
Version History

This page lists rasdaman versions, together with the change history. Starting with version 8.2 we provide summaries of the main changes done with each roll-out.

Ways of obtaining rasdaman are listed in the download area.

Version 10.4.2 (2024-12-20)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Fixed issue with escaped element tag name improperly in coverage's metadata
  • Fixed issue with duplicated elements in coverage's metadata

Version 10.4.1 (2024-12-11)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Fixed minor deviances from the WMTS standard
  • Fixed Dimension's extent for regular axis reported in WMS GetCapabilities results
  • Improved caches for coverages and layers

Version 10.4.0 (2024-11-29)

New features, enhancements, bug fixes

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • New simplified and consistent formula for translating geo to grid coordinates of regular axes when importing / subsetting coverages (docs)
  • New API for setting and retrieving a coverage thumbnail (docs)
  • Support passing user-defined parameters for a style fragment in WMS GetMap requests (docs)
  • Text responses, e.g. for GetCapabilities request, will be compressed / decompressed automatically in WebBrowser for faster download (docs)
  • Removed support for coverage metadata in JSON format
  • Required negative geo resolution for axis type Y when importing new coverage
  • In DescribeCoverage response the swe:label will be same as the swe:field name if a quantity's label is not set
  • Validate colorPaletteTable in coverage's metadata when updating / inserting
  • Throw exception when WMS GetMap TIME parameter is not a specific datetime value
  • Fixed out of memory error when deleting a coveage containing an axis with large number of coefficients
  • Fixed missing manually editted coverage's metadata in WCS DescribeCoverage responses
  • Fixed null value in WCPS calendar query when VALUES expression is a scalar value
  • Fixed error when concatenating values in an axis iterator domain for a calendar query
  • Improved handling for escaped special XML characters in coverage's metadata
  • Improved checking a layer's existence when getting capabilities
  • Fixed issue with zero value for axis extent resolution in petascopedb
  • Fixed issue with incorrect value for axis extent resolution of pyramid member coverages


  • New setting coverage_metadata to define non-rasdaman global metadata in ingredients file (docs)
  • New setting thumbnail_path to set a coverage's thumbnail (docs)
  • New setting wms_styles to add styles to a WMS layer when inserting a coverage (docs)
  • Removed support for coverage's metadata in JSON format
  • Nested functions in expressions are evaluated properly in python list comprehension
  • Support validity setting for adjusting areasOfValidity of updating coefficients implicitly (docs)
  • Match multiple input files to defined areasOfValidity` in a single ingredients file
  • Support for OGC/O/Temporal CRS
  • Support for specifying one band's settings in Sentinel 1 recipe


  • Added doc for configurations in (docs)
  • Added new setting ignore_agents_matching in to filter requests crawling SECORE by user-agent bots
  • Fixed issue to show invalid EPSG CRS with source and added new setting max_cache_size for controlling SECORE's cache size.


  • New guide for upgrading from Ubuntu 22.04 to Ubuntu 24.04 (docs)
  • New doc for configuration in (docs)


The sections below contain instructions on how to upgrade the software installation from a previous version to stable rasdaman v10.4.

From v10.3

To upgrade from the previous stable version v10.3 to stable v10.4:

  1. Update the repository metadata with sudo apt update
  2. Stop rasdaman with sudo service rasdaman stop; make sure that the processes are really stopped: if ps aux | grep -E 'ras(mgr|server)' returns any processes, stop them with pkill -9 -f 'ras(mgr|server)'
  3. Install the new rasdaman version with sudo apt install rasdaman

From testing

To upgrade from the testing repository to stable v10.4:

  1. Change the testing package repository to the stable one in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rasdaman.list
  2. Stop rasdaman with sudo service rasdaman stop; make sure that the processes are really stopped: if ps aux | grep -E 'ras(mgr|server)' returns any processes, stop them with pkill -9 -f 'ras(mgr|server)'
  3. Remove the current rasdaman package with sudo apt remove rasdaman; this is required because the stable package has the same version but a lower iteration number than the testing one
  4. Update the repository metadata with sudo apt update
  5. Install the new rasdaman version with sudo apt install rasdaman

From previous Ubuntu version

Check our migration guide for hints on how to upgrade your Ubuntu OS, or migrate your installation from one machine to another.

Note: Ubuntu 20.04 will reach EOL in April 2025, and rasdaman will soon stop offering packages for this OS version. It is recommend to upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 as soon as possible.

