Active petascope tickets by priority (7 matches)


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Priority: major (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#680 Customizable handling of sample size of a coverage point assigned Vlad Merticariu enhancement major development
#936 Inserting slices in middle of existing irregular timeseries reopened Vlad Merticariu enhancement major development
#2433 Petascope - add technical document for developers assigned Bang Pham Huu enhancement major 9.8
#2843 FIX - petascope should use rasdaman_user to query when authentication_type is empty assigned Bang Pham Huu defect major development

Priority: minor (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#1597 CONCAT should be supported in WCPS? assigned Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor development

Priority: trivial (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#2256 WMS should adapt null values for non-char data assigned Dimitar Misev enhancement trivial development
#2635 FIX - WCPS scale on Index1D CRS does not allow to scale bigger than grid domain assigned Bang Pham Huu enhancement trivial 10.0
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