Opened 19 months ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#2766 assigned defect

FIX - rasql - overlay returns incorrect result when combining multiple time slices

Reported by: Bang Pham Huu Owned by: Dimitar Misev
Priority: major Milestone: 10.2
Component: server Version: 10.2
Keywords: Cc: javierurien@…
Complexity: Medium


Use the ingredients below with the tiff files provided by Javier at to import testing coverage TOPSAR_irregular

    "config": {
        "service_url": "http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows",
        "automated": true,
        "track_files": true,
        "subset_correction": false,
        "blocking": false,
        "mock": false,
        "default_null_values": [
    "input": {
        "coverage_id": "TOPSAR_irregular",
        "paths": [
    "recipe": {
        "name": "general_coverage",
        "options": {
            "wms_import": true,
            "scale_levels": [
            "import_order": "ascending",
            "coverage": {
                "crs": "OGC/0/AnsiDate?axis-label='time'@EPSG/0/4326",
                "metadata": {
                    "type": "xml",
                    "global": {
                        "Title": "'This is the SAOCOM SSM TOPSAR coverage'"
                "slicer": {
                    "type": "gdal",
                    "bands": [
                            "name": "soil_moisture",
                            "identifier": "soil_moisture",
                            "uomCode": "m3/m3"
                    "axes": {
                        "time": {
                            "min": "datetime(regex_extract('${file:name}', '(.*)_([0-9]{8})([0-9]{6})_(.*)',2), 'YYYYMMDD')",
                            "type": "ansidate",
                            "irregular": true,
                            "dataBound": false
                        "Long": {
                            "min": "${gdal:minX}",
                            "max": "${gdal:maxX}",
                            "resolution": "${gdal:resolutionX}"
                        "Lat": {
                            "min": "${gdal:minY}",
                            "max": "${gdal:maxY}",
                            "resolution": "${gdal:resolutionY}"
            "tiling": "ALIGNED [0:0, 0:1023, 0:1023]"

The output of dbinfo() of the pyramid which will be used by the WMS GetMap requests below:

rasql -q 'select dbinfo(c, "printtiles=1") from TOPSAR_irregular_8 as c' --out string

  Result object 1: {
 "oid": "702465",
 "baseType": "marray <float,[D0(*:*),D1(*:*),D2(*:*)]>",
 "setTypeName": "TOPSAR_irregular_Set",
 "nullValues": "[-0.999000,-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.000000:0.000000]",
 "mddTypeName": "TOPSAR_irregular_Array",
 "tileNo": "51",
 "totalSize": "55059056",
 "tiling": {
	"tilingScheme": "aligned",
	"tileSize": "4194304",
	"tileConfiguration": "[0:0,0:1023,0:1023]",
 "index": {
	"type": "rpt_index",
	"PCTmax": "4096",
	"PCTmin": "2048"

  • This WMS GetMap request works fine to combine 3 time slices "2022-10-07", "2022-10-08" and "2022-10-09"

which generated this rasql query:

SELECT ENCODE((  ( scale( scale( ( ( c0[0,-2329:2367,-749:5271] OVERLAY c0[1,-2329:2367,-749:5271] OVERLAY c0[2,-2329:2367,-749:5271] ) ), [0:799, 0:599] )  [0:799, 0:599], [0:799, 0:599] ) )  ), "png", "{\"nodata\":[0.0]}") FROM TOPSAR_irregular_8 AS c0

The result looks like below:

  • But this WMS GetMap request doesn't return correct result when it combines 4 time slices: "2022-10-07", "2022-10-08", "2022-10-09" and "2022-10-10".

The generated rasql query is:

 SELECT ENCODE((  ( scale( scale( ( ( c0[0,-2329:2367,-749:5271] OVERLAY c0[1,-2329:2367,-749:5271] OVERLAY c0[2,-2329:2367,-749:5271] OVERLAY c0[3,-2329:2367,-749:5271] ) ), [0:799, 0:599] )  [0:799, 0:599], [0:799, 0:599] ) )  ), "png", "{\"nodata\":[0.0]}") FROM TOPSAR_irregular_8 AS c0

and it looks like below, NOTE: all the time slices below "2022-10-10" are not shown.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Javier Urien, 18 months ago

Just a FYI. I would consider it to be quite useful if an interval whose limits do not coincide with a time slice still work with the internal dates to the interval.

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