Changes between Version 101 and Version 102 of Versions

Dec 13, 2016, 1:07:04 PM (7 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Versions

    v101 v102  
    2525 * ''Note:'' this will become default in the next version of rasdaman and autotools will be removed
    2626* rasdaman is compiled with -std=c++11 by default now; gcc 4.8 or higher is required
     28=== v9.3.2 ===
     29Addressed tickets between v9.3.1 and v9.3.2:
     31git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.3.1..v9.3.2 | sort -k 3 -t ':'
     33* changeset:240cfe5 | ticket:1016 - install jsoncpp headers (Dimitar Misev)
     34* changeset:3dfc680 | ticket:1069 - remove unnecessary log from the wcst_import Makefile (Dimitar Misev)
     35* changeset:7276fb8 | ticket:1296 - add query that is randomly failing validation to known fails (Dimitar Misev)
     36* changeset:22c6169 | ticket:1299 - log total size of returned arrays (Dimitar Misev)
     37* changeset:bf8a537 | ticket:1366 - Irr_cube_1 3D netCDF imported (Bang Pham Huu)
     38* changeset:7e378fa | ticket:1418 - clean system tests from deprecated and improve log files (BangPH)
     39* changeset:98ee30a | ticket:1419 - Adjustment in Petascope conformance test (BangPH)
     40* changeset:3836683 | ticket:1419 - OGC CITE conformance test extensions (BangPH)
     41* changeset:18646ba | ticket:1424 - add test wcps JPEG2000 to known_fails (Dimitar Misev)
     42* changeset:ff41626 | ticket:1424 - WCPS support JPEG2000 encode with metadata (Bang Pham Huu)
     43* changeset:b37595b | ticket:1425 - disable progress bar with wget when testing SECORE connections (Bang Pham Huu)
     44* changeset:31566c1 | ticket:1427 - Support WCPS POST and centralize test case services endpoint (BangPH)
     45* changeset:d9c5a32 | ticket:1428 - Add URN definitions in SECORE (BangPH)
     46* changeset:fee9a0f | ticket:1429 - fix WMS error exception and using crsTransform consistently (Bang Pham Huu)
     47* changeset:684511a | ticket:1432 - clear Petascope, SECORE dependencies directory and build javadoc for SECORE without error. (Bang Pham Huu)
     48* changeset:89c76cc | ticket:1433 - NetCDF shifted points as original file (BangPH)
     49* changeset:2207675 | ticket:1438 - no trim indentation in binary file (Bang Pham Huu)
     50* changeset:e37f3e5 | ticket:1440 - Fixed Standalone_Makefile and of the C++ examples. (Annabelle Nasiri)
     51* changeset:04636df | ticket:1441 - increase the default countdown value in rasmgr.conf (Dimitar Misev)
     52* changeset:1372d3e | ticket:1442 - Fix error with netCDF when time axis is set "dataBound=false" (BangPH)
     53* changeset:1c0184c | ticket:1443 - SECORE replace prefix URL from (BangPH)
     54* changeset:3f62451 | ticket:1445 - Fix compilation in Java 7 Cmake (BangPH)
     55* changeset:e3cc94b | ticket:1445 - Fix compilation of Java 7 with cmake (Dimitar Misev)
     56* changeset:12237d1 | ticket:1445 - fix compilation with Java 7 (Dimitar Misev)
     57* changeset:6136954 | ticket:1447 - Convert time coeffcients in Envelope and Origin to ISO DateTime (BangPH)
     58* changeset:ca6af22 | ticket:1449 - Fix cmake to work with centos7 (Vlad Frasineanu)
     59* changeset:8262f1d | ticket:1449 - fix compilation with custom cmake (Dimitar Misev)
     60* changeset:276e826 | ticket:1452 - General Coverage recipe should ignore empty expression (Bang Pham Huu)
     61* changeset:61f54f4 | ticket:1453 - format all C++ and Java code uniformly (Dimitar Misev)
     62* changeset:5b99a28 | ticket:1459 - wrong fit pixel to sample with negative coordinate (BangPH)
     63* changeset:ae1003d | ticket:1460 - cast loses precision in petascope (BangPH)
     64* changeset:34562c4 | ticket:1461 - WMS remove existing style from layer (Bang Pham Huu)
     65* changeset:1cb168c | ticket:485 - remove fixed WCPS query from known_fails (Dimitar Misev)
    2868=== v9.3.1 ===