Custom Query (2787 matches)


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Results (1101 - 1200 of 2787)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1357 Petascope_Make a XML parser to translate WCPS in XML syntax to abstract syntax Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 petascope
#1358 Petascope_Support WCPS 1.0 in XML SOAP Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1359 Petascope should use a connection pool instead of a new connection for each request Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1360 WCSTImport should generate gml files for each slice Alex Dumitru defect major 9.3 wcst_import
#1361 Rasdaman struct select does not work with named components Dimitar Misev defect major 9.3 qlparser
#1362 Differentiate CRS:1 and IndexND in WCPS 1.5 Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1363 WCPS support for nD netcdf export Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1364 WCST_Import_Create gml for GridCoverage defect major 9.3 wcst_import
#1365 watch script Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.3 bin
#1366 WCST_Import coverage 3D netCDf with irregular axis defect major 9.3 petascope
#1367 RPMs should invoke Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 build system
#1368 Petascope_Recheck the shift intervals with "dataBound" option in wcst_import general_coverage recipe defect major 9.3 petascope
#1369 Add the optimization for error log with Cmake Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 build system
#1370 chunk size in network protocol Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 clientcomm
#1371 WCPS_Only attach the selected bands when encode in netCDF defect major 9.3 petascope
#1373 Rasql_Using only the first set types if have multiple same structure types bbell defect major 9.7 rasql
#1374 min/max on boolean arrays segfaults defect major 9.7 catalogmgr
#1375 java/petascope fail install --with-docs Dimitar Misev defect major 9.3 build system
#1376 SECORE_Missing changes variable names in browse.jsp and need to recheck with functions in this web page Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 secore
#1378 WMS_Null and empty error due to missing in etc directory defect major 9.3 petascope
#1379 Petascope_Check format type of encoding from WCS defect major 9.3 petascope
#1380 WMS generates encode queries with extra parameters Alex Dumitru defect major 9.3 petascope
#1381 WCS format parameter is ignored Alex Dumitru defect major 9.3 petascope
#1382 WCST should use decode, not inv_tiff Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1383 Petascope_Support encoded POST WCPS query Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1385 case fails on array joins with different tiling apercov defect major 10.0 qlparser
#1387 Grib message domains should be relative to the file domain Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1389 Rasql_Range constructor does not regard specific scalar values defect major 9.5 rasql
#1390 Rasql_Nodata values with list in GTIFF returns wrong values when shown by gdalinfo Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 rasql
#1391 Rasql_Only point to the first ranges's name even if ranges are specified different names Dimitar Misev defect major 9.3 rasql
#1392 Test ticket for sending email Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 undecided
#1393 Rasj_Select into is not valid query Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.6 rasodmg
#1394 SECORE_Update UnixTime to seconds Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 secore
#1395 Wrong calculation on axis extent in wcst_import Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1396 SystemTest_Add testcases_services/test_open is not included when make check Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 systemtest
#1397 SystemTest_Add script to clean the data from test_wcst_import, test_wms after make check Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.3 systemtest
#1398 SystemTest_Add prefix "test" in test case services enhancement major 9.3 systemtest
#1399 SECORE_Check functionality from index.jsp?query=true to run XQuery Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 secore
#1400 WCPS_Multiple scalar values from coverage condenser has error incompatible axes number Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1401 Rasql_Memory leak with Select into when insert with many MDDs dkamov defect major 9.7 rasql
#1402 Build_No need to rebuild rasj, petascope, secore with make install Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 build system
#1403 Rasql_Wrong transposition between X and Y axis when encode in netcdf bbell defect major 9.4 rasql
#1404 Petascope_WCS_Check subsettingCrs functionality Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1405 Subsetting in WCS using a different CRS fails Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1406 WCPS1.5_Fit subsets to sample space Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1407 WCS_Set correct values in GML when request with non-native CRS Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 undecided
#1408 Rasql_Project() does not work properly with multiband coverages Dimitar Misev defect major 9.7 rasql
#1409 Test nectdf import + export Bang Pham Huu task major 9.3 rasserver
#1411 Updates should ignore null values? Dimitar Misev question major 9.7 qlparser
#1412 petascope logs should go in $RMANHOME/log Dimitar Misev defect major 9.3 petascope
#1413 cleanup warnings in rasnet bbell defect major 9.4 build system
#1414 should use a temporary log file Dimitar Misev defect major 9.3 bin
#1415 petascope and secore configuration files Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 applications
#1416 WCPS_crs transformation should not be handled in encode Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1417 scale should not return a grid coverage Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1418 SystemTest_Cleaning the obsolete and deprecated and incorrect outputs. Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 systemtest
#1419 Petascope_Adjustment to pass conformance tests Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1420 add wcst_import test for grib data Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 systemtest
#1421 Petacope_Display output in GML/PNG/JPG instead of download Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1422 Petascope_Parsing CRS is invalid with "https" in domain and left a invalid crs in ps_crs Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1423 WCPS_No throw exception when parse double value as it will slow result multiple times Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1424 WCPS_encode in JPEG2000 does not have geo-referenced metadata defect major 9.3 petascope
#1425 SECORE_userdb will be removed after restart Tomcat and multiple requests on CRS come in short time defect major 10.0 secore
#1426 support for interval updates on irregular axes Vlad Merticariu defect major undecided
#1427 Petascope_Handle POST request for WCS, WCPS in PetascopeInterface without encoded. Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1428 SECORE_Cannot add new CRS by URN Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 secore
#1429 WMS_More meaningful error when request does not have proper parameters Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1430 encode fails if empty format parameters are given Dimitar Misev defect major 9.3 conversion
#1431 WMS_Wrong request bounding box from QGIS defect major 9.3 petascope
#1432 petascope libs check Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1433 Petascope_Encode with netCDF the data is shifted Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1434 NetCDF_Encode output nilValue shows wrong value defect major 9.3 petascope
#1435 Petascope_NetCDF wrong imported bounding box defect major 9.3 petascope
#1436 WCPS_Supports user defined band names in range constructor Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.4 petascope
#1437 WCPS metadata propagation in the query tree Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.4 petascope
#1439 Automated testing of web interfaces (SECORE, petascope) Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.5 systemtest
#1440 The systemtest should test compiling example C++ dkamov task major 9.7 systemtest
#1442 Fix error with netCDF when time axis is set "dataBound=false" Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.3 wcst_import
#1443 SECORE_Add a manual prefix for domain:host configuration when it is necessary Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 secore
#1444 Uncheck the validation for mismatch axes CRS and grid CRS in Petascope Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 wcst_import
#1445 compilation of third_party/grpc-java fails with java 7 Dimitar Misev defect major 9.3 build system
#1446 WCPS should use json-style format parameters in rasql encode Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1447 Petascope_ISO data format required in the Envelope tag Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1448 SystemTest_WCST_Import_log only log for failed cases with error message Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 systemtest
#1449 Compiling with custom cmake fails Vlad Frasineanu defect major 9.3 build system
#1450 Test coverage deletion in various scenarios Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.4 petascope
#1452 general coverage: should ignore empty expression Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 wcst_import
#1453 Consistent formatting of C++/Java code Dimitar Misev defect major 9.3 undecided
#1454 WCS_Uncheck GetCapabilities test cases and validate existing xml test case Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1455 wcst_import should detect the null values Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.4 wcst_import
#1456 problem with duplicate collection names Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1457 No geo-reference metadata from custom SECORE CRS when encoding in TIFF Bang Pham Huu defect major 10.0 secore
#1458 Petascope_Clean petascope.log without unnecessary information and add WCPS log. Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.4 petascope
#1459 wrong pixel returned by wcps Vlad Merticariu defect major 9.4 petascope
#1460 cast loses precision in petascope Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1461 WMS_Remove inserted styles from layer Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 petascope
#1463 encode to format "tiff" doesn't work bbell defect major 9.3 conversion
#1464 Rasql_Nodata values are missing when encoding bbell defect major 9.6 rasql
#1466 Rasql_Coverage is not deleted when rasserver is ingesting big collection Dimitar Misev defect major 10.0 server
#1467 Test ingesting time from version 9.3.2 and 9.3.1 for big file Bang Pham Huu defect major 9.3 systemtest
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.