Submitted patches

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Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 [PATCH] ticket:2569 - FIX - WSClient displays all coverages intersecting with mouse position   release_10.1   2022-11-22 13:06:01     PENDING    
 [PATCH] ticket:2567 - FIX - WCPS creates multi dimensional and ticket:2656 - FIX - WCPS adds sum as an alias to add() operator and ticket:2568 - FIX - WCPS cellCount() operator to get the total number of pixels of a coverage   release_10.1   2022-11-22 02:42:29     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2655 - NEW - WCPS CrsTransform supports geo XY axes' target resolutions and geo XY target bounding box and domain(axisLabel).resolution to get the resolution of an axis   master   2022-11-21 05:35:48     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:000 - improve error reporting in csv/json decoder   release_10.1   2022-11-16 15:35:14     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2653 - FIX - wcst_import with blocking: false should show the file numbers properly   release_10.1   2022-11-11 08:48:17     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2560 - FIX - WMS fixes evaluation of query fragment styles with predefined non-XY slices   release_10.1   2022-11-09 10:30:44     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2648 - FIX - WCPS has error when using scale with LET clause and ticket:2649 - FIX - WMS should not add non XY axes slices if they already exist in the WCPS query style   release_10.1   2022-11-03 07:05:13     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2646 - FIX - WCPS supports single and multi-line and ticket:2647 - FIX - WCS GetCoverage support interpolation shorthand   release_10.1   2022-11-02 11:25:51     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2410 - FIX - wcst_import logs strack trace to coverage_id.log file and ticket:2626 - FIX - wcst_import checks required libraries before importing   release_10.1   2022-10-27 00:55:06     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2644 - FIX - Petascope updates doesn't update associated WMS layer (add test WMS)   release_10.1   2022-10-25 03:56:09     PENDING   SUCCESS 

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