Version 10.3.16 (2024-10-16)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • OAPI added cube:dimensions and summaries
  • Supported OGC/0/Temporal CRS
  • Improved time to initialize WMTS TileMatrixSets when petascope starts,


  • Supported OGC/0/Temporal CRS

Version 10.3.15 (2024-09-18)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Ubuntu 24.04: signed datatype Int8 fails to import in petascope
  • Fixed a null error in WMS GetMap with WCPS style containing another coverage Id
  • Fixed WMS GetMap issue with pyramid member's geo lower bound smaller than base coverage's geo lower bound
  • Added retrying in case CRS resolver failed to response


  • Fixed warning for regex string for time values in wcst_import
  • Fixed potential crash when applying too many data expressions during netcdf data import

Version 10.3.11 (2024-07-25)


  • Added error message handler in login form

Version 10.3.10 (2024-07-18)


  • Fixed issue with cached logged in user caused WebWorldWind could not load properly


  • Fixed issue with parsing datetime literal in areasOfValidity

Version 10.3.9 (2024-07-09)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Improved coverage's metadata in XML handler
  • Added API to update a regular axis' origin

Version 10.3.8 (2024-06-24)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Improved loading time for areas of validity coefficients in irregular axis from petascopedb
  • Improved null checks in petascope for invalid request/service/version parameters and WMS style name


  • Fixed issue with netCDF band identifier specified as str literal words in netCDF file

Version 10.3.7 (2024-06-17)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Fixed issue with nested rasdaman covMetadata elements in some coverage's metadata

Version 10.3.6 (2024-06-07)


  • Fixed error with default_null_values: []

Version 10.3.5 (2024-06-02)

OGC fronted (petascope)

  • Fixed WMS GetMap failed at corner cases for requesting non EPSG:4326 CRS

Version 10.3.0 (2024-01-16)

New features, enhancements, bug fixes

rasdaman core

  • Update tiling of existing arrays (docs)
  • The rasql tool can read passwords from a ~/.raspass file (doc)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Support for advanced calendar capabilities in WCPS queries (docs)
  • Partial support for openEO, the latest version of OGC API - Coverages, and the OGC Geodatacubes (GDC) API (docs)
  • New API endpoint to update a coverage's null values (docs)
  • Do not implicitly add nodata in rasql encode() operator
  • Move several Spring configuration settings from to inside rasdaman.war


  • "tiling" is a required setting in ingredients file (docs)
  • "skip": "files_that_fail_to_open" option to skip files which cannot analyze by wcst_import (docs)


The sections below contain instructions on how to upgrade the software installation from a previous version to stable rasdaman v10.3.

From v10.2

To upgrade from the previous stable version v10.2 to stable v10.3:

  1. Update the repository metadata with sudo apt update
  2. Stop rasdaman with sudo service rasdaman stop; make sure that the processes are really stopped: if ps aux | grep -E 'ras(mgr|server)' returns any processes, stop them with pkill -9 -f 'ras(mgr|server)'
  3. Install the new rasdaman version with sudo apt install rasdaman

From testing

To upgrade from the testing repository to stable v10.3:

  1. Change the testing package repository to the stable one in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rasdaman.list
  2. Stop rasdaman with sudo service rasdaman stop; make sure that the processes are really stopped: if ps aux | grep -E 'ras(mgr|server)' returns any processes, stop them with pkill -9 -f 'ras(mgr|server)'
  3. Remove the current rasdaman package with sudo apt remove rasdaman; this is required because the stable package has the same version but a lower iteration number than the testing one
  4. Install the new rasdaman version with sudo apt install rasdaman

From previous Ubuntu version

Check our migration guide for hints on how to upgrade your Ubuntu OS, or migrate your installation from one machine to another.

Version 10.2.15 (2024-01-12)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Support polygonize operator in WCPS
  • Add authentication_type=basic_header in to enhance access security
  • Drop rasdaman collection in case of failed to insert first null values when creating a new coverage

Version 10.2.14 (2023-12-08)

rasdaman core

  • polygonize rasql function to convert raster to vector data (docs)


  • Add codeSpace attribute in a band's specification for swe:Category

Version 10.2.13 (2023-11-30)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Extra local metadata of updated coverage's metadata is serialized properly in GML
  • Added new INSPIRE setting inspire_dls_spatial_dataset_identifier in
  • Adjusted GML responses from WCS 2.1.0 GetCapabilities, DescribeCoverage and GetCoverage requests


  • Fixed issue with sending outputType=GeneralGridCoverage parameter for non-GML format in WCS GetCoverage tab
  • Added option to select WCS 2.0.1 result from GetCapabilities tab (default it is WCS 2.1.0)


  • Add definition attribute in a band's specification
  • Add observationType setting to set the type of a band to show in GML

Version 10.2.12 (2023-11-21)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Add rasdaman/admin/version endpoint to return rasdaman's version
  • Improve band subsetting in one-band coverage
  • Improve WMS GetMap response results when scaling small grid domains to target width and height


  • Added option to select coverage type in WCS DescribeCoverage / GetCoverage tabs (default it is CIS 1.1)

