67 | | documentation tbd |
| 67 | To compile GDAL with rasdaman support: |
| 68 | 1. Get latest GDAL source |
| 69 | 2. Compile and install (in the /home/rasdaman/gdal) |
| 70 | {{{ |
| 71 | #!sh |
| 72 | ./configure --prefix=/home/rasdaman/gdal --mandir=/home/rasdaman/gdal/share/man --includedir=/home/rasdaman/gdal/include/gdal |
| 73 | --with-threads --with-grass=no --with-hide-internal-symbols=yes --with-libtiff=internal --with-geotiff=internal --with-jasper |
| 74 | --with-netcdf --with-xerces --with-geos --with-sqlite3 --with-curl --with-pg --with-ogdi --with-python --with-odbc |
| 75 | --with-static-proj4=yes --with-spatialite=/usr --with-cfitsio=no --with-epsilon=/usr --with-rasdaman=/home/rasdaman/install |
| 76 | make |
| 77 | make install |
| 78 | }}} |
| 79 | * '''Note:''' rasdaman should be compiled with `-fPIC`, so make sure to specify `--with-pic` when running `./configure` on rasdaman. |
| 80 | 3. Setup environment |
| 81 | {{{ |
| 82 | #!sh |
| 83 | export GDAL_HOME=/home/rasdaman/gdal |
| 84 | export PATH=$PATH:$GDAL_HOME/bin |
| 86 | }}} |