Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 2765)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#80 fixed marray - negative bounds are transformed to positive ones j.waldmann@…

Using rasdl to define types the following bug occurs:

The definition

typedef marray <long,[-1:1,-1:1]> kernel3b;

is transformed to:

typedef marray <long, [1:1,1:1]> kernel3b;

according to 'rasdl -p'. It seems that negative bounds are transformed to positive ones.

#81 fixed Document netcdf/inv_netcdf Peter Baumann Dimitar Misev

The netcdf converter should be documented in the query language guide.

netcdf can be invoked without any parameters in which case the data is saved under a variable with name "data" for primitive types and using the attribute names as variables for struct types, or with "vars=VAR1;VAR2;…;VARN" which specifies the names of the struct attributes which hold the exported data. Example:

select netcdf(c[10:20,*:*], "vars=Global_radiation") from Global_radiation as c

inv_netcdf can be invoked without any parameters, or with "vars=VAR1;VAR2;…;VARN" which imports only the specified VARi from the file, e.g:

insert into Coll values inv_netcdf($1, "vars=Global_radiation:Snow")
#83 fixed Petascope caches metadata for WCS coverages after they have been deleted Dimitar Misev petwa@…

If metadata for a coverage is updated in the Petascope database WCS requests made on the server do not reflect this until Tomcat is restarted. If a coverage is deleted Petascope detects this but if a new coverage is created with the same name the cached metadata for the old coverage is used until a restart.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.