= Spatio-Temporal Big Data: the rasdaman approach [[Image(wiki:Download:obi-wan-kenobi.png, width=25%, align=right, margin-left=25)]] Download here the workshop PDF [attachment:BigDataRasdamanWorkshop.pdf tutorial], and the log of [attachment:LOG shell exercises].[[BR]] If you want to receive the datasets used in the tutorial, please contact us (see tutorial title page for email addresses). == Outline 1. Concepts a. rasdaman Array DBMS and its RasQL query language a. the GMLCOV model a. Web Coverage Service and its Processing extension 1. Hands-on a. deploy required components for web access of data a. ingesting & querying your own dataset: - 2D rectified image - 3D regular time series of images - 3D irregular time series of images Participants are going to learn: - WCS/WCPS standards - setting up and querying spatio-temporal gridded coverages within those - rasdaman and its components for input/output ---- The workshop has been presented so far at: A. '''OGRS'14''' [2014-jun-12][[BR]] ''Open-source Geosptaial Research & Education Symposium 2014''[[BR]] Otaniemi, Espoo, FIN.[[BR]] http://2014.ogrs-community.org/index.php/ogrs/2014 [[BR]][[BR]] A. '''FOSS4G-Europe''' [2014-jul-14][[BR]] ''OSGeo's European Conference on Free & Open-Source Software for Geospatial''[[BR]] Jacobs University Bremen, DE.[[BR]] http://www.foss4g-e.org/ ----