Version 10.2.11 (2023-10-23)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Create a new pyramid member should use the previous pyramid member if it exists in case of scale vector is equal for non-XY axis


  • secore returns text/xml by default and application/gml+xml format if request header is Accept: application/gml+xml


  • wsclient shows correct timestamp on timeslider for regular time axis


  • wcst_import only logs to terminal console, instead of logging to log file

Version 10.2.10 (2023-09-22)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • WMS returns expected slicing on regular time axis
  • WCS/WCPS allows subsetting / crsTransform() by OGC:CRS84 CRS
  • Throw detailed error when accessing embedded SECORE but is not set with internal SECORE
  • Add support for binary induced function atan2 / arctan2


  • wsclient sometimes it doesn't show the login page at loading page
  • wsclient should not require double logins for admin functions


  • wcst_import works with https SECORE URL configured in

Version 10.2.9 (2023-09-07)

rasdaman core

  • Petascope checks credentials (if not-empty) from rasdaman_user and rasdaman_pass settings at starting
  • Add support for binary induced function arctan2 / atan2
  • The pow / power function supports exponent of any type (not just floating-point)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Add support for binary induced function atan2 / arctan2
  • Fix WMS GetMap request with WCPS fragment style containing pre-defined axis slicings
  • FIX coverage's extent bounding box in WGS84 CRS in WCS GetCapabilities resonse
  • Fix wrong collection alias in generated rasql FROM clause in case of scaling a pyramid member with different collection name to coverage id
  • Fix coverage's metadata returned in XML format for WCS DescribeCoverage request
  • Add check for invalid non-XY subsets which are out of extents in WMS GetMap requests
  • Improve rasdaman's collection type creation with band names
  • Support shorthand CRS style for subsetting / projecting coverage in different CRS with WCS / WCPS requests


  • SECORE resolves CRS defined in userdb with full XQuery query

Version 10.2.8 (2023-08-09)

rasdaman core

  • dbinfo output contains the null values if any were specified for the collection
  • Fix SORT on ranking values which are not of type double
  • Fix FLIP on sliced array operand
  • Fix segfault in linestring clip
  • Return proper error when casting to complex numbers instead of crashing
  • Fix invalid errors returned when multiple subsets are applied

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • WMS GetMap filters null values which are out of range values [0-255] for encoding in PNG
  • WCPS fixed scale() / extend() operators with target domains specified from LET clause variable


  • Allow admin to overwrite metadata when the current metadata is invalid XML

Version 10.2.7 (2023-07-25)

rasdaman core

  • Fix binary operations on operands with non-overlapping tiles

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Fix WMS GetCapabilities to conform with OGC 1.3.0 schema
  • Support BGColor optional parameter in WMS GetMap request for requesting layer with 1, 3 or 4 bands
  • WMS GetMap without TRANSPARENT=TRUE return white color for nodata pixels instead of transparency
  • Fix problem with WMS GetMap request on multiple layers with different geo extents and resolutions
  • WMS GetMap request support crs=CRS:84
  • Strip random parameter from incoming requests to bypass web browser's cache
  • Update ANTLR4 library for WCPS to the latest version to support java 11+
  • Enhance WCS scaling extension via WCPS query
  • Remove unused collection alias in generated rasql queries from WCPS queries


  • Fix WMS GetCapabilities to conform with OGC 1.3.0 schema

Version 10.2.6 (2023-06-20)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Fix WMS results in case of different geo extents accross base and its pyramid members
  • Dimension elements need to contains units attribute in WMS GetCapabilities response
  • Fix null error in case axis crsDefinition is not available in WCPS
  • Fixed WCPS to return multipart responses properly
  • Improve pyramid member selection when requesting a non-existing coefficient on coverage axis
  • Improve optimization of scaling and subsetting operations in WCPS queries


  • Fix time_series_regular recipe to work with UnixTime CRS


  • Internal SECORE should show the context path based on petascope endpoint in in results

Version 10.2.5 (2023-05-19)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Support XY axes order with NorthEast orientation (e.g. EPSG:31467)


  • Show generated WCS/WMS GETrequests on GUI

Version 10.2.4 (2023-05-05)

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • WMS GetMap requests on YX grid order coverage return wrong results
  • Add warning log in case a coverage's rasdaman settype does not exist in RASBASE
  • Fixed petascope deployment with H2 database backend
  • Sort pyramid members by product of scale factors when creating a new pyramid member
  • Fix shifting error in irregular axis when doing subsettings
  • Fix null error when creating pyramid member of a renamed pyramid member coverage
  • Fix error when renaming a pyramid member of a base coverage
  • Fix error when coverages having NaN as null value in WMS GetMap requests
  • Enhance accuracy for WMS GetMap subsets of lower resolution layers


