Changes between Version 70 and Version 71 of Documentation

Aug 15, 2018, 4:12:00 AM (7 years ago)
Dimitar Misev


  • Documentation

    v70 v71  
    1010== Installation and Administration ==
    11 In the sequel we refer to `$RMANHOME` as the rasdaman installation directory. When compiling from source, it is` /opt/rasdaman`by default.
    13 * [wiki:Download Downloading rasdaman]
    14 * [source:manuals_and_examples/manuals/doc-guides/inst-guide.pdf Installation and Administration Guide] (as of 9.2, still slightly behind - best use the wiki page mentioned above)
    15  * Only if you want to use PostgreSQL as pixel store, rather than rasdaman's native storage manager: [source:manuals_and_examples/manuals/doc-guides/external-guide-POSTGRESQL.pdf PostgreSQL connector] and [wiki:Performance Performance and various PostgreSQL bits and pieces]
    16 * [wiki:Configuration Configuration files & directories overview]
    17 * Local Installation Documentation: Open `$RMANHOME/share/rasdaman/doc/index.html` in a Web browser. In addition to the documents referenced on this wiki page this local documentation set contains a browseable HTML documentation of the APIs, plus programming and query examples.
     11To install and setup rasdaman start [ here].
    1913== Array Query Programming ==
    2014If you want to work directly with the rasdaman array query language, rasql, you find ample documentation and examples. Specifically for geo data management, however, your preferred API will be the OGC standards conformant Web service described [wiki:Documentation#GeoDataManagement below].
    22 * [source:manuals_and_examples/manuals/doc-guides/ql-guide.pdf Query Language Guide for rasql]; query examples therein rely on the demo data, delivered with rasdaman, which can be inserted through ``. Hence, all examples can be readily run.
    23  * [wiki:PartialUpdates Partial updates explained] (or how to insert large amounts of data in rasdaman)
    24 * [source:manuals_and_examples/manuals/doc-guides/dev-guide-c++.pdf C++ Development Guide]
    25 * [source:manuals_and_examples/manuals/doc-guides/dev-guide-java.pdf Java Development Guide]
     16* [ Query Language Guide for rasql]; query examples therein rely on the demo data, delivered with rasdaman, which can be inserted through ``. Hence, all examples can be readily run.
     17* [ C++ Development Guide]
     18* [ Java Development Guide]
     19* [ rasdaman Web Client Toolkit Developer Guide]
    2721== Tuning Guide ==
    3225== Versions and Testing ==
    3427* The [wiki:Versions Versions page] lists changes made between successive versions released.
    35 * Automated tests are available with the [wiki:RasdamanTestSuites rasdaman system tests].
    36 * [wiki:DebuggingBenchmarking Debugging and Benchmarking Support]
     28* Automated tests are available with the [ rasdaman system tests].
     29* [ Debugging and Benchmarking Support]
    3831== Data Analytics ==
    39 * [wiki:RRasdamanTutorial RRasdaman Tutorial] for R package for rasdaman
     32* [ RRasdaman Tutorial] for R package for rasdaman
    4033* Python: [ RasdaPy Python package]; [ OWSLib fork with WCPS support]
    41 * rasdaman Web Client Toolkit, raswct: [wiki:raswct/guide wiki guide] and [source:manuals_and_examples/manuals/doc-guides/dev-guide-raswct.pdf manual]
     34* [ rasdaman Web Client Toolkit]
    4336== Geo Data Management ==
    4437In order to use rasdaman for geo raster management - in particular: spatio-temporal geo datacubes - consult these documentation pages:
    46 * general overview and tutorial: [Workshops/BigDataRasdamanApproach Spatio-Temporal Big Data: the rasdaman approach]
    47 * [wiki:PetascopeUserGuide User Guide] and [wiki:PetascopeDevGuide Developer Guide] to rasdaman's geo service interface, petascope
    48 * data import [wiki:WCSTGuide WCS-T] + [wiki:WCSTImportGuide WCS-T ingestion tool guide] for petascope
    49 * [wiki:SecoreUserGuide User Guide for SECORE] + [wiki:SecoreDevGuide Developers Guide]
     39* [ Guide] to rasdaman's geo service interface, petascope
     40* [ Guide] to rasdaman's CRS manager, SECORE (mostly useful for developers)