Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1177 fixed Download multipart error in WCSClient Bang Pham Huu

In WCSClient, I see a checkbox named multipart and it will create this query


However, it will throw error

<ows:ExceptionText> Error executing rasql query: Error evaluating rasdaman query: 'select encode(c, "JP2OpenJPEG", "CODEC=jp2;xmin=0.0;xmax=255.0;ymin=0.0;ymax=210.0;crs=OGC:Index2D;config=GMLJP2OVERRIDE /tmp/mr_jp2openjpeg5713770897590528779.tmp") from mr AS c where oid©=1025 </ows:ExceptionText> </ows:Exception> <ows:Exception exceptionCode="RasdamanRequestFailed"> <ows:ExceptionText> Error evaluating rasdaman query: 'select encode(c, "JP2OpenJPEG", "CODEC=jp2;xmin=0.0;xmax=255.0;ymin=0.0;ymax=210.0;crs=OGC:Index2D;config=GMLJP2OVERRIDE /tmp/mr_jp2openjpeg5713770897590528779.tmp") from mr AS c where oid©=1025 </ows:ExceptionText> </ows:Exception> <ows:Exception exceptionCode="RuntimeError"> <ows:ExceptionText> org.odmg.QueryException : Unexpected internal server error.

Also, only JP2000 is support to have download in multipart, the other encode like png, tiff, netcdf has error or just blank page, e.g


No appropriate format extension was found that can handle the request for format : image/png

#1178 fixed Can't debug rasserver with gdb Dimitar Misev

It seems like gdb just doesn't work anymore with rasnet (setting breakpoints or doing anything else). Can you check as well? Any ideas?

ps aux | grep rasserver # to find the pid
gdb -p <pid>
#1182 fixed rasmgr with rasnet should not start if the port is used George Merticariu
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