Custom Query (2338 matches)


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Results (2001 - 2100 of 2338)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2799 wcst_import should not do anything if filepaths is empty Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcst_import
#2800 wcst_import give hint when no credentials specified an petascope requires them Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcst_import
#2801 FIX - wrong projected bounding box displayed on webworldwind for EPSG:3035 Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcsclient
#2802 rasql stuck when executed with user without any rights mrodionych@… defect major 10.3 rasql
#2803 resumer for sentinel1 recipe has wrong coverage id Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcst_import
#2805 FIX - wcst_import should convert number to datetime string Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 10.3 wcst_import
#2806 Add --analyze option to wcst_import Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcst_import
#2807 FIX - Support WCS GetCapabilities with sections parameter and XY axis labels in WCS GetCoverage with subsetting CRS Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 petascope
#2808 FIX - coverage's metadata does not show properly when ras namespace prefix is redefined Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 petascope
#2809 FIX - colorPalette exists in coverage's metadata should not be in encode's extra parameters if colorMap exists there Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 10.3 petascope
#2810 FIX - Petascope should not request non-existing UoM CRS from SECORE Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 petascope
#2811 FIX - WSclient WMS DescribeLayer is slow if a coverage has many timeslices Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcsclient
#2812 FIX - WSClient - if color table type is none then the existing colorMap style should be removed Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcsclient
#2813 FIX - WMS style with rasql fragment return null error Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 petascope
#2814 FIX - WSClient WMS DescribeLayer time slider does not work with regular UnixTime CRS Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 wcsclient
#2815 FIX - some coverage's metadata has issue with rasdaman:covMetadata Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.3 petascope
#2817 secore_urls=internal does not work for custom petascope path Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope
#2818 wcst_import - FIX - Implement areasOfValidity with next_slice support Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import
#2819 FIX - check if coverage's metadata after updating is wellform before saving to petascopedb Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 10.3 petascope
#2820 FIX - match multiple input files to defined areasOfValidity in a single ingredients file Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import
#2822 improve wcst_import hooks documentation Dimitar Misev defect major doc
#2823 FIX - CRS compound CRS showed invalid URL and added max cache size b defect major secore
#2824 NEW - New setting in wcst_import to set wms style + legend Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import
#2825 FIX - WMS GetMap returns error lower bound is greater than upper bound Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope
#2826 FIX - OGC/O/Temporal missing parts in petascope Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.4 petascope
#2827 wcst_import: close netCDF4 Dataset before it goes out of scope Dimitar Misev defect major undecided
#2828 FIX - create doc for Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 10.4 doc
#2829 FIX - wcst_import should try to print the failed input sentence to evalulate Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import
#2830 FIX - petascope should throw exception when latitude (Y axis) has positive resolution Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope
#2831 FIX - wcst_import nested function is not evaluated properly in python list comprehension Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import
#2832 FIX - Support to set thumbnail coverage via a file uploaded by curl Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope
#2833 FIX - throw exception when < is unescaped in XML and wcst_import should not escape coverage's metadata when importing Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.4 petascope
#2 CSV changes last value in list defect minor server
#13 select mr==mr from mr not work Peter Baumann defect minor manuals_and_examples
#16 condense count Jinsongdi Yu defect minor 8.4 manuals_and_examples
#21 Include an explicit list of dependencies in inst-guide.pdf Peter Baumann enhancement minor Future manuals_and_examples
#22 need more information on creating rasdaman user in inst-guide and external-guide Peter Baumann enhancement minor manuals_and_examples
#27 PostgreSQL 8.4 documentation update Peter Baumann enhancement minor manuals_and_examples
#33 remove "#ifdef NO_OFFICIAL_RELEASE" msahakyan enhancement minor 8.4 rascontrol
#37 patch manager needs improvement defect minor applications
#39 RasJ sometimes fails with I/O error Alex Dumitru defect minor Future java
#42 division should always have result type float or double enhancement minor catalogmgr
#57 optional HDF4 support not yet reflected in configure Peter Baumann defect minor applications
