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Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 ticket:360 - Error in variables labels in a WCPS trimming operation. Summary: There is an error when WCPS try to find min value of (*:* and i_i[0]:i_i[0]) by converting to integer (* is default MAX_INTEGER but i_i cannot). It is a rare case and set min value is i_i without needing to compare. Test Plan: run the test case http://localhost:8088/rasdaman/ows?service=WCS&version=2.0.1&request=ProcessCoverages&query=for%20c%20in%20(eobstest)%20return%20encode%20(%20coverage%20averaged_pixel_history%20over%20$t%20t(0:1)%20%20%20values%20max(c[Lat(0),%20Long(51),%20t:%22CRS:1%22($t:$t)]),%20%22csv%22) with error java.lang.NumberFormatException : For input string: "i_i[0]" Reviewers: dmisev, vmerticariu Differential Revision:   master   2016-02-10 12:27:02     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:153 - fix error when comparing 2 XML files from GetCapabilties by adding custom scripts   master   2016-02-10 07:07:43     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1194 - WMS requests do not set the CORS headers Summary: set the CORS header for all GET requests Test Plan: make a WMS request from javascript code Reviewers: mdumitru, vmerticariu Reviewed By: mdumitru, vmerticariu Differential Revision:   master   2016-02-09 12:13:23     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 ticket:1159 - language issue with petascope   master   2016-02-09 07:25:17     APPLIED   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1189 - Log permission in custom_script of system_test   master   2016-02-08 16:42:05     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1199 - WCS_Import error when using wcs_extract with not existing wcs_endpoint and coverage_id   master   2016-02-08 14:25:28     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1171 - Cannot insert WMS layer if CRS definition is not available in opengis   master   2016-02-08 10:06:26     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1141 more exact description of name syntax   master   2016-02-05 15:38:04     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1193 - Fixed whitespace problems   master   2016-01-29 18:39:38     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1190 - Reverting grpc and grpc-java to known stable versions.   master   2016-01-29 12:30:29     PENDING   SUCCESS 

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