251 | | <gml:TemporalCRS gml:id="ID" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd"> |
252 | | <gml:description/> <!-- [0..1] Text description of the object (simple string) --> |
253 | | <gml:descriptionReference/> <!-- [0..1] xlink:href attribute that references the an external description --> |
254 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">(resolver)/def/crs/(AUTH)/(VERSION)/(CODE)</gml:identifier> |
255 | | <gml:name/> <!-- [0..*] One or more descriptive names --> |
256 | | <gml:remarks>string</gml:remarks> <!-- [0..1] --> |
257 | | <gml:domainOfValidity> <!-- [0..1] (optional) This could be useful to define the MIN and MAX extent that this CRS offers --> |
| 251 | <TemporalCRS xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" id="ID"> |
| 252 | <description/> <!-- [0..1] Text description of the object (simple string) --> |
| 253 | <descriptionReference/> <!-- [0..1] xlink:href attribute that references the an external description --> |
| 254 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">(resolver)/def/crs/(AUTH)/(VERSION)/(CODE)</identifier> |
| 255 | <name/> <!-- [0..*] One or more descriptive names --> |
| 256 | <remarks>string</remarks> <!-- [0..1] --> |
| 257 | <domainOfValidity> <!-- [0..1] (optional) This could be useful to define the MIN and MAX extent that this CRS offers --> |
283 | | <gml:scope>string</gml:scope> |
284 | | <gml:timeCS> <!-- "association role" --> |
285 | | <!-- gml:TimeCS is a one-dimensional coordinate system containing a time axis, used to describe the temporal position of a --> |
286 | | <!-- point in the specified time units from a specified time origin. A TimeCS shall have *one* gml:axis property element. --> |
287 | | <gml:TimeCS gml:id="ID"> |
288 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">(resolver)/def/cs/(AUTH)/(VERSION)/(CODE)</gml:identifier> |
289 | | <gml:axis> |
| 283 | <scope>string</scope> |
| 284 | <timeCS> <!-- "association role" --> |
| 285 | <!-- TimeCS is a one-dimensional coordinate system containing a time axis, used to describe the temporal position of a --> |
| 286 | <!-- point in the specified time units from a specified time origin. A TimeCS shall have *one* axis property element. --> |
| 287 | <TimeCS id="ID"> |
| 288 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">(resolver)/def/cs/(AUTH)/(VERSION)/(CODE)</identifier> |
| 289 | <axis> |
301 | | <gml:minimumValue>(minValue)</gml:minimumValue> |
302 | | <gml:maximumValue>(maxValue)</gml:maximumValue> |
303 | | <gml:rangeMeaning codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org"/> |
304 | | </gml:CoordinateSystemAxis> |
305 | | </gml:axis> |
306 | | </gml:TimeCS> |
307 | | </gml:timeCS> |
308 | | <gml:temporalDatum> <!-- "association role" --> |
309 | | <gml:TemporalDatum gml:id="ID"> <!-- A gml:TemporalDatum defines the origin of a Temporal Reference System. --> |
310 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">(resolver)/def/datum/(AUTH)/(VERSION)/(CODE)</gml:identifier> |
311 | | <gml:scope>string</gml:scope> |
312 | | <gml:origin>(origin timestamp)</gml:origin> |
313 | | </gml:TemporalDatum> |
314 | | </gml:temporalDatum> |
315 | | </gml:TemporalCRS> |
| 301 | <minimumValue>(minValue)</minimumValue> |
| 302 | <maximumValue>(maxValue)</maximumValue> |
| 303 | <rangeMeaning codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org"/> |
| 304 | </CoordinateSystemAxis> |
| 305 | </axis> |
| 306 | </TimeCS> |
| 307 | </timeCS> |
| 308 | <temporalDatum> <!-- "association role" --> |
| 309 | <TemporalDatum id="ID"> <!-- A TemporalDatum defines the origin of a Temporal Reference System. --> |
