Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#867 closed defect (fixed)

wcs client needs cleanup

Reported by: Vlad Merticariu Owned by: Alex Toader
Priority: minor Milestone: Future
Component: applications Version: development
Keywords: Cc:
Complexity: Medium


this must not appear in the code. Plus more inadequate stuff, like

var coverageList =["NIR", "lena", "visible_human", "climate_clouds", "eobs"],function (coverage) {

  • this makes use of foreign libs, I need a list of them to be added to our external dependencies + their licenses, see rasdaman provenance page
  • tests are there (which is good), but they make use of our std data sets which are going to change soon to make them "real" coverages. Let's not forget this change to come.

We should document somewhere (README or wiki) what test data sets we assume on the server.

  • BTW, this client should be LGPL, needs to go into the std headers to be added (also to data/ BTW!) - we want them to be used as much as possible, so be liberal.
  • img/ needs cleanup

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Alex Toader, 10 years ago

This file documents the libraries included in this project and their licenses:

  1. Bootstrap v3.3.1 (MIT License):
  1. jQuery(MIT License): -Homepage: .Accessed at 14.12.2014 -License: . Accessed at 14.12.2014
  1. jQuery Collapse v1.1.0 (MIT License): -Homepage: Accessed at 14.12.2014 -License: Accessed at 14.12.2014
  1. jQuery UI v1.11.2 (MIT License): -Homepage: Accessed at 14.12.2014 -License: Accessed at 14.12.2014
  1. Jasmine(MIT License): -Homepage: . Accessed at 14.12.2014 -License: .Accessed at 14.12.2014
  1. KnockoutJS(MIT License): -Homepage: . Accessed at 14.12.2014 -License: . Accessed at 14.12.2014
  1. Google Code Prettify (Apache License, Version 2.0) -Homepage: Accessed at 14.12.2014 -License:, Accessed at 14.12.2014
  1. RequireJS (MIT License): -Homepage: . Accessed at 14.12.2014 -License: . Accessed at 14.12.2014
  1. xmlToJSON:

comment:2 by Alex Toader, 10 years ago

The unit tests are focused on checking if the response to a request is processed correctly. For these tests, sample XML documents that respect the WCS schema have been included.
The tests will have to be changed only if:

  1. The parsing mechanism is changed
  2. The XML schema of WCS responses is changed.

comment:3 by Alex Toader, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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