Custom Query (2318 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 2318)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#537 "Add a new entry at this level" functionality does not show up anymore Piero Campalani defect major 9.0 secore
#392 "compile" is a reserved Makefile target name with automake Dimitar Misev defect minor build system
#336 "delete from collection" fails Dimitar Misev defect minor qlparser
#1870 "watch" option in wcst_import ahambasan defect major 9.7 wcst_import
#2467 #353: petascope should not put new lines in rasql's extra metadata for WMS GetMap request Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 10.0 petascope
#520 'Type Invalid' exception when accessing an empty collection from c++ Bidesh Thapaliya defect major undecided
#1509 'select' higher-dimensional data than the dimension of a stored Array does not throw an exception bbell defect major rasql
#909 *.proto files should not be compiled if there is no modification Alex Dumitru defect minor rasnet
#10 .4e-5D cj defect trivial Future qlparser
#697 .deps/insertppm.Po: No such file or directory fxavier defect minor 9.0.x applications
#99 1 pixel shift in subsequent rasimports defect major rasgeo
#746 1601-01-01 is ANSI date 1, not 0 Piero Campalani defect critical 9.0.x secore
#177 1D and 3D coverage metadata results in wcs GetCapabilities exception Piero Campalani defect major 8.4 petascope
#333 2Gb file limit Heinrich Stamerjohanns defect minor 9.0 rasserver
#1304 3D coverages in WMS Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.7 petascope
#1737 <url>/rasdaman/ows/ doesn't work Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.6 petascope
#203 A GetCoverage request with a single subset parameter fails with runtime error defect major DEB
#1707 ALTER COLLECTION statement to update the type of a collection Dimitar Misev defect major 9.6 qlparser
#395 Access Denied Error with 8.4.2-1 RPM mrusu defect major 8.5 undecided
#308 Access control in secore mrusu enhancement major Future secore
#1999 Adapt petascope to use new project() function Bang Pham Huu defect critical 9.8 petascope
#2806 Add --analyze option to wcst_import Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcst_import
#594 Add .lo and .hi selections in domain( ) and imagecrsdomain( ) WCPS functions Piero Campalani feature minor Future petascope
#770 Add Index 4D/5D CRS Piero Campalani task minor 9.0.x secore
#2241 Add Makefile to build wcs-client dkamov defect major 10.0 build system
#2399 Add R to Clients list in the rasdaman Cheatsheets Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 doc
#554 Add XML, SOAP and REST tests in WCS systemtests Alex Dumitru enhancement major 9.0.x systemtest
#2155 Add a how to update section in installation from source Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 manuals_and_examples
#1721 Add a test that makes concurrent WCS/WCPS requests Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 systemtest
#1066 Add autoreconf command to installation guide Peter Baumann defect major 9.1.x manuals_and_examples
#2204 Add cheatsheets section in the rasdaman documentation Dimitar Misev enhancement major Future doc
#799 Add configuration parameter to override declared WCS service URL in capabilities gxinghua defect major 9.0.x petascope
#957 Add configure generated files to git ignore Alex Dumitru defect major 9.1 undecided
#1947 Add documentation at to the rasdaman repo defect major 9.7 doc
#1983 Add elapsed time indicator for test_all_wcst_import Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 systemtest
#1355 Add maven generated files to .gitignore George Merticariu defect major undecided
#314 Add metadata to CoverageSummary in GetCapabilites response. Piero Campalani enhancement major 9.0.x petascope
#2697 Add migration guide to newer Ubuntu version Dimitar Misev enhancement major 10.2 doc
#1826 Add option to enable AddressSanitizer on compilation Dimitar Misev enhancement major 9.7 build system
#583 Add patchmanager code to the rasdaman repo Dimitar Misev task major 9.0 patch_manager
#179 Add possibility to specify connection user/pass in rasmgr.conf Peter Baumann enhancement major 8.4 reladminif
#775 Add primary keys to petascopedb tables where not defined Piero Campalani defect major 9.0.x petascope
#2215 Add rasql test for concurrent ingestion Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 systemtest
#539 Add required OGC CRS defs in SECORE for systemtests Piero Campalani enhancement major 9.0 secore
#754 Add systemtest coverages for floating-point typed datasets too Dimitar Misev defect major 9.0.x systemtest
#473 Add textual comparison to systemtests (WCS et al) abeccati enhancement major 9.0 systemtest
#1369 Add the optimization for error log with Cmake Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 build system
#2370 Add types table in WCPS cheatsheet Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 10.0 doc