| 310 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">(resolver)/def/datum/(AUTH)/(VERSION)/(CODE)</identifier> |
| 311 | <scope>string</scope> |
| 312 | <origin>(origin timestamp)</origin> |
| 313 | </TemporalDatum> |
| 314 | </temporalDatum> |
| 315 | </TemporalCRS> |
321 | | <gml:TemporalCRS gml:id="ANSI-Date-CRS" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd"> |
322 | | <gml:description>Continuous count of days starting from Jan 1, 1601 (00h00). Equal to floor(JulianDate−2305812.5)</gml:description> |
323 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/crs/OGC/0.1/ANSI-Date |
324 | | </gml:identifier> |
325 | | <gml:name>ANSI date number (origin of COBOL integers dates)</gml:name> |
326 | | <gml:domainOfValidity> |
327 | | <gmd:EX_Extent> |
328 | | <gmd:description>Bottleneck in this case is date/time ranges accepted by current Java library (Date4j)</gmd:description> |
329 | | <gmd:temporalElement> |
330 | | <gmd:EX_TemporalExtent> |
331 | | <gmd:extent> |
332 | | <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="date4j-TP"> |
333 | | <gml:beginPosition>0001-01-01</gml:beginPosition> |
334 | | <gml:endPosition>9999-12-31</gml:endPosition> |
335 | | </gml:TimePeriod> |
336 | | </gmd:extent> |
337 | | </gmd:EX_TemporalExtent> |
338 | | </gmd:temporalElement> |
339 | | </gmd:EX_Extent> |
340 | | </gml:domainOfValidity> |
341 | | <gml:timeCS> |
342 | | <gml:TimeCS gml:id="days-CS"> |
343 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/cs/OGC/0.1/days |
344 | | </gml:identifier> |
345 | | <gml:axis> |
346 | | <gml:CoordinateSystemAxis gml:id="day-axis" uom="d"> |
347 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/axis/OGC/0.1/days |
348 | | </gml:identifier> |
349 | | <gml:axisAbbrev>t</gml:axisAbbrev> |
350 | | <!-- "wikipedia" codespace is a joke but.. actually can give information of what "future" is! --> |
351 | | <gml:axisDirection codeSpace="http://www.wikipedia.org">future</gml:axisDirection> |
352 | | </gml:CoordinateSystemAxis> |
353 | | </gml:axis> |
354 | | </gml:TimeCS> |
355 | | </gml:timeCS> |
356 | | <gml:temporalDatum> |
357 | | <gml:TemporalDatum gml:id="ANSI-TD"> |
358 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org"> |
359 | | http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/datum/OGC/0.1/ANSI-Date</gml:identifier> |
360 | | <gml:origin>1601-01-01</gml:origin> |
361 | | </gml:TemporalDatum> |
362 | | </gml:temporalDatum> |
363 | | </gml:TemporalCRS> |
| 321 | <TemporalCRS xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/gml" id="ANSI-Date-CRS"> |
| 322 | <description>Continuous count of days starting from Jan 1, 1601 (00h00). Equal to floor(JulianDate-2305812.5)</description> |
| 323 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:0.1:ANSI-Date</identifier> |
| 324 | <name>ANSI date number (origin of COBOL integers dates)</name> |
| 325 | <domainOfValidity> |
| 326 | <gmd:EX_Extent> |
| 327 | <gmd:description>Bottleneck in this case is date/time ranges accepted by current Java library (Date4j)</gmd:description> |
| 328 | <gmd:temporalElement> |
| 329 | <gmd:EX_TemporalExtent> |
| 330 | <gmd:extent> |
| 331 | <TimePeriod id="date4j-TP"> |
| 332 | <beginPosition>0001-01-01</beginPosition> |
| 333 | <endPosition>9999-12-31</endPosition> |
| 334 | </TimePeriod> |
| 335 | </gmd:extent> |
| 336 | </gmd:EX_TemporalExtent> |
| 337 | </gmd:temporalElement> |
| 338 | </gmd:EX_Extent> |
| 339 | </domainOfValidity> |
| 340 | <timeCS> |
| 341 | <TimeCS id="days-CS"> |
| 342 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">urn:ogc:def:cs:OGC:0.1:days</identifier> |
