Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#1580 closed defect (fixed) text fixes

Reported by: Peter Baumann Owned by: Bang Pham Huu
Priority: minor Milestone: 9.5
Component: undecided Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Dimitar Misev
Complexity: Trivial

Description (last modified by Peter Baumann)

The installer script has some glitches:

  • missing copyright / open source line
  • petabeded → petabedded (likely)
  • options 1 and 2 address different things, what about PG with jetty? It is not clear how options relate.
  • PostgreSQL support is not deprecated, it needs to remain
  • IGNORE THIS: can we add a dryrun option which indicates the packages to be installed, without doing it? ((user is asked about packages before installation, that's fine)

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Peter Baumann, 8 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by Dimitar Misev, 8 years ago

petabeded → petabedded (likely)

I fixed petabeded to embedded

comment:3 by Dimitar Misev, 8 years ago

missing copyright / open source line

what should it print exactly?

options 1 and 2 address different things, what about PG with jetty? It is not clear how options relate.

it's just some most common predefined options; the user is free to adapt their own profile for installation if they want further options, we can't predefine all combinations (it's way too many).

comment:4 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

"IGNORE THIS: can we add a dryrun option which indicates the packages to be installed, without doing it? ((user is asked about packages before installation, that's fine)"
It listed the packages and asked user before installing.

Installing third party dependencies on CentOS Linux 7.3...
Installing packages ['make', 'libtool', 'autoconf', 'bison', 'flex', 'flex-devel', 'git', 'curl', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'unzip', 'boost-devel', 'libstdc++-static', 'libtiff-devel', 'gdal-devel', 'zlib-devel', 'libedit-devel', 'readline-devel', 'netcdf-cxx-devel', 'netcdf-devel', 'postgresql-devel', 'sqlite-devel', 'openssl-devel', 'grib_api-devel', 'hdf-devel', 'java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel', 'maven', 'ant', 'gdal-java', 'postgresql-server', 'postgresql-contrib', 'sqlite', 'zlib', 'boost', 'gdal', 'netcdf', 'netcdf-cxx', 'libtiff', 'libedit', 'readline', 'openssl', 'gcc', 'python-devel', 'python-dateutil', 'python-magic', 'which', 'python-lxml', 'python-pip', 'python-setuptools', 'grib_api', 'gdal-python', 'pyproj', 'netcdf4-python', 'hdf', 'grib_api-devel', 'sysvinit-tools', 'tomcat']... 
Continue? [Y/n]

comment:5 by Peter Baumann, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

thanks, Bang, looks nice, so closing.

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