= Welcome to rasdaman -- the World's Leading Array Database =
rasdaman ("__ras__ter __da__ta __man__ager") allows storing and querying massive multi-dimensional [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array arrays], such as '''sensor, image, simulation, and statistics data''' appearing in [wiki:ApplicationDomains domains] like '''earth, space, and life science'''. This worldwide leading array analytics engine [wiki:WhyRasdaman distinguishes itself] by its flexibility, performance, and scalability. Rasdaman can process arrays residing in file system directories as well as in databases.
In fact, rasdaman has pioneered [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array_DBMS Array Databases] being the first fully implemented, operationally used system with an array query language and optimized processing engine with unprecedented scalability. Known rasdaman databases exceed 150 TB; with [http://www.earthserver.eu EarthServer], intercontinental fusion of Petabyte datacubes is being established.
'''Wanna try?''' If you want to try out rasdaman right away: http://standards.rasdaman.com is a demonstration site showcasing rasdaman-enabled the Big Earth Data standards OGC WCS and WCPS in a variety of 1-D to 5-D geo use cases.
[[Image(rasdaman-wcs-core-RI.png, link=wiki:News align=left, width=400)]] '''Next-Generation Geo Raster Server'''. From simple geo imagery services up to complex analytics, rasdaman provides the whole spectrum of functionality on spatio-temporal raster data - both regular and irregular grids. And it does so with an unprecedented performance and scalability, as recent scientific benchmarks show. To leverage this enabling technology, users do not necessarily have to learn new interfaces: rasdaman [wiki:Clients integrates] smoothly with R, !OpenLayers, Leaflet, NASA !WorldWind, GDAL, !MapServer, ESRI ArcGIS, and many more.
'''Makers of Big Data Standards'''.
The forthcoming ISO SQL/MDA (Multi-Dimensional Arrays) standard, integrating n-D arrays seamlessly into table world, has been crafted by the rasdaman team. This standard will be domain-independent and can serve all of Earth, Space, Life sciences, and beyond.
Rasdaman is brought to you by the guys writing the Big Earth Data standards, including [http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wcs OGC WCS] and [http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wcps WCPS], the OGC raster query language.
No surprise, rasdaman supports [http://www.opengeospatial.org OGC] [http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wms WMS], [http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wcs WCS] core and all extensions including [http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wcps WCS-T], [http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wcps WCPS], and [http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wps/ WPS].
[[Image(copernicus-masters-winner-emblem.png, align=left, link=http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de/~lsis/#awards, width=110)]]
'''Worldwide Recognition and Success'''.
rasdaman is official OGC WCS Core Reference Implementation, and candidate reference implementation for all WCS extensions and WCPS.
Further, rasdaman is [http://geossregistries.info/geosspub/resource_details_ns.jsp?compId=urn:geoss:csr:resource:urn:uuid:e8d4eb7b-4681-4f71-9e34-0f78cf10ce92 listed in the GEOSS Component and Service Registry].
Finally, rasdaman is included in the [http://live.osgeo.org/en/index.html OSGeo Live DVD] (see [wiki:OSGeoLiveGetStarted starter guide]).
'''Game changing, disruptive technology'''. During a thorough review in Fall 2014, independent experts unanimously attested that, based on "proven evidence", rasdaman will '''significantly transform the way scientists access and use data in a way that hitherto was not possible'''. In 2014, rasdaman was selected sole [http://www.copernicus-masters.com/index.php?kat=winners.html&anzeige=winner_t-systems2014.html winner of Big Data Challenge] in the worldwide [http://www.copernicus-masters.com/ Copernicus Masters] competition, underlining its maturity and scalability. This is along a [http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de/~lsis/#awards chain of innovation awards] rasdaman continues to receive. See also the [http://www.ohloh.net/p/rasdaman listing on OpenHub] for the business value of the rasdaman open source code.
== News ==
* October 2015 -- OGC adopted our WCS-T specification as a standard, which will tremendously ease coverage maintenance and coverage service mashups
* October 2015 -- In Tokyo, the ISO SQL Working Group resolves that the SQL/MDA ("Multi-Dimensional Array") specification is to be rolled out for CD ballot; this specification is based on rasdaman and written by us
* July 2015 -- following earlier prerelease, the stable version of [wiki:Versions rasdaman 9.1] is released now, with tons of improvements and new functionality
* June 2015 -- !OpenHub attests rasdaman a "large team, in the top 10% of all project teams on Open Hub"
* February 2015 -- Currently we are aware of 230 TB of rasdaman databases of atmosphere, ocean, land, and planetary science data. Let us know if you have another Big Data instance running!
* [wiki:News more news...]
== Download, Documentation ==
Go to the [wiki:Download Download page] for instructions. There is ample [wiki:Documentation documentation], including query and programming examples (check out our [Workshops/BigDataRasdamanApproach tutorial] on spatio-temporal data with rasdaman too).
== Support ==
The [http://www.jacobs-university.de/lsis Large-Scale Scientific Information Services research group] at [http://www.jacobs-university.de Jacobs University Bremen] is the core development team. Feel free to contact us!
A dedicated research spin-off company, [http://www.rasdaman.com rasdaman GmbH], provides software enhancements, expert consultancy, participation in projects, and joint ventures on a commercial basis to foster widespread use of rasdaman.
See also the [wiki:Support support page].
== Science ==
Interested in the scientific background? There is a [http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de/~lsis/publications.php host of publications] available.
== PS: Greetings to all [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastafari_movement rastafarians]! ''wha'ppen, man?'' ==