Submitted patches

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Show: all, applied, pending, rejected
Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 [PATCH] ticket:2681 - FIX - log warning message when petascope failed closing connection to rasdaman   release_10.1   2023-01-13 08:07:38     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2679 - FIX - resume file of wcst_import should be human-readable   release_10.1   2023-01-11 11:37:14     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2678 - FIX - WCPS - subset bounds contain non-number expression on an irregular axis returns out of bound array   release_10.1   2023-01-09 08:46:16     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2676 - NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor   master   2023-01-06 06:49:03     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:000 - Merge branch 'release_10.1'   master   2023-01-03 07:18:34     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2675 - WMS with WCPS style of a layer with pyramids selects wrong collection name in the rasql FROM clause   release_10.1   2023-01-02 12:38:14     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2670 - FIX test_wcst_import_daemon in systemtest   release_10.1   2023-01-02 07:54:58     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2674 - FIX - Petascope - Improve performance for WMS with long list of BigDecimal values   release_10.1   2022-12-30 13:42:14     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2674 - FIX - Petascope - Improve performance for WCPS for irregular axis with long list of BigDecimal values   release_10.1   2022-12-29 06:35:08     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:2673 - FIX - WCPS - keep the grid origin of XY axes in the coverage object after crsTransform()   release_10.1   2022-12-27 10:37:56     PENDING   SUCCESS 

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