  • Recalculate the total coverages/layers and their sizes when filtering on tables in GetCapabilities tabs
  • Add tab in DescribeLayer WMS tab to allow to add an existing geo-referenced coverage as a pyramid member of the selected layer
  • Add CreateLayer tab to create a WMS layer from an existing geo-referenced coverage
  • Enhance the performance after deleting a coverage / layer and creating / deleting a style of a WMS layer
  • Add DeleteLayer tab to remove a WMS layer
  • Fix error to display footprints on WebWorldWind in both WCS and WMS GetCapabilities tabs
  • Enhance the performance after deleting a coverage / layer
  • Add Login button to show login form to login as a different rasdaman user
  • Display error when petascope is not loadable when wsclient starts
  • Fix GetCoverage button error in case petascope endpoint is not /rasdaman/ows

Version 10.2.3 (2023-04-19)

rasdaman core

  • Improved performance and precision of scale function

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Enhance resolving UoM CRS when running internal SECORE
  • Support java 17
  • Improved time to create WMTS layers when petascope starts
  • Fixed internal SECORE failed to start when petascope starts
  • Support internal SECORE for different web application name instead of rasdaman.war

CRS Resolver (SECORE)

  • Support java 17


  • Add validation to check if "execute_if":"import_failed" then "skip":true is required

Version 10.2.2 (2023-03-29)

rasdaman core

  • Improved performance of starting/stopping rasdaman
  • Fixed signal handlers to be async-signal-safe

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Fixed to not initialize embedded CRS resolver if internal is not set in secore_urls

Version 10.2.1 (2023-03-24)

rasdaman core

  • Support round, ceil and floor functions in rasql

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Support round, ceil and floor functions in WCPS
  • Enhance selection for working resolvers to request CRSs
  • Reduce requests to SECORE when building coverage objects


  • Support execute_if setting to run a after_import hook only when an input file failed to import

Version 10.2.0 (2023-03-15)

New features, enhancements, bug fixes

rasdaman core

  • Support —queryfile and —out formatted options in rasql

OGC frontend (petascope)

  • Add JAVA_OPTS environment variable for script
  • WCPS enhanced axis iterator's domain handler
  • WCPS supports .lo and .hi in axis iterator's domain handler
  • WCPS fixed the syntax, LET clause stands before WHERE clause
  • Support logging level for rasj in (see doc)
  • WCPS supports axis iterators in coverage constructor with geo extents from domain() operator
  • WCPS CrsTransform supports geo XY axes' target resolutions and geo XY target bounding box and domain(axisLabel).resolution to get the resolution of an axis.


  • Add full file path for importing netCDF/HDF4/HDF5 file via gdal recipe
  • Support new shorthand syntax using + in crs in the ingredients file (see doc)
  • Optimized import of Sentinel 2 data when possible
  • Fixed import of non-globbed files in subdirectories


  • Add doc about ows4R package to access OGC WCS via R


  • Drop support for CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04 packages as these OS are close to EOL
  • Added separate cmake option for generating PDF documentation

Incompatible changes

  • Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 7 are not supported anymore, rasdaman v10.2 packages are available only for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04
  • The server/client protocol has backwards-incompatible changes, so C++ / Java clients must be recompiled with the latest rasdaman client API libraries to be able to communicate with rasdaman v10.2 servers. Python clients will require updating rasdapy3 to the latest version with pip3.
  • Core C++ components require C++17 to compile


The sections below contain instructions on how to upgrade the software installation from a previous version to stable rasdaman v10.2.

In addition, it is highly recommended to review the list of incompatible changes above.

From v10.1

To upgrade from the previous stable version v10.1 to stable v10.2:

  1. Update the repository metadata with sudo apt update
  2. Stop rasdaman with sudo service rasdaman stop; make sure that the processes are really stopped: if ps aux | grep -E 'ras(mgr|server)' returns any processes, stop them with pkill -9 -f 'ras(mgr|server)'
  3. Install the new rasdaman version with sudo apt install rasdaman

From testing

To upgrade from the testing repository to stable v10.2:

  1. Change the testing package repository to the stable one in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rasdaman.list
  2. Stop rasdaman with sudo service rasdaman stop; make sure that the processes are really stopped: if ps aux | grep -E 'ras(mgr|server)' returns any processes, stop them with pkill -9 -f 'ras(mgr|server)'
  3. Remove the current rasdaman package with sudo apt remove rasdaman; this is required because the stable package has the same version but a lower iteration number than the testing one
  4. Install the new rasdaman version with sudo apt install rasdaman

From previous Ubuntu version

Check our migration guide for hints on how to upgrade your Ubuntu OS, or migrate your installation from one machine to another.

Version 10.1 and older

Older releases are documented on the versions archive page.

Last modified 12 hours ago Last modified on Dec 21, 2024, 1:56:16 PM
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