Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#652 Document time handling of Petascope Piero Campalani task critical development fixed
#628 Wiki documentation for different rasdaman versions Peter Baumann enhancement major development fixed
#650 Document Index CRS handling and CRS:1 Piero Campalani task major development fixed
#651 Document GML origin, sample size and bounding box Piero Campalani task major development fixed
#655 Document rasgeo component Piero Campalani task major development fixed
#1091 Document rasdaman top-level directories Dimitar Misev enhancement major development wontfix
#1125 obtain DOI for rasdaman code Peter Baumann enhancement major development duplicate
#653 Dev documentation on Petascope classes Bang Pham Huu task minor development fixed
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