Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 2765)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2725 fixed FIX - make petascope work with H2 database Bang Pham Huu Bang Pham Huu

Currently, it failed with unknown error

insert into nil_value (reason, value, nil_value_id) values (?, ?, ?) [42122-200]

with these settings in

#2724 fixed FIX - if a coverage's set type doesn't exist in rasdaman, petascope should still start Bang Pham Huu Bang Pham Huu

Petascope should still start even if a coverage's set type doesn't exist in rasdaman. It should not show this coverage in GetCapabilities and should log in petascope.log, for example:

Set type 'test_mr_TO_BE_DELETED_Set' does not exist in rasdaman, but is required for coverage 'test_mr_TO_BE_DELETED'. Hint: create the missing set type, or delete the coverage in petascope with a DeleteCoverage request.
#2723 fixed FIX - sort pyramid members by product of scale factors when creating / adding new pyramid member Bang Pham Huu Bang Pham Huu

Currently, when creating / adding new pyramid member, it is always pushed to the top of the pyramid list.

It is fine as this is the common way to build pyramid from high → low resolutions. (e.g. Sentinel 2: 10m, 20m, then 60m)

However, if one wants to add a pyramid member in the middle of the pyramid, this is not correct (e.g. Sentinel 2: 10m, 60m, then 20m).

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