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Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 ticket:000 - add documentation for areas of validity structure in DescribeCoverage covMetadata section   release_10.3   2024-05-24 07:37:48     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2917 - FIX - WMS error on thunderstorm due to requesting extra non-georeferenced axis which is already defined in WMS style   release_10.3   2024-05-21 07:13:47     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2290 - FIX - WMS GetMap failed at corner cases for requesting non EPSG:4326 CRS   release_10.3   2024-05-07 14:49:51     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2814 - Fixed issue with WMS timeslider for regular time axis in UnixTime CRS   release_10.3   2024-05-06 09:01:15     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2890 - NEW - areas of validity in wcst_import and petascope with fixes in updating extent in UpdateCoverage request and merged 16 patches ticket:2900 - FIX - NullPointerException with calendar query and areas of validity works in wcst_import without the existence of global metadata specified in the ingredients file ticket:2796 - FIX - set more readable CRS names in WSClient at WCS DescribeCoverage tab ticket:2800 - FIX - ticket:2803 and ticket:2799 - fixed some issues with wcst_import in Sentinel 1 recipe Summary: Fixed issues with Sentinel 1 recipe Test Plan: Tested manually Reviewers: dmisev Differential Revision: ticket:1194 - ticket:1120 - NEW - Use as the default URL to report in WCS DescribeCoverage and add ras as XML prefix of all rasdaman-proprietary children elements under <ras:covMetadata> element ticket:2910 - FIX - wcst_import supports areasOfValidity with ISO period and duration as constant values and fixed performance for OAPI request http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/oapi/collections?f=json Summary: e.g. "areasOfValidity": { "start": "P-1Y", "end": "P1Y" } Test Plan: Run test wcst_import Reviewers: dmisev Differential Revision: ticket:2775 - NEW - wcst_import should generate a reasonable default tiling and ticket:2806 - NEW - add -a / --analyze and --verbose and --quite options to wcst_import ticket:2807 - FIX - Support WCS GetCapabilities with sections parameter and XY axis labels in WCS GetCoverage with subsetting CRS and ticket:2902 - FIX - support axis labels in subsettingCRS for target resolutions / domains of WCPS crsTransform() expression and set default CRS to ticket:2808 - FIX - supports non-rasdaman extra metadata in coverage's global metadata ticket:2809 - FIX - colorPalette exists in coverage's metadata should not be in encode's extra parameters if colorMap exists there and ticket:2810 - FIX - Petascope should not request non-existing UoM CRS from SECORE ticket:2811 - FIX - WSClient - if color table type is none then the existing colorMap style should be removed ticket:2811 - FIX - WSclient WMS DescribeLayer is slow if a coverage has many timeslices ticket:2805 - FIX - wcst_import tries to convert min/max value of a temporal axis to ISO string ticket:2813 - FIX - WMS style with rasql fragment return null error ticket:2513 - FIX - Added propriertary endpoint for updating coverage's range type ticket:1091 - FIX - petascope API to convert (time) axis from irregular to regular   release_10.3   2024-04-26 09:36:18     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2890 - NEW - areas of validity in wcst_import and petascope Summary: Supports areasOfValidity in ingredients file for wcst_import and petascope Test Plan: Run system test Reviewers: dmisev Differential Revision:   release_10.3   2024-02-01 17:00:07     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2802 - FIX - rasql stuck when executed without any rights Summary: rasmgr was not handling exceptions when no read/write rights were given to user. add notification to client thread in case of exceptions, propagate exception back to client in rasmgrservice Test Plan: a test added to 14-usrmgmt Reviewers: dmisev Differential Revision:   release_10.3   2024-01-26 08:08:21     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2801 - FIX - wrong boundingbox drawn by WebWorldWind for EPSG:3035 CRS   release_10.3   2024-01-25 09:00:29     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2798 - NEW improve doc about ~/.raspass support in rasql   release_10.3   2024-01-24 17:15:49     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:2798 - NEW Support ~/.raspass credentials file in rasql Summary: add new stage to rasql that parses ~/.raspass file, finds name specified by --user and uses password from the file, if found Test Plan: new tests are added to 14-usermgmt/ Reviewers: dmisev Differential Revision:   release_10.3   2024-01-24 15:17:22     APPLIED    

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