Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1528, comment 12

Mar 31, 2017, 9:03:17 AM (7 years ago)
Vlad Merticariu


  • Ticket #1528, comment 12

    initial v1  
    1 We should open a new ticket for that. Right now, metadata of variables is saved into the RageField representing the variable, and its contents are limited to the schema of swe  commons. At some point we should treat is as we treat global metadata, and simply add it under "global". There is some work on this started by FZ Juelich, but I don't know how advanced it is.
     1We should open a new ticket for that. Right now, metadata of variables is saved into the RageField representing the variable, and its contents are limited to the schema of swe  commons. At some point we should treat is as we treat global metadata, and simply add it below "global", in a field with the name of the variable. There is some work on this started by FZ Juelich, but I don't know how advanced it is.