Changes between Version 62 and Version 63 of Versions

Oct 2, 2014, 9:59:26 AM (10 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v62 v63  
     73=== Patch Version 9.0.5 ===
     75git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.4..v9.0.5 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
     78* changeset:209ac46 | ticket:000 - dummy patch for integration testing (fixes INSTALL directions though) (Dimitar Misev)
     79* changeset:7413988 | ticket:212 - add comment on petascopedb schema (Guo Xinghua)
     80* changeset:00dbfc0 | ticket:301 - default tiling for 2D+ objects fixed (Bidesh Thapaliya)
     81* changeset:38be5d9 | ticket:378 - Index violation in directional tiling (propagating to interest tiling) fixed (Utkrist Adhikari)
     82* changeset:387d7df | ticket:520 - fixed Type Invalid exception when accessing an empty collection from c++ (Bidesh Thapaliya)
     83* changeset:45fdfd8 | ticket:583 - add build system information to patchmanager (Dimitar Misev)
     84* changeset:6c4924b | ticket:588 - Fix CSV conversion of single values (Veranika Liaukevich)
     85* changeset:c652346 | ticket:592 - Fix cast to bool in CSV (Veranika Liaukevich)
     86* changeset:e626778 | ticket:592 - fix test case to use the right testdata (Dimitar Misev)
     87* changeset:0310ad1 | ticket:592 - Introduce symbolic constants for boolean values representation in CSV (Veranika Liaukevich)
     88* changeset:0ca548f | ticket:593 - WCPS keyword case sensitive fixed (Bidesh Thapaliya)
     89* changeset:09ad068 | ticket:598 - grammar fix to allow coverageExpr in domain metadata expression (Utkrist Adhikari)
     90* changeset:42e102e | ticket:729 - fix miscategorized INFO log messages in petascope (Dimitar Misev)
     91* changeset:6465700 | ticket:730 - GetCapabilities error fixed to return multiple exception (Bidesh Thapaliya)
     92* changeset:04fb60e | ticket:734 - fix typo in constraint name (Dimitar Misev)
     93* changeset:cdc7a85 | ticket:735 - Do not use full read() method to get the coverage type. (Piero Campalani)
     94* changeset:7b616c3 | ticket:799 - add netcdf to the multipart response types (Dimitar Misev)
     95* changeset:e881e51 | ticket:803 - fix multipoint test oracles (Dimitar Misev)
     96* changeset:8771563 | ticket:803 - fix systemtest, remove outdated tickets test (Dimitar Misev)
     97* changeset:f219c0f | ticket:803 - make systemtest testdata import more robust (Dimitar Misev)
     98* changeset:e8e363e | ticket:809 modified case expression test not to use log (Vlad M)
     99* changeset:57a2bb5 | ticket:810 - RasJ for Maven repository (Bidesh Thapaliya)
     100* changeset:9c17fe0 | ticket:811 - included inclusion for missing header files (Bidesh Thapaliya)
     101* changeset:acdd06f | ticket:811 - substitute libsigsegv with non GPL code (Bidesh Thapaliya)
     102* changeset:e84afc2 | ticket:814 - update NetBeans project files (Dimitar Misev)
     103* changeset:cc00283 | ticket:815 - port filestorage support for rasserver (Dimitar Misev)
     104* changeset:6db0b55 | ticket:820 - updated Makefile to install docs (Bidesh Thapaliya)
     105* changeset:0fd1a2f | ticket:822 Implementation of WCPS 1.5 (Alex Dumitru)
     106* changeset:7d0500c | ticket:825 - disable by default extra information in the GetCapabilities (Dimitar Misev)
     107* changeset:c90c028 | ticket:827 Various bug fixes for WCPS alternative parser (Alex Dumitru)
     108* changeset:8c0adb4 | ticket:828 - fix HTTP error codes returned by petascope; ticket:730 - add test (Dimitar Misev)
     109* changeset:f559ebf | ticket:829 - fix compilation of petascope's tests (Dimitar Misev)
     110* changeset:b4592d2 | ticket:829 - removed Java 7 functionality (George Merticariu)
     111* changeset:e485188 | ticket:830 - Specified encoding when reading from file. (George Merticariu)