Submitted patches

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Show: all, applied, pending, rejected
Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 ticket:134 - rasdl --del* bug when deleting used types (with ticket 1004 duplicated)   master   2015-10-23 10:57:14     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1002 - Fixed problems with the new communication protocol and cleaned up the code. Fixed merged conflict.   master   2015-10-23 09:06:07     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1002 - Fixed problems with the new communication protocol and cleaned up the code.   master   2015-10-23 00:16:32     REJECTED   FAILURE 
 ticket:1007 - fix condense of floating point values   master   2015-10-22 12:48:25     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1028 - fixed rasdaman compilation with enable debug   master   2015-10-22 11:59:57     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:981 - fix compilation warning   master   2015-10-22 02:54:51     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:983 - wcst_import: invalid input files should not cause error   master   2015-10-21 13:19:04     REJECTED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:986 - WCST should work with file names containing spaces and ticket:1026 escape special characters (Comment: one code fix both tickets)   master   2015-10-21 11:37:45     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:981 - do not throw error if database does not exist   master   2015-10-19 17:50:21     APPLIED    
 ticket:981 - throw proper errors when recreating an existing RASBASE   master   2015-10-16 18:18:33     APPLIED   SUCCESS 

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Select your locally generated patch file below for upload. Note that the patch can only be accepted if you agree to the Rasdaman Contribution Agreement by ticking the checkbox.

See How to submit patches for a step-by-step guide, in particular regarding the patch subject format. In order to ensure quick processing and to avoid rejection, you may want to make sure your patch adheres to the rasdaman code guide.

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