0.x secore
#774 RasQL scale : the result is no interval Veranika Liaukevich defect critical 9.0.x qlparser
#776 WCS scaling operation dosen't work with georeferenced coverage Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#787 WCS scaling extension wrongly maps scale-factor to WCPS Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#788 WCS scaling extension wrongly maps scale-factor to WCPS Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#789 Get ordered vector coefficients Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#796 Wrong WCS range subsetting conformance class in capabilities Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#797 GMLCOV conformance class(es) missing in WCS capabilities Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#798 Missing WCPS core conformance in WCS capabilities Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#803 systemtest status on bismuth Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.0.x systemtest
#804 Update SECORE with accepted Time+Index CRS URIs/defs Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x secore
#807 ps_extra_metadata for ows type metadata incorrectly inserted into GetCapabilities (v9.0.3) Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x petascope
#823 OGC WCS test compliance Bidesh Thapaliya defect critical 9.0.x petascope
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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