Submitted patches

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Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 ticket:000 - remove webflux dependency from SECORE   master   2024-11-21 14:05:41     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2834 - FIX - resolution column in axis_extent table must be in String not BigDecimal   master   2024-11-20 14:41:55     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1450 - NEW - Support passing parameters in GetMap request to WCPS style fragment   master   2024-11-19 16:59:25     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:000 - small improvements in rasmgr and servercomm   master   2024-11-15 15:46:50     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2891 - FIX - try to make the embedded petascope test can pass   master   2024-11-15 07:47:42     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2891 - FIX - validate the uniqueness of bands' names/identifiers in wcst_import and fixed issue with incorrect reading null values for GDAL recipe when importing random bands identifiers Summary: as in descriptions Test Plan: run test import Reviewers: dmisev Differential Revision:   master   2024-11-14 08:21:53     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1453 - and ticket:1449, ticket:1454 - Fixed some issues with WMS / coverage metadata's update in petascope   master   2024-11-11 09:56:53     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2833 - FIX - added check null for coverage's metadata in data migration for XML special characters   master   2024-11-08 11:26:58     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2833 - FIX - Improved handling escaped special XML characters in coverage's metadata Summary: Special XML characters: <, >, & must be handled properly in wcst_import and petascope for coverage's metadata, so the result of DescribeCoverage will be valid XML for these characters (e.g. 3 < 5 should be displayed as 3 &lt; 5) Test Plan: Run test wcst_import, test WCS Reviewers: dmisev Differential Revision:   master   2024-11-06 10:26:49     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1444 - FIX - some calendar queries failed with null errors   master   2024-10-29 11:37:15     APPLIED   SUCCESS 

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