85 | | '''Worldwide Recognition and Success'''. |
86 | | In 2016, US CIO Review [http://bigdata.cioreview.com/vendor/2016/rasdaman picks rasdaman] into their [http://bigdata.cioreview.com/vendors/most-promising-bigdata-solution-providers-2016.html Most Promising Big Data Technologies]. |
87 | | rasdaman is official OGC and [wiki:InspireWcs INSPIRE] WCS Reference Implementation. Further, rasdaman is [http://geossregistries.info/geosspub/resource_details_ns.jsp?compId=urn:geoss:csr:resource:urn:uuid:e8d4eb7b-4681-4f71-9e34-0f78cf10ce92 listed in the GEOSS Component and Service Registry]. Finally, rasdaman is included in the [wiki:OSGeoLiveGetStarted OSGeo Live DVD]) of particularly recommended open-source geo tools. |
| 85 | '''Worldwide Recognition'''. |
| 86 | A continuous series of international innovation awards recognizes rasdaman's lead in datacube analytics. US CIO Review [http://bigdata.cioreview.com/vendor/2016/rasdaman has picked rasdaman] into their [http://bigdata.cioreview.com/vendors/most-promising-bigdata-solution-providers-2016.html Most Promising Big Data Technologies]. rasdaman is official OGC and [wiki:InspireWcs INSPIRE] WCS Reference Implementation and [http://geossregistries.info/geosspub/resource_details_ns.jsp?compId=urn:geoss:csr:resource:urn:uuid:e8d4eb7b-4681-4f71-9e34-0f78cf10ce92 listed in the GEOSS Component and Service Registry]. Finally, rasdaman is included in the [wiki:OSGeoLiveGetStarted OSGeo Live DVD]) of particularly recommended open-source geo tools. |
89 | | '''Game changing, disruptive technology'''. During a thorough review in Fall 2014, independent experts unanimously attested that, based on "proven evidence", rasdaman will '''significantly transform the way scientists access and use data in a way that hitherto was not possible'''. In 2014, rasdaman was selected sole [http://www.copernicus-masters.com/index.php?kat=winners.html&anzeige=winner_t-systems2014.html winner of Big Data Challenge] in the worldwide [http://www.copernicus-masters.com/ Copernicus Masters] competition, underlining its maturity and scalability. This is along a [http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de/~lsis/#awards chain of innovation awards] rasdaman continues to receive. See also the [http://www.ohloh.net/p/rasdaman listing on OpenHub] for the business value of the rasdaman open source code. In 2017, The European Space Agency (ESA) recognizes rasdaman as "the world-leading technology in this field". |
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91 | | == Download, Documentation == |
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93 | | Go to the [wiki:Download Download page] for instructions. There is ample [wiki:Documentation documentation], including query and programming examples (check out our [Workshops/BigDataRasdamanApproach tutorial] on spatio-temporal data with rasdaman too). |
| 88 | '''Game changing, disruptive technology'''. The rasdaman array query language forms the blueprint for the [https://www.iso.org/standard/67382.html ISO Array SQL] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Coverage_Processing_Service OGC WCPS] datacube analytics standards. Independent experts unanimously attested that, based on "proven evidence", rasdaman will '''significantly transform the way scientists access and use data in a way that hitherto was not possible'''. |