WCSTImport will send this information to Petascope: {{{#!xml 0, 0, 0, 0 720, 360, 1, 1 {{rangeParameters}} ]]> {{mimetype}} }}} rangeParameters: {{{#!javascript { message1: { Lat: { min: 0, max: 720 }, Long: { min: 0, max: 360 }, Ansi: { min: "2012-01-01T00:00", type: "ansi" }, Ensemble: { min: 0 type: "number" //optional, default is number } }, message2: { Lat: { min: 0, max: 720 }, Long: { min: 0, max: 360 }, Ansi: { min: "2012-01-01T00:00", type: "ansi" }, Ensemble: { min: 1 type: "number" //optional, default is number } }, message2: { Lat: { min: 0, max: 720 }, Long: { min: 0, max: 360 }, Ansi: { min: "2012-01-01T06:00", type: "ansi" }, Ensemble: { min: 0 type: "number" //optional, default is number } } } }}} Petascope should send back to rasdaman: {{{ UPDATE myCoverage AS m SET m[0:720,0:360,0:1, 0:1] ASSIGN VALUES decode($1, "{{messages}}") }}} Messages should be: {{{#!javascript { "LatLongExchanged" : false //if latitude and longitude are mixed, e.g. epsg 4326 messages: [ { id: 1, domain: [0:720,0:360,0,0] }, { id: 2, domain: [0:720,0:360,0,1] }, { id: 3, domain: [0:720,0:360,1,0] }, .. ] } }}}