Submitted patches

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Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 ticket:000 - improve performance of values colormap   release_10.4   2025-03-10 18:08:16     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2780 - FIX - updated version for archiver library in SECORE to suppress warning when unzipping GML files if not exist   release_10.4   2025-03-10 13:20:18     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1455 - NEW - openEO supports batch job in petascope   master   2025-03-10 12:15:47     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:000 - improve colormap performance and add a test   release_10.4   2025-03-08 13:49:48     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2674 - FIX - fixed numpy array conversion to decimal values in case of scientific notations in wcst_import (continue)   release_10.4   2025-03-03 07:05:14     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2674 - FIX - fixed numpy array conversion to decimal values in case of scientific notations in wcst_import   release_10.4   2025-03-03 02:02:16     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:000 - add a method in rasj for setting user credentials of username + md5 hashed password   release_10.4   2025-02-27 06:05:51     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1592 - FIX - petascope generated unnecessary scale() in WMS GetMap requests   release_10.4   2025-02-25 08:21:06     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1594 - FIX - Improved null error handling when updating coverage plus GetMap requests in parallel   release_10.4   2025-02-25 02:41:57     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2848 - FIX - rasql queries logged in should contain the request id as well   release_10.4   2025-02-24 11:21:43     APPLIED   SUCCESS 

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