Submitted patches

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Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 ticket:1424 - FIX - clip curtain returns invalid grid extent   release_10.3   2024-09-23 12:33:31     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2354 - FIX - Improved time to initialize WMTS TileMatrixSets when petascope starts, and fixed issue with missing grid extents in pyramid member's coverage's axis extents   release_10.3   2024-09-20 15:31:59     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2826 - FIX - Support OGC/O/Temporal CRS in petascope and wcst_import   release_10.3   2024-09-18 14:51:24     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1418 - FIX - Ubuntu 24.04: signed datatype Int8 fails to import in petascope and fixed warning for regex string in wcst_import   release_10.3   2024-09-17 11:31:11     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:000 - Ubuntu 24.04: signed datatype Int8 fails to import   release_10.3   2024-09-16 20:15:09     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:000 - fix building secore and petascope on Ubuntu 24.04 part 2   release_10.3   2024-09-15 06:09:48     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:000 - fix building secore and petascope on Ubuntu 24.04   release_10.3   2024-09-14 03:52:00     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1416 - FIX - wcst_import failed on Ubuntu24.04 for files without CRS   release_10.3   2024-09-13 08:19:47     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2825 - FIX - synced code in WMS GetMap Caching service   master   2024-09-13 06:21:08     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:360 - FIX - Create local WMS GetMap caches and fixed the way to calculate cache size to store new GetMap response   master   2024-08-29 13:53:41     APPLIED   SUCCESS 

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