| 343 | <axis> |
| 344 | <CoordinateSystemAxis id="day-axis" uom="d"> |
| 345 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">urn:ogc:def:axis:OGC:0.1:days</identifier> |
| 346 | <axisAbbrev>t</axisAbbrev> |
| 347 | <!-- "wikipedia" codespace is a joke but.. actually can give information of what "future" is! --> |
| 348 | <axisDirection codeSpace="http://www.wikipedia.org">future</axisDirection> |
| 349 | </CoordinateSystemAxis> |
| 350 | </axis> |
| 351 | </TimeCS> |
| 352 | </timeCS> |
| 353 | <temporalDatum> |
| 354 | <TemporalDatum id="ANSI-TD"> |
| 355 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">urn:ogc:def:datum:OGC:0.1:ANSI-Date</identifier> |
| 356 | <origin>1601-01-01</origin> |
| 357 | </TemporalDatum> |
| 358 | </temporalDatum> |
| 359 | </TemporalCRS> |
369 | | <gml:TemporalCRS gml:id="2000-mins-CRS" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd"> |
370 | | <gml:description>Continuous count of minutes starting from Jan 1, 2000 (00h00)</gml:description> |
371 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/crs/OGC/0.1/2000-mins |
372 | | </gml:identifier> |
373 | | <gml:name>Minutes from 2000</gml:name> |
374 | | <gml:domainOfValidity> |
| 365 | <TemporalCRS xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:gmd="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd" id="2000-mins-CRS"> |
| 366 | <description>Continuous count of minutes starting from Jan 1, 2000 (00h00)</description> |
| 367 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/crs/OGC/0.1/2000-mins |
| 368 | </identifier> |
| 369 | <name>Minutes from 2000</name> |
| 370 | <domainOfValidity> |
391 | | </gml:domainOfValidity> |
392 | | <gml:timeCS> |
393 | | <gml:TimeCS gml:id="minutes-CS"> |
394 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/cs/OGC/0.1/minutes |
395 | | </gml:identifier> |
396 | | <gml:axis> |
397 | | <gml:CoordinateSystemAxis gml:id="minutes-axis" uom="min"> |
398 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/axis/OGC/0.1/minutes</gml:identifier> |
399 | | <gml:axisAbbrev>t</gml:axisAbbrev> |
| 387 | </domainOfValidity> |
| 388 | <timeCS> |
| 389 | <TimeCS id="minutes-CS"> |
| 390 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/cs/OGC/0.1/minutes |
| 391 | </identifier> |
| 392 | <axis> |
| 393 | <CoordinateSystemAxis id="minutes-axis" uom="min"> |
| 394 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/axis/OGC/0.1/minutes</identifier> |
| 395 | <axisAbbrev>t</axisAbbrev> |
401 | | <gml:axisDirection codeSpace="http://www.wikipedia.org">future</gml:axisDirection> |
402 | | </gml:CoordinateSystemAxis> |
403 | | </gml:axis> |
404 | | </gml:TimeCS> |
405 | | </gml:timeCS> |
406 | | <gml:temporalDatum> |
407 | | <gml:TemporalDatum gml:id="2000-TD"> |
408 | | <gml:identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/datum/OGC/0.1/2000 |
409 | | </gml:identifier> |
410 | | <gml:origin>2000-01-01T00:00</gml:origin> |
411 | | </gml:TemporalDatum> |
412 | | </gml:temporalDatum> |
413 | | </gml:TemporalCRS> |
| 397 | <axisDirection codeSpace="http://www.wikipedia.org">future</axisDirection> |
| 398 | </CoordinateSystemAxis> |
| 399 | </axis> |
| 400 | </TimeCS> |
| 401 | </timeCS> |
| 402 | <temporalDatum> |
| 403 | <TemporalDatum id="2000-TD"> |
| 404 | <identifier codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">http://kahlua.eecs.jacobs-university.de:8080/def/datum/OGC/0.1/2000 |
| 405 | </identifier> |
| 406 | <origin>2000-01-01T00:00</origin> |
| 407 | </TemporalDatum> |
| 408 | </temporalDatum> |
| 409 | </TemporalCRS> |