Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 2765)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2734 fixed NEW - wcst_import "skip": "files_that_fail_to_open" to skip files which cannot analyze by wcst_import Bang Pham Huu Bang Pham Huu

wcst_import skip when set to true, then it will:

  • Skip an input file if the file cannot be opened by wcst_import
  • Skip the input file when it is not possible to import to rasdaman (this is dangerous).

Hence, it needs a new setting, called files_that_fail_to_open which when set to true and skip: false, then the input files which cannot be opened will be skipped, but if the files cannot import to rasdaman, then the process must stop.

In summary:

  • skip: true - skips file on any error
  • skip: false - stop import on any error
  • skip: "files_that_fail_to_open" - skip file only if file analysis fails

NOTE: file that cannot be accessed (e.g. user doesn't have permission to read the file) to read should stop import regardless of skip value.

#2733 fixed FIX - WMS GetMap selects base coverage if no pyramid member has the requested data Bang Pham Huu Bang Pham Huu
  • Base sentinel 2 TCI 10m coverage updated to 2023-05-07
  • But its pyramid member sentinel 2 TCI 60m_4 updated to 2023-05-06 (eventually it will go to 2023-05-07 but take a while).

Hence, requesting to WMS layer sentinel 2 TCI 10m with date 2023-05-07 at the highest zoom level should still take the base instead of throwing exception because 2023-05-07 does not exist in the pyramid member sentinel 2 TCI 60m_4.

#2732 worksforme FIX - rasql wrong error about tiling in switch case Dimitar Misev Bang Pham Huu

This query from a test wcst_import coverage should work

SELECT encode( (  CASE  WHEN  ( SCALE(c_0[0,0:150,0:118], [0:60,0:47]) )  > 20 THEN  ( SCALE(c_0[0,0:150,0:118], [0:60,0:47]) )  * { 107, 17, 68 }  ELSE  ( SCALE(c_0[0,0:150,0:118], [0:60,0:47]) )  * { 150, 103, 14 } END  ) , "png" , "{\"geoReference\":{\"crs\":\"EPSG:4326\",\"bbox\":{\"xmin\":5.565789213302955,\"ymin\":47.13501923451767455,\"xmax\":15.652387627060358595,\"ymax\":55.06020370246992}},\"nodata\":[0.0]}")  FROM test_wcps_irregular_time_germany_4 AS c_0

but it has error:

rasdaman error 427: Execution error 427 in line 1, column 19, near token CASE: The condition and result MDDs don't have the same tiling.

NOTE: without pushing down scale(), this query also doesn't work

SELECT encode(SCALE( (  CASE  WHEN  ( c_0[0,0:150,0:118] )  > 20 THEN  ( c_0[0,0:150,0:118] )  * { 107, 17, 68 }  ELSE  ( c_0[0,0:150,0:118] )  * { 150, 103, 14 } END  ) , [0:60,0:47]), "png" , "{\"geoReference\":{\"crs\":\"EPSG:4326\",\"bbox\":{\"xmin\":5.565789213302955,\"ymin\":47.13501923451767455,\"xmax\":15.652387627060358595,\"ymax\":55.06020370246992}},\"nodata\":[0.0]}")  FROM test_wcps_irregular_time_germany_4 AS c_0

with error:

Execution error 427 in line 1, column 25, near token CASE: The condition and result MDDs don't have the same tiling
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.