Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#1341 closed defect (fixed)

WCPS1.5_Project the bounding box in case of crsTransform()

Reported by: Bang Pham Huu Owned by: Bang Pham Huu
Priority: major Milestone: 9.3
Component: petascope Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Dimitar Misev, Vlad Merticariu
Complexity: Medium

Description (last modified by Bang Pham Huu)

In WCPS 1.5, it should transform the bounding of WCPS to outputCrs as well, example:

for c in (eobstest) 
return encode(crsTransform(c[Lat(0:20), Long(25:30)]), {"Lat":"3857", "Long":"3857"},
{ }, "tiff")

should be translated to Rasql

 encode( projection(c[150:250, 250:300], "0,20,25,30", "EPSG:4326", 
"EPSG:3857", "xmin=150000,ymin=20000,xmax=200000,ymax=250000"), "tiff")

#Thanks Dimitar for the missing.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Dimitar Misev, 9 years ago

I think you're missing crsTransform in the wcps query.

comment:2 by Dimitar Misev, 9 years ago

Cc: Vlad Merticariu added

comment:3 by Bang Pham Huu, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:4 by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

it is fixed in patch ticket 1188 with WCPS query, close ticket.

for c in (eobstest)
return encode(crsTransform(c[t(0), Lat(0:20), Long(25:30)], 
    Long:"http://localhost:8080/def/crs/EPSG/0/3857"}, {}),

and result in Rasql

SELECT encode(project( c[0,0:9,111:150], "25,0,30,20", "EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3857" ), "GTiff" ,
FROM eobstest AS c
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