Changes between Version 515 and Version 516 of Versions

Nov 29, 2024, 9:25:02 AM (6 weeks ago)
Bang Pham Huu


  • Versions

    v515 v516  
    1414OGC frontend (petascope)
    16 - New API for setting and retrieving a coverage thumbnail
    17 - Support passing user-defined parameters for a style fragment in WMS GetMap requests
     17- New API for setting and retrieving a coverage thumbnail ([ docs])
     18- Support passing user-defined parameters for a style fragment in WMS GetMap requests ([ docs])
    1819- Removed support for coverage metadata in JSON format
    19 - New simplified and consistent formula for translating geo to grid coordinates when importing / subsetting for regular axes
     20- New simplified and consistent formula for translating geo to grid coordinates when importing / subsetting for regular axes ([ docs])
     21- New setting `coverage_metadata` to define non-rasdaman global metadata in ingredients file ([ docs])
    2022- Required negative geo resolution for axis type `Y` when importing new coverage
    21 - Text responses, e.g. for `GetCapabilities` request, will be compressed / decompressed automatically in WebBrowser for faster download
     23- Text responses, e.g. for `GetCapabilities` request, will be compressed / decompressed automatically in WebBrowser for faster download ([ docs])
    2224- In DescribeCoverage response the `swe:label` will be same as the `swe:field` name if a quantity's label is not set
    2325- Validate `colorPaletteTable` in coverage's metadata when updating / inserting
    2931- Improved handling for escaped special XML characters in coverage's metadata
    3032- Improved checking a layer's existence when getting capabilities
     33- Improved checking if a coverage exists in petascope's remote cache
    3134- Fixed issue with zero value for axis extent resolution in petascopedb
    3235- Fixed issue with incorrect value for axis extent resolution of pyramid member coverages
    34 secore
    36 - Added new setting `ignore_agents_matching` in `` to filter requests crawling SECORE by user-agent bots
    37 - Added doc for configurations in ``
    38 - Fixed issue to show invalid EPSG CRS with source and
    39   added new setting ``max_cache_size`` for controlling SECORE's cache size.
    41 wcst_import
    43 - New setting `coverage_metadata` to define non-rasdaman global metadata in ingredients file
    44 - New setting `thumbnail_path` to set a coverage's thumbnail
    45 - New setting `wms_styles` to add styles to a WMS layer when inserting a coverage
     41- New setting `thumbnail_path` to set a coverage's thumbnail ([ docs])
     42- New setting `wms_styles` to add styles to a WMS layer when inserting a coverage ([ docs])
    4643- Removed support for coverage's metadata in JSON format
    4744- Nested functions in expressions are evaluated properly in python list comprehension
    48 - Support `validity` setting for adjusting `areasOfValidity` of updating coefficients implicitly
    49 - Match multiple input files to defined `areasOfValidity` in a single ingredients file
     45- Support `validity` setting for adjusting `areasOfValidity` of updating coefficients implicitly ([ docs])
     46- Match multiple input files to defined `areasOfValidity`` in a single ingredients file
    5047- Support for `OGC/O/Temporal` CRS
    5148- Support for specifying one band's settings in Sentinel 1 recipe
     53- Added doc for configurations in `` ([ docs])
     54- Added new setting `ignore_agents_matching` in `` to filter requests crawling SECORE by user-agent bots
     55- Fixed issue to show invalid EPSG CRS with source and
     56  added new setting `max_cache_size` for controlling SECORE's cache size.