#58 allow trimming with and without extending enhancement minor Future qlparser
#71 Error in petascope update query Dimitar Misev defect minor petascope
#77 Data exchange format wrong file name extension Dimitar Misev defect minor 8.4 clientcomm
#81 Document netcdf/inv_netcdf Peter Baumann enhancement minor manuals_and_examples
#90 format converters do not check array dimension sufficiently Peter Baumann defect minor conversion
#96 rasimport Returns code 0 on errors defect minor rasgeo
#97 Rasql searching for errtxts file in wrong place defect minor qlparser
#102 Petascope WCPS form processing (Java XML parser) has error. Nikolche Kolev defect minor 9.0.x petascope
#104 No error message while importing unsupported tiled TIFF Dimitar Misev enhancement minor conversion
#108 Segmentation fault when accessing a non-existent collection via GDAL Stephan Meissl defect minor 9.0.x gdal driver
#134 rasdl --del* bug when deleting used types Bang Pham Huu defect minor Future rasdl
#140 rasdl -p complex type output misleading for mdd and set types defect minor 8.4 rasdl
#141 Wrong Petascope Headers Vlad Merticariu defect minor petascope
#146 WCPS parser does not raise exception when parenthesis are missing Dimitar Misev defect minor 8.4 petascope
#147 netcdf conversion output is not properly encoded d.misev@… defect minor 8.4 conversion
#150 SECORE: disallow and flag nested composition Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor Future secore
#151 trim operations in queries with marray causes error message (401) defect minor 8.4 qlparser
#153 Petascope gives error when valid OWS Common parameter is suppled as part of request Bang Pham Huu defect minor Future petascope
#154 Proprietary Sun API (JPEGCodec) used inside petascope.wms Ernesto Rodriguez task minor 8.4 petascope
#158 SECORE error with (some) Vertical CRS mrusu defect minor 8.4 secore
#159 SECORE: keys should be case insensitive mrusu defect minor 8.4 secore
#176 petascope.wcps.* packages to use String constants Alireza enhancement minor 8.4 petascope
#183 SECORE only recognizes URN identifiers of new uploaded definitions msahakyan enhancement minor 8.4 secore
#188 URN-based identifiers recognized but not translated to URL in the definition Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.0 secore
#190 C++ Developers Guide (possible) typos Peter Baumann defect minor 8.4 manuals_and_examples
#198 Use config.h Heinrich Stamerjohanns enhancement minor 8.4 build system
#199 rasdaman broken on big endian systems? Heinrich Stamerjohanns defect minor 8.4 server
#200 use mkstemp Nikolche Kolev enhancement minor Future conversion
#208 r_Range may fail on 64bit systems Heinrich Stamerjohanns defect minor raslib
#212 Graphical database schema for petascope gxinghua task minor 8.4 petascope
#217 NETCDF export broken - file has incorrect orientation mrusu defect minor 8.4 conversion
#226 WCPS parser is case-sensitive with 'reduceExpr' expressions Alireza defect minor petascope
#232 SECORE does not find configuration files with Glassfish mrusu defect minor 8.4 secore
#238 SELECT INTO in rasql Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 8.4 qlparser
#239 Handling of new client connections Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 8.4 server
#246 Getting information about arrays Dimitar Misev enhancement minor Future qlparser
#253 fails when no --tasplit given Piero Campalani defect minor 8.4 rasgeo
#262 Petascope can't handle curly brackets in an extendExpr query abeccati defect minor 8.4 petascope
#266 Petascope use of sdom Piero Campalani defect minor 8.4 petascope
#288 WCPS segfaults when using invalid axis name abeccati defect minor 8.4 petascope
#289 Update sequence for table ps_crs in petascope creation query abeccati defect minor 8.4 petascope
#295 WMS init and fill pyramid scripts fail when collection name is not the first one returned by RASQL select query Piero Campalani defect minor 8.4 rasgeo
#296 Result of reload capabilities in WMS init script should be checked Piero Campalani enhancement minor 8.4 rasgeo
#304 Document dbinfo() function Peter Baumann task minor 8.4 manuals_and_examples
#306 UoM ID (and not value) is shown in the WCS rangeType of a coverage Piero Campalani defect minor 8.4 petascope
#316 Wrong cross-reference in QL guide Peter Baumann defect minor Future manuals_and_examples
#317 WCPS1.5_WCPS and complex numbers Alex Dumitru defect minor 9.3 petascope
#333 2Gb file limit Heinrich Stamerjohanns defect minor 9.0 rasserver
#336 "delete from collection" fails Dimitar Misev defect minor qlparser
#338 test configuration does not work with configure --prefix Kinga Lipskoch enhancement minor systemtest
#345 Petascope WMS error message files are not included in the WAR file Piero Campalani defect minor petascope
#356 SECORE does not report exception when an invalid parameter name is set on a non-parametrized CRS Dimitar Misev defect minor 9.0 secore
#358 a CRS:1 subset out of coverage bounds on the temporal axis is not managed correctly Piero Campalani defect minor Future qlparser
#368 expand/format parameters should not be allowed in CCRS Bang Pham Huu defect minor 9.2 secore
#374 Document pow()/power() function Peter Baumann enhancement minor 9.2 qlparser
#375 vertical EPSG CRSs missing in SECORE Piero Campalani defect minor Future secore
#377 WCPS doesn't consider axis labels in scale operation Piero Campalani defect minor 9.0 petascope
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.