Custom Query (15 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#2229 Document examples to use WMS with clients and WSClient introduction Bang Pham Huu task critical 9.8 4 years
#2208 WSClient - supports sending basic authentication header requests bphamhuu, enhancement major 9.8 4 years
#2217 WSClient - Hide WCS DeleteCoverage/InsertCoverage tabs by default Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 4 years
#2218 WSClient - Select output format based on coverage's dimensions in WCS GetCoverage tab Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 4 years
#2230 WSClient - Add function to manage WMS layers' downscaled collections Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 4 years
#2243 WSClient - parse the error message in XML exception from petascope Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 4 years
#2257 wcps and rasql web console - add text>> widget dkamov enhancement major 9.8 4 years
#2297 wcs-client - show number of coverages dkamov defect major 9.8 4 years
#2359 wsclient - display all footprints feature should display only filtered rows on tables Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.8 4 years
#2460 petascope - update pyramid layers management in WSClient > DescribeLayer tab Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 3 years
#2483 WebWorldWind error - when bbox of a WMS layer is out of EPSG:4326 bbox Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.8 3 years
#2521 wsclient - if user logged in with credentials, refresh the page should still login Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8 2 years
#2531 WSClient - NaN for coverage size Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.8 2 years
#2125 WCS client Scaling Extension to show axis names Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor 9.8 5 years

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1869 more RESTful WSClient Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor development 6 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.