4 | | /rasdaman (landing page with desctiption of server and pointers to available endpoints) |
5 | | /rasdaman/ows (landing page for OGC Web Services, with pointers to second level ones) |
6 | | /rasdaman/ows/WPS |
7 | | /rasdaman/ows/WMS |
8 | | /rasdaman/ows/WCS : including extensions such as WCS-T |
9 | | /rasdaman/ows/WCPS |
| 4 | /rasdaman (landing page with desctiption of server and pointers to available endpoints) |
| 5 | /rasdaman/ows (landing page for OGC Web Services, with pointers to second level ones) |
| 6 | /rasdaman/ows/wps |
| 7 | /rasdaman/ows/wms |
| 8 | /rasdaman/ows/wcs : including extensions such as WCS-T |
| 9 | /rasdaman/ows/wcps |