Opened 10 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#937 closed defect (fixed)

WCPS1.5_Support GML output in WCPS

Reported by: Dimitar Misev Owned by: Andrei Badoi
Priority: major Milestone: 9.4
Component: petascope Version: development
Keywords: Cc: mantovani, damiano, Vlad Merticariu, Alex Dumitru, Peter Baumann
Complexity: Medium


It should be possible to get output equivalent to the WCS GetCoverage with WCPS, e.g. with encode(c, "GML"). This should be simple to do by reusing the GetCoverage WCS handler.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Peter Baumann, 10 years ago

+1. But please let's get used to MIME types: "application/gml+xml"

comment:2 by Dimitar Misev, 9 years ago

Milestone: 9.19.2

comment:3 by Bang Pham Huu, 9 years ago

Owner: changed from Alex Dumitru to Bang Pham Huu
Status: newassigned

I think it is good for me to understand how WCPS query in client and Petascope work behind. So I will take this ticket and try to do, thanks.

comment:4 by Bang Pham Huu, 9 years ago

Owner: changed from Bang Pham Huu to Alex Dumitru

This ticket need more techniques than I can do now so I will change it back to Alex. Thanks.

comment:5 by Bang Pham Huu, 9 years ago

Milestone: 9.210.0
Summary: Support GML output in WCPSWCPS1.5_Support GML output in WCPS

comment:6 by Dimitar Misev, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from Alex Dumitru to Andrei Badoi

comment:7 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

Milestone: 10.09.4
Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

close as patch was submitted.

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