Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 2765)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#629 invalid WCS 1.1 Wrong request gives wrong error message about version Piero Campalani abeccati

A request with a wrong request parameter leads to a misleading error message.

The following request to petascope/wcs?SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.1&REQUEST=GetCapability

Gives the error trace below

TRACE [15:34:13] PetascopeInterface@234: GET Query string : SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.1&REQUEST=GetCapability TRACE [15:34:13] PetascopeInterface@238: Request parameters : {} ERROR [15:34:13] PetascopeInterface@436: Error stack trace:

InvalidRequest: No WCS version specified.

at petascope.PetascopeInterface.handleWcsRequest(

With error to the calling <ows:Exception exceptionCode="InvalidRequest"><ows:ExceptionText>No WCS version specified.</ows:ExceptionText></ows:Exception>

Correct response has to indicate problem with unknown request parameter.

Discovered in 8.5.2

#666 wontfix Wrong GeoTIFF output for WCS subsetting Vlad Merticariu abeccati

WCS subsetting does not keep the original pixel size of the underlying coverage.

For the sample query fragment over a rectified coverage with 100x100 meter GeoTIFF input (which is a 1kmx1km subset request): FORMAT=image/tiff&SUBSET=x(5200000,5201000)&SUBSET=y(1950000,1951000)

The returned GeoTIFF has image size of 11x11 pixels with a pixel size of 90.9091m

Note: For a 1kmx1km subset, we should expect a 10x10 pixels image with a pixel size of 100m however, if the subset box is not aligned with the underlying pixel boundaries then there might be a +1 in each direction where this happens (the returned dataset is not resampled to the bbox, but extended to include all "original" pixels that intersect the bbox, so we might also have valid 10x11, 11x10 or 11x11 image sizes (the case on hand is a non-aligned one on both so 11x11 is the expected image size).

The resolution issue instead is definitely to be resolved since changing the output pixel size with a subset is an invalid result (it implies increased accuracy in the output)

Discovered in 8.5.2

#2600 fixed Error Codes Clean-up aburamadan aburamadan

Clean up of the error codes implementation. -define for every error code a constant -replace all err codes with their constants throughout the relevant source code -fix duplicate error codes -replace wrong err code uses with the correct code -add err msgs in bin/errtxts to where they are missing -flag unused err codes with inline comments in raslib/error.hh -fix indentation issues in bin/errtxts file, update error code count

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.