Rasdaman License
Rasdaman community is provided under the terms of the rasdaman Contributor Agreement which is part of the license described on the page you are reading.
Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License / GNU Lesser General Public License at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for more details.
Code License
The rasdaman community code is licensed in a way to allow use of the system in virtually any-license software systems:
- LGPL version 3 for the client libraries (such as
) and applications (such asrasql
) as well as the OGC frontends (akapetascope
); see file COPYING.LESSER in the source tree root. - GPL version 3 for server-side executables (such as
); see file COPYING in the source tree root.
Check the standard header in each file in the source tree to determine its respective license scheme.
Why This Dual Scheme? In short: For maximizing both free use and community return. We chose GPL for the server because
- Life is a give and take, and we believe that open-source is about sharing by and among all those who benefit.
- A commercially supported, non-GPL-restricted variant of rasdaman is available which we recommend to all users who have requirements that go beyond GPL. Please contact the company for details.
- rasdaman can be used embedded in other systems as well: the LGPL client connectors allow for an uninhibited inclusion (such as linking) of the rasdaman client libraries with code of any licensing model, including proprietary, as long as LGPL regulations are adhered to.
Why do code suppliers have to accept the Rasdaman Contribution Agreement? Because we need to maintain a strict code provenance in order to allow us to rightfully make this code available under the conditions stated above. In other words: should there be some code which conflicts with the GPL / LGPL regulations we claim then you, as a user of rasdaman, would run the risk of possibly getting "infected" by incompatible licenses. Organizations like Open Source Geo Foundation, OSGeo check this for open-source projects, and we indeed are undergoing a detailed provenance review (on single file granularity!) during rasdaman's OSGeo incubation.
What is the relation between rasdaman community and rasdaman enterprise? This question is answered in the Features section.
Finally, see Disclaimer.
Wiki and Documentation License

All rasdaman information and documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.