#1987 Add virtual collection RAS_TYPES apercov enhancement minor 10.0 qlparser
#320 Adding parameterized definitions doesn't work mrusu defect major 8.5 secore
#376 Aggregation operations in petascope don't work on multiband covs abeccati defect blocker 9.0 petascope
#78 Allow Rasdaman to compile on OS X Peter Baumann enhancement major applications
#548 Allow compilation with debug symbols only Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 9.0 build system
#205 Alpha channel in png convertor Dimitar Misev defect major 8.4 conversion
#1141 An error when collection name starts with number in rasql Peter Baumann defect minor 9.2 manuals_and_examples
#2174 Array result query causes infinite loop in directql Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 server
#1763 Attach null values to an mdd expression Dimitar Misev enhancement major 9.7 qlparser
#54 Authentication Error defect critical rnprotocol
#2007 Auto-ratio for scale in WCPS for XY axes if only 1 is specified Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 petascope
#922 Autoconf warns about non-POSIX extensions in makefiles Veranika Liaukevich enhancement minor build system
#382 Automated database updates in SECORE Piero Campalani defect major 9.0 secore
#1439 Automated testing of web interfaces (SECORE, petascope) Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 systemtest
#29 Automatic build cj defect major applications
#2145 Backup before modifies RASBASE Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 bin
#756 Band names in Petascope Piero Campalani defect major 9.0.x petascope
#507 Bash scripts for petascopedb new schema creation and migration Piero Campalani enhancement major Future undecided
#838 Benchmark output regulated by RMANCLIENTOPT Peter Baumann defect major 9.1 manuals_and_examples
#1552 Better check for json format parameters Dimitar Misev defect major 9.4 conversion
#1145 Boost exception is required by rasmgr but it isn't actually needed Alex Dumitru defect major 9.2 build system
#1190 Bug in GRPC release-0.12 defect major undecided
#1126 Bug in scaling coverages Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.2 qlparser
#1035 Build error in sqlglobals Dimitar Misev defect major 9.1.x reladminif
#423 Build errors in 52North ProcessCoverages WPS algorithm Nikolche Kolev defect major petascope
#1489 Build errors in RRasdaman defect major applications
#1402 Build_No need to rebuild rasj, petascope, secore with make install Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 build system
#1636 and some sample coverages need to be copied when make install and fix java_doc for petascope, secore Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 build system
#190 C++ Developers Guide (possible) typos Peter Baumann defect minor 8.4 manuals_and_examples
#43 C++ Example Programs Anca Dumitrache defect major manuals_and_examples
#463 C++ example build errors if libhdf4-alt-dev is installed Peter Baumann defect minor manuals_and_examples
#1813 C++ example doesn't compile dkamov defect major 9.7 manuals_and_examples
#693 C++ examples fail to compile fxavier defect major 9.0.x manuals_and_examples
#149 CASE statement Peter Baumann enhancement major qlparser
#1793 CMake doesn't properly update pom.xml when is changed Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.7 build system
#1859 CREATE TYPE doesn't recognize complex/complexd cell type defect major 9.8 qlparser
#1298 CRS reprojection in WMS 1.3 Alex Dumitru defect major 9.3 petascope
#778 CRS:1 conversion not transmitted to WCPS Piero Campalani defect major 9.0.x petascope
#2 CSV changes last value in list defect minor server
#673 CSV conversion for complex numbers Veranika Liaukevich defect major 9.0.x conversion
#26 CSV converter delivers wrong result on large data Dimitar Misev defect major Future conversion
#86 CSV converter fails if result is 0 dimensioned Peter Baumann defect major conversion
#638 CSV encoding problem with multiband collections uagha defect blocker 9.0 conversion
#1577 CSV has incorrect syntax in 1D bbell defect critical rasserver
#76 CSV output does not coincide with Hexadecimal output jwaldman defect major petascope
#1250 Can't compile grpc-java on CentOS 7 Dimitar Misev defect major 9.2 rasnet
#1178 Can't debug rasserver with gdb defect major Future rasserver
#182 Can't import RGB image as slice of 3D object Alireza defect major 8.4 rasserver
#1184 Cannot build grpc-java when make due to libstdc++ Alex Toader defect critical 9.2 java
#1104 Cannot compile rasnet after update George Merticariu defect major 9.2 rasnet
#1986 Cannot find abbreviation for cell data type band0 Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.8 petascope
#434 Cast doesn't work for constant mddExpr Bidesh Thapaliya defect minor 9.0.x qlparser
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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