Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#1138 closed defect (worksforme)

configure syntax divergent

Reported by: Peter Baumann Owned by: Dimitar Misev
Priority: minor Milestone: Future
Component: build system Version: development
Keywords: Cc: Vlad Merticariu, Alex Dumitru
Complexity: Easy


configure uses —with-XXX, —without-XXX, —enable-XXX, —disable-XXX. This is confusing and error prone. At some suitable time (compatibility!) this variety should be gently reduced.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Dimitar Misev, 8 years ago

With cmake this is now pretty standard and consistent I think, so I'd close this ticket. There are no options —without-XXX. Here's a list of the options:

  --with-hdf4             this feature enables the inclusion of hdf4 library
  --with-netcdf           this feature enables the inclusion of netcdf library
  --with-grib             this feature enables the inclusion of the GRIB
  --with-docs             generate doxygen documentation during installation.
  --with-static-libs      try to compile using statically linked DBMS
  --with-default-basedb   change the default Base DBMS (sqlite, postgresql)
  --with-petascopedb      change the default DBMS used by petascope
  --with-java-server      set the Java application deployment mode (external
  --with-debug-symbols    compile rasdaman with debug symbols
  --with-optimization     set GCC optimization level, allowed values 0-3.
  --with-test-port=PORT   port on which the test server is listening
  --with-logdir=PATH      the path where the servers will store their logs
  --with-filedatadir=PATH the path where the server stores blobs as files
  --with-wardir=PATH      the path where the war files should be installed
  --with-wps=PATH         the path to the 52n wps war file
  --with-boost[=ARG]      use Boost library from a standard location
  --with-sqlite3=[ARG]    use SQLite 3 library [default=yes], optionally
  --with-postgresql=[ARG] use PostgreSQL library [default=yes], optionally
  --with-ecpg=PATH        path to ecpg

  --enable-debug          this feature enables generation of binaries that
  --enable-benchmark      this feature enables generation of binaries that
  --enable-strict         enable compiling in strict mode: warnings terminate
  --enable-rasnet         this feature enables the rasnet protocol; deprecated
  --enable-r              compile and install R package.

  --disable-gdal          this feature disables using GDAL in rasdaman.
  --disable-pic           disable generation of position independent code
  --disable-java          disable compilation and installation of Java-based

Here are the cmake options: wiki:InstallFromSource/cmake#Availableconfigurations

comment:2 by Dimitar Misev, 8 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed
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