Custom Query (97 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2645 inconsistence when comparing element reference with null value constant Dimitar Misev question major qlparser 10.0

Status: closed (96 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2644 Petascope - FIX - Update coverage doesn't update associated WMS layer Bang Pham Huu defect critical undecided 10.0
#2675 FIX - WMS with WCPS style of a layer with pyramids selects wrong collection name in the rasql FROM clause Bang Pham Huu defect critical petascope 10.0
#2590 petacsope - support WCPS shorthand version for crsTransform() Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope development
#2592 wcst_import - all RAM occupied with large GRIB Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2593 wsclient - total local volume is incorrect Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2594 Petascope - support pyramid with members having different coefficient in irregular axes Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2595 petascope - WMS GetLegendGraphic request without style should return the image from the default style Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2596 petascope removes ThreadLocal in Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2597 Compile rasdaman for newer SIMD CPU extensions Dimitar Misev enhancement major build system 10.0
#2604 WCPS - domain(c, axis).lo / hi should return the geo bound for non XY-axes Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2606 wcst_import - NEW - automate setting gridOrder in ingredients Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import 10.0
#2607 NEW - Petascope supports WMTS request Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2608 FIX - WMS returns wrong result for pyramid member when zooming in Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2609 WCPS - clip returns wrong grid bounds for imageCrsdomain() Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2611 WMS - GetCapabilities add namespace wms for Elements Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2612 WCPS - NEW - support sort() operator Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2613 WCPS - NEW - support flip operator Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2614 WMTS - NEW - updating TileMatrixSet cache when removing / updating coverage (layer) Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2615 WCPS - NEW - build query tree for optimization before generating rasql query Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2616 extend/subset over non-materialized tiles should be initialized with null values Dimitar Misev defect major qlparser 10.0
#2617 WMS - FIX - if request's bbox doesn't touch layer's bbox, the output must be transparent Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2618 Petascope - NEW - WCPS optimizes pyramid member coverage used by scale() operator Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2619 WCPS - FIX - some scaling errors with LET clause Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2620 wcst_import - FIX - select proper GRIB messages per band to import Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2621 Petascope - Invalid coefficients when importing data Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2622 wcst_import - FIX - "default_null_values": [] should import a coverage will no null values Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2623 petascope - FIX - WMS allows to add request subset inside coverage expression in WCPS query fragment Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2624 petascope - FIX - sometimes when updating coverage, null error with parsing SECORE URL Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2625 FIX - WMS GetMap requests with non XY axis labels as request parameters Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2626 wcst_import - FIX - check if python-dateutil exists before it runs Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import 10.0
#2627 FIX - WSClient non-XY axes sliders not work properly Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcsclient 10.0
#2628 NEW - wcst_import replaces the existing values in current grid domains with null values before updating Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import 10.0
#2629 FIX - WCPS is slow to process in case of having multiple binary expressions Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2630 FIX - wcst_import netCDF recipe sets default axis resolution = 1 if minBound = maxBound Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import 10.0
#2631 FIX - petascope combines coverages mismatched time coefficients properly Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2632 WMS - support non-standard: random parameter to bypass browser's cache Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2633 WMS - FIX - only update WMS caches intersecting with a coverage slice when updating a coverage Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2634 FIX - WCPS LET clause supports WKT expressions Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2636 FIX - QGIS doesn't send GetMap requests to Petascope Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2637 FIX - WCPS combines different grid domains in coverage condenser Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2638 NEW - Allow trimming by imageCrsdomain Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2639 Fix WCS-T when creating pyramid members, it should not run UPDATE queries from base coverage Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2640 wcst_import - timeout for analyzing input files Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import 10.0
#2641 run systemtest queries in parallel Dimitar Misev enhancement major systemtest 10.0
#2642 FIX - petascope passes OGC CITE raster conformance Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2643 wcst_import - FIX - "import_order": "none" to disable sorting file paths Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import 10.0
#2646 NEW - WCPS supports comment lines Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2647 FIX - WCS GetCoverage support interpolation shorthand Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2648 FIX - WCPS has error when using scale with LET clause Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2649 FIX - WMS should not add non XY axes slices if they already exist in the WCPS query style Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2650 FIX - WMS has issue when combining two different coverages in a WMS style Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2651 rasql - invalid exception for subsettings Dimitar Misev defect major rasql 10.0
#2652 FIX - WCPS needs subset pushdown for binary operators Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2653 FIX - wcst_import with blocking: false should show the file numbers properly Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2654 FIX - Parse and adjust subsets by WCPS query tree for WMS style from WCPS query fragment Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2655 NEW - WCPS CrsTransform supports geo XY axes' resolutions Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2656 WCPS - FIX - add sum as an alias to add operator Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2657 FIX - WCPS creates multi dimensional coverage constructor properly Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2658 NEW - WCPS cellCount() operator to get the total number of pixels of a coverage Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2659 WSClient - FIX - display all coverages intersecting with mouse position Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcsclient 10.0
#2660 FIX - wcst_import checks axis with type UnixTime properly Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2661 rasql - wrong error message for interval subsetting Dimitar Misev defect major rasserver 10.0
#2662 WCPS - FIX - Axis label defined in axis iterator should be regarded Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2663 FIX - encode in netCDF should ignore if ucar.units cannot parse unit Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2664 FIX - WCPS minus coverageVariableName should be handled properly Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2665 FIX - wcst_import regular time axis dataBound:false has wrong shifted domain Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2666 FIX - WMS enhances performance for irregular time axis Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2667 add details about libgdal-java on Ubuntu 22.04 Mohit Basak defect major doc 10.0
#2668 NEW - WCPS - Enhance iterator for condenser / coverage constructor with geo extents Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2669 FIX - Coverage constructor cannot create multibands in netCDF Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2670 test_open doesn't work correctly Bang Pham Huu defect major systemtest 10.0
#2671 FIX - Output of flip on irregular time axis is inconsistent Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2672 improve errors with more details Dimitar Misev enhancement major raslib 10.0
#2673 WCPS - keep the grid origin of left-handside operand in crsTransform() Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2674 Petascope - Improve performance for WCPS for irregular axis with long list of BigDecimal values Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2676 NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2677 NEW - WCPS supports scaleByFactor Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2678 FIX - WCPS - non-grid index expression on irregular axis returns out of bound array Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2679 FIX - resume file of wcst_import should be human-readable Bang Pham Huu enhancement major wcst_import 10.0
#2680 FIX - wcst_import continues when a C library has seg fault Mohit Basak defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2681 FIX - error message when closing connection to rasdaman Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2682 WCPS - decode() should create proper types and delete them when the query finished Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2683 FIX - wcst_import failed to import with "import_overviews_only": true Bang Pham Huu defect major wcst_import 10.0
#2684 FIX - add document about ows4R to doc.rasdaman Bang Pham Huu enhancement major doc 10.0
#2685 NEW - configuration to set logging level of rasj in Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2686 FIX - WCPS let clause should come before where clause Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2687 FIX - WCPS axisIterator in condenser is not evaluated Bang Pham Huu defect major petascope 10.0
#2688 FIX - WCPS to support .lo and .hi in the extent of axis iterator defect major petascope 10.0
#2689 FIX - WCPS supports iterate datetime in the domain of axis iterator Bang Pham Huu enhancement major petascope 10.0
#2690 add CRS metadata when encoding to netCDF Dimitar Misev enhancement major conversion development
#2691 rasj does not stop rasmgr keep alive thread when no rasql query is submitted Dimitar Misev defect major java development
#2692 add --queryfile to rasql and support --out formatted Dimitar Misev defect major rasql development
#2694 optimize import of Sentinel 2 data when possible Dimitar Misev enhancement major wcst_import development
#2695 add separate cmake option for generating PDF documentation Dimitar Misev defect major undecided 10.0
#2696 wcst_import fails to import files in subdirectories Dimitar Misev defect major wcst_import development
#2591 wcst_import should not print a warning if all paths were already imported Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor wcst_import 10.0
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.