[[PageOutline(1-2)]] = Version History & Preconfectioned Download = This page lists rasdaman versions, together with the change history. Starting with version 8.2 we provide summaries of the main changes done with each roll-out. Alternative ways of obtaining rasdaman are listed in the [wiki:Download] area. == Version 9.0.x == * For download and installation check the ([wiki:RasdamanQuickInstall debian]) [wiki:Install installation] and [wiki:RasdamanReleaseProcess release process] guides. === Changes and new features === * '''`rasdaman`''' Array DMBS * tile ids are now stored as ''long int'' in the database rather than ''double''. * '''note:''' this is a backwards incompatible change over `rasdaman 8.x`, i.e. once `update_db.sh` is run, the database (RASBASE) will be converted to the new format and will be only readable by `rasdaman 9+` * new `'select version()'` query in RasQL, to return the currently installed version of rasdaman * enhanced logging: catch segfaults in the `rasdaman` server and print stacktraces in the log (only works if `--without-debug-symbols` has not been specified at `./configure`) * fine-grained locking of tiles in `rasdaman`, allowing parallel ingestion for example[[BR]][[BR]] * '''''Petascope''''' Web servlet * the `petascopedb` [PetascopeDevGuide metadata database schema] has been completely redesigned to work in cooperation with [wiki:SecoreUserGuide SECORE] and to better follow the GMLCOV model, extending support for CRS-aligned [wiki:PetascopeUserGuide#Offsetvectorsandcoefficients irregularly gridded coverages]. * '''note:''' ''Petascope'' 9.0 is incompatible with the old `petascopedb` schema, and requires upgrade (`'update_petascopedb.sh'`) * the [wiki:PetascopeUserGuide#Updatingthedatabaseschema upgrade] supports both migration of existing coverages and restore of pre-upgrade db snapshot * some first [wiki:PetascopeUserGuide#SQLmacros stored procedures] are available for devs and advanced users * servlet path has been changed to `rasdaman/ows/wcps`, `rasdaman/ows/wcs`, etc., and the `war` file deployed in Tomcat is now ''rasdaman.war'' * Full OGC WCS 2.0 Core compliance for coverages with rectified/referenceable grid and multipoint geometries. * [browser:systemtest/testcases_services/test_wcs/queries/ WC*S subsets] now support asterisks `*` and [http://www.joda.org/joda-time/apidocs/org/joda/time/format/ISODateTimeFormat.html#dateOptionalTimeParser() ISO8601 timestamps]. * support for Index CRSs for unreferenced nD datasets * support for compound CRS index, spatial, [PetascopeTimeHandling temporal], or spatio-temporal, with 1+ temporal axes * support for CRS slicing (interim `@,__,` notation). * WCS service and service provider metadata is moved from Java templates to the database. * GML/GMLCOV coverage metadata is richer and more flexible: many GML fields are configurable in the database. * fixes in GML encoding for coverages (especially CRS and grid axis orders) * minimum bounding box is returned * configurable OWS metadata enablement * configurable SWE metadata (NIL values, allowed intervals, label, description, definition URI) * handling of coverage points' sample spaces (point is area on regular axes, point is point on irregular axes) * CRS coordinates to follow the [wiki:PetascopeUserGuide#GridaxislabelsandCRSaxislabels axis order] defined in its definition * fix domainSet/rangeSet point order agreement * safe decoupling of WC*S coverages and `rasdaman` collections: one coverage is represented by a single marray * initial support for [MultiPointCoverages multipoint coverages] (to enable this feature PostGIS 2.0+ is required, otherwise it will be disabled. * fix WCS scaling, range subsetting and processing extensions.[[BR]][[BR]] * '''''rasgeo''''' component * revised rasimport/raserase working with the new 9.0 `petascopedb` schema (thanks to Alex Herzig) and supporting irregular series of images (see also the [RasgeoUserGuide user guide])[[BR]][[BR]] * '''SECORE''' resolver * [SecoreUserGuide SECORE] only supports URLs now, URN support is removed as OGC URNs have been deprecated for a long time already. * '''note:''' this is an incompatible change, so an existing SECORE database must be removed (rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/secoredb/*), so that a new database containing only URL identifiers can be initialized. * two separate dictionaries of definitions: the EPSG and a user-defined one, now containing a first set of Index and Temporal CRS definitions.[[BR]][[BR]] * ''miscellanea'' * more powerful systemtests, with oracles support, known failures skip and scripting. ==== ''Quick upgrade guide (for rasdaman 8.x)'' 1. `$ rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/secoredb` 1. `$ autoreconf -fi && ./configure [...] && make clean && make && make install` 1. edit and update ''Petascope'' (`$RMANHOME/etc/petascope.properties`) and ''rasgeo'' (`$HOME/.rasdaman/rasconnect`) configuration files (note that rasconnect has two new parameters, see the [wiki:Install#rasgeo example configuration]) 1. `$ update_db.sh` 1. `$ update_petascopedb.sh` '''NOTE for PostgreSQL < 9.1 users''' : migration of existing coverages in `petascopedb` assumes backslashes are treated literally in string literals. While this is the default behavior in versions >= 9.1 of PostgreSQL, this must be manually set in prior versions (see #675). Hence, before executing `update_petascopedb.sh` you should run: {{{ petascopedb=# ALTER ROLE petauser SET standard_conforming_strings = on; }}} (The problem has been addressed already in the development branch and will be available in rasdaman v9.0.1) === Fixes === [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=9.0-beta1,order=id)]] [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=9.0,order=id)]] === Patch Version 9.0.1 === List generated with: {{{ $ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.0..v9.0.1 | sort -k 3 -t ':' }}} * changeset:e806a26 | ticket:15 - fix test (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:e8c027d | ticket:169 - add comments to rasgeo's config file (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:db096ba | ticket:242 - OIDs are returned from INSERTs. (Heinrich Stamerjohanns) * changeset:d5eca14 | ticket:281 - 0D coverage for referenceable grids too. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:56fcac8 | ticket:292 - 1)added tests for decode function; 2)removed gdal parameters from decode; 3) reverted encode function to initial state (George Merticariu) * changeset:49a003b | ticket:292 - added decode functionality (George Merticariu) * changeset:663dab7 | ticket:292 - fixed tests (George Merticariu) * changeset:8852d1d | ticket:292 - follow up- fixed tests (George Merticariu) * changeset:f926d12 | ticket:325 - handle segfaults in rasimport and raserase (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:b67033b | ticket:412 - Check bison or byacc for presence (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:09dd2a9 | ticket:507 - Remove wildcard from regular file test in update_petascopedb.sh. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:0ff494f | ticket:542 - Function calls in complex constructor (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:8b717f0 | ticket:543 - Condensing over complex numbers (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:6434f7d | ticket:543 - Fix types comparison (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:2d86fb9 | ticket:567 - Drop spurious SchemaSpy files for old ps9_ tables. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:40cd00d | ticket:571 - Create a Bbox object for multipoint coverages (Alireza RM) * changeset:889bdc0 | ticket:579 - Update license headers for Java source files and add utility for automatic (re)update. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:30850fc | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Adapts the documentation of the whole code after removing clientId. (Kinga Lipskoch) * changeset:596ceb0 | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Removes attribute clientId from table, code, and queries. (Kinga Lipskoch) * changeset:7487a46 | ticket:621 - lockmgr: Removes "IF EXISTS" from update4.sql and sets the updatenumber to 5. (Kinga Lipskoch) * changeset:9c3fa78 | ticket:630 - properly set rw lock when lockmgr is disabled (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:5cb4af1 | ticket:671 - Check flex for presence (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:648d171 | ticket:672 - Fix WMS path in WMS import tools. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:8f46ab0 | ticket:673 - CSV conversion for complex numbers (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:e910167 | ticket:673 - Fix broken tests of CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:e3c9915 | ticket:673 - Test for complex number CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:3f5338b | ticket:674 - Fix literal concatenation when constructing query for gmlcov metadata migration. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:4816e4b | ticket:675 - Explicitly set PostgreSQL standard_conforming_strings variable before updating petascopedb. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:514eab4 | ticket:676 - Fix root document reference for UoM parsing. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:0da1d6f | ticket:677 - Remove supported authorities from CRS URI validity check. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:d529f93 | ticket:681 - Fetching coefficients on irregular untrimmed axis. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:53768e7 | ticket:682 - Fix minimal bounding box on irregular axes. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:bdd8887 | ticket:684 - add test (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:ae69314 | ticket:685 - fix petascope.properties initialization in RPM installations (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:2aaa6d7 | ticket:686 - Drop duplicate (wrong) check on index min-max consistency and add test. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:dd33a59 | ticket:687 - Fix timestamp to numeric time coordinate conversion on vectors with norm different from 1 and add new irr_cube_2 test dataset. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:45e47d6 | ticket:688 - Declare proper tuple and coordinate separators in coverage range values. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:7147230 | ticket:693 - C++ examples fail to compile (fix on master) (fxavier) * changeset:8896f99 | ticket:695 - PostGIS version can also be quoted in some distributions. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:7a689ff | ticket:696 - fix WCS multipoint oracles (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:c9a7ac2 | ticket:696 - WCPS multipoint tests are randomly failing (Alireza RM) * changeset:57cedf5 | ticket:698 - Synchronize Petascope demo insertion and add feedback. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:ce6a813 | ticket:699 - Interrupt signal handlers while updating petascopedb. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:fb8da58 | ticket:700 - Row-major values order in CSV conversion (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:2d36820 | ticket:700 - updated 12.2 (Peter BaumanN) * changeset:70106dc | ticket:703 - Typo in create_db.sh.in (Piero Campalani) === Patch Version 9.0.2 === List generated with: {{{ $ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.1..v9.0.2 | sort -k 3 -t ':' }}} * changeset:bf090d3 | ticket:119 - add conversion test (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:4383ed3 | ticket:119 - Casting with user-defined types (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:2e04a99 | ticket:119 - Correct typenames in debug output (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:25c1e83 | ticket:210 - fix compilation with gcc < 4.7 (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:251db02 | ticket:210 - Fix null pointer dereference (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:8f9e654 | ticket:210 - Make FROM clause optional (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:2bd2188 | ticket:255 - Area of Interest tiling bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari) * changeset:6df01d6 | ticket:292 added decode test with gdal parameters (George Merticariu) * changeset:13aa2d8 | ticket:292 Added gdal parameters support for decode function (George Merticariu) * changeset:fa9205b | ticket:292 - Fix broken HDF test (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:b977b6a | ticket:313 - report properly error when GDAL fails to open a file (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:dfd1bc5 | ticket:417 - more robust blob reading (master) (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:7a5c1c5 | ticket:53 - Select on external files (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:94d163d | ticket:542 - Revert part of previous changes, return complex constants (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:a8d9e4e | ticket:546 - Fix rasdaman version extraction from Petascope (involuntarily disabled in changeset:2988467). (Piero Campalani) * changeset:0f4cec0 | ticket:557 - Change CRS for Parksmall coverage. (Alireza RM) * changeset:adb33ce | ticket:591 - bugfix:Mapping a cast boolean to bool RasQL (Utkrist Adhikari) * changeset:95c39fd | ticket:613 - Supported interpolation types to be declared inside wcs:Extension element. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:a4535fe | ticket:621 lockmgr: optimizes locking by introducing bulk locking. (Kinga Lipskoch) * changeset:f1a4d0b | ticket:639 - Fixing conversion to indexes with regular fractional time spacing. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:b7279e9 | ticket:689 - deactivating tin import script, work on it continues (Alireza RM) * changeset:2a5ea88 | ticket:689 - Importing BGS sample tin data into postgis (Alireza RM) * changeset:e83ae3f | ticket:694 - Testdata is wrongly dropped on every run for multipoint (Alireza RM) * changeset:147d278 | ticket:697 - create target directory before copying files (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:6649726 | ticket:697 - create target directory before copying files (fix for RPM building) (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:841ad47 | ticket:697 - .deps/insertppm.Po: No such file or directory - Disregard Previous Patch of same ticket (Xavier) * changeset:82f7b71 | ticket:700 - Add GML coverage function to account for column-major linear sequence rule in rasdaman CSV encoding. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:5583a21 | ticket:700 - completing documenting of decode/encode (Peter BaumanN) * changeset:22a923c | ticket:700 - CSV conversion in encode function (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:2670ca0 | ticket:700 - Missing oracle for WCS test #42. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:615cea3 | ticket:705 - Web service endpoints not mentioned in Installation Guide (Peter BaumanN) * changeset:45fc2e8 | ticket:706 - Specify type structure when fetching GMArrays (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:50d6dc9 | ticket:707 - Add missing error messages (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:f6b7917 | ticket:707 - Do not report allocated OIDs (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:fcb187f | ticket:707 - Don't report exceptions twice (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:053b4fe | ticket:707 - Hide debug output in StorageLayout (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:621622a | ticket:707 - Hide redundant 'request' log entries, benchmark timers (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:e857ba5 | ticket:707 - Report query execution times in benchmark mode (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:461266b | ticket:710 - rasgeo: support for NaN values when writing raster attribute tables (Alexander Herzig) * changeset:216edb0 | ticket:713 - fix database connection leaks in petascope (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:0ddfb78 | ticket:713 - update postgres JDBC driver (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:a7bd735 | ticket:714 - fix output URN substitution in secore (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:77edd64 | ticket:724 - Access to elements and type of RasStructure (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:916db85 | ticket:728 - rasgeo: fixed EPSG detection and simple --crs-uri checks (Alexander Herzig) * changeset:2a0a0cc | ticket:738 - fix compile with bison 3 (Georg Semmler) * changeset:292c971 | ticket:743 - Default nodata value removed and test cases modified accordingly (Utkrist Adhikari) * changeset:ec20d72 | ticket:743 - fix oracles for wcs tiff tests due to changed nodata handling (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:acdce7f | ticket:744 - Add support for JP2OpenJPEG format for the encode RasQL function; add conversion test. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:3e95f40 | ticket:745 - Petascope to support OGC GMLJP2 extension (as JPEG2000 + multipart/related). (Piero Campalani) * changeset:e6cf821 | ticket:745 - Skip WCS GMLJP2 tests if GDAL version requirements are not met. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:517ac66 | ticket:746 - Fix ANSI date datum: 1601-01-01 is date 1. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:aad98a4 | ticket:747 - Fix unary minus parsing (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:3ae1c74 | ticket:748 - Fix floating point bounds in petascopedb. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:3f664c2 | ticket:748 - Properly handle large numerical representations. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:087f71c | ticket:749 - install directql in $RMANHOME/bin (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:c00e4fa | ticket:750 - chech if secore urls is set in petascope.properties (Badoiu Simona Andreea) * changeset:2f98be6 | ticket:751 - fix compilation on CentOS (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:2781be3 | ticket:751 - substitute readline with libedit in rascontrol (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:8976a2b | ticket:753 - Added check against failure of fwrite (Utkrist Adhikari) * changeset:3b3d341 | ticket:753 - File write permission seg fault bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari) * changeset:5eed225 | ticket:755 - Resolving type structures by type names (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:a519796 | ticket:756 | ticket:785 - Fixes to range field subsetting: WC*S services to use coverage band names; throw IllegalFieldSequence exception; update GetCoverage range type. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:9a07f4e | ticket:757 - Return all structure arrays (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:ad7c669 | ticket:759 - WCPS encode behaviour on capitalisation of format specifier: bug fix (Utkrist Adhikari) * changeset:1b57f46 | ticket:760 - support grid coverages (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:30c21ef | ticket:760 | ticket:770 - Automatically assign IndexCRS to GridCoverage datasets; add tests. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:8126415 | ticket:761 - include license for several petascope dependencies, remove redundant activation.jar (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:75530d4 | ticket:764 - add a 1D double coverage to the petascope systemtest (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:a8777cb | ticket:765 - Valid toy OWS metadata in systemtest. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:127e80c | ticket:766 - comment out security constraints in secore by default (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:3a64fb4 | ticket:768 - WCS Interpolation extension. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:55b9f0a | ticket:771 - disable RPC server in rasmgr.conf by default (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:bf18e01 | ticket:772 hinted that inv_csv() is not available (Peter BaumanN) * changeset:d824c6d | ticket:773 - WCPS scaling not to ignore 1-cell trim operations. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:5d16411 | ticket:776 - Do not use BigDecimal strict divide method on scalesize parameter handling. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:81d7fca | ticket:776 | ticket:786 - Fixes to WCS Scaling extension: adjust GMLCOV metadata; scaling on georeferenced coverages; requests with slicings. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:afb9ff9 | ticket:777 added type in decode (George Merticariu) * changeset:ab900bf | ticket:778 - Fix inline internal grid subsetting in WCS. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:988f971 | ticket:779 - Fix arbitrary types support in conversion results (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:5c54147 | ticket:779 - Single function exit (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:a61ec19 | ticket:780 - Fix reading single structures (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:6b8a934 | ticket:781 - Fix parameters detection in query strings (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:00ab910 | ticket:782 - Fix RasStructureType (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:3763e65 | ticket:788 - Fix mapping of WCS scaling by factor to WCPS. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:0fed5c5 | ticket:789 - Fix retrieval of vector coefficients. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:40c73da | ticket:790 - Fix octets parsing in rasj (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:eb4dcd6 | ticket:791 - fix java compilation (Dimitar Misev) === Patch Version 9.0.3 === {{{ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v9.0.2..v9.0.3 | sort -k 3 -t ':' }}} * changeset:63c81fb | ticket:464 - Updated SLF4J to 1.7.7 (bidesh) * changeset:9521f18 | ticket:488 - javadoc warnings fixed (Utkrist Adhikari) * changeset:eb24d62 | ticket:490 - Write rasmgr startup message into the log file (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:280aa04 | ticket:591 - Single exit point, follow up (Utkrist Adhikari) * changeset:19f1ccd | ticket:707 - fix logging in rasj (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:e0526a0 | ticket:707 - Log all parsing errors (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:fb67898 | ticket:774 - Don't forward load optimization domain in the scale operator (Veranika Liaukevich) * changeset:dd6bbe1 | ticket:795 - fix thread-safety of jdbc connection (Dimitar Misev) == Version 8.5.x == === Fixes === [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=8.5,order=id)]] [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=8.5.1,order=id)]] [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=8.5.3,order=id)]] === Patch Version 8.5.3 === List generated with: {{{ $ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v8.5.2..v8.5.3 | sort -k 3 -t ':' }}} * changeset:522364c | ticket:417 - fix tile cache leak in v8.5 (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:9b9f2c4 | ticket:417 - more robust blob reading (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:5956682 | ticket:605 - Fix cell bounds of mr and rgb. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:4d5c934 | ticket:609 - Fix datatypes for mr and rgb test coverages. (Piero Campalani) * changeset:6da4b85 | ticket:618 - fix data ingestion uses more memory than necessary (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:a71d381 | ticket:618 - fix insertppm segfault (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:3de6c1d | ticket:618 - fix segfault in clientcomm 8.5 (Dimitar Misev) * changeset:3868a0f | ticket:618 - fix segfault in rasimport (Dimitar Misev) === Patch Version 8.5.4 === List generated with: {{{ git log --pretty=format:"* changeset:%h | %s (%an)" v8.5.3..v8.5.4 | sort -k 3 -t ':' }}} * changeset:0e4b2e5 | ticket:439 - Fix ows:descriptions when abstract or keywords are not stored in petascopedb. (Piero Campalani) == Version 8.4.x == * Source tarball download link: [attachment:rasdaman-v8.4.0.tgz rasdaman-v8.4.0.tgz] * From git repository (we have a new [wiki:RasdamanReleaseProcess release procedure] under definition) * Interface and features [wiki:Features?version=52 table] * fixes and enhancements: [milestone:8.4 tickets closed] === Fixes === [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=8.4,order=id)]] [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=8.4.1,order=id)]] [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=8.4.2,order=id)]] [[TicketQuery(status=closed,milestone=8.4.3,order=id)]] === Known Issues === [[TicketQuery(status=!closed,type=defect,priority=blocker|critical|major,version=8.4,order=id)]] == Version 8.3.0 == Download link: [http://www.rasdaman.com/Download/rasdaman-8.3.0.tar.gz rasdaman 8.3.0] === Known Issues === * the ''make'' process breaks if no ''--war-dir'' option is specified in the ''./configure'' step. === Server === * compilation on OS X * rasgeo tool for GDAL-based image file import added to applications * rasdaman web client toolkit (raswct) has been added to applications * accompanying developer's manual can be found in manuals_and_examples/manuals * fixed returning wrong error code on exception in rasgeo * CSV formatter properly prints point queries * fix exporting data of base type uint8, int8, uint32, float, etc. to TIFF * added support for multiband TIFF images * synchronized RPM spec file * specific netcdf variable can be imported/exported, e.g. netcdf($1, "var=Base_reflectivity") * fix the default definition of the RPC server in rasmgr.conf * added --with-docs option to the configure script, to control whether doxygen documentation should be generated during installation. * added option for generating position independent code (PIC), usually necessary on 64bit systems for generating proper shared objects. * fix rasdl segfaulting when executed with invalid parametars * fix rasdl segfaulting when types with a specified extent are present in the database * fix type checking when updating with a file in some specific format. At the type-checking stage the actual type is not yet known as the conversion hasn't been evaluated. * fix rasmgr segfaulting on Debian Wheezy 64bit, gcc 4.6 * fix make clean for java * add rview binary and modify Makefiles so that it's properly installed on make install * add includes for mkdir in rasmgr_config.cc === Petascope === * moved to the applications directory * integration with the 52n WPS server * deploying via 'make deploy' instead of 'make install' * cleanup WCPS logging and fix performance bug * performance speedup by caching in WCPS * fix req 11, request version was not matched well. * the server should not fail if it fails reading some of the coverages * fix parsing of CRS in WCS 2.0 * fix failed post req2 by including an ows:Constraint under OperationsMetadata in the Capabilities response * fix failed core req8 (URLs in OperationMetadata were same for different servlet locations), and failed core req12 (invalid KVP request didn't result with exception). * fix req17 by adding XML schema validation of XML requests. * perform initialization at servlet startup instead of at the first request. * fix installation of petascope settings * remove the version attribute of the ServiceMetadata element * update CRS identif