Submitted patches

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Show: all, applied, pending, rejected
Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 [PATCH] ticket:2670 - FIX - test_open doesn't work correctly   release_10.1   2022-12-19 12:39:51     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2458 - FIX - wcst_import adds scale_factors / scale_levels requests in recipe   release_10.1   2022-12-16 03:56:32     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:000 - FIX - add doc about ingest.template.json in test wcst_import   release_10.1   2022-12-15 01:07:21     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2672 - FIX improve errors with more details   release_10.1   2022-12-13 19:31:56     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2671 - FIX - Output of flip on irregular time axis is inconsistent   release_10.1   2022-12-13 12:58:32     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2668 - NEW - WCPS - Enhance axis iterator for condenser / coverage constructor with geo extents   master   2022-12-12 14:27:29     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2669 - FIX - Coverage constructor cannot create multibands in netCDF   release_10.1   2022-12-06 11:01:49     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:000 - FIX - run code to generate files for WCPS parser   master   2022-12-06 09:28:58     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2662 - FIX - WCPS - Axis label defined in axis iterator should be regarded   release_10.1   2022-12-05 12:16:30     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2667 - FIX - added information about libgdal-java on Ubuntu 22.04 into the documentation   release_10.1   2022-12-02 13:26:36     PENDING   SUCCESS 

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See How to submit patches for a step-by-step guide, in particular regarding the patch subject format. In order to ensure quick processing and to avoid rejection, you may want to make sure your patch adheres to the rasdaman